What does Venus Retrograde in Scorpio mean in astrology? The planet of complicated relationships is going backwards and forwards in the sign that rules sex and money, but how does it affect you?
Eclipse! On July 27th and 28th, 2018 we have the longest lunar eclipse in a century. If you're in the right place, you will also see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with your naked eye - without a telescope. What does this mean for your horoscope? What's the astrology story for your sign?
The Seventh House is ruled by Libra and Venus. Venus also rules the Second House, which is about jewellery, gold and money, as well as food - all the valuable items of life.
Jupiter and Venus, the planet of opportunity and the planet of relationships, both meet in the finance sign of Scorpio on Monday 13th November, 2017. How does the rare Jupiter-Venus conjunction benefit your sign?
If you know nothing about astrology begin with the idea that you are not one sign - you are several in one body! Here is how to find your main signs and find out what they mean for love, money, career and the rest.
What do all those planets, asteroids and the rest mean in your personal birth chart? Sometimes called the natal chart this is the key to everything you need to know.
In one area of your life, ruled by Aries, you will also experience a complex kind of chemistry with others which never resolves as it would normally. She'll also dance backwards through Pisces - so that's two areas of your life which are on rewind.
If you have my ebook 2020 Astrology this feature expands the chapter on Sacred Geometry with video and information about five-way patterns in your personal birth horoscope.