Wednesday 06th May 2020: Put the lessons of May-September behind you and promise yourself that you will ring-fence that income source, house, business, charity, flat or loaned possession so that you can control it and contain it, using this final useful day in the Mercury communication cycle!What it means to be Sagittarius
The highest expression of a Sun Sagittarius person is travel, exploration, study, research and knowledge exchange. You can do this just by using the worldwide web more adventurously than other people. Your beliefs, faith and philosophy is central to your world view. The downside of Sagittarius is preaching – and not even to the converted. Moralising can mean that individual people can come second to your ideals as you’ll put principles before pals.Your Week
Your working life, ruled by Taurus in your chart, is at the heart of a big switch in direction this year, and I am sure you already know just how dramatically different 2019 will be. You are under the timing of a Uranus cycle and this planet is associated with sideways moves and backflips. Read your full Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 October 2018Your Month
What Lies Beneath Your interior, not your exterior, is the focus in October. The bare and naked truth, perhaps, or your very soul - that part of you which dreams, astral travels and usually only greets you in meditation, or the confessional box. Read your full Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: OctoberSagittarius in 2018
PREGNANCIES, CHILDREN AND THE PAST Sagittarius, you are caught between the past, the present and the future where children are concerned. Pregnancies and babies, too. This may be your former lover’s children from a previous marriage, which you left behind years ago. It may be your teenage son right now. Read your Sagittarius 2018 HoroscopeAstrology Basics
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