Your Weekly Horoscope October 15th to 21st

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 15-21 October 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 15-21 October 2018

We are in the last useful stages of Jupiter (opportunities, solutions) in Scorpio (finance, business) this week. All too soon we hit Mercury Retroshadow in Scorpio. Try to sign off on what matters most this week, if you can.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 15-21 October 2018

A matter which is fully submerged and impossible for other people to fathom, is all over the place. You need boundaries and rules, especially if this is top secret or classified, Aries. With Uranus slowly edging out of Aries, your appearance or reputation becomes more important and what happens in March offers you more than your fair share of freedom and independence if you want to take it.  The situation is set up this week, Aries. The way you look, or the way you are seen, is at the heart of unusual, unique developments then.

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Taurus: 15-21 October 2018

We find the end of the Node cycle in your career, university and volunteer work zone now, and this is no time to accept anything or anybody at face value as karma must be completed by November. Try to tidy away issues with a former, current or potential partner this week too, as at the very least, from the end of October, you must read the fine print and allow for delays, changes, post or computer issues until December. It is also time for some boundaries and rules in your social life, friendships and group involvements.  Take care when making assumptions about anything fixed or final, if it also involves your other half, your ex or a possible future partner too. Mercury Retroshadow is coming.

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Gemini: 15-21 October 2018

Your ruler Mercury is Retroshadow from the end of October. Allow for delays, U-turns or other complications with your workload or body after pre-Halloween and try to complete everything now. Take a look at the balance of power surrounding your money, house, possessions, business or flat too. Read the fine print with your job, unpaid work or degree and back up important documents if you know for a fact November, December are deadlines. You are also completing karma now, Gemini, as the Node moves slowly out of the horoscope zone which rules education, travel, publishing and other nationalities. That is your cue to choose freedom from looping the loop. It is almost time to teach, study, travel, write or publish in an unfettered way.

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Cancer: 15-21 October 2018

Allow until April when Uranus finally leaves Aries, for one work, university, volunteering or health issue to work itself out, as anything from a unique situation to (even) a revolution could be part of a truly unprecedented story. Plan accordingly and remember flexibility always works best on this cycle.  The lessons you had last year with your former, current or potential partner returns with extra intensity in the closing days of this week. This also applies to your enemy or opponent – ironically, this person who is against you. You’re being shown what a power couple looks like, but also how power has to be shared between two. Your willpower is the source of the greatest power.

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Leo: 15-21 October 2018

You will know exactly where you stand with your home, family, household, home town or homeland by the first week of November, but one situation may be far from final or fully known if you proceed too late so try to get this all tied up before the very end of October. Be careful if signatures or handshake agreements are involved in November as you could be waiting until December for outcomes or find things change. The most fantastic changes in years surround the next generation or a relationship which may end in motherhood, starting next month. Your connection to those who are younger may be personal or professional, but the future is being written this week so paw those clues!

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Virgo: 15-21 October 2018

Make allowances for zig-zags with your money, house, business, flat or possessions from this point forward and read the fine print if you are signing with one eye on March 2019, when the Uranus cycle ends, or accepting signatures about a matter that peaks that month. You may return to an earlier financial experiment, or start a new one, but the key is super flexibility. The big wheel of karma is also preparing to turn next month when the Node changes signs and you will be processing past life debts and credits with a group, team, club or social media circle. Unless you draw a firm line with the friend who is involved in your group, or social media, the situation could become ever more laden with ‘yesterday’ moments and the signs are here this week. Try to keep it all simple, Virgo.

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Libra: 15-21 October 2018

The Node is preparing to hurtle backwards into Cancer and karma is afoot, with clues now. Your career, university course or non-profit work and the personalities involved, suggest your natural gift for reading hearts and minds will help out, as the past is set to come back. From this point forward, you will head towards a project, alternative role, milestone decision or reshuffle, with an uncanny replay of the past by the end of November. You have a confused and confusing association with a person who constantly crosses the line with you at work, where your housework is concerned, or with your voluntary role or course. It is also appropriate to call time on that and put boundaries in. It will make incoming career karma easier.

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Scorpio: 15-21 October 2018

Uranus in Taurus is ground-breaking, and the stage is set for a crossroads choice involving your former, current or potential partner, with a more independent new life guaranteed in 2019 when the revolution is complete. If you are more emotionally involved with an enemy, opponent or rival then you will be unchained from the situation one link at a time. The world of children, potential pregnancy and young in-laws is likely to be involved, of course, but there are boundaries here you need to put back in as the situation is way too fluid. We also have Mercury Retroshadow in Scorpio approaching. Your image or reputation is still a green-light area but please allow for changes and delays in this story from next week. It will not be until December that things are final so aim for a wrap-up quickly if you can.

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Sagittarius: 15-21 October 2018

Uranus in Aries is not finished yet and the next three months will transform your life as a mother or potential parent. Chiron is set to replace Uranus permanently in Aries from next year and this will steer you in a radical new direction with your son, daughter, godchild or young relative when you can say the years of hearing (or saying) the ‘No’ word are over. In so many cases, a relationship which could make you an aunt, uncle, godparent or parent is also going to set you free by Easter 2019 with clues now. The involvement you have with a household or family member, tenant, house guest or landlord needs to be contained and controlled now as there are fuzzy boundaries. Same as it ever was, to quote David Byrne in Talking Heads, but sometimes you just have enough of fuzzy!

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Capricorn: 15-21 October 2018

This is karma and I’m sure you know it. Anchor yourself when deepening the financial, property, charity or business involvement (possessions may also be woven in) as everything and everybody in this arrangement is set to finish up in your life within weeks on a karmic debt or payment level. With so much Capricorn weather ahead as 2018 ends and 2019 begins you may also be making plans for cosmetic surgery, weight loss, a website or business cards.  So much of yourself is online these days! The most fascinating way to use the internet, or even reject it, will cross your path. You are in the mood to experiment and you will be diverted by the results.

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Aquarius: 15-21 October 2018

You are just weeks away now from Jupiter in Sagittarius which will improve your social life, expand your numbers on social media, and introduce you to fantastic new friends for 2019 who are very well connected and successful. You are also likely to join, or rejoin, a group project where the Three Musketeers do very well. All this is hinted at now even if there is no delivery yet, but this will change your life by next year. Also, important now is your last solid chance to use a natural opportunity or advantage with your career, unpaid work, university degree or similar – Mercury Retroshadow is around the corner so try to complete the really big stuff this week.

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Pisces: 15-21 October 2018

And so, we come to the final stages of the most fantastic year of reinvention for your internet, publishing, educational or travelling life, with one really big breakthrough (not perfect but worthwhile) just recently. There is another pending and this has enduring appeal and worth to you. Do all you can to really push this. Even if you leave it slightly unfinished, if promises are made and plans actioned now, you will at least have the momentum. Yet, with any luck, the largest part of a fantastic push forward can be sorted out this week.

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