Your Weekly Horoscope October 1st to 7th

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 1-7 October 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 1-7 October 2018

Let's start October at the end, as the Halloween decorations are in the windows of all the department stores. Halloween this year is genuinely worth watching. Why? We have Mercury Retroshadow in Scorpio on October 29th. Turn to your diary right now and see if there is anything that can be moved forward, regarding your finances, house, apartment, business or charity. Why? Scorpio rules all these things and Mercury is the planet of communication, information, negotiation and transportation. So, when we see it moving strangely just before Halloween, that means life does too. So - don't get spooked by strange end-October astro-weather. Try to speed up paperwork in particular now, if you can! Have a good week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 1-7 October 2018

This week is all about balancing the scales, as best you can, with your opposite number - or perhaps your opponent. We’re talking about your former, current or potential partner, here. Maybe your enemy, opposition or rival. Near Monday and again on Thursday you will have to read or talk using a smart filter. This is clearly leading to something important and very close to Sunday or perhaps next Monday, it’s time for a carve-up. A compromise that relaunches the relationship or reshapes the conflict is on the way, as Ceres in your opposite sign of Libra, conjuncts the Sun. As much as this week is about the ‘we’ issues or the ‘you versus me’ issues, Aries, it is also very much about your image. Your name, face, title, role, public face or reputation are matters for Diana, Minerva and Aesculapia in Aries, your own zodiac sign. These important asteroids all come from the same astrological family tree, which is about growth, expansion, rebirth, freedom, wisdom and most of all - a comeback. You may feel as if you are being pushed and pulled in different directions, yet the long-term outcome of this week is really about your profile in 2019. Long after something has been agreed to with he (or she) who matters so much, it will be the way you are seen by others that stays with you.

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Taurus: 1-7 October 2018

You don’t really get around workload and lifestyle issues when the Sun, Mercury, Ceres and Fortuna are all passing through your Sixth House. Your duty and service to others is emphasised, but you also have a duty and service to yourself. You are not a machine or a robot and your body has to come first - or perhaps the entire relationship between body, mind and spirit. Some kind of trade-off is likely this weekend, or early next week. You’ll have to cut a deal with other people, or maybe with yourself, if your health or fitness is actually the issue. There are obviously questions about power and control with your colleagues, employer, lecturer, classmates, staff or clients. It’s all rather visible to others too; you can’t hide this kind of politics. Ceres is a tremendous symbol of demotion, promotion, empowerment, compromise and deal-making. This has been a long time coming but it has to happen by November so try to park the feelings at the door and focus on what is practical. Other issues this week are hidden, below the surface, invisible or just plain mysterious. That’s really a matter for you, but what you do and say, will have a long-term impact with a crossroads in March 2019.

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Gemini: 1-7 October 2018

The years of sweeping changes which have been affecting your social life, group involvements, team commitments, social media and friendships are now slowly drawing to a close, with no more revolution in your life beyond March 2019. This week is really setting that up for you, and although nothing is straightforward - you have to appreciate the importance of independence, freedom and space. What you are working towards is the chance to bend or break the usual rules so that ‘impossible’ becomes possible and ‘unthinkable’ becomes thinkable. This may be about any kind of group or friendship, but what happens now is really part of a sea change in March 2019. Gemini, it is also time to look at a crucial compromise involving the world of children, young people or lovers. This takes place close to Sunday or perhaps early next week. Kate Bush sang about making a deal with God in her song, Running Up That Hill. You are not exactly doing that, but you are certainly poised to strike some kind of compromise or new arrangement. This may be with your son, daughter, young relative, godchild or a youth-related role or project. It may also be with a lover if you see that person would bring younger faces into your life one day. Seeing the situation from the outside looking in is useful. Others are holding up a mirror and spotlight and - to quote another song - I Can See Clearly (Now the Rain Has Gone). Once this is done, it’s done. For some Gemini people this is about child custody, in-laws or a straightforward question about sex.

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Cancer: 1-7 October 2018

Since 2011 your career, unpaid work or university life has been about the word ‘No’ as you have been rejected - sometimes shockingly so - by employers, clients, colleagues, lecturers, classmates or staff. At the same time, you have rejected who/what seems so wrong to you. Being turned down, finding others distancing themselves from you - but also wanting to remove yourself from a particular face or space - is typical of the Uranus in Aries cycle. The revolution ends for good in March 2019. This week plays its part. On balance, you’d have to say you have found the most thrilling independence, finding the most incredible freedom and no doubt breaking new ground for your work place, chosen field, profession or special subject area. Yet, I am sure that you would also like a quiet life, or at least a quieter one. It’s coming! Yet - this week is about jumping hurdles, like the cast of Chariots of Fire - in order to get to the finishing line. The next 7 days is also very much about your house, family, apartment, household, home town or homeland. Expect a carve-up. A forced compromise which hopefully will mean a done deal for all the players, including you - and one you can both/all live with. There are obviously deep questions here about who has the upper hand, but forget all that. The outcome needs to be practical, no matter if we are talking about your mother or the kitchen. It has to be something you can see functioning for the long-term. Thus, although your success and status are in the frame this week, remember a true Cancerian can’t really get going with much, until the home base or the home faces are sorted out. This may mean dealing with the council or government for some; landladies, tenants or builders for others.

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Leo: 1-7 October 2018

This week is all about the worldwide web, multimedia, publishing, education and communication. More broadly it is about travel or travel in the mind. Foreign people and places. Journeys of the intellect and spirit, taken either from your armchair or with a passport in your hand. Leo, you have been through the biggest revolution of your life since 2011, spending around eight years dealing with what is essentially an electrical storm which has radically changed everything. You may have become quite used to this by now, but if you think back to life as it was in 2010 and earlier you can see how epic the transformation has been for you, especially online. Now, we come to an important week in this story. If you are going to sign off from the instability, the unpredictability, the chopping and changing - next March - then you have to make big choices now. You will be amazed at how different 2019 looks and feels for you and the sense of rejection that has never been far away - or the constant rejecting from your side - will be history. Don’t believe it? Wait for March. In the meantime, you have short-term questions to answer about a project, plan or course. You simply must agree to a compromise or deal around Sunday or next Monday. What comes out of this must work for everybody including you, of course. A sincere desire to create something new, different and hopefully acceptable to every face is the key. Cleave to that and you have your answer.

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Virgo: 1-7 October 2018

Give as much time and energy as you can to the money, house, business, shares, possessions, insurance, taxation, legacy, apartment or charity this week. You will have to pay Peter to pay Paul, perhaps, or make sure one of them does a deal with you. This may be about actual cash, or cash in kind, so the value attached to a particular asset or investment. Beyond this Virgo, we go into questions about your actual value system. Would you sell out? Should you sell out? What does that mean these days anyway? I don’t think you are going to get through this week of Libra-Aries oppositions, involving important asteroids and planets, without some kind of landmark discussion or paperwork in front of you. Go into this very thoughtfully as what emerges must pass the test of time. Ceres is very much about splitting, sharing out and then compromising again. If there are any strong emotions here and your instinct tells you that either you, he, she or they would not find this new deal easy to live with long-term - well, you know what to do. With Mercury on your side, though, the time has come to ask as many questions as you can, covering all the bases. By Sunday or next Monday, you should know what you can agree to, what will work and what you can genuinely accept for 2019.

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Libra: 1-7 October 2018

You have some interesting challenges to your ideas about balancing the scales, this week. The other person is your former, current or potential partner. Sexual or professional! We find Jupiter’s family involved, which is good for you eventually - but not without a fair amount of questioning of yourself or him/her. Jupiter had two daughters, Diana and Minerva. Diana rejected marriage and motherhood and became the goddess of the hunt. She only had sex with Endymion, who was asleep when it happened (so he didn’t get in her way). Minerva is Jupiter’s other famous daughter, a symbol of feminine wisdom, great intellect and no association with men at all. Minerva exists in her own right. The last of Jupiter’s family to turn up in your zone of former, current or potential partners this week is Aesculapia, a symbol of rebirth, resurrection and recovery. You’ll find all this peaking with that particular person near Monday, Thursday, Sunday. The longer-term is really about some kind of stability in your life, beyond March 2019. Yet, Libra, marriage, divorce, separation, affairs, professional partnerships, ex-status relationships and all the rest will never be norm-core. Partly as a result of all you have been through since 2011 it’s always going to be an experiment. This week there may be all kinds of weird explosions and fizzing sounds coming from the laboratory of love, or life - but stay with it. You are essentially being challenged to question everything that was supposed to happen in the game of love, sex, commitment or work partnerships. Libra, you may have an enemy or opponent. Perhaps this is the whole story, now. It can happen! This is a really good time to ask yourself what it would take to be free of this person, or these people. Genuinely free, too - as in liberated. Released and relieved. What else is going on this week? Well, for all that it seems to be about ‘him’ or ‘her’ - it is actually about you, you, you. There is a compromise here about your name, title, image, reputation or appearance. You control you, don’t you? Well, maybe you have to divvy things up.

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Scorpio: 1-7 October 2018

The Libra-Aries oppositions now are mostly about 2019 and the constant adjustment with your lifestyle, workload and body. This goes beyond your duty to other people, and calls in your duty to your own wellbeing and fitness. You have had about 7 years of experiments here, to put it mildly, and your life today bears no relationship to the way things were pre 2011. You have been surfing the whole time, when it comes to work, housework, daily routine, the details of your everyday life, your constitution, physical condition and state. When you have been picked up and carried, it has been exciting, liberating, astonishing, remarkable. When you have been dumped on a bad wave (people or organisations who say ‘No’ are usually bad waves) it has been a shock. Classic manifestations of this cycle include being knocked back for jobs or projects you thought you were a shoe-in for, but also your own total rejection of what you find so wrong about your chosen field, industry, profession or business. Other classic manifestations include your own body involving you in some kind of rejection dance. Scorpio, this stops in March 2019. It stops in waves, but from March 2019 the cycle is over. This week is a really good time to look back at the past to help the present and manage the future. There is also, rather obviously, something under the surface, hidden in the depths or below the radar to make a choice about. It’s going to involve a compromise so make sure it’s one you can stick to.

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Sagittarius: 1-7 October 2018

Your immediate focus may be on your friendships and the group, team, community, club or other circle that involves you. This is understandable as there are cross-currents all week which require your attention. You’ll either have mixed feelings about these faces, or there may be two people within the network who are poles apart. Mercury, Fortuna, the Sun and Ceres are all suggesting important news here with a very public compromise near Sunday, perhaps as late as Monday 8th October. This is really like people who have to pool their resources, to get what they want in life, deciding about who shares the lanes, the shallow end, the deep end and the diving board. The key thing here is to focus on the end results. Naturally you, he, she or they have a really strong sense of entitlement or ownership, but unless you both/all nut something out, you are going to lose the bigger picture. Sagittarius, beyond these people, the really crucial issue for 2019, which is developed this week, is your son, daughter, godchild, young relative or stepchild. There may also be a larger question here about pregnancy, adoption or fostering. Some Sagittarius have an all-embracing approach to life, which means that paid or unpaid efforts with a much younger generation (the kind of generation with which you feel a massive gap) will be your priority. To say that this is one area of your life which has radically changed in the last 7 years is the understatement of the week. You don’t need to be told what kind of revolution has swept through and altered just about everything you used to think, or pursue. The Fifth House of your chart, where we find these patterns, is also very much about the sexual relationships, be they fleeting or marital, which brings massive questions about pregnancy or unplanned pregnancy into play. Again, there has been nothing short of a revolution going on since 2011. This week a familiar concern - independence - comes up again. Whatever you decide is part of a bigger picture in March 2019 when years of uncertainty, occasional storms and a wholesale lack of predictability finally comes to an end. In its place will be a fascinating new challenge for you. What can you get away with? What should you get away with?

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Capricorn: 1-7 October 2018

Nothing like strong astro-weather affecting home and career, family and ambition, household and life direction, home town and goals, homeland and status - all at the same time. You might say X affects Y and that would be a good summary of your week. Over the long-term into 2019, the real issue will be your apartment, house, relatives, flatmates, local area or country. That is really where this week’s inner debate is taking you, because from March next year, the lack of certainty vanishes. Oh, you will still be experimenting from time to time, stretching yourself and other people with new definitions of what is possible, or acceptable, or likely - but the madness has gone. What do I mean by madness? Well, you only have to look at what has happened every year, or every second year, since 2011. The Uranus transit of Aries has resulted in jaw-dropping outcomes - the last thing you would have expected - and a fair bit of rejection all round. You’ve heard a resounding ‘No’ from places you expected to hear a ‘Yes’ from regarding the family circle, property, the direction of your neighbourhood or country - and yet also found yourself saying ‘No’ just as passionately to people, organisations or situations which you cannot accept. This churning stops next March. This week is part of the path towards that. Again, and again, independence and freedom come up as the largest concerns and you don’t really get those, or give those to others, without a fair amount of effort (I am putting it mildly). I mentioned your career, unpaid work or university degree in the early part of your prediction. There is a very, very important discussion, piece of news or signature on the line by next Monday. It involves a carve-up of control. A compromise over power. You may see a demotion, promotion or departure - that would be par for the course with Ceres. This dwarf planet is often ignored by mainstream astrology but she packs a punch. Even if no formal reshuffle around you, there will be a resizing (literally, a dwarfing or upscaling) in terms of the politics. So, ask every question you can.

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Aquarius: 1-7 October 2018

All the discussion, news and planning about your trip away, relocation, foreign connection or regional differences peaks near Monday and Thursday. You may be packing your bags, making new commitments to education or academia, exploring the worldwide web or the book world. The weekend brings you to a crossroads and you must compromise by the early part of next week. Compromise is a polite word for what must take place, as the Sun-Ceres conjunction on Sunday suggests some powerful emotions are involved. Ceres brings questions about who or what has the power. The truth is, it must be shared in a new way and that is never easy. Bringing all the players together in a spirit of co-operation is something which you can’t be expected to do by yourself, any more than you can be expected to just go along with what is being laid down. Feelings run deep and have to be respected! Still, Aquarius, if you can do your bit and play your part, you will wake up to quite a different world next week. The loaded question of the internet, multimedia (perhaps) or communication in general is also something that requires your time and energy. Being heard and read has been an ongoing concern for years as the simple business of getting through to others - getting your message across - has been one long experiment with the occasional laboratory explosion or crash. From March 2019 when your ruler Uranus changes signs the formula will no longer change quite so radically and quite so often. In fact, this week is part of that shift, five months from now. A particular project, plan, blog or social media outlet will frame it for you.

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Pisces: 1-7 October 2018

It looks as though you will have to reach an ‘understanding’ as they say, with those who have a stake in your money, house, apartment, business, possessions or charity. There will be rather a lot of questions near Monday and Thursday, but by the beginning of next week, you should be well on your way to a deal. Mercury in Libra, in your Eighth House of family finances and partnership accounts, suggests this is personal. A typical example would be a trust fund or a mortgage and marriage. Another example might be alimony or child allowance, or a family inheritance. This goes beyond the numbers you see on paper, or on your computer screen. There is a much deeper meaning to all that you are discussing or reading, because of the focus on your value system. You have your own life budget and it is likely to create a lot of debate with yourself this week, or perhaps basic conflicts with other people or large organisations coming from another direction. The aspects of life which money cannot buy - integrity, independence, peace of mind and the rest - are now on the line. What you decide will make waves next year as well, although from March 2019 when Uranus changes signs, there will no longer be that constant sense of uncertainty about what’s coming next, which you have been living with since 2011.

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