Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 22-28 October 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 22-28 October 2018
This is another week of financial drama in the global economy. The Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday 23rd October (the sign which rules banks and share markets). Juno enters Taurus on Wednesday 24th October (the sign ruling your own money). That day, we also have a Full Moon. The Sun in Scorpio will stand opposite the Moon in Taurus. On Friday 26th October the Sun will conjunct Venus Retrograde in Scorpio. One date-stamped prediction made back in April already came true. Now read the rest here.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 22-28 October 2018
This week is really about finding out who and what you value most. You obviously need to make a decision about your house, bank account, apartment, business, charity or precious possessions. Yet, it ultimately comes down to the price you put on independence. Uranus has long been a symbol of personal freedom and autonomy. Now we find this planet making a dent in your horoscope that has not occurred, probably, in your lifetime. When everything is so new and different, you need to take your time. The Full Moon on Wednesday may be felt as early as Tuesday or as late as Thursday, but it will bring matters to a head. If you are wondering about timing, then try to get things in writing and signed off, by the 28th of October. Beyond that you hit Mercury Retroshadow and it may not be until December that one matter is finally cleared up. If you have no choice about timing at least have Plan B and C and read any fine print.
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Taurus: 22-28 October 2018
Now we come to that part of the year when you must time it right with your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps, too, any enemies, rivals or opponents. Try to finalise any discussion or paperwork before the 29th of October. If you must continue after that date, make allowances for a long and drawn out final result, which may not come until December and might also change shape. With Venus as well as Mercury in this area of your chart, the phrase ‘complicated relationship’ springs to mind and of course Venus did also attract her share of conflicts. You still have luck on your side or basic protection, but the sooner you can sort this out, the better, no matter if it is love or war. Uranus in your sign reminds you that image matters. Branding, name, appearance, reputation and all the rest might be just a hologram on the internet but ever since May you have been shown just how much weight it carries. Ask yourself who and what would set you free, because that is the answer to everything now.
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Gemini: 22-28 October 2018
The Twelfth House of your horoscope rules all that is concealed about you and your world. It describes who or what is below the surface. This may be deeply buried in your unconscious or just under lock and key. This week you need to have an honest conversation with yourself about who and what would liberate you. Uranus in Taurus has a funny habit of liberating you, no matter if you ask for it or not, and it is as well to be conscious of situations or perhaps people which make you feel tied down. The other horoscope patterns this week revolve around your lifestyle, workload and particularly your physical condition and constitution. The mind and body work upon each other as I am sure you know. Try to wrap up the most important things before the 29th when your ruler Mercury goes retroshadow. After that date you may want to have alternatives and back-ups ready as the story is likely to change or be held up, certainly by December.
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Cancer: 22-28 October 2018
Uranus in Taurus is really about room to move, and willingness to change direction at a moment’s notice. Friendships and group involvements of all kinds are not fixed, firm or final in your life at the moment. That way does not lie permanence. If anything, you need to accept that your social life, social media and even old friendships are fluid from this point forward. Independence within the circle or community is a tremendous issue and it needs to be respected. The Full Moon is likely to have more of an impact on you, as you are ruled by the Moon. It points you in the direction of younger people, sons or daughters, godchildren, stepchildren, younger relatives and all youth concerns. Sometimes a lover is the bridge to that. You have both solutions and opportunities around you, but not for much longer. In fact, the more quickly you can finalise your plans before the 29th the better, as one issue could run on, and either stall or change along the way.
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Leo: 22-28 October 2018
The Sun, your ruler, sheds new light on your family, home, household, home town, house, apartment and/or homeland from Wednesday. You have a limited time to take full advantage of opportunities and solutions not possible in years. From October 29th any negotiations, paperwork or handshake agreements are likely to get stuck and even reverse or change in December as you reach Mercury Retroshadow. If you’re going to pull something off, try to do it this week. The other huge message about the final week of October concerns your aims, goals and ambitions. Very close to the Full Moon you see above your roof on Wednesday, you will be shown the advantages and disadvantages of radical change. This is a revolution, in terms of your career, unpaid work or university life. Every revolution brings new freedom and independence. Yet, there is no doubt about it, the Known World just disappeared. Welcome to the age of unpredictability.
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Virgo: 22-28 October 2018
Areas of your horoscope which are dedicated to the worldwide web, to multimedia, to communication, travel, publishing, education and foreign people are now triggered. The triggers are oppositions, or opposing horoscope factors, so you would not be human unless you felt a tug-of-war this week. It may be internal, in which case it is hard to agree with yourself about one important matter. You may also be dealing with those who are taking the opposite position to you. Do all you can to finish a project, plan, concept or idea by the 29th and if it runs on, or must necessarily be launched in November or December, make allowances for possible delays or changes. Your ruler Mercury turns retroshadow soon. In the bigger picture of 2019, you will be excited to hear that you have far more freedom and space than ever before, to use the web as you wish, and to travel far and wide. What gets you there this week may not exactly be a smooth ride, but the time has come to surf the waves of change and twist and turn with them too.
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Libra: 22-28 October 2018
The Full Moon on Wednesday marks the difference between your personal values – what or whom you put the highest price on – and those of others. At that point you may well want to put a price on independence as well. Your ruler Venus is retrograde, or appearing to travel backwards, and as we also associate this planet with the scales that weigh everything that counts, you will have some measurements to make midweek. I mention independence because you need to find it this year, but also for many years to come. This goes way beyond the house, the bank, the apartment, the charity, the possessions or the business. The Sun’s opposition to Uranus, also on Wednesday, makes it very clear to you that freedom and space, have their own value. You won’t find it on the stock markets or in any catalogue, but you can’t purchase it any other way, except to change – radically if you have to. Is this a revolution? Yes. It is the very beginning of one and from March 2019 you will see why this final week of October literally counted. In the meantime, try to get things in writing and get them finished before the 29th. If they go on after that date make allowances for delays, changes or even about-turns.
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Scorpio: 22-28 October 2018
Scorpio, the Full Moon on Wednesday will bring you to a crossroads involving your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps, too, your enemy, rival or opponent. It really depends on the set of scales you are using. The person on the other end may be your husband/wife, or it may be someone who is your legal opponent. The scales can be those of justice this week, just as much as they are of legally binding marriages or common law marriages. The time has come to build a new set of scales. Those you had before May 2019 are no longer useful in the new world – and it really is a new world, as you are beginning to realise. Old methods of balancing, harmonising, or even trying to seek a level fairness, are no longer applicable. This week shows you that the time has come to be far more experimental, and if your personal birth chart agrees, you may even be declaring a revolution in the name of independence. Matters of image, reputation, title and appearance are also in the mix. Wrap things up here by the 29th if you can or allow for changes or delays much later on.
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Sagittarius: 22-28 October 2018
Your working life, ruled by Taurus in your chart, is at the heart of a big switch in direction this year, and I am sure you already know just how dramatically different 2019 will be. You are under the timing of a Uranus cycle and this planet is associated with sideways moves and backflips. It moves quite erratically in the heavens and even in Roman mythology, the old Sky God was associated with acrobatics. You’ve been shown, very plainly, that the only thing to do with your paid or unpaid work – or university – is to do the last thing you assumed you ever would! Thus, the idea of a back flip or reversal. This has actually given you acres of freedom to experiment, innovate and explore, which can only be a good thing. Yet – you also have to keep moving and that is what this week is all about. Flexible and adaptable are the new black. Your body sometimes does the talking on a week like this. If the condition, that your condition is in, suddenly becomes an issue – try to hear what your body is telling you.
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Capricorn: 22-28 October 2018
Do all you can to get things in writing where friends or groups are concerned, as from the 29th you enter Mercury Retroshadow and communication, information and even transportation are unlikely to function as they normally would. If you are chasing outcomes after that date have a couple of alternatives up your sleeve and keep things flexible. Capricorn, you also have a major horoscope statement about children this week. These may be your nieces, nephews or godchildren. Your son or daughter. A lover’s children. Youth, as a whole, whom you have to mentor or guide in some way, or perhaps entertain. Accept who or what comes out of the blue as the new key to freedom in your life. This is the third time this has happened this year. You are being shown the way out and the way through. Change can seem disruptive to an earth sign like yourself, and particularly one ruled by Saturn, a symbol of tremendous caution. Yet, no matter how unpredictable life seems this week, try to see that you are being let off, from a situation or even a person which (had it continued) would have kept you chained, more than you know.
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Aquarius: 22-28 October 2018
Your ruler Uranus is associated with all that is new and different, challenging tradition and established rules and regulations. Uranus is also about space – room to move – and freedom. This week we find this planet dominating your family life, your shared household, your interest in a particular house or apartment, your home town or homeland. If your only alternative is no alternative at all, then you must throw yourself into life, even if it feels like you lack any kind of guarantees or guidance. This is actually quite normal, Aquarius, so fear not. Forget what used to happen or what is supposed to happen, or what others are doing. That’s really not your trip; not any more. This week also reminds you to focus on your success and status, your goals and your role. Get it in writing and wrap it up by the 29th. If it all rolls on after that date have Plan B and C and allow for delays or changes into December.
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Pisces: 22-28 October 2018
The areas of your horoscope associated with publishing, the worldwide web, education, academia, foreign people and places, travel, multimedia and communication are tightly stretched this week. You can’t have everything, you can’t please everybody, and you can’t do everything either. A couple of things stand out. Firstly, that a grand opportunity or solution really needs to be inked and finished with, before the 29th. If it rolls on after that date, there may be delays or even a thorough rewrite of what was under discussion this week – as late as December. You can thank Mercury for that one, so try to speed things up if you can. A deeper issue for 2019, hinted at now, is the need to embrace who or what seems so radical or revolutionary, given where you come from, as a writer, public speaker or internet user. The last one is really important because it would appear that you deserve to have far more scope for experimentation and innovation than you’ve seen, to date. The worldwide web is at the heart of what occurs this week. When life changes around you, try to be the first to change with it.
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