Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Why so much focus on how you appear to the world this year? Well, you only get Jupiter in Scorpio, your own sign, once every 12 years. In October, we find a huge line-up in your sign, with Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde and the Sun also in your zodiac sign. Do everything you have to do in the first three weeks, if you can, as Mercury, the planet of communication, information, paperwork, multimedia, the internet and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. You really don’t want to have a replay of what should have been done and dusted before Halloween – and yet if you leave it too long, there could be a Scorpio Revisited moment in December which is frankly, just a complication. A classic example would be a website bearing your name, a new social media outlet, business cards and so on. This month won’t necessarily be simple or even easy, where you are concerned – meaning, you from the outside – but it will be productive, if you get stuck in quickly. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is likely to hold up a mirror you’d rather avoid, as sometimes examining one’s reflection can be very hard going. Yet – as the person holding up the mirror is your former, current or potential partner (perhaps, an enemy too) – you have to look. Long-term it’s actually this two-way chemical reaction which is the real issue, as in 2019 we find Uranus, the planet of radical change, taking up permanent residence in your chart, emphasising the importance of he (or she) who reflects you so much in October this year. Essentially, Uranus is edging into your Seventh House for many years to come, and this is where you do battle, defend yourself – but also pair up with people who complete you, sexually, emotionally or professionally. See it as a set of scales and you’re halfway there. You’ll feel it, too, near October 6th, 10th and of course, the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October which is that mirror exercise I’ve mentioned. Halloween on 31st October is the date for a Venus-Uranus opposition which seems to sum up everything you have been experiencing with this person in one hit. It’s bizarre that we should have this astrological pattern on a night associated with the unexpected, but that’s the way it is. Uranus is associated with all the ‘U’ words – unexpected, unlikely, unconventional, unusual, unique – and this describes the way things are heading with that other person, as the candles are lit inside the hollowed-out pumpkins.
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