

Wednesday 06th May 2020: Put the lessons of May-September behind you and promise yourself that you will ring-fence that income source, house, business, charity, flat or loaned possession so that you can control it and contain it, using this final useful day in the Mercury communication cycle!

What it means to be Capricorn

The mountain goat who climbs patiently to the top is widely admired for her/his persistence, stamina and vision. At your very best, this is how you live your life. You set goals and reach them. You rise in high society and shine brightly in corporations, companies or the academic establishment. At your worst, you are a social climber who uses people to get ahead. Doing anything for success is another classic Capricorn Sun downfall – is making it, so crucial?

Your Week

Do all you can to get things in writing where friends or groups are concerned, as from the 29th you enter Mercury Retroshadow and communication, information and even transportation are unlikely to function as they normally would. Read your full Capricorn Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 October 2018

Your Month

Friendship, Collaboration and Community - Your Social Circles Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio take some processing. This line-up in your chart is showing you why it’s all about people power and the circle - whatever that circle is - throughout October. Read your full Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: October

Capricorn in 2018

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Good karma rewards you in 2018 and you will have a large lump sum of money, or a highly valuable asset (like a property, business or precious object) within reach. Read your Capricorn 2018 Horoscope

Astrology Basics

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