Monthly Horoscopes at

Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.

Libra Monthly Horoscope from


Money, Business, Charity, Houses, Apartments, Possessions
Libra, do all you can to wrap things up with your finances, assets, company, good cause, property or precious possessions before Monday 29th October. This is complex but potentially rewarding month with a big solution or breakthrough possible, but don’t leave it too late. You only get one line-up of Bacchus, Mercury, your ruler Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio once every 12 years. What unfolds in October is meant to be, in terms of the growth and expansion you have been hoping for (from little acorns, big oak trees grow). It’s not too late to plant something new, either. Just remember that Mercury, the planet of deals, negotiation, sales, purchases and merchandising starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. Life is already pulling you back and forth anyway, because of the relationship questions lingering since September. That’s when your ruling planet Venus started to behave oddly in your horoscope. If at least you can get the paperwork out of the way by the 29th, you only have the actual mechanics of the one-on-one situation to concern yourself with in December, when at last you can close the book. Libra, there is no way October can be described as straightforward when it comes to all that you earn, own or owe. In fact, the decisive Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October (look up and you’ll see it above the streets of your town) is quite the omen. It reminds you that at the other end of your chart, where you have to immerse yourself in contracts, legacies, forms and fine print, there is a revolution going down. Uranus is at large near October 6th, 10th and also at Halloween on 31st October when your own planet Venus comes up against Uranus in an electrifying opposition. I know you prefer balance in your life, no matter if you’re after the symmetry and harmony of a properly weighted relationship, or just the scales of justice. In this highly unusual month, though, you may have to forfeit perfect alignment between you and he (or she) and go for a lopsided compromise instead. If you find yourself leaning towards that priceless commodity, freedom, you’re doing it right. Independence this month comes through breaking away from something/someone, or pursuing what/who is so new and unprecedented. If you feel like you’re making it up as you go along, that’s a sign you’re on track, too. You really don’t get these kinds of transits without a fair amount of invention. Necessity is the mother of it, and all that.

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