Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 17-23 September 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 17-23 September 2018
Chiron in Aries takes over this week. He is a centaur and a hunter, armed with bow and arrow, but also a music teacher. He was found in 1977, when Elvis Costello released My Aim is True. Chiron is your lecturer or instructor, who aimed straight and true with his classes and lectures. This week you have something to learn. Chiron’s aim is true. The way Elvis Costello stands here even mimics the Chiron symbol in your chart, which looks like the letter K. Astrology can be very strange!
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 17-23 September 2018
It’s all about the other person this week, but that also means, it’s all about you, you, you. You have a lot of weather in your Seventh House of husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, separation, divorce and ex-partners. Potential partners too. Sometimes the partnerships are professional. If you are more interested in battling enemies, rivals or opponents, then strangely enough, this week will be about that feud or contest. At the end of the day it will matter less how things turned out with the other person, than it will about the impact on your image, title, profile, face, shape, style and self-promotion. Chiron is in Aries for the long haul and for a few brief weeks between February and March 2019 you are going to give it everything you’ve got. A relaunch, rebirth or renaissance that allows you to see what you can get away with, at the same time that it represents some kind of revolution, is coming at that time. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, though. All this ‘Me’ stuff is hinted at this week but not finalized. The other person involved in this one-on-one situation will hold up a mirror to yourself and the person you see reflected there will show you what’s right – or what you need to change – about how you are seen, particularly online.
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Taurus: 17-23 September 2018
Nobody really knows what is going on with you at the moment because you are either covering things up, playing the hermit, undergoing counselling, using the Tarot or just shutting your door on the world. You may also be alone because your body needs time out, or perhaps going through a phase in your life when your inner world – dreams, self-help and so on – matters more. If you have a job where confidentiality and classified information are the cornerstones of what you do, you will be preoccupied this week. We have a lot of Aries weather and as this sign is one behind yours, it tends to put you behind the scenes. This is also where you can be virtually invisible when others are the name and face in front of a project. Taurus, you need more time and space now to deal with what is going on. Nothing is out in the open but everything is inside your head and that can be quite a stretch when you also have other people and all the noise and distraction of a busy life. So, if you feel the urge to go for more walks by yourself, get extra sleep or meditation time, you may as well succumb. There are issues anyway now about your mind, body and spirit and how the whole machinery does or does not serve you. People with intriguing insights on conditions which personally affect you are around this week too. You can’t do the job if your body isn’t up to the job, or your mind. Correct?
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Gemini: 17-23 September 2018
The Aries-Libra weather this week is about both friends and the world of children. Groups, involving circles of friends and social acquaintances – and younger people. Overwhelmingly, the most important issue long-term is the art of friendship and people power within a network. Chiron here suggests you are being challenged to see what the new ‘normal’ actually is. There is really nothing conventional here, and perhaps you are open to lessons about what it is possible to pull off, these days. People who are more skeptical or traditional may find it all too confronting, but the truth is, you never know where the goalposts can be moved to, until you move them. Still, the friendship itself, or the circle, suggests a fair bit of hard work ahead, as the situation is polarizing and either you are in two minds about it this week, or you may be dealing with polar opposites. The real clincher will be February-March 2019 when both Chiron and Uranus are in this area of your chart, suggesting a revolution. What about younger people? Pregnancy, babies, teenagers and the relationships that usher them in, are all ruled by Libra in your chart. This week we are seeing Mercury and the Sun joined by Bacchus and Fortuna, so it’s time to talk. And talk. And talk. There is no more useful time this year to stand well back from what is going on for you as a parent, or prospective parent and let the thoughts form. This also applies to any projects involving younger faces, or perhaps a godchild.
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Cancer: 17-23 September 2018
It’s that time of year again when home improvements, repairs, renovations – or even bigger decisions about your house or apartment – are pending. Questions about the household, your family, the council or perhaps your homeland are also more likely now, and from November these are likely to become karmic in nature, as familiar themes repeat in your life, with the North Node in Cancer, your own sign, en route to line up with your birthday Sun position. The discussions or paperwork this week will help to sharpen your mind wonderfully as the details go under the spotlight and you see both pros and cons lined up, ahead of a likely crossroads by October. A typical example of this would be deciding to move out of a shared house, or making a commitment to your country based on your nationality or feelings of patriotism. An even more important question is how to play your career, your unpaid work or your university degree. This is long-term stuff, as it is clear that in February and March 2019 radical changes are in store that will reshape the nature of your life in the workforce or as a student. The more time passes, the further you get away from your position or ambition as it stood before 2011, and perhaps it’s all quite unrecognizable now. This week will remind you of just how far you have come, in terms of an ongoing experiment. You have found your own path, become far more independent and to some extent invented and innovated, even in a field or position where you might have assumed everything was set in stone years ago. Now, Cancer, this week asks you to look at what is possible these days. It may be more than you think.
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Leo: 17-23 September 2018
Your projects and plans may revolve around the internet, multimedia or face-to-face communication, but although there is a lot to love, there is also a random quality to what is spinning around. You do need to talk, quite seriously, though – or put things in writing. This is particularly true on the weekend when your ruler the Sun changes signs, falling in step with Mercury the messenger. The bigger issue, and one which will be with you next year, is the furthest corners of the worldwide web. Regional or cultural differences, nationalities which seem foreign to you, the business of travel or even relocation are on your agenda now. Chiron’s oppositions to Mercury on Saturday and the Sun on Sunday suggest issues with language or other types of communication disconnect. You may want to listen and read more carefully than usual, and also make allowances for others not fully getting the message. This can happen with websites, blogs, courses, workshops, seminars and book publishing, all of which Chiron is currently triggering. Yet, keep your eyes on the long-term picture, as you are being invited to see what you can get away with, by this time next year. A person or organization best described as a maverick teacher is close by. You are being shown or told something which is a departure from the usual formula, but as Uranus, the planet of revolution, is also alongside Chiron late February to early March 2019 this feels like the start of something quite radical. In fact, no matter if you are travelling then, or just travelling in the mind, nothing less than a grand experiment will do and the results – by March – will be wildly liberating if you are open to what comes.
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Virgo: 17-23 September 2018
It's all about the money, the house, the business, apartment, charity, valuables or shares. You have both your Second House of personal values and cash flow, and your Eighth House of complex finance, crossed by Fortuna, Bacchus, Mercury, the Sun, Chiron, Hygiea, Salacia and Diana this week. That’s a traffic jam. When nothing gets through as quickly and easily as it normally should, you are given pause for thought. Time to contemplate and meditate. There will obviously be a key piece of news, a meeting or some paperwork in the next few days, yet the bigger picture is far more important. In fact, between February and March 2019 it seems likely that the last stage of a revolution that began in 2011 will come to pass. The minor planet, or dwarf planet, Chiron will be in Aries alongside Uranus in that period, and that spells a quite radical rewrite of the old rules of the game. I’m really not a size queen about astrology. The fact that Chiron is about 200 km across (124 miles) is neither here nor there. Astrology is divination and this is just another useful symbol, as you cast around for the future. You might even say the future is seeded this week, in terms of what goes down in February-March next year, because despite a pretty complex situation, something life-changing will come out of this later on. Chiron and Uranus orbit near each other in astronomy. In astrology, they are only distantly related, but they are both about bending or breaking the usual norms and regulations. You find yourself doing something you thought you would never do. An accountant, for example, or the bank, stuns you by stretching things as far as they can possibly go. That’s quite a good image to hold in your mind this week. Chiron stretching his bow back beyond its usual limits. As long as it’s legal, Virgo.
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Libra: 17-23 September 2018
The centaur Chiron is a symbol of audacity that has more conservative people spluttering their tea, because by rights, he had no right to exist. Even in Roman mythology he was a big ask, being a centaur and half man, half horse. He was also a teacher. He taught the lyre, the Roman equivalent of the electric guitar. Chiron is now teaching you what is possible in your relationship with your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps with your enemy, rival or opponent. He is here for some time. In fact, February-March 2019 will be unforgettable as he also teams up with Uranus, a symbol of revolution, freedom and independence. Consequently, this week has its part to play. Whatever others might think is audacious, outrageous, beyond the pale, unthinkable or just out of bounds, is on offer. If you pull this off, and you probably will, despite this week’s challenges and hurdles – you will show yourself and other people that the rules have now changed. Centaurs can teach music and practice herbal medicine on the side (Chiron did). The situation with one particular man (or woman) can and will challenge just about everything you and others thought was acceptable or even likely, if you take this all the way. The asteroid Diana is alongside Chiron. She is a symbol of feminism, independence and child-free living as she begged her father Jupiter to release her from motherhood and marriage and he granted her that favour. Like the bold centaur, she is also running through your opposite sign of Aries, which describes love, sex marriage, partnership, divorce and separation. And – this applies to professional partnerships too. So, there’s a clue for you all.
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Scorpio: 17-23 September 2018
Chiron now takes charge of your lifestyle, workload, duty, service, body and day-to-day existence. Chiron was a centaur. Half man, half horse. Chiron the object was half asteroid, half comet when first discovered. Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus. Half stuck, half revolutionary. There is a lot of this ‘half and half’ feeling about what you do with your days at the moment, no matter if you are being paid, or not, for the work that you do. University life is also part of this cycle, if it applies to you. Chiron challenges your ideas about what is normal or acceptable. Almost anything can become part of the wallpaper if you look at it for long enough, and yet this is far too early in the piece for you to say. You will still only be at the very first step of this cycle by Christmas 2019. At the moment, what is going on in terms of your body and/or your daily routine, probably feels quite confronting and challenging. We associate this cycle with all that is shockingly outré and also, to use an old hippy phrase, ‘out there’ as well. The cycle suits people who are open-minded and ready to learn, rather than shut down. Chiron is a teacher. He is sometimes mistakenly identified as a wounded healer in astrology, but his most famous role was as personal instructor to Achilles. You are now being asked to sit down at a new desk in a different classroom and be guided by the strangest kind of person, situation or organisation. It is very unlikely to be easy because Chiron is opposed by the Sun and Mercury, this week. That’s perfectly fine. You’ll get through the course. You’ll find that things are ‘neither one nor the other’ for a while, just like Chiron himself, but despite this disconnect, what you are actually being shown is that work, however you define it – and your wellbeing, however you define it – now has to be seen very differently and the more open you are to the so-called impossible or unthinkable, the better off you will be long-term.
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Sagittarius: 17-23 September 2018
You will have friendships and teamwork (or at least, the hive mind) to take care of this week, as you experience Fortuna, Bacchus, Mercury and the Sun in your Eleventh House of people power. This can be as simple as Twitter or as complicated as a political party or board of directors. There is a random, spinning quality to what is taking place, but even though nothing is fixed, firm or final while Fortuna holds sway, it is probably high time you had a Q&A session with one of your friends. It is also time to see this club, team, band, party, society, association and so on, in the clear light of day. None of this will necessarily be quick and easy because there are opposing factors to deal with or inner conflicts. Yet, by October, you will have reached a decision. None of this is half as important as the ongoing issues about your son or daughter; godchildren; nieces or nephews; adoption; pregnancy; teenagers and children as a demographic. For some time to come, you will be dealing with the revolution, then the aftermath of the revolution. This is the long Uranus in Aries cycle you have been reading about on this website, but there is also something new – Chiron. This combination can confront other people as much as it confronts you, because people have fixed ideas about parenthood, or young people and youth as a whole. You are now being asked to keep an open mind, though, and rather like wedging open doors and windows to let fresh air circulate, to try and understand that for many months ahead, everything and everybody will be a fresh replacement. Will it be better? Put it this way. There will be more room to move, both for you and he or you and she, or you and them.
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Capricorn: 17-23 September 2018
You are now entering the most important cycle of the year for your career, unpaid work, university degree or highest ambitions for success and status. Bacchus, Fortuna, Mercury and the Sun are climbing over the very top of your horoscope, which is where you try to make it to the top of your field, business, industry or profession. It is also where you aim for top people or places. This is not going to change your life over the long-term Capricorn. The cycle isn’t like that. Yet, while it is here, September through October, you need to take on board everything you are being shown or told about how far you have come, how likely you are to hang on, your chances of going higher and so on. This is as natural as breathing to you because you are the sign of the zodiac who, like the mountain goat, moves patiently from ledge to ledge. The expression ‘climbing the ladder’ is about your sign as is the idea of social mountaineering. At the same time, what is really important for the long-term is your house, family, home town, homeland, apartment or household. You already know this, even without looking at your horoscope. Chiron, Salacia, Hygiea and Diana are all in this area of your chart and the first one is here until 2027. You are discovering what you can get away with – and what other people can get away with. The most audacious, jaw-dropping, outrageous things are always much more likely on this particular cycle. In fact, particular people, organisations or situations will be your teachers. What they teach you, especially this week, but for many years to come, is that the unthinkable is often the very thing that comes to pass. Music is a really good way to express what Chiron does, as in fact he taught Achilles the lyre. So, you are being instructed in a fairly punk rock/new wave way to live your life, in terms of your four walls, a relative, a flatmate, your part of the world and so on. This is the Modern World, as The Jam said in 1977, when Chiron was discovered.
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Aquarius: 17-23 September 2018
The focus this week is on multimedia, the worldwide web, education and academia, travel and foreign people and places, regional differences, publishing and your beliefs. They cross over each other seven times in seven days. You have a lot to figure out, as nothing is likely to be simple. At the same time, you are being ‘called’ by Chiron in Aries, part of a very long cycle which has been changing the way you use your voice, across all mediums or media. It may be public speaking. Learning a language. Writing a blog. Using social media. Working the phones. Teaching. Acting. You get the picture! This cycle began with Uranus in Aries back in 2010 and Chiron is slowly but surely replacing this planet in your astrological chart. This may explain why life has been one long revolution for the last seven or eight years. This is partly down to the technology, which has changed at a rapid pace. Skype, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp and the rest have transformed what is possible on your phone. Your phone itself has become a computer. Yet, Aquarius, putting the technology aside for the moment, the real message this week is about being heard and read. Looking forward to the year 2027 when this very new cycle ends, you are being pulled into a far-off future when communicating with others comes down to what it is possible to get away with. Life is a blank piece of paper. In the year that Chiron was found in 1977 (and he is a centaur, half man, half horse with a bow and arrow) Elvis Costello released an album called My Aim is True. Chiron has true aim. His purpose is to lecture you, in a kind of punk-rock way, about where the known limits are in 2018-2027. When it comes to using your voice, all the limits just changed.
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Pisces: 17-23 September 2018
Aries-Libra is money and business. Charity and property. Valuables and values. You are now in the rather interesting position of being in your first day of a new school of life, in a new term which puts you through an education not over with until 2027. I am sure that since Chiron changed signs on April 17th, 2018 you have been approached by a person or organisation, or pushed into a situation, which challenges you. You probably accepted the challenge because it was something new and different – perhaps rather exciting – just as your first lesson in electric guitar can be thrilling. Chiron goes back and forth for a while but essentially from February 18th, 2018 until April 14th, 2027, this famous astrology symbol is here to confound all your most conservative expectations about what is likely, possible or realistic. This week you will be tussling with that, because we have seven oppositions involving Chiron, so you may be at odds with yourself or others, as nothing really comes together easily or smoothly. Yet, this is part of your education! Chiron was a music teacher in the Roman mythology which informs our modern astrology. So, if you think of someone back in 1977 when he was discovered, learning that you didn’t have to be pretty to be a rock star – or that you didn’t even have to play your instrument – yet also going into the Top Ten with it all – you’ll get an idea of what Chiron is all about. Forget what is supposed to happen with the bank, the shares, the currency, the income, the credit card, the business interests and all the rest. Chiron tells you ‘This is what CAN happen’ and the sooner you adjust to that the more sense life will make.
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