Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.
Friendship, Collaboration and Community – Your Social Circles
Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio take some processing. This line-up in your chart is showing you why it’s all about people power and the circle – whatever that circle is – throughout October. Your notion of a team, club, community, network and the rest is personal to you, but this may be about a band as much as it’s about a political party. Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October, so get everything out of the way before then, unless you want a replay in December that bears very little resemblance to what you originally discussed. A classic example of this would be signing up for a cricket team, yacht race or group vacation on Halloween only to find that it goes nowhere fast in November, then turns up again a couple of weeks before Christmas, but without all that surrounded it back in mid-October! There is no doubt at all that a particular friend or group is still where the answers are in October, but say all you have to say, by the 28th at the very latest unless you want Mercury Retrograde to follow you around. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is a doozy this month, in terms of challenging you and just about everybody else you know. The Sun opposite the Moon is always very hard work and even though you do stand to gain where friends and groups are concerned, it’s still going to take effort. The other part of your life, which I have left until last, is your future status as a parent, teacher, mentor, guide or leading light – with younger faces. This may be your own children, or the children who belong to a date, lover or partner. Sometimes on a cycle like this one, which is revolutionary in nature, the issue is young people who are involved in your paid or unpaid work. Godchildren, adopted children, stepchildren and so on also fall into this category. Uranus is the planet of upheaval and liberation. Near October 6th, 10th and that Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October – and again near Halloween on 31st October – the writing’s on the wall. You either have to change, because everything and everybody around you is also changing – or be left far behind. This is the second time you’ve been made aware of this (the first wake-up call happened in May) and there will be another episode in March 2019. Sometimes you just have to read what’s there, written in the stars, and start penning your own new episode. Your horoscope guarantees this will be like nothing else you ever created, produced or invented before.
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