2018 Supermoon Astrology

The Full Moon over London on Tuesday 2nd January is a Supermoon. It falls in the zodiac sign of Cancer. On 31st January we also have a Supermoon. How does it affect your horoscope?
2017 Horoscope from Jessica Adams

True Astrology Predictions 2017

It's that time of year again, when you can look back at all the astrology predictions you read on this website about world events. These are validated, dated forecasts - using what I'll call psychic astrology.

The Capricorn Effect

In this special two-part series I will look at The Capricorn Effect between December 2017 and December 2020 as your horoscope is affected by Saturn, Pluto, the South Node, Ceres and Jupiter in Capricorn.

America? Capricorn!

America has a birth chart for 4th July and most astrologers believe she's a Cancer country. That's certainly one version of this proud, patriotic, wonderful country. I have proof she's probably a Capricorn.