Month: October 2018
Two of Pentacles in the Tarot
The Two of Pentacles (Coins) in the Tarot of Pamela Colman Smith and Arthur Waite, suggests juggling money. How can you work this card to your advantage when it turns up in a spread?
Dating Pisces in Astrology
All Pisceans have an ideology, a conviction or a burning belief – and all of them are prepared to rally the troops if necessary. Jupiter, the faith planet, rules his Midheaven.
September Tarot True Predictions
September Tarot True Predictions from my Tarot colleague Kyra Oser include a wedding for Gwyneth Paltrow (dated to the week) and a Love Island split...
TAROT TUESDAY – October 2018
Professional psychic and Tarot expert Kyra Oser, based between the U.S. and Canada, gives you her insights for yourself, and the world, in October 2018. Plus, for Premium Members only, the chance to ask Jessica Adams questions for detailed Tarot replies.