Three of Pentacles in the Tarot

Three of Pentacles - Known as the Three of Coins to some, this card is about the search for money - which might not be there! You'll never know until you start the search, but who is helping you?

TAROT TUESDAY – October 2018

Professional psychic and Tarot expert Kyra Oser, based between the U.S. and Canada, gives you her insights for yourself, and the world, in October 2018. Plus, for Premium Members only, the chance to ask Jessica Adams questions for detailed Tarot replies.

Ace of Pentacles in the Tarot

When you draw the Ace of Pentacles (Coins) in a Tarot reading there is potentially a large single sum of money to save or make, but you have to make it real.

New Novels With Tarot Magic

My friends Imogen Edwards-Jones and Daisy Waugh (a professional Tarot reader) have written fantastic new novels with Tarot magic woven into the plot. I packed these in my luggage from London to Dubai and couldn't stop reading. If you are a Tarot reader yourself, or just fascinated by the cards, trust me - these two authors know what they are doing!

The Magician in the Smith-Waite Tarot

Who is the model for The Magician? Is it W.B. Yeats who introduced Pamela Colman Smith to The Golden Dawn? Even if we don’t know the identity of the inspiration for this card (and it may even be a woman) it is clearly a theatrically inspired piece of work.

TAROT TUESDAY! Your September Reading

Premium Members are invited to Tarot Tuesday on the first Tuesday of the month, with special guest, professional psychic Kyra Oser. We'll look at the cards which affect us all for the next four weeks and I will answer as many questions as I can, using the beautiful Tarot deck designed by Pamela Colman Smith under the guidance of Arthur Waite.

Jupiter Horoscope Luck 2018-2019

As soon as Jupiter enters a new zodiac sign, a new department of your life will benefit. You will also see a global improvement. How can you use your natural Jupiter horoscope luck in Scorpio and Sagittarius 2018, 2019?