If you have more than three personal horoscope factors in a sign, then that’s important. For better or worse, the area of life ruled by that sign says who you are - and how happy you are - and what you do with your world.
What happens when Pluto (transformation) goes through Capricorn (corporations) for sixteen years? Big business is completely changed, and that directly or indirectly affects your own work.
Your love horoscope from September 10th 2016 through October 10th 2017 spells the biggest changes in 12 years - and if you are open-minded, they will be fantastic.
If you're typical of your Sun Sign or have a stellium (more than three horoscope factors) in that sign, you may be a walking advertisement for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and so on.
What we lacked at the time was a referendum date, but we have it now - Britain will vote to leave the EU on 23rd June, 2016. That makes the prediction firmer.