New Moon

The New Moon in Astrology

Some New Moons matter more than others and they affect everybody. People will move, start jobs, fall in love, give birth, get married or launch projects.

Do You Have Planets in Aries?

f you have three or more, then that’s a significant dose of Aries in your personality and also your life. This side of you is fast, sometimes furious, energetic and fearless. It also needs handling.

Yes, But What Does It Mean? Astrology Explained

If you have more than three personal horoscope factors in a sign, then that’s important. For better or worse, the area of life ruled by that sign says who you are - and how happy you are - and what you do with your world.

How Astrology Predicts a Brexit

What we lacked at the time was a referendum date, but we have it now - Britain will vote to leave the EU on 23rd June, 2016. That makes the prediction firmer.

The Royal Family Horoscope in 2016

Eclipses - when they strike the horoscopes of several members of the Royal Family at once - always show milestones for Her Majesty the Queen.

March 2016 Astrology Predictions

We have a striking number of patterns joining Neptune in Pisces in March involving asteroids, Nodes and planets. This is going to be a big month for Wikileaks and also floods, both ruled by Neptune - for obvious reasons.

Who is Fated in Your Horoscope?

When somebody’s Sun falls right on a horoscope factor in your own chart, it’s like the universe drawing your attention to that side of your nature.

Cosby, Savile, Rolf, Glitter and Saturn

Bill Cosby, Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and their very famous names have all put the sexual abuse of children and teenagers on the front pages for one reason or another. So has Michael Jackson, even after death.