Your Free Daily Horoscope for Wednesday 26th September 2018
Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams’ free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Wednesday.
March 21 – April 19
As the week goes on, you can take more joyous control, or perhaps take the passion back, where your body is concerned. This also applies to any aspect of your working day which affects your wellbeing. Cupido in Virgo is here to help. By October you’re rolling.
See also: Aries Weekly Horoscope
April 20 – May 20
Uranus in Taurus is around for the long haul. Your appearance or reputation is the key matter, of course, and here you have total co-operation from people who are happy to be the midwife in a revolution. If you’ve been too radical for some, though, time to review.
See also: Taurus Weekly Horoscope
May 21 – June 20
The most intriguing and liberating things about your life are still secluded, solitary or done without any credit. You will never regret the journey you are on, if you are happy to accept the invitation to a revolution, so keep moving forward. Freedom is underground.
See also: Gemini Weekly Horoscope
June 21 – July 22
After the end of September, it is time to address the next generation or relationships which bring it closer. All change for October! This is your last chance to snap up and opportunity or pursue a solution. It’s heaven-sent and not possible in 12 years, thanks to Jupiter.
See also: Cancer Weekly Horoscope
July 23 – August 22
It’s karma. Long after the goals which pull the two of you together, the special relationship within this duet will live on. In many ways it defines you and feeds your soul, for years to come. Feel the pull of the past with a former, current or potential partner. Closure?
See also: Leo Weekly Horoscope
August 23 – September 22
The family, house, flat, household or your home town offers so much from November. Take back your power where children or young people are concerned, then. You have Pluto and Saturn running one end of your chart, but in weeks, fortunate Jupiter runs the other.
See also: Virgo Weekly Horoscope
September 23 – October 22
You are famous for running duets and double-acts, or trying to, yet sometimes you have to form a more balanced double-act if you want success. This has never been so easy and all it takes is the ability to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Experiment time.
See also: Libra Weekly Horoscope
October 23 – November 21
Pluto and Saturn are calling. Do look at the internet with all the experience you have gathered. You must already be savouring the chance to use the web teach, study, write, publish or engage in public speaking in a more potent way. It’s hard work but worth it.
See also: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
November 22 – December 21
As the week closes, you must address money, property and power. You stand to gain empowerment on every level, not only from the money, home, possessions or other assets - but also from the triumph of your own values. Taking control, or taking it back, matters.
See also: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
December 22 – January 19
Karma calls in November and you feel it now. Amicable divorce? New lover? Business partnership in overdrive? Satisfying battle victory? The situation is actually less important than the journey, and you are heading for the trip of a lifetime. It began years ago.
See also: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
January 20 – February 18
Chiron is here - the old punk rock music teacher - designed to educate you and enthuse you about the future of your online life, but communication in general. Balance the scales now the Sun is in Libra and proceed. The 2019 projects or plans are so interesting.
See also: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
February 19 – March 20
Look at the politics of friendship, or particular groups, with all the experience you have gathered since 2008. Then return to the real issue of the week, which is the win-win situation developing once you realise that empowerment is about sharing the power.
See also: Pisces Weekly Horoscope
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