Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.
All Change With Your Image, Profile, Appearance, Title, Reputation
Uranus is in Taurus, your own zodiac sign, so October is personal. It’s about you – or at least the version of yourself which other people see online. You’ll see what this cycle is all about near October 6th and 10th, and particularly during the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October. You are being asked to move forward, perhaps at lightning speed, towards a dramatically different set-up, no matter if this is about your portrait, photograph or name – as seen by Google. Uranus typically serves up quite unexpected developments that were never on your list. Yet, the famous lightning bolts associated with this planetary cycle also illuminate the sky. Rather like sheet lightning, there is a sudden moment when everything is as clear as day, and that element of surprise – even shock – is a wake-up call as well as a shake-up. You know who you are, underneath it all, but the First House of your chart, where we now find Uranus, is about how you front up to situations with your reputation preceding you! This house of your solar horoscope is also about your body language, personal style, body type and shape – the clothes you wear, the vehicle you arrive in – and all the superficial aspects of yourself which either work very hard for you, or don’t. Now, more than ever, you are being asked to change what you used to do, in favour of something which is utterly groundbreaking in every way. If you’re excited in October, you’re doing it right. If you’re confronted, ask yourself what would happen if you let go, rather than tried to hang on. The fact is, Uranus in Taurus is virtually here to stay. From March 2019 this planet is going nowhere, for many years, so it really is time to look at the long-term for ‘Me’ and realise there may be no going back.
Former, Current and Potential Partners – Enemies, Rivals and Opponents
This is quite a line-up, Taurus, and you will know right away which person, and which situation, Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio are pinpointing. This may be your husband, wife, partner – or the person you broke up with some time ago. There may be a work partnership here. Occasionally we find this cycle is about your arch enemy, rival or opposition. Mercury goes retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October so try to do all that you can in terms of discussions or paperwork, well before that date. If you leave it too late you may find not only the usual delays and reversals that Mercury brings, but also – in December – a completely different climate in which to operate. I am sure you would rather make your choices about this person while the going is good, and the going is definitely good in October. From November, things could not be more different, and as you go towards Christmas, the astrological weather will no longer be so welcome. Venus is really the key to the whole pattern in your chart as she is a symbol of complicated relationships. You have been going backwards and forwards with someone since September and it will not be until December that you know for sure where you both stand with each other, and what 2019 will bring. Yet, from that point forwards, you can say that 2018 is really and truly over, in terms of the chapter you have been writing with the person on the other end of the scales. For now, try to use your natural advantages, opportunities and solutions with him (or her) to negotiate the very best outcome you can, well ahead of 29th October. It’s not going to be a walk in the park, because October is not that kind of month. It’s hard work. Yet – it’s well and truly worth it.
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