Wednesday 06th May 2020: Put the lessons of May-September behind you and promise yourself that you will ring-fence that income source, house, business, charity, flat or loaned possession so that you can control it and contain it, using this final useful day in the Mercury communication cycle!What it means to be Aquarius
In Rome, the Aquarius was the water-bearer (literally) who supplied the Roman Baths. At your best, you feed communities. You supply groups, teams, clubs and other circle of people with what they need. The highest expression of Aquarius is to raise friendship to a fine art, on a par with marriage or parent-child relationships. The downside of Aquarius is putting the group first and the individual second so that even family ties can suffer.Your Week
Your ruler Uranus is associated with all that is new and different, challenging tradition and established rules and regulations. Uranus is also about space – room to move – and freedom. Read your full Aquarius Weekly Horoscope: 22-28 October 2018Your Month
Success, Status, Ambition, Position and Mission You really don’t see Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio all together like this, very often. They are gathering in your Tenth House of achievement, ambition, goal-setting, prestige and social status. High Society, you might say, but also the ascent of Everest. Read your full Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: OctoberAquarius in 2018
THE HEALING PROCESS Aquarius, the healing process which you receive (or give) this year can transform everything. You are now at an extremely important point in your life story, as the North Node moves into the zodiac sign of Cancer on 7th November. Read your Aquarius 2018 HoroscopeAstrology Basics
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