I am sure you know that Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In modern astrology, Mercury rules the worldwide web, the media, paperwork and deals. When he appears to go backwards and forwards, we typically see expensive mistakes, wrong statements, and a muddled market place.
Mercury Retrograde is great for first draft or rehearsal. Not launch! Music writer Kathy McCabe calls it Murky Retrograde. True. It's a murky, messy, muddled time.
I can't quite believe that the World Cup draw has taken place on Mercury Retrograde Shadow, the cycle when information, communication and negotiation is a mess and a muddle.
How does Mercury Retrograde personally affect you? If you have your birth chart (natal chart) as a Premium Member you can see if these cycles of delay and reversal hit your personal horoscope and plan ahead for them.
This matters to the entire world economy because Mercury moves backwards and forwards in Taurus, the sign that rules all our currency exchange rates and world sharemarkets too. Expect chaos, which then corrects itself.