Pisces, from February 2016 and February 2017, you have the most tremendous solution or opportunity waiting with your former, current or potential partner.
We have a striking number of patterns joining Neptune in Pisces in March involving asteroids, Nodes and planets. This is going to be a big month for Wikileaks and also floods, both ruled by Neptune - for obvious reasons.
What does Year of the Monkey hold for your Chinese zodiac sign? The Monkey is associated with Virgo in Western astrology, and Virgo rules health and fitness.
This matters to the entire world economy because Mercury moves backwards and forwards in Taurus, the sign that rules all our currency exchange rates and world sharemarkets too. Expect chaos, which then corrects itself.
Mr Bowie’s career is like a NASA inventory. Best known for Space Oddity (1969), featuring spaceman Major Tom, who also turns up in Ashes to Ashes – he is also famous as The Man Who Fell to Earth (1976).