Capricorn Week: 22-28 October 2018
Do all you can to get things in writing where friends or groups are concerned, as from the 29th you enter Mercury Retroshadow and communication, information and even transportation are unlikely to function as they normally would. If you are chasing outcomes after that date have a couple of alternatives up your sleeve and keep things flexible. Capricorn, you also have a major horoscope statement about children this week. These may be your nieces, nephews or godchildren. Your son or daughter. A lover’s children. Youth, as a whole, whom you have to mentor or guide in some way, or perhaps entertain. Accept who or what comes out of the blue as the new key to freedom in your life. This is the third time this has happened this year. You are being shown the way out and the way through. Change can seem disruptive to an earth sign like yourself, and particularly one ruled by Saturn, a symbol of tremendous caution. Yet, no matter how unpredictable life seems this week, try to see that you are being let off, from a situation or even a person which (had it continued) would have kept you chained, more than you know.
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