Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.
Success, Status, Ambition, Position and Mission
You really don’t see Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio all together like this, very often. They are gathering in your Tenth House of achievement, ambition, goal-setting, prestige and social status. High Society, you might say, but also the ascent of Everest. You have a fair amount of help here, astrologically speaking, as Jupiter cycles tend to produce just the right face, at just the right time. Aquarius, much depends on how much effort you threw into your ambitions earlier this year. If you did a huge amount of work, this may well be the month you win an award, get promoted or headhunted.
Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October so whatever you have in mind, in terms of your work, unpaid work or course – try to wrap it up by then. If you have no choice and must proceed with discussions or paperwork after that date, make allowances for delays, reversals or changes in December. If you are applying for a new position, scholarship, grant or similar you may want to do it well before the 29th as Mercury does a peculiar thing straight after this – he vanishes from sight in your zone of achievement – only to reappear a couple of weeks before Christmas. I’m sure you don’t want a calendar like that, when it comes to your curriculum vitae.
Your Home, Family, Household, Town, Country
The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is really dramatic, coming just a week before Halloween and it tells you to look long and hard at your house, family, apartment, tenants, landlord, renovations, home town, household or homeland.
Uranus is your ruler and so you are likely to feel the impact of this cycle far more intensely than the other 11 signs, particularly near October 6th, 10th and again near Halloween itself on 31st October when we have a Venus-Uranus opposition. You’re being told/shown that the past really doesn’t apply. This is the usual extreme impact of Uranus in a brand new zodiac sign coming to pass. Understanding that you now have a big, blank space to create and invent may help more than looking back. It’s really a case of Don’t Look Back, actually, and March 2019 is already calling you. The word of the year, next year, will probably be ‘space’ for you. Not as in Star Trek space – the final frontier – but every other kind of space. The look and feel of a house, apartment or garden. The personal space within a family or household. You also need, and will find, the space to pursue what matters most to you in terms of your home town or country. October is a really important part of this process and if you happen to have Scorpio and/or Taurus factors in your chart, you may well be buying or selling a home, sorting out family money, ending or starting a lease, investing in renovations and so on.
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