Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 24-30 September 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 24-30 September 2018
The Full Moon on Tuesday 25th September falls in Aries, opposite the Sun in Libra. These two signs Aries associated with war and peace. Aries is ruled by Mars, the Roman god of war. Libra describes the scales of justice. This is not the only Aries-Libra opposition this week. Ceres, Minerva, Salacia, Bacchus, Aesculapia and Mercury are also at odds, in exactly the same signs. The world will be pushed and pulled by arguments for and against military action.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 24-30 September 2018
This week is about your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps, your enemies, opponents and rivals. The Seventh House of your chart describes how you balance the scales with others. The person on the other end of the scales is making you sharply aware of yourself - to the point of self-consciousness - and thus, helping you find out even more about how you are seen and appear to the world. This is about your title, appearance, profile or reputation. Thus, he or she, introduces you to ‘me’ in quite a powerful way. It’s rather like someone holding up a mirror, so you can see your reflection from their point of view. Of course, this is not the real you! It’s only what the internet reflects. Yet, the Full Moon on Tuesday suggests a now-or-never moment of truth. What you decide to do, near that time, will have an impact on 2019 as well. In fact, when Chiron re-enters Aries, your own sign, in February (and Uranus departs Aries in March) you will finally be on track for a relaunch, renaissance and rebirth. You will be promoting yourself very differently next year, and fronting up to life in a new way.
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Taurus: 24-30 September 2018
You and just about everybody you know will be pushed and pulled by the oppositions in the heavens this week. As you might expect, many people will be standing opposite each other, but there will also be inner conflict about what does not agree with you. As these oppositions falls in Aries and Libra, the signs which rule your inner life, your wellbeing and your workload, you will need to give yourself more time and space. The most obvious thing about the next seven days is really your true feeling about serving - about doing your duty. Paid and unpaid work, housework or full-time study are on the line now and you have some decisions to make at the Full Moon on Tuesday. You can’t separate this from your mind, body and spirit as your physical state or constitution is at the heart of the matter, Taurus. The focus on your inner life and inner world that I mentioned, is a deeper issue still. There are secrets here, concealed or revealed. The outcome from March 2019 depends a lot on what you choose to do now. It is the classified or confidential part of your world, or the hidden and mysterious depths of your own personality, which call the shots from the first quarter of next year. Near Tuesday, you’re heading that way.
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Gemini: 24-30 September 2018
Ever since 2011 when Uranus changed signs, you have been liberated from particular friends and groups that cramped your style, but also liberated by people too. This might explain the chopping and changing that has surrounded your social life, social media and all the circles and communities you have been part of. The right friendships or networks have encouraged you to be free and independent. Anything or anybody that has restricted or confined you, has gone. This week will remind you of the past, at the same time that it points to the future. Next year will be very different, as Uranus changes signs (permanently) one more time, in March. That means life will follow a far more regular course where your clubs, teams, associations, societies, social life, ensemble casts, bands, political parties or unions are concerned. All these are part of this cycle. This week is part of that new path - in fact, it is your sign post. What else is going on now? The Full Moon on Tuesday, and the Mercury-Ceres conjunction on Thursday, suggest it’s time to talk, and perhaps attend to paperwork, involving your son or daughter. This also applies to youth as a whole, godchildren, young relatives or Millennials, depending on your age. Expect a carve-up and compromise. A sexual relationship which may end in pregnancy, or step-parenthood, may also be at the heart of a new arrangement where control is shared out in a new way. A classic example would be a mother-daughter-son-in-law ‘deal’ or perhaps child custody agreements. And sometimes, Gemini, the compromise is done with the universe in general. This is rather like the Kate Bush song, Running Up That Hill. If you only could, you’d make a deal with God and get him to swap your places!
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Cancer: 24-30 September 2018
You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, so the lunar cycle affects you more strongly than the other 11 signs. On Tuesday the 25th of September, you experience a Full Moon in Aries, the sign which rules your career, unpaid work or university degree. A Full Moon is like a full stop, in that it makes you end things, before you make a fresh start. It’s like ending a sentence in a chapter, ahead of a new chapter, or even a new book. The book of your life since 2011 has really been about your own success - and yet nothing has been predictable or certain from one month to the next. This calms down from March 2019, when you realise life no longer has to be like that. This week plays its part in your long-term future. The other obvious issue now is your home, household, family life, property interests - and your feelings about home town or homeland concerns. There is a lack of consensus here. A lack of agreement. It may be within you, or without you, but it looks as though the only answer is to divide up the control quite differently. The new arrangement will have to be practical, because you, he, she or they must be able to stick to it. Strong feelings are par for the course, and you are an emotional water sign. Yet, you will find you have to park the emotions elsewhere, if you are both/all to agree to a new set-up.
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Leo: 24-30 September 2018
Your projects, plans, deadlines and ideas are now on the line, Leo, thanks to your ruler the Sun at odds with the Moon on Tuesday 25th September. There is likely to be a compromise near Thursday 27th, when Mercury, the planet of communication, is next to Ceres - a tremendous symbol of necessary change. At the same time, the long-term future of your life in travel, education, academia, education, publishing or the internet will be partly shaped by what happens when Hygiea, Minerva, Salacia and Aesculapia all start circling the sign of Aries. It’s decision time and the outcome will affect 2019, particularly from February and March when a new direction in your life takes you forward into a more predictable existence. This horoscope zone rules foreign people and places, regional differences, cultural or language gaps, vacations, relocation, the world of teaching or study, books, blogs and websites. You have experienced one radical change after another, regarding these areas of your life, for seven years. The revolution has to come to an end sooner or later, though and what you decide to do now will have an effect.
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Virgo: 24-30 September 2018
You must be wondering if your finances will ever be on an even keel, Virgo, but believe it or not - from March 2019, the constant chopping and changing will come to an end. This week helps you get there, even though you must deal with what is actually there, not what you wish was there! The fact is, you can’t really get past this week’s Full Moon without understanding that your bank account, house, business, possessions, taxes, apartment, charity, debts or assets are not written in stone. If anything, you have to be at your most flexible and adaptable at the moment, because there is no single answer that will please you completely, or anyone else. Your partner, or a relative, may be the issue here. The Eighth House of your chart, where we find so much activity this week, is really about the ties that bind, not only financially but also emotionally. You are going to have to whip out the calculator this week, as there will be a great deal of adding, subtracting and dividing. Yet, the real division is about control and power. From this comes a new arrangement or fresh deal which will, in turn, lead to a more predictable life from 2019.
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Libra: 24-30 September 2018
The relationship you share with your former, current or potential partner is at the heart of your decisions this week. The same might be said of the chemistry experiment you have with a person who is against you. This week brings a Full Moon in Aries, your opposite sign. We also find oppositions involving Hygiea, Minerva and Salacia , so you face a classic Libran conundrum. How do you balance both sides of yourself, at the same time that you are trying to find what is fair and reasonable, with that man (or woman) who looms so large? There are questions of title, image, profile, reputation and appearances to consider, too. In fact, what happens near Thursday will allow you to talk more about compromises or new deals. This could relaunch you if you so choose. The long-term questions are really about your other half, though, and this may be a personal or professional partnership, or the ongoing situation with your ex. There are so many songs about just this kind of situation and no doubt you will hear them all on the radio this week, or be playing them in your head. We Can Work It Out is a good one. You might also be singing The Two of Us. Is this The Ballad of John and Yoko, or the ballad of Libra at Large? Your sign is all about the scales of justice, symmetry, harmony and balance. You’ll need more time and space to manage them this week.
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Scorpio: 24-30 September 2018
Everyone will feel the Libra-Aries clashes in the heavens this week, but good things can come from a clash, just as good music came from The Clash. Your greatest hits this week will concern your lifestyle, workload and body. You are what you do, and you do what you are. Your physical constitution, condition, shape, energy and strength defines the sort of role that is given to you, and also how well you do (or do not) perform the tasks. In a week when we have a huge amount of focus on your duties to other people, you can’t overlook your duty to yourself. This means a lifestyle that suits your very particular body and its needs. What happens near the Full Moon (look up and you will see it) puts you on a new path from March 2019. Thus, September 2018 has its part to play in a more stable and certain existence, especially when it comes to your job, course or unpaid work. Scorpio, there has been no routine, in your daily routine, for seven years. That is a really long time to be dealing with X factors, but from the first quarter of next year, your world becomes about knowns, rather than constant unknowns. What else is going on this week? A major compromise on Wednesday-Friday, involving what you cover up and hide, what you do behind the scenes or below the surface. This is quite a discussion with yourself!
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Sagittarius: 24-30 September 2018
The most obvious thing to you about this week is the decision you need to make about your friend and the group. The circle must be divided like a pie, and perhaps you need to employ that old trick, where one person cuts the pie and the other person chooses her/his slice. This is really about sharing the power in a new way and that is never easy. If only it really was just a recipe, you could follow the rules and dole out the ingredients accordingly. Instead, you and the others must make it up as you go along and that is never easy. Sagittarius, the deal you strike, even if it’s about social media moves, needs to serve you for months. A more likely scenario is a game of musical chairs within a club, team, society, union, party, band, association and so on. Find your chair when the music stops but make sure you can sit on it comfortably, even if it’s not the perfect fit! What else is going on this week? Far more important, long-term, is the way you deal with your son, daughter, adoption process, godparent role, pregnancy, fertility, step-parenting tasks, younger relatives or Generation Y/Millennial targets. This may be a question of younger faces within your circle of family or friends - or a role you have mentoring, coaching or guiding those born 20+ years after you. Sometimes the issue is your dating situation as your lover has children from a previous relationship. Sagittarius, it may help you feel better about the choice you have to make, if you see it as part of a step-by-step process which helps to bring stability from March next year. That is when you can finally wave goodbye to years of chopping and changing. This may have been about the same child all along, or just the general question of your role with a younger generation.
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Capricorn: 24-30 September 2018
Ever since 2011 when Uranus changed signs, you have been inventing a new way to have a home or family. A household or home town. A homeland or clan. Nothing has been regular or predictable, and life resembles a zig-zag graph in this respect, because Uranus is the planet associated with revolution. It has been a very long and drawn-out revolution, but you are now independent. Doing it your way, and finding a new way to achieve that, has been part of your pathway for years. Now, this cycle is drawing to a close. From March 2019, Uranus is well and truly out of this area of your horoscope, so you can look forward to a more certain existence with family members, tenants, your landlord or landlady and so on. As the Fourth House of your chart is also about your country or home town, you may also find that constant upheavals or uncertainty draws to a close from the first quarter of next year, too. This week’s hard choices are all about a smoother ride later on. Capricorn, your career, unpaid work or university degree is also in the frame, this Full Moon. In fact, very close to Tuesday you will find the pros and cons are stacked in such a way, that an important meeting, e-mail or letter just has to be set up, with an agreement in place as the week ends. The Mercury-Ceres conjunction on Thursday is likely to bring a fresh arrangement by the weekend. Demotion and promotion may be part of it. In other cases, the power shifts and changes in the controls are not formal, but nevertheless declared.
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Aquarius: 24-30 September 2018
Thursday’s meeting between Mercury, the planet of the mind, and Ceres, the planet which rules status change, is likely to affect your travel plans for quite some time. This area of your chart is also about travel in the mind. The worldwide web, foreign people and places, regional differences, education, academia and the book world are all likely contenders for some epic decision-making this week. Ask yourself who or what controls everything on Monday and the answer will be different by Sunday. This cycle is about your website, social media, books, teaching roles, formal or informal study and learning - and your view of Europe, America, Asia or more exotic places and people. What you decide by the end of the week will bring a new deal that is in place for some time, so make sure it’s a deal you can live with. Can you see the Full Moon this week? It’s really a signal (like a big, white button being pushed) that alters your expectations of the internet. This may be about multimedia, publishing or your knowledge base, too. This area of your life becomes a lot more predictable and certain from March 2019 and the button you push this week is part of that. This is very likely to be about a specific project, plan, course or technological medium for you, Aquarius.
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Pisces: 24-30 September 2018
You are slowly coming to the end of a seven-year experiment with your money, house, apartment, business, charity or possessions. During this time, you have distanced yourself from people or organisations which strike the wrong chord. You have also found yourself, frequently, being put on the outer by others. Because you were rejected so often (perhaps being turned down for a loan or a pay rise) you have been forced to do your own thing, find your own way and choose your own independent pathway. This has been more exciting than you anticipated and along with the uncertainty and instability, has come freedom. You can - and still are - doing what you want, when you want - and others have come out to support this kind of experimentation. Now, Pisces, you hit a Full Moon and also a Mercury-Ceres conjunction on Thursday, which challenge your plans. There is no fast or easy answer, but you have to compromise, as the time has come to strike a bargain or make a deal. Once it’s in writing, towards the end of the week, you are on track for March 2019, when a long era of instability and uncertainty ends. Perhaps you can already see this coming. Maybe you can’t, but from that point forward, life will be an education, rather than a constant experiment. You will learn what you can get away with, and what others can get away with. The endless revolutions will cease. That’s what is really behind this week’s milestone decisions.
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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
Hi Jessica,
I would like to ask how the Eighth House factors in my birh chart might affect me.
Not sure how but I got into this quite unusual property situation. I’m just wondering, was this Vesta in Scorpio impact?
I am currently living in a house share with my sister’s husband. And my sister lives in another country. Our property rental agreement due to end in a few months time. I should mention that 3 of us appear on this tenancy agreement.
I think I can relate to this week forecast: “this is really about the ties that bind, not only financially but also emotionally”.
Yes, this is classic Vesta in Scorpio in the Eighth House of your chart. Your sister’s husband is very likely manipulating his power and control in the situation. Join forces with your sister, try to get a sense of humour about it, Justina, and watch old Man About the House re-runs on YouTube. They knew how to make Vesta work. On no account be drawn into any kind of flirtation with him or worse unless you want the full poisonous force of Vesta.
Thank you Jessica, I will watch this on YouTube.
No, there is no any kind of flirtation going with him!
However, if I am interpreting this right, Vesta also appears in other situations. As example, when a man reveals that he is married or has another woman. But he is still trying to use his power through sex life. What part Vesta in Scorpio plays in this dance?
Born with Vesta in Scorpio in the Eighth House you are like the female scorpion dancing the famous Promenade a Deux – but with a group of other female scorpions and one male scorpion allegedly leading the dance. For more on Vesta do have a look at paintings depicting the Vestales, Justina.