Wednesday 06th May 2020: Put the lessons of May-September behind you and promise yourself that you will ring-fence that income source, house, business, charity, flat or loaned possession so that you can control it and contain it, using this final useful day in the Mercury communication cycle!What it means to be Pisces
Pisces Sun people shine brightest when they demonstrate other realities and other worlds to us. Art or science is an outlet for this. So is film or meditation. The two fish in the sign swim in opposite directions – towards the real world and away from it. At your best you guide people to appreciate the alternatives in life. At your worst you are confused and confusing, and like the fish, can be all at sea. Living in a dream world to the point of deception is also a pitfall.Your Week
The areas of your horoscope associated with publishing, the worldwide web, education, academia, foreign people and places, travel, multimedia and communication are tightly stretched this week. You can’t have everything, you can’t please everybody, and you can’t do everything either. A couple of things stand out. Read your full Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 October 2018Your Month
The world is not quite your oyster in October, but it’s pretty close. Maybe a smoked oyster, Pisces. You have Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio, which means trines to your Pisces Sun (and trines chime perfectly in any horoscope). Read your full Pisces Monthly Horoscope: OctoberPisces in 2018
THE HIVE MIND Understanding the way a group of people thinks is crucial in 2018. They call it the hive mind – the way bees move together. You are in the unusual position of having both Pluto and Saturn in your house of groups, clubs, teams, communities, bands, political parties, ensemble casts and the rest. Read your Pisces 2018 HoroscopeAstrology Basics
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