Pisces Week: 22-28 October 2018
The areas of your horoscope associated with publishing, the worldwide web, education, academia, foreign people and places, travel, multimedia and communication are tightly stretched this week. You can’t have everything, you can’t please everybody, and you can’t do everything either. A couple of things stand out. Firstly, that a grand opportunity or solution really needs to be inked and finished with, before the 29th. If it rolls on after that date, there may be delays or even a thorough rewrite of what was under discussion this week – as late as December. You can thank Mercury for that one, so try to speed things up if you can. A deeper issue for 2019, hinted at now, is the need to embrace who or what seems so radical or revolutionary, given where you come from, as a writer, public speaker or internet user. The last one is really important because it would appear that you deserve to have far more scope for experimentation and innovation than you’ve seen, to date. The worldwide web is at the heart of what occurs this week. When life changes around you, try to be the first to change with it.
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