Yearly Horoscopes

Welcome to 2018. The best things come late. A fantastic new wave in airline, hotel, vacation and working holiday offers will be with us from the 9th of November, with the biggest and best news in 12 years for travellers in 2019.

If your birthday is below, you may find one journey by next year changes your life!

January 17th, 1995 to April 21st,1995
November 10th, 1995 to January 26th, 2008
June 14th, 2008 to November 27th, 2008
February 17th, 1981 to March 20th, 1981
November 16th, 1981 to February 15th, 1988
May 27th, 1988 to December 2nd, 1988
January 4th, 1970 to May 3rd, 1970
November 6th, 1970 to January 19th, 1984
June 23rd, 1984 to November 21st, 1984

No matter when you were born, watch November 2018 for seriously good news. Now read on for your annual horoscope.

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Skip to your Zodiac Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |

Aries in 2018


Aries, Happy New Year. It has taken you a lot to get to this point, where you have one or two important ideas to export to other parts of your region – or perhaps around the world. You have gone through a lot in 2017 with Saturn, the planet of tests, in your Ninth House of knowledge, wider communication and worldwide web concerns. As you read this, though, there is still more grounding to do! You are almost there, in terms of being ready to travel, or travel in the mind (or travel with your computer mouse) but it may not be until Mercury, the planet of connections, is well and truly moving forward (from January 11th) that you are ready for action. I suspect that action will roll when your ruler Mars races through the Ninth House from January 27th to March 17th. But there’s more…


When Jupiter, the planet of big solutions and happy endings, moves into this same place, the Ninth House, from 9th November through 2nd December 2019, you will take everything you achieved in the first ten weeks of 2018 and move it forward, again. The fact is, you have slogged your way through 2016-2017 for a reason. You needed to craft your concepts, plans or knowledge so that it was fit for purpose in other regions – probably other countries, by November 2018. It would seem that Europe, Australasia or the Americas are calling you. A grand tour? An export program? A working holiday? Emigration? Aries, your choices are vast this year so tend, cultivate and nurture what you have on your computer, or in your head. This could grow to be huge.

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Taurus in 2018


Taurus, in 2018 your ancestors and past family members are the priority as we find the North Node passing through this zone of your horoscope. The North Node is about karma and so the next 12 months is really about relatives (close or distant) who have passed on – and the impact they still have on your life today. This focus on the fallen leaves and branches on the family tree comes not only from the North Node, which spends 1st January to 7th November in this part of your horoscope – but also Jupiter. The planet of breakthroughs and solutions will enter the inheritance and legacy zone of your chart on 9th November and from that point until 2nd December 2019, your ancestors will finally embrace their rewards – and so will you.


This year is really about everybody and everything that has gone before you, within the family. Sometimes this cycle is about friends who feel like family, but it is more usually about the generations preceding you and the powerful effect these faces still have on you. Many Chinese have a strong relationship with their ancestors, as you probably know, but in the West, we tend to forget the connection, particularly as we are encouraged by so many scientists to assume that death is the end. There is a good deal of evidence to the contrary, and no matter if you are a believer or not, 2018 will prove to you that your people in the spirit world go on, and that their evolution also makes a difference to your own life.

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Gemini in 2018


Gemini, you will be traveling quite ambitiously in 2018 and may even go between two homes, or two work spaces, miles apart. This may be a year of quite spectacular commuting for you, or a memorable 12 months of exploration and adventure. It really depends on your interests, as some Geminis are committed to their region, while others have their eyes on distant parts of Australasia, Europe or the Americas. There is past life karma involved, which you may sense, as you realise how strangely familiar some ‘new’ places or faces are. The reason for this is the North Node and South Node, which reveal past lives and reincarnation, both transiting horoscope zones we associate with journeys, emigration, working holidays and ambitious commuting. Your lifestyle at home, your career, or your course, will open new doors this year - so pack your bags.


This year you will also learn a great deal about what it means to be different but equal. You have been put through so many learning experiences about what it means to be in a pair, couple or duet in 2016-2017. Now you can take that knowledge and put it to spectacularly good use in 2018. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth and exploration will move into your opposite sign of Sagittarius on 9th November and the time will be right to explore male and female, black and white – and so on. You may do this through a sexual relationship or marriage. Perhaps you will drive your life through a professional partnership or some other kind of double-act. You will be off to a flying start with this from January 27th to March 17th as the urge to act – not just spin your wheels – takes over. You’ve come such a long way with your understanding of ‘two’ and now it’s time to use it, positively.

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Cancer in 2018


Cancer, in 2018, you will move on from particular relationships in your life and find a way to move forward. You are ruled by the Moon, as you may know, and we have an eclipse in Cancer, your own zodiac sign, on July 13th which dominates the year. The time has come to find out who you are, without other people. There is no doubt that you have some solid gold bonds in your heart, to quote Paul Weller. You need to see them in a different light, though. Given that this is a year of tremendous emotional healing, thanks to Jupiter in Scorpio, it could make perfect sense to take a break from some of those precious connections in your life, so that you can allow enough time to pass, that you can return to them when both you (and life itself) have moved on. I have mentioned the eclipse and Jupiter. Well, you also have Neptune – the planet of escapism – in your Ninth House of travel. This horoscope house also rules travel in the mind, and the spiritual search. In 2018, Cancer, you are being well and truly called.


Everything old can seem new again, in a different light. It is this idea of perspective, or angle, which matters the most in 2018. It may be your mindset, or it may be the times you are living in, but for some reason, particular names and faces do not appear to meet every need you have. Quite understandably, then, you may be looking for an escape route and with Neptune at large, as I mentioned, it’s only a matter of time before you find one. Perhaps you want to look for pearls inside oysters elsewhere. Maybe you are searching for status, success or achievement. Perhaps that would give you a new way of seeing some ties or connections in your life. The astrologer Patric Walker used to write ‘let distance lend enchantment to the view’ and it may be that a little towering ambition in 2018 is a good thing, as being on top can help show you a different glimpse of some crucial people.

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Leo in 2018


Leo, this is the first and only time in your life you will have Saturn and Pluto in your Sixth House of mind, body and spirit. You are in a fantastic position to make a huge breakthrough in your understanding of the way your mind influences your physical condition, but also how your approach to your ‘temple’ (your body) can bring peace to your mind as well. Once accomplished, this can never be forgotten. In fact, your radical new approach to mindfulness, sleep, meditation, positive thinking, creative visualisation or similar set-ups could revolutionise your existence. Perhaps you have lifelong patterns or habits which are easy to fall into – yet do nothing for you. In 2018, the rare combination of two slow-moving outer planets in your zone of lifestyle, routine and well-being suggests you are more than ready to wake up and realise how your thoughts affect your energy levels.


One of the reasons you may want to work on your mind, body and spirit (as a whole) is simple. You are in a wonderful cycle, in terms of your apartment, house or other home. How can you appreciate your beautiful bedroom if you’re allowing imaginary worries to affect your sleep? I don’t know if you are drawn to yoga, cognitive therapy, self-hypnosis, Reiki or any other discipline, but there is certainly something out there for you, Leo, that would help you to genuinely enjoy your home this year. Jupiter in Scorpio for the first time in 12 years tells you, there is something lovely to be enjoyed. One final comment. I mentioned the bedroom for a reason. Once Jupiter leaves Scorpio he moves into Sagittarius, the sign which rules sex in your life. This takes place on 9th November and he remains there until 2nd December 2019. Another reason to focus on the ‘body’ part of the familiar mind, body and spirit rule is that! Jupiter will deliver a new, bigger, better sex life for Christmas if you are ready.

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Virgo in 2018


Virgo, this year you will go to the next level in terms of your intuition, as you deal with who/what is against you. The planet Neptune is currently passing through your opposite sign of Pisces, which rules opponents, be they former husbands, professional rivals or just ‘the opposition.’ Neptune rules intuition, psychic ability and gut feelings, so this year is about sensing your way forward and using your sixth sense to help you protect yourself and your interests. In fact, you could be amazed at how canny you have become in 2018, reaching for extra-sensory perception to help you. Go one step further, though. See what your intuition tells you about strategy. You may have one or two people, or organisations, to keep at bay. Maybe you even want to see them off. Well, how about working on yourself, to remove a blind spot you have? How can you regain clarity and vision?


Travel or relocation (of the life-changing kind) is a possibility for you in 2018 but only if you take quite radical steps to get rid of who/what is against you, once and for all. As I’ve mentioned, a strategy would be a smart move, and working on your own inability to see clearly is the start. Get clear, then get real – then get rid of him, her or them! Life could be a fascinating adventure for you, once Jupiter changes signs on 9th November, and into 2019, as you will clearly have enough time, opportunity and money to explore your part of the world, or further afield. There is also a group, band, team, club, political party, society or similar community just inviting you to dive in. This is karma. You have past life connections with these faces, which may explain why she, he or they seem so oddly familiar, from November 7th forwards. In fact, the trip, move and friends are linked.

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Libra in 2018


Libra, your exceptional idea or plan is bigger than you are, this year. It holds amazing potential for growth and the arrival of Jupiter in your Third House of brainwaves and communication, is long overdue. This happens on 9th November, and the cycle does not stop until 2nd December, 2019. Jupiter was associated with oak trees and acorns by the Romans, who gave us modern astrology, and the phrase ‘from little acorns, big oak trees grow’ is very pertinent. I dare say the acorn could be there as early as January 27th -March 17th when you have another cycle, in the same zone of your chart, which rules the art of putting pen to paper, but also fingers to computer keyboard. The only issue is timing and action. The fact is, you really have to do something with your work, craft or creation. It is not enough to rely on the fact that you have a feather in your cap, or the right image, or anything else. Jupiter in your own sign, Libra, in 2017 did you a few favours – but it’s not you, it’s the idea that’s the thing!


The right environment is everything in 2018, as there is a mismatch between your grand plan, and your home town or homeland. In fact, with both Pluto and Saturn in this area of your horoscope, we might say the situation is extreme. There is nothing there to sustain what you have created, crafted or dreamed up. You will need to squarely tackle your fears in order to move on, and move forward. When I look at your chart I see a lot of ‘cowardy, cowardy-custard’ and when we experience that, it can be easier to remain happily distracted by the beauty of a great idea, rather than actively confront what needs to be done – which is to transport it, or to travel/move oneself. Of course, nobody said you had to be that ambitious. Maybe you can write a song for yourself and never show anyone else, or do anything with it! This seems like a waste, though, Libra. Can you confront your fear?

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Scorpio in 2018


Scorpio, the natural cycle of endings in nature – followed by new beginnings – is an organic process. There is really no point in dramatizing the end of summer and start of autumn. It has its place in the scheme of things. Summer’s lease may have been too short, to quote Shakespeare, but seasonal change is also in the way of things. As I look at your horoscope this year I can see not only the North Node, with all its karma, but Ceres – with all her insistence on a new order – both at the same point in your chart. This point is highly sensitive, and it describes family life, but also the world of large organisations, institutions and other establishments. Thus, in one area or the other this year (relatives, colleagues or employers) you will find endings and beginnings. There is an art to dealing with this, as you probably know. One has to ‘feel all the feelings’ without getting stuck.


Nature also has her processes of recycling and renewal, so the strawberry tops we drop in the compost feed the soil for next summer’s new fruit. There is a dramatic emphasis on recycling the past to help renewal, in 2018. This may be about the family tree or it may be about your career or university. At a certain point, Scorpio, you just have to let go and let what is natural take hold. You are an emotional water sign, which is why I mentioned feelings, a few sentences ago. You are not the kind of person who can just gloss over any kind of ending, any more than you can rush towards the new world in a hurry. Thus, this year will be about honouring loss, as much as it is about moving to acceptance – and eventually, the thrill (and challenge) of a new world. This is what the North Node and South Node, and Ceres, are doing in your chart this year – clearing the path for 2019 and 2020.

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Sagittarius in 2018


Sagittarius, you are caught between the past, the present and the future where children are concerned. Pregnancies and babies, too. This may be your former lover’s children from a previous marriage, which you left behind years ago. It may be your teenage son right now. Perhaps 2018 is about acceptance, where unsuccessful pregnancies or missed adoption chances are concerned. The reason I say this is the slow departure of the planet Uranus from your house of heirs and spares – the younger ‘heirs’ to your ‘throne’ no matter if you are an aunt with a young niece, a mother with an adult daughter or a teacher who has been a substitute parent to her junior charges. Uranus will emphasise your past, in relation to a younger generation, from now through May 15th, then he will be away – taking the focus away – until November 7th, taking his final turn in this horoscope zone until March 5th, 2019, when he is gone forever. This cycle is about chopping and changing! Remembering what has gone, in your life, and taking a new, firm line.


I mentioned chopping and changing, a sentence or two ago. That is long overdue with the family tree and perhaps your roots as well. There is a great deal of ‘blur’ in the picture, so things are confused or unclear. In time, this will end. The situation with your family and your heritage, culture, history, home town or homeland will be plain to see and so much easier to deal with. That is no reason to just let things slide, though, until time takes its course and Neptune moves on. There is a great deal you can do now to improve things with your family and also, perhaps, to better understand and integrate the place where you come from. It really doesn’t take long to get rid of the dead wood or do some life gardening. This will help future growth for close family or distant relatives, and when the time is right, and the climate is right too, you’ll have so much more to appreciate.

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Capricorn in 2018


Good karma rewards you in 2018 and you will have a large lump sum of money, or a highly valuable asset (like a property, business or precious object) within reach. The trick is actually reaching for it, Capricorn, as it is so easy to assume, or expect, or even just wish and pray – without doing anything to get what you deserve. I mentioned karma before. This year you have the North Node and South Node in your zones of finance, which covers legacies, settlements, bonuses, inheritance, gifts, donations, grants, raises and the rest. Sometimes the issue is an asset which is ‘cash in kind’ for you. This is a good time to find out how you really feel about wealth and what you will do for it, and not do for it! There is always some kind of trade or negotiation on this cycle and, to quote Kate Bush, you could be making ‘a deal with God’ or just a deal with someone who wants to hire you.


Planting and planning for the future? Well, Capricorn, you should be – once you have the money made, or the money saved. What is fascinating about your chart now is the end of your old definition of ‘home’ and everything it stood for. In fact, this is the last year that Uranus, the slow-moving planet of change, will be in this area of your horoscope. He is there now through May 15th, then you have a break from this cycle, which has affected your view of your house, apartment and local surroundings so much, for so many years. Uranus is back from November 7th, then by March 5th, 2019 he has gone forever. Thus, 2018 feels like a transition period for you, in terms of where you belong, and where you could travel or move to next. Money makes it possible.

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Aquarius in 2018


Aquarius, the healing process which you receive (or give) this year can transform everything. You are now at an extremely important point in your life story, as the North Node moves into the zodiac sign of Cancer on 7th November. This sign rules the mind, body and spirit and your understanding of the way all three work in unison. It is quite unusual to see the North Node there, and as this powerful cycle is about past lives, karma and reincarnation, there is more to the healing this year than first appears. It is, in fact, a karmic payback and there may be something very familiar about what takes place, or the two-way process involved. Trust is always the magic word when there is a remedy, fix or cure to be applied and the trust has to work in both directions. You will see the truth of this in a life-changing way in 2018.


The transformative healing process which begins after 7th November is foreshadowed all year and in fact may start much earlier, so be aware of that. The deep change won’t begin to occur until the end of this year and throughout 2019, but the actual solution or therapy could start months before. In the background is the constant message that you have to make priorities. There are people and places at the top which are well within reach. Jupiter, the planet of growth, opportunity and expansion is now at the top of your chart, tempting you to climb higher and achieve something special, in terms of your ambition, mission, position, success or social status. This won’t go away! Perhaps you need to think about managing your time, so that you devote equal parts of your life to the upward climb – but also what clearly needs to be fixed – physically and mentally as well.

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Pisces in 2018


Understanding the way a group of people thinks is crucial in 2018. They call it the hive mind – the way bees move together. You are in the unusual position of having both Pluto and Saturn in your house of groups, clubs, teams, communities, bands, political parties, ensemble casts and the rest. Pluto always brings questions about who or what is in control. In fact, this is a very old issue, as you have experienced this many times since the cycle first began in 2008. All these years later, you have learned a great deal about self-interest as well as the group interest. I do feel that when Uranus changes signs in May, you will be dealing with the issue of free speech – and it will affect the hive mind very strongly, almost as if one of the bees suddenly decided that s/he needed to hum a solo tune. This planet is very much about independence and space and all of you will have to deal with that, especially if one of the bees is also busy online.


Pisces, if you can use your famous ability to read hearts and minds, you can play your part in encouraging everyone to pull together and co-operate, rather than go in different directions. I once interviewed your fellow Piscean, Kurt Cobain. There were times when he seemed quite separate from Nirvana, and times when the three of them merged with no boundaries at all. You may find the same phenomenon this year, with one particular network or circle of people. Issues about space, separateness or individual identity will not go away, especially as every single person involved is (separately) so intriguing and special. However – do your utmost to encourage merging, not divergence, as the potential for all of you to create something great is there. Pluto and Saturn together can be monumental, if you use them. You can either make Nevermind together this year or…never mind!

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