Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for October. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: October
Your Money, House, Business, Charity, Apartment, Possessions
Uranus is in your Second House, triggering stormy but also exciting weather near October 6th and 10th, and at peak strength during the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October. The Second House rules not only your money, house, business, charity, apartment and possessions - but also your values. You are now at the very start of a revolution in the way you think about all that you earn, own or owe - and it will go on for many years. What is the best way to approach the coming changes? Well, Aries, the faster you let go of fixed ideas and attitudes, the more you stand to gain. In fact, you are now in a phase when you are free to make things up as you go along. Inventing your new financial, property or economic life will require you to hang a price tag on freedom. What would you pay to be independent? One of the characteristics of this cycle, involving Uranus in a new zodiac sign, is the sudden release from people, organisations or situations which would have only held you back, were they to continue. It takes great insight to be able to stand back at such times, and realise that over the long-term, particular choices would have trapped you. Aries, you have rather a lot of work ahead of you with the calculator and computer this month.
Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finances and shared property, possessions and assets, all suggest a complex four weeks when you can no longer put off an obvious opportunity or solution. A key relationship (likely to be with a partner, relative or other close connection) will go backwards and forwards until December, as Venus is retrograde and you will find he/she delivers delays, changes or reversals until you finally find out where you stand in two months’ time. You will undoubtedly have papers to sign or a verbal agreement to shake hands on. Try to get it in writing, despite the handshakes, and finalise everything before Mercury goes retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October.
After that date, your chances of getting anything like a fixed, firm and final arrangement go backwards. There is no doubt about it, Aries. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October puts you at a crossroads with your money, house, company, charity, possessions or apartment. Yet - try to do all you can to push your luck with what is a heaven-sent opportunity or solution, as early in October as you can.
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Taurus: October
All Change With Your Image, Profile, Appearance, Title, Reputation
Uranus is in Taurus, your own zodiac sign, so October is personal. It’s about you - or at least the version of yourself which other people see online. You’ll see what this cycle is all about near October 6th and 10th, and particularly during the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October. You are being asked to move forward, perhaps at lightning speed, towards a dramatically different set-up, no matter if this is about your portrait, photograph or name - as seen by Google. Uranus typically serves up quite unexpected developments that were never on your list. Yet, the famous lightning bolts associated with this planetary cycle also illuminate the sky. Rather like sheet lightning, there is a sudden moment when everything is as clear as day, and that element of surprise - even shock - is a wake-up call as well as a shake-up. You know who you are, underneath it all, but the First House of your chart, where we now find Uranus, is about how you front up to situations with your reputation preceding you! This house of your solar horoscope is also about your body language, personal style, body type and shape - the clothes you wear, the vehicle you arrive in - and all the superficial aspects of yourself which either work very hard for you, or don’t. Now, more than ever, you are being asked to change what you used to do, in favour of something which is utterly groundbreaking in every way. If you’re excited in October, you’re doing it right. If you’re confronted, ask yourself what would happen if you let go, rather than tried to hang on. The fact is, Uranus in Taurus is virtually here to stay. From March 2019 this planet is going nowhere, for many years, so it really is time to look at the long-term for ‘Me’ and realise there may be no going back.
Former, Current and Potential Partners - Enemies, Rivals and Opponents
This is quite a line-up, Taurus, and you will know right away which person, and which situation, Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio are pinpointing. This may be your husband, wife, partner - or the person you broke up with some time ago. There may be a work partnership here. Occasionally we find this cycle is about your arch enemy, rival or opposition. Mercury goes retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October so try to do all that you can in terms of discussions or paperwork, well before that date. If you leave it too late you may find not only the usual delays and reversals that Mercury brings, but also - in December - a completely different climate in which to operate. I am sure you would rather make your choices about this person while the going is good, and the going is definitely good in October. From November, things could not be more different, and as you go towards Christmas, the astrological weather will no longer be so welcome. Venus is really the key to the whole pattern in your chart as she is a symbol of complicated relationships. You have been going backwards and forwards with someone since September and it will not be until December that you know for sure where you both stand with each other, and what 2019 will bring. Yet, from that point forwards, you can say that 2018 is really and truly over, in terms of the chapter you have been writing with the person on the other end of the scales. For now, try to use your natural advantages, opportunities and solutions with him (or her) to negotiate the very best outcome you can, well ahead of 29th October. It’s not going to be a walk in the park, because October is not that kind of month. It’s hard work. Yet - it’s well and truly worth it.
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Gemini: October
Lifestyle, Workload and Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Gemini, do all that you can - even if it is demanding and complicated - to use natural offers, opportunities and solutions which help you so much with your lifestyle, workload and wellbeing in October. Bacchus, Mercury (your ruler), Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio all suggest it’s time to get on with things, even if there is no perfect answer. You simply won’t have these chances again, as Jupiter - the planet of growth, renewal, expansion, hope, optimism and overdue improvements - won’t be back in this chart zone for another 12 years. There is another reason for getting stuck into things as quickly as possible this month. Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. Even though I doubt you’ll be able to avoid all the pros and cons at the decisive Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October, try to press ahead with whatever needs a commitment, before you head into the usual delays, reversals and changes which come with the Mercury Retrograde cycle. In fact, Gemini, if you leave it too late for choices about your paid or unpaid work, university degree or voluntary role - December could rewrite the whole thing and not as you originally intended. Thus, the need to get cracking. The more effort you put into work (in particular) earlier this year, the more likely you are to find good outcomes in October, but even if there is just something very small to cultivate here, do it with all your might, because Jupiter will deliver again, 12 years from now. Gemini, this cycle is also very much about your physical constitution, strength, energy, stamina and your ‘machine’ - your body - and the shape you are literally in. Checking the condition, that your condition is in (to quote the song) is a smart idea in October. Again, try to push it forward and if possible finalise your goals well before Mercury goes retroshade on the 29th.
Secrets, Your Hidden Side, Your Soul, Your Naked Truth
Uranus in Taurus delivers rather electrifying moments of truth about your secrets, your hidden side, your soul or your naked truth - near October 6th, 10th this month and particularly around the Full Moon of Wednesday 24th October - followed by another lightning bolt near Halloween on 31st October when you experience a Venus-Uranus opposition. The best way to think about this cycle is in terms of independence. We associate Uranus with ‘freed from’ and ‘liberated by’ and you can complete the sentences in both cases. As the Twelfth House of your chart is very much about your hidden depths and subconscious, as well as your astral body (your aura and chakra system are part of that) you might say October is a highly unusual month. Perhaps you need to be liberated by meditation, for example, or therapy. At the same time, you may want to be freed from - a secret you have been carrying around for a very long time. Uranus has likely not been in your Twelfth House, in Taurus in your mature adult lifetime. It can feel challenging, exciting, confronting and sometimes shocking, all at once. Gemini, you will need more time and space alone to deal with what is going on, and perhaps more sleep. Grounding yourself by going for walks in the park, by water or in nature is a tried and tested way of dealing with the characteristic ‘wired’ feeling that can accompany this cycle. Sometimes, a tremendous hidden truth about yourself can be revealed on a Uranus Twelfth House transit. If this is the case, try to step outside yourself and the situation enough to see that in order to be free, that secret had to be exposed.
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Cancer: October
Pregnancy, Children, Young Adults, Youth Projects and Sexual Relationships in October
Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio create a traffic jam in your horoscope in October, Cancer, so the time has come to use all that you are being offered, to get yourself into the best possible position. This may be about your godchildren or stepchildren. The adoption process, or fostering. Perhaps you have paid or unpaid work involving children or young people. Sexual relationships which can result in unplanned pregnancy are also part of this cycle. It really depends on your personal life, of course, and your unique situation - but October is about recognising that you have ‘heirs’ to your throne and you have strong choices ahead, about leaving the legacy of your personality to younger faces. Guiding, mentoring and leading younger people is one way of using these astrological patterns. Yet, Cancer, as Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October - you need to do as much as you can to finalise your plans before this date. As you are ruled by the Moon, the Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is likely to feel like a real crossroads when there is no perfect pathway - just a choice! Yet, you simply won’t have Jupiter with all his solutions, hope, abundance and rich possibilities in this area of your horoscope again. Not for another 12 years in fact, which is why time is of the essence. If you want to see your child, young relative or godchild into a particular school situation, for example, you will want to do it as rapidly as possible. Cancer, if your concern is primarily with a sexual relationship, it may not be until December that you know where you stand with a certain someone. This is even more likely if you can date this episode back to September. The reason for this is Venus Retrograde. She is a symbol of complicated relationships and nothing is clear-cut at the moment, as this planet appears to be moving backwards (and getting stuck!) If a specific deadline would make you feel better, just count on the fact that you’ll get the full, final, fixed and firm story in a couple of months.
Friends and Groups
Uranus brings surprises (to put it mildly), disruption and radical change in your social life, group commitments, friendships and networks in 2018, Cancer. You’ll feel this cycle most intensely near October 6th, 10th and the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October begins a memorable week, ending with an electrifying Halloween on 31st October, which is the date for a Venus-Uranus opposition. As this is the planetary cycle which brings freedom (from) and freedom (through) it seems likely that one of your friends will be the trigger for changes. It may be that you need to be liberated from this person. It is also true that sometimes particular friends are the passport to freedom for you. Cancer, it depends on how you have handled your life since May, when this cycle began. If you are open to change and realise that you need more excitement and oxygen in your life, then it makes sense to embrace particular group, team, club or similar circles - and within them, specific friends. If, however, you have been hidebound by social media (like Facebook), or even chained to a community of people which does not allow you room to move - October may bring a classic Uranus lightning bolt. The zap factor is one way of describing it. The trick with this cycle is to keep moving. Realise this is a brand new way of life, and all bets are off. What you used to think and do, may not be that relevant when things change so fast, and this cycle is associated with a racing revolution - the wheels turn quickly.
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Leo: October
Your House, Apartment, Family, Household, Home Town or Homeland
Leo, this is your last chance in a long time, to secure solutions or big advantages with your house, apartment, family, household, home town or homeland. Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter all suggest a packed month of pleasure, planning, complicated domestic relationships (which go back and forth into December) and tremendous opportunities and solutions which you only see once every 12 years. The trick is to realise that the complex situation involving a relative, flat mate, tenant, landlady, lodger (or even the council or government) will take you around in circles for weeks. This is less important than the actual paperwork or handshake agreement, though. Try to finalise everything before Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. If you leave it too late you will end up in a cycle which is notorious for reversals or rescheduling! You’ll also be dealing with polar opposites with your home, property, clan or flat mates now, either because you find yourself in two minds about Option A and Option B - or because a key person involved with the family, house, apartment, household, home town or homeland question is taking an opposite position. This is more obvious at the Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October which you may prefer to leave open (allow 24 hours either side) as there are far easier times to make big choices about your people or your place. Anything left hanging near Halloween will still be unresolved in December when you have to retrace your steps, as this is what Mercury Retrograde cycles deliver. Try to time it right this month. Do all you can before the 29th and even then, allow for the fact that nothing is fixed, firm, final or finished with a certain someone until you go into pre-Christmas, and that family or domestic situation started back in September! Sometimes it takes 3-4 months for final outcomes with a relative, tenant, landlady and so on, and it’s very much so at the moment, Leo. If you must pursue a new lease, Air BnB, a mortgage, renovations, family reunion or similar after Mercury begins his Retrograde Shadow on 29th October, read the fine print, get a second opinion and have Plan B and Plan C up your sleeve.
Your Success, Status, Ambition, Position or Mission
Leo, Uranus is the planet of revolution, upheaval, radical change, freedom and independence. We find him in your zone of career, unpaid work and university life - making waves - near October 6th, 10th, 24th (when he is opposed by your ruler the Sun) - and the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October just emphasises the need to alter course. Halloween on 31st October is the date for a Venus-Uranus opposition, so the month begins and ends with exactly the same question - how are you going to surf the waves of change, when it comes to your success and status? History and astrology tell us that the best thing to do when the world turns upside-down is to spin with it. Adjust, adapt, bend and flex - this is necessary mental yoga, Leo. You are a fixed sign, but this is no time to try and fix your position. Your chosen field, profession, special interest area or other ‘Everest’ of ambition to climb requires brand new tactics. Forget about standing firm, holding fast or clinging to where you just came from. If you are prepared to duck and dive, nip sideways and zig-zag in the electrical storm which is ahead, you’ll gain. What do you gain? Leo - not peace of mind or stability, or even security or certainty. There is no way Uranus in Taurus will ever deliver that. But - something you have likely never known before is on offer if you are willing to embrace what is shifting around you, in terms of your position, mission and ambition. It’s best described freedom from, and freedom to… Freedom from (insert word here) and freedom to (insert another word here!)
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Virgo: October
The Worldwide Web, Multimedia, Education, Publishing and Your Communication
You probably know you are ruled by Mercury the messenger of the gods. You link faces, places, concepts and plans and are the great translator, who knows how to get the message across - whatever that may be, Virgo. Now that you have Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio in your zone of words and ideas, it is time to summon up all your energy and give a particular project or plan, one final shot. Why final? This is the last full month you will have the mighty planet Jupiter on your side, with all his opportunities and solutions. Even more importantly, Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation - your own planet - starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. There will be no perfect, complete or whole answer for you, as you will see near the Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October. However, you need to get a wriggle on. Your luck holds in October despite the inner debate, or the polar opposites involved with other people. Jupiter is the great protector and helper of astrology and even though you may feel you are pushing uphill a lot of the time, this is still the best last chance you have to see things grow and prosper. If you have no choice but to launch or conclude your plans after 29th October (say, in November or December) just be aware that you will be doing so in a totally different climate and with the chance of a reversal, delay or rescheduling. I always say this, but have Plan B, C and D if so.
Foreign Faces and Places, Regional Differences, The Worldwide Web and the Big, Wide World
Uranus in Taurus coincided with a dramatically different new beginning for you in May, involving travel or travel in the mind. A journey - or a journey of the intellect or spirit. This is the Ninth House cycle when foreign faces and places, regional differences, the worldwide web and all aspects of education, publishing or academia come centre-stage. You have been challenged to reinvent things. You have succeeded, to the extent that other cultures, nationalities or beliefs are now at the top of your list, as you realise you can no longer go on repeating yourself or staying stuck in the past. This is a whole new world, actually, no matter if your concern is with Europe, America, Asia or somewhere even more exotic. Sometimes the other coast in your own country can seem foreign too! Uranus is the planet of radical change, upheaval and freedom. Very near October 6th, 10th and the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October you’ll feel the characteristic electricity in the air. Tension precedes relief and release and then everything is different. The trick to this cycle is to embrace who and what is utterly new. This is all here to be produced or created as you and others see fit. If you both/all realise the whole point is to be free, it will work that much better.
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Libra: October
Money, Business, Charity, Houses, Apartments, Possessions
Libra, do all you can to wrap things up with your finances, assets, company, good cause, property or precious possessions before Monday 29th October. This is complex but potentially rewarding month with a big solution or breakthrough possible, but don’t leave it too late. You only get one line-up of Bacchus, Mercury, your ruler Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio once every 12 years. What unfolds in October is meant to be, in terms of the growth and expansion you have been hoping for (from little acorns, big oak trees grow). It’s not too late to plant something new, either. Just remember that Mercury, the planet of deals, negotiation, sales, purchases and merchandising starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. Life is already pulling you back and forth anyway, because of the relationship questions lingering since September. That’s when your ruling planet Venus started to behave oddly in your horoscope. If at least you can get the paperwork out of the way by the 29th, you only have the actual mechanics of the one-on-one situation to concern yourself with in December, when at last you can close the book. Libra, there is no way October can be described as straightforward when it comes to all that you earn, own or owe. In fact, the decisive Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October (look up and you’ll see it above the streets of your town) is quite the omen. It reminds you that at the other end of your chart, where you have to immerse yourself in contracts, legacies, forms and fine print, there is a revolution going down. Uranus is at large near October 6th, 10th and also at Halloween on 31st October when your own planet Venus comes up against Uranus in an electrifying opposition. I know you prefer balance in your life, no matter if you’re after the symmetry and harmony of a properly weighted relationship, or just the scales of justice. In this highly unusual month, though, you may have to forfeit perfect alignment between you and he (or she) and go for a lopsided compromise instead. If you find yourself leaning towards that priceless commodity, freedom, you’re doing it right. Independence this month comes through breaking away from something/someone, or pursuing what/who is so new and unprecedented. If you feel like you’re making it up as you go along, that’s a sign you’re on track, too. You really don’t get these kinds of transits without a fair amount of invention. Necessity is the mother of it, and all that.
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Scorpio: October
Profile, Image, Reputation, Title, Appearance
Why so much focus on how you appear to the world this year? Well, you only get Jupiter in Scorpio, your own sign, once every 12 years. In October, we find a huge line-up in your sign, with Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde and the Sun also in your zodiac sign. Do everything you have to do in the first three weeks, if you can, as Mercury, the planet of communication, information, paperwork, multimedia, the internet and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. You really don’t want to have a replay of what should have been done and dusted before Halloween - and yet if you leave it too long, there could be a Scorpio Revisited moment in December which is frankly, just a complication. A classic example would be a website bearing your name, a new social media outlet, business cards and so on. This month won’t necessarily be simple or even easy, where you are concerned - meaning, you from the outside - but it will be productive, if you get stuck in quickly. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is likely to hold up a mirror you’d rather avoid, as sometimes examining one’s reflection can be very hard going. Yet - as the person holding up the mirror is your former, current or potential partner (perhaps, an enemy too) - you have to look. Long-term it’s actually this two-way chemical reaction which is the real issue, as in 2019 we find Uranus, the planet of radical change, taking up permanent residence in your chart, emphasising the importance of he (or she) who reflects you so much in October this year. Essentially, Uranus is edging into your Seventh House for many years to come, and this is where you do battle, defend yourself - but also pair up with people who complete you, sexually, emotionally or professionally. See it as a set of scales and you’re halfway there. You’ll feel it, too, near October 6th, 10th and of course, the Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October which is that mirror exercise I’ve mentioned. Halloween on 31st October is the date for a Venus-Uranus opposition which seems to sum up everything you have been experiencing with this person in one hit. It’s bizarre that we should have this astrological pattern on a night associated with the unexpected, but that’s the way it is. Uranus is associated with all the ‘U’ words - unexpected, unlikely, unconventional, unusual, unique - and this describes the way things are heading with that other person, as the candles are lit inside the hollowed-out pumpkins.
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Sagittarius: October
What Lies Beneath
Your interior, not your exterior, is the focus in October. The bare and naked truth, perhaps, or your very soul - that part of you which dreams, astral travels and usually only greets you in meditation, or the confessional box. This is really intense Scorpio weather and this sign rules the Twelfth House of your chart, where you are most deeply submerged from view. Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio all suggest some kind of peak solution or opportunity, and it may well be connected to your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is one way of getting there but dream interpretation is another. The Twelfth House, in a more basic way, is about what you cover up and hide. Secrets, classified information or confidential matters belong there, which is why you may want to say all you have to say - or get things firmly in writing - before Mercury, the planet of communication, information and paperwork starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October. I do realise this won’t be a walk in the park, if you do have something to get out - or bury - because of the Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October, yet it’s also true that this your last best chance to sort things out in your favour. This applies to therapy, too. Counselling, psychology and psychics are all part of the Twelfth House trip that many Sagittarius will be experiencing. What else is going on now? Well, in a much more obvious way, your lifestyle, daily workload, sense of duty to other people, and commitment to your own wellbeing - are subject to radical change. Uranus is the planet of revolution, freedom, space, autonomy and independence. We find him in your zone of daily life, routine and your physical condition and state - bringing quite unprecedented changes near October 6th, 10th and again near that dramatic Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October. Halloween itself, on 31st October is also the date for a Venus-Uranus opposition. You really couldn’t make that up. It’s not spooky, though. Just necessary. You need to get on board the waves of change with your board and surf where you must, at that point. Forget the flags, the light house and the lifeguards. Forget the notice boards. You are now in a completely different space and no matter if your priority is your job, your unpaid work, your course or your actual health - you have to read the currents as they come towards you and adjust, adjust, adjust.
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Capricorn: October
Friendship, Collaboration and Community - Your Social Circles
Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio take some processing. This line-up in your chart is showing you why it’s all about people power and the circle - whatever that circle is - throughout October. Your notion of a team, club, community, network and the rest is personal to you, but this may be about a band as much as it’s about a political party. Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October, so get everything out of the way before then, unless you want a replay in December that bears very little resemblance to what you originally discussed. A classic example of this would be signing up for a cricket team, yacht race or group vacation on Halloween only to find that it goes nowhere fast in November, then turns up again a couple of weeks before Christmas, but without all that surrounded it back in mid-October! There is no doubt at all that a particular friend or group is still where the answers are in October, but say all you have to say, by the 28th at the very latest unless you want Mercury Retrograde to follow you around. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is a doozy this month, in terms of challenging you and just about everybody else you know. The Sun opposite the Moon is always very hard work and even though you do stand to gain where friends and groups are concerned, it’s still going to take effort. The other part of your life, which I have left until last, is your future status as a parent, teacher, mentor, guide or leading light - with younger faces. This may be your own children, or the children who belong to a date, lover or partner. Sometimes on a cycle like this one, which is revolutionary in nature, the issue is young people who are involved in your paid or unpaid work. Godchildren, adopted children, stepchildren and so on also fall into this category. Uranus is the planet of upheaval and liberation. Near October 6th, 10th and that Full Moon near Wednesday 24th October - and again near Halloween on 31st October - the writing’s on the wall. You either have to change, because everything and everybody around you is also changing - or be left far behind. This is the second time you’ve been made aware of this (the first wake-up call happened in May) and there will be another episode in March 2019. Sometimes you just have to read what’s there, written in the stars, and start penning your own new episode. Your horoscope guarantees this will be like nothing else you ever created, produced or invented before.
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Aquarius: October
Success, Status, Ambition, Position and Mission
You really don’t see Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio all together like this, very often. They are gathering in your Tenth House of achievement, ambition, goal-setting, prestige and social status. High Society, you might say, but also the ascent of Everest. You have a fair amount of help here, astrologically speaking, as Jupiter cycles tend to produce just the right face, at just the right time. Aquarius, much depends on how much effort you threw into your ambitions earlier this year. If you did a huge amount of work, this may well be the month you win an award, get promoted or headhunted.
Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October so whatever you have in mind, in terms of your work, unpaid work or course - try to wrap it up by then. If you have no choice and must proceed with discussions or paperwork after that date, make allowances for delays, reversals or changes in December. If you are applying for a new position, scholarship, grant or similar you may want to do it well before the 29th as Mercury does a peculiar thing straight after this - he vanishes from sight in your zone of achievement - only to reappear a couple of weeks before Christmas. I’m sure you don’t want a calendar like that, when it comes to your curriculum vitae.
Your Home, Family, Household, Town, Country
The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October is really dramatic, coming just a week before Halloween and it tells you to look long and hard at your house, family, apartment, tenants, landlord, renovations, home town, household or homeland.
Uranus is your ruler and so you are likely to feel the impact of this cycle far more intensely than the other 11 signs, particularly near October 6th, 10th and again near Halloween itself on 31st October when we have a Venus-Uranus opposition. You’re being told/shown that the past really doesn’t apply. This is the usual extreme impact of Uranus in a brand new zodiac sign coming to pass. Understanding that you now have a big, blank space to create and invent may help more than looking back. It’s really a case of Don’t Look Back, actually, and March 2019 is already calling you. The word of the year, next year, will probably be ‘space’ for you. Not as in Star Trek space - the final frontier - but every other kind of space. The look and feel of a house, apartment or garden. The personal space within a family or household. You also need, and will find, the space to pursue what matters most to you in terms of your home town or country. October is a really important part of this process and if you happen to have Scorpio and/or Taurus factors in your chart, you may well be buying or selling a home, sorting out family money, ending or starting a lease, investing in renovations and so on.
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Pisces: October
The world is not quite your oyster in October, but it’s pretty close. Maybe a smoked oyster, Pisces. You have Bacchus, Mercury, Venus Retrograde, the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio, which means trines to your Pisces Sun (and trines chime perfectly in any horoscope). Even if none of these form that beautiful angle with your Sun, you still end up with a tempting spread of choices about travel, foreign people and places, regional connections, emigration/relocation, academia, education or publishing. This is the Ninth House, which is about the biggest of all big pictures. Religion also falls here, as do foreign languages and lofty subjects for a thesis. Most of all, this house of your chart is about travel (and travel in the mind) and that is why you may want to wrap things up quickly. Mercury, the planet of communication, information and negotiation starts moving retrograde shadow, near Monday 29th October and you could be dallying with delays, changes or even reversals by December. If you have absolutely no choice about (say) university admission or a website, a trip away or a move - then at least allow for that, if you must proceed after the 29th. It would make sense to have more back-up than usual, some Plan B and C support and a healthy sense of what might stick, rather than what might usually click. If you are flying, for example, after the 29th make sure you check your airline or airport for updates as Mercury is notorious for triggering messy situations when he goes retroshade, or Retrograde Shadow. By and large, though, whatever goes down before the final days of October is meant to be, and it will expand your horizons in a lasting and wonderful way. The Full Moon on Wednesday 24th October finds you in two minds, or dealing with polar opposites, over a project that matters, a course you are counting on, or an online plan. This is really deep breath time, as you need to front up to what is going on here, and it’s much more than the usual lunar inner conflict or me-versus-them situation. The reason for this is Uranus, the planet of revolution, on the march near October 6th, 10th, near the Full Moon itself, then peaking again near Halloween on 31st October. This is your departure gate for an entirely new and different approach to being heard and read. Go through it and don’t look back, or turn back either. New technology will likely play a part, as Uranus has long been associated with wow-factor breakthroughs. This will no doubt be online or linked to a phone or microphone for you!
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