Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.
Your Money, House, Business, Charity, Apartment, Possessions
Uranus is in your Second House, triggering stormy but also exciting weather near October 6th and 10th, and at peak strength during the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October. The Second House rules not only your money, house, business, charity, apartment and possessions – but also your values. You are now at the very start of a revolution in the way you think about all that you earn, own or owe – and it will go on for many years. What is the best way to approach the coming changes? Well, Aries, the faster you let go of fixed ideas and attitudes, the more you stand to gain. In fact, you are now in a phase when you are free to make things up as you go along. Inventing your new financial, property or economic life will require you to hang a price tag on freedom. What would you pay to be independent? One of the characteristics of this cycle, involving Uranus in a new zodiac sign, is the sudden release from people, organisations or situations which would have only held you back, were they to continue. It takes great insight to be able to stand back at such times, and realise that over the long-term, particular choices would have trapped you. Aries, you have rather a lot of work ahead of you with the calculator and computer this month.
Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finances and shared property, possessions and assets, all suggest a complex four weeks when you can no longer put off an obvious opportunity or solution. A key relationship (likely to be with a partner, relative or other close connection) will go backwards and forwards until December, as Venus is retrograde and you will find he/she delivers delays, changes or reversals until you finally find out where you stand in two months’ time. You will undoubtedly have papers to sign or a verbal agreement to shake hands on. Try to get it in writing, despite the handshakes, and finalise everything before Mercury goes retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October.
After that date, your chances of getting anything like a fixed, firm and final arrangement go backwards. There is no doubt about it, Aries. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October puts you at a crossroads with your money, house, company, charity, possessions or apartment. Yet – try to do all you can to push your luck with what is a heaven-sent opportunity or solution, as early in October as you can.
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