y all the laws of astrology, what you did in 1999 will now come back to you, as your karma is returning in 2017. Do you have karmic rewards to claim? They will be at your fingertips from May 2017.
Aquarius is about the group - the community - the friendships. It's a pure expression of togetherness, but without the complication of a relationship. Ellen de Generes is a good example of the Aquarius sign, as she has her Sun there.
If you have my ebook 2020 Astrology this feature expands the chapter on Sacred Geometry with video and information about five-way patterns in your personal birth horoscope.
Potter, Rowling, Horoscopes and Astrology. The uncanny links between the Harry Potter 'birth' chart, the natal chart of J.K. Rowling and the timed horoscope for the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
Released on 1st August 2016 as an ebook, 2020 Astrology - Your 5 Year Horoscope Guide by Jessica Adams covers every aspect of modern 21st century astrology.