Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for September 2018. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: September 2018
The unusual and extreme weather now is in Leo (ending), Aries (restarting), Aquarius (restarting) and Virgo (new!) and if we put all that together, it’s really about your relaunch by 2019. It obviously involves your working life, university degree or unpaid work and for that particular fresh start you are looking to the New Moon on Sunday 9th September. The paperwork or discussions will start just before, on Thursday 6th September but essentially, all eyes on that second week. Your project, job or role by this time next year is so much more than just a label you stick on yourself. You are the label. Thus, it is intensely personal and questions about your body, shape, energy levels are now pertinent, which is also what that New Moon is about on 9th September. You can’t really launch or relaunch, even as a NASA astronaut, without shaping up. This is essentially about a different way of working and living and yet the really big life gardening now is being done on you, you, you. Your name or title. Your self-promotion. How you are seen. Give yourself plenty of time and space with this one because it’s going to take a while. We have Uranus reversing in and out of Aries, your own sign, and Chiron doing the same thing. Even if you draw conclusions about how you are going to be viewed by the world from this point on, have Plan B, C and D because it’s surely going to change. The Aquarius weather is about your group and the friends within that group. This community or circle has been a moveable feast for a very long time as nothing has been resolved. Be very mindful of everything you say and do regarding these people this month. Why? It has karmic implications 19 years from now. Even sooner than that, Christmas 2020 will bring particular words or actions back to you, good or not so good. Be sharply aware that the finest acorns you plant now with this very important bunch of people will produce little oaks at Christmas 2020 and mighty oaks from 2023 – this is your long-term future, not just September 2018. Of course, the potential for a feud is there, but despite your reputation as a fighter, why go there? Finally, Aries, if you have been wondering, waiting, wondering, waiting where children are concerned, from September 2nd that’s over. Mercury Retrograde Shadow in Leo ends. This applies to projects involving the young, or plans which focus on young adults. School rescheduling or uncertainty would be a typical example. This cycle also applies to lovers who could make you a parent, so again, an inconclusive relationship could now prove itself either way, very close to that 2nd September deadline.
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Taurus: September 2018
Rather like a mobile iceberg, most of you has been below the surface recently, for the most extreme reasons. We have had extreme Aries weather in your horoscope across the Twelfth House, which rules everything you conceal and do undercover. This may be for professional reasons, or more personal causes. In any case, if you think you can live life above the surface again, think twice. Taurus, you are once again going to have to operate far, far below the surface in September and that is going to take a lot of time and energy. Give yourself more rest if you need it, or more sleep if you can afford it. You may in fact have to get used to living your life rather secretively from this point on as this cycle goes away from a time then returns in early 2019, as both Uranus and Chiron go back and forth in Aries for a while, and this is the sign in charge of your Twelfth House of mysteries, enigmas and – your very soul! Along with this Aries weather which is so undecided, we have also been going through Mercury Retrograde, and the shadow only ends on Sunday 2nd September. Your plans for your house, family, apartment, home town and/or homeland have been most affected and I am sure you are now absolutely in the frame as you read this. What appeared to be, all those months ago, was not. You were being blindsided by eclipses which conceal the full picture from you, in this same zone of your chart, so September is really about catching up and keeping up. Yet, from 2nd September – for the most part – this endless cycle of not knowing/not seeing/not being able to finalise is over. The New Moon in Virgo on Sunday 9th September may have some bearing on this if you have children or young adults in the family, as it is a new beginning involving your son, daughter, a pregnancy, nieces, nephews, godchildren or grandchildren. It’s a clear fresh start with a great deal of talk or paperwork from that point forwards. Mars back in Aquarius in your zone of career, calling, vocation, education or unpaid work also needs watching (it’s that kind of month, Taurus, action-packed). Again, this is a retrograde, so if you are a regular astrology-watcher you will have wised up to the likelihood of a reversal, rethink, retraction, reschedule and all the other ‘re’ words quite some time ago. Essentially, what you assumed, was not. What you may have thought, was…not. You are now being forced to rejig your view of 2019 and beyond as a result of this backflip Mars and that requires a great deal of thought because this is not just about September 2018 or even likely outcomes next year. It’s about your long-term future, way past 2023 – strange but true – and so every move you make, your horoscope will be watching you. Measure your steps, words, deeds and actions so carefully with this in September. What you plant does not go away. Why? Because long after Mars in Aquarius has vanished, the South Node in Aquarius will pick up the pace. And even when the South Node has gone, from Christmas 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be in this same chart zone. And even after THAT is over Pluto moves in for many, many years from 2023. Astrology is about using the present to reshape the future and that is why Mars with all his reputation for friction or conflict needs white-glove management in your zone of success, ambition, position and mission from 11th September and there’s a square to Uranus on the 18th, so please don’t make that the day you bust a move. The move may bust you – not now but in the years to come. September ends with a reminder that Uranus, the planet of excitement, freedom, space and ‘new!’ and ‘different!’ is well and truly in your own sign. Isn’t it amazing that life happens to you when you are making other plans? Well, when it comes to your title, reputation, profile, personal appearance, the trappings and accessories (suits, cars) and the rest – the most unlikely and unusual events in years are coming to pass. The best advice with Uranus in Taurus, if you are a Taurus, is to surf the waves of change and leave the old surfboard with your name and face on it at the door.
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Gemini: September 2018
You now know a great deal more about friendship and about the way groups work – the hive mind – than you did before. That is a polite way of saying, you are in quite extraordinarily intense weather, thanks to the Aries patterns in your chart. These all fall in your Eleventh House, which is where find bands, political parties, cricket teams, Twitter, the Red Cross and all manner of groups. Naturally you have friends, or frenemies or even friends-in-waiting or ex-friends populating the ranks. I am sure you are now dealing with the last thing you imagined. That’s okay. You sense this will be a spur to action and that’s also very fitting, for the particular cycles you have. Essentially, you need to make 2019 your own version of ‘The Year That Punk Broke’ and reinterpret your social life, friendships and particularly this group with a loud voice and an original verse. I really don’t think that with Chiron and Uranus revving back and forth, you’re going to accept what you had, or what was there before, or even what other people think is acceptable. The words ‘normal’ and ‘regular’ need not apply. Try to treat this as a process in motion not a plan with an end result, Gemini, because there is really no plan. Not until March 2019 anyway. One thing you will be pleased to see concluded, either way, is Mercury (your ruler) going out of retrograde. This final shadow ends on September 2nd and with it goes the most ridiculous period in some time, in terms of your worldwide web, multimedia, computer, telephone, microphone or other communication concerns. There were days when things changed by the hour. Well, accept relative normality soon. If you are looking for the really substantial trends, think of your life as an epic television series that goes on for years, and consider the title of that series to concern a foreign country, region or nationality. In September there will be a re-run of one episode but the plot will change and some of the characters too. Everything you do and say regarding this foreigner or foreign part of your country, or the world, will have its answer at Christmas 2020 and then in a life-changing way from 2023. I said it was an epic series. Thus, you have to go beyond the actual month-urgency of Mars backing into your Ninth House and actually look at the longer-term implications. The actual foreign or regional differences may be there thanks to a part of the worldwide web, academia, publishing or education, either specifically or as a by-product but you’ll really feel that Mars reversal near 11th September. With all this weird back-and-forth activity in your chart, which means a ton of rescheduling and rethinking based on earlier plans in 2019, you will welcome a fresh start. You genuinely have one with your house, tenant, landlord, landlady, apartment, family, household, home town and/or homeland on the New Moon in Virgo. That comes Sunday 9th September. Avoid the major part of the new deal across Thursday 13th, Friday 14th, Saturday 15th unless you actually like confusion, because Neptune opposes Mercury your ruler that day, in your home zone, and that’s enough to blur any picture. Keep with the idea of a new start but skip the period around that weekend if you possibly can. If you can’t, get a second opinion from a trusted outsider.
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Cancer: September 2018
Thanks to the brand new Chiron in Aries cycle you recently pushed the boat out in your career, unpaid work or course. Doing what ‘they’ say is impossible, or audacious or just far too punk for words, is part of this. It doesn’t stop in September, which is a month of even more experimentation, adventure and exploration in your chosen field. We also have Salacia in the same chart zone and she is a symbol of alternatives, as well. In fact, she is about inhabiting other worlds and different realms – at work, at home (if your work is at home) or at university – and yet none of these worlds is particularly real. Considering that we are talking about your profession, here, or your degree – or your other leading role – that is a lot of ‘unreal’ to deal with. Yet, you won’t be bored. Is that the understatement of the month? Maybe the entire year. What is really unusual is the comeback, resurrection or miraculous rebound that takes place in September for you. This may be the return of a professional option you thought was almost dead, or another ‘Ghost Who Walks’ situation which involves a particular project, subject, person or organization. Along with Chiron and Salacia in your Tenth House of success, ambition and achievement you also have Aesculapia. Whatever you decide you ‘think you know’ about success, or your direction in life, try to keep an open mind, because we are going to see this extremely unusual Aries weather go back and forth in your chart until the first quarter of 2019. So, you may consider a situation with your job or chosen field (or role at home) over, only to find it isn’t, later on. If ever there was a time to strap on your ice skates and keep moving, this is it. You have also been in the ‘stranger than strange’ zone with your money, business, charity, property or possessions, Cancer. Mercury Retrograde in Leo ends with the final shadow on 2nd September and at least you will know where you stand. You have seen the most ridiculous circular situation in recent weeks, looping the loop at every stage, but it’s over in slow stages, as you also need to ‘loop the loop’ with Mars back in Aquarius in your zone of houses, apartments, companies, taxation, insurance, legacies and the rest, from Tuesday 11th September. Why has this all been such a big deal since 2017? The cycles of time, Cancer, the cycles of time (!) but we are all caught in those and yours happen to be about your values. This more than anything else is what the long delays and reversals of position have been about. You needed to be bought time to find out what or who you put the highest price on. This is a time to put price tags on who or what you personally think is priceless. Cancer, this is a packed month and there is more to say. You are ruled by the Moon and the New Moon in Virgo and Mercury there too, from September 6th, brings you a new computer, phone, project, website, blog or multimedia direction. This is interesting, but not as important as the really long-range cycle involving your group and your friends. To call this a revolutionary time in your life with these faces is the understatement of the year, as if you step back from the situation you will see that you are being invited to break the habits of the last 1, 2, 3 decades or more (depending on your age). It is very hard sometimes to break free of an old mindset about your social life, friendships or group commitments - particularly when it has been that way for so many years, but try to keep a very open mind. This is really just one month in a massive number of shifts, over many years, involving friendships, social media and particularly clubs, bands, cults, political parties, support groups, charities, teams, associations, societies, unions and the rest (whatever affects you most) as the Mars-Uranus clash on Tuesday 18th. September is decisive. Again, because we have strange, stuck weather here it may not be until after March 2019 that you really get into your stride with the new order regarding these people, and it will be a new order like no order you have ever seen. One very good result, though – freedom! You’ll be liberated. What you experience in September is just one big leap on the highway to Independence Day and that’s in no doubt at all next year.
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Leo: September 2018
Discussions, e-mails or paperwork regarding you, you, you have gone back and forth for far too long, Leo. You have been putting up with Mercury Retrograde in your own sign, as well as a chain of eclipses. Matters regarding your name, role, title, face, profile, reputation, image and online identity have left you in the dark. As you go into September it has also been impossible to draw something to a clear conclusion, but you will be pleased to hear that from 2nd September you will at last know where you stand. The eclipses in Leo have resulted in others concealing their plans regarding you (and it’s personal) or you may have been quite unaware of what you were actually doing – a strange situation – regarding ‘Me’ throughout this period. In any case, when we see Mercury on 3rd September swiftly making a lot of useful patterns, that’s the time to talk, put things in writing once and for all or go to print. The biggest story of all, if we’re talking the long-term picture of your life, is about your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps, too, your opponent, enemy or rival. It is not uncommon to experience Aquarius transits triggering both faces at the same time. Very close to Tuesday 11th September, Mars reverses into this zone of your horoscope so you will see a replay, rewind and ‘re’ everything regarding this. Why does it matter long term? Because, Leo, either the person or the outcome of your decisions, regarding that person, goes on for years. It is back with you at Christmas 2020 and then it’s going to change your life from 2023, for many years into the future. Thus, watch yourself and all you do and say in September. Mars is a symbol of heat, tension, action and reaction in your horoscope. As he re-enters Aquarius, your opposite sign, there are so many issues to replay about how you handle the person on the other end of the scales. This may be a professional partnership. It may be your husband or girlfriend. It may be your arch-enemy; Moriarty to your Sherlock. As Mars is about impulse, not thought, you would be well-advised to slow down, cool down, be highly strategic and deeply thoughtful about this, thinking about the long game not the September result. This applies in love or war. This is also karmic. It goes back years and it also goes back into past lives. Either the person or the actual issue is repeating, too. What is the useful thing about all the ‘re’ weather? It gives you time to think. To meditate on things. To step back, stand back and coolly review what is sensible given that you are going to be dealing with the implications for some years to come. You have rewards, credits and gifts from years ago and other lifetimes to trade in and collect by November. There are also challenges you need closure on. So, really look at what you’re up to in September because this is way more than it might first appear. There are two more things. A genuine fresh start with your money, house, business, charity, apartment or possessions very close to 9th September. And, a dramatic rethink of where you thought you were headed with your website, blog, worldwide web use, trip, relocation, foreign involvement, book, course, workshop or degree plans. This is a work in progress – a work in motion. It’s an adventure which challenges you to bend or break the rules. It is also a revolution which has gone back and forth for quite a long time. Don’t assume September is it. It’s really not. It will not be until Uranus finally, finally, leaves Aries in March 2019 that you can say ‘done’. At least for the most part! And just about everything that happens in September is encouraging you (urging you) to see what you can get away with and surf a massive wave of quite radical change. The idea is that you sign off in March 2019 with a ‘State of Independence’ (to quote the song) which lasts for the rest of your life. It really will do.
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Virgo: September 2018
Having put up with others concealing their plans and – ultimately your own uncertainty – you can now target 2nd September as the final turning point with matters that were classified, secret, below the surface or otherwise hidden. You have been sent back and forth by one person or organization, and also the universe (let’s be honest) but now you know what has gone down, and what you have to deal with, you can actually decide about this. Virgo, the bigger picture is really about your workload, lifestyle and body. You will replay a situation which never did get resolved the first time around, when Mars retrogrades on Tuesday 11th September. This might just seem like one month in the year, but it is really about you setting up the future, either with this specific workload or body issue, or a further one which comes as a result of choices made now. How far into the future? Try Christmas 2020, all of 2021, and then in a life-changing way, the years after 2023. That is how often we see these Aquarius cycles following each other. Thus, you need to be hyper-attentive to the actions you take in September and the reactions you allow yourself to act on. Does that make sense? Mars is really about attack and defense, and there is something about this situation – partly because it has been going on for so long – that makes you far more likely to respond in the heat of the moment with, say, a work issue or a matter involving your health. Impulse is never a good idea on an Aquarius cycle like this which rolls on for years, with stops and starts, because it can be so hard to undo the effects of what was done in September 2018 by the time you get to 2021 and the whole thing has progressed. Cast not the first stone nor cast one back, basically, because the pebbles keep being chucked around one way or another for at least five years into the future, with long pauses. There is also karma here, Virgo! Did I mention that? You have the South Node in the same zone of your chart so this goes way, way back into this lifetime but also others. All the more reason to be sharply aware of all you do and say in relation to Sixth House matters, which concern – bosses, staff, colleagues, clients, lecturers, classmates, the household (if you are a housewife or househusband or career) – then on the other side of things we have – doctors, surgeons, healers, fitness instructors, drugs (prescribed or illegal), drink, dentists, opticians and anyone who attends to your health. Normally a Mars in Aquarius cycle would be no big deal but I have my eye on this one, because first of all it’s stuck, and secondly, it’s amazing how one pebble in September can create ripples reaching you from 2023. What else is going on now? Aries weather, and how. By March 2019, you will find the revolution with your money, house, business, charity, possessions or apartment is over. Until then, the revolution restarts, stops and restarts. Part of the radical change involves you seeing what you are allowed to get away with. I mention this because your horoscope suggests you need an extremely flexible situation which allows you to chop and change, as the situation chops and changes around you. Finally, if you’re after a makeover, the New Moon in Virgo near Sunday 9th September is ideal. Mercury is also in Virgo then so you’ll have the research. If you are after a relaunch of your name, title and reputation rather than your face or shape, then this is also the right time to think Virgo.
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Libra: September 2018
Just when you thought you knew where things stood with your main circle or community – and particular friends within that group – you have been forced to rethink everything. August was really the month of reckoning as eclipses caught up with you, but also Mercury Retrograde. You will be pleased to hear you can at last draw a line under particular decisions and leave them there on 2nd September as the Mercury Retrograde Shadow period draws to a close. Libra, you also need to think about what is possible these days with your former, current or potential partner. The same is true for your opponents, rivals or enemies. It will take a lot of chopping and changing to get there, but by 2019 you should be pursuing a new direction here which gives you a great deal more freedom, space, independence and (dare we say it) excitement in your life. If you think back to your life over many years with this person, or just with the business of dating or professional partnership, you’ll see what’s gone down. It’s been nothing short of a slow revolution and you may now be so accustomed to it that you can barely begin to see just how radical it’s all been. Think back to 2010 and you’ll see the massive shifting of the ground beneath your feet, or perhaps beneath both your feet. I mention this because September is no time to call anything final, or even remotely near the end. This experiment goes through stages, you see and one big shift promotes another. Chiron and Uranus are both reversing in and out of Aries, your opposite sign, so where your opposite number is concerned, or just your opposition, you would be better off treating September as just another month in a long, ongoing adventure where there are no guarantees, no rules, no restrictions and no regulations. Every single shock in the story (and there have been a few of them) over the last 7 years or so, has shown you that once you gather yourself together and accept the challenge of ‘the new’ – you gain. You gain in room to move, more oxygen and a very precious thing called liberty which only the adventurers ever get to enjoy. That feeling that you could go anywhere, be anyone and do anything is something of a luxury on this tightly restrictive planet at the moment, yet if you are prepared to reinterpret what commitment should be, between two people, or even the commitment to a fight – you will enjoy an Unchained Melody, even if the song keeps going back to the beginning. The story involving your own or other people’s children or young adults is also being replayed. Mars retrogrades in Aquarius now. Be sharply aware of all you do and say about your son, daughter, stepchild, godchild, niece, nephew, grandchild and the rest. Large scale youth concerns and IVF both fall under the sign of Aquarius in your chart. The reason you need to be right across your words and actions now is the future. The long-term future is calling you from 2023. From Christmas 2020, even. What happens now puts you on a path. Make sure it is a path you want to be on, in about two years from now, and then for an awfully long time, from 2023 as well. The simplest example I can give you is the adoption of a toddler or the start of a project involving teenage girls. What else is going on apart from this Leo, Aries, Aquarius weather? Well, you know, Uranus in Taurus. So, if September mostly matters to you because of the money, the house, the business, the apartment, the possessions or the charity – you may want to steer clear of the Uranus-Mars square on Tuesday 18th September (give it a day either side). There are easier times to deal with uncertainty and that is a polite word for what is now going on in your material world. The smart money is on embracing the revolution and going with it, even if there is no handbook, but there are times to act, and times to give yourself and others more time and space, and 17th, 18th, 19th September is one of those times. What else goes down now? It’s not really life-changing, Libra, but – expect a fresh start for the secret, hidden or more mysterious part of your life with the New Moon in Virgo on Sunday 9th September.
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Scorpio: September 2018
I am sure you are still recovering from August, never mind getting ready for September. That’s what a chain of eclipses, and Mercury Retrograde in Leo, can do in your zone of career, university life and unpaid work. On Sunday 2nd September Mercury leaves Retrograde Shadow and you can call this episode over. As with all eclipses, there were cover-ups and blind spots along the way. Others concealed what their plans were, or you now realize you were being quite blind to particular realities and truths. No matter. Mercury is on his way and life should begin to feel manageable. ‘You can see clearly’ now the rain has gone, to quote the song. The question now is really about your lifestyle, day-to-day working life and your sense of duty and responsibility to others. You live to serve, even if you don’t wish to. We have a ton of Aries weather involving factors like Chiron in your chart and so there is a sense that you are prepared to experiment, innovate, invent and see what you can get away with. This goes beyond your actual work or study, your housework or the gardening, your volunteer work or your chores – into how you eat, sleep, exercise, take prescribed or illegal drugs, drink, relax and the rest. It’s about your body as well as your mind. And here’s the thing, Scorpio. None of this is final! That might not be what you want to hear, as a fixed sign, but Chiron and Uranus will both back in and out of this zone of your chart like a mad, reversing truck so don’t try and put anything to bed in September. By the first quarter of 2019 you may find you have to change all over again, so living for the day is not a bad idea right now. You also need to attend to the group and your friends there. Mercury changes signs to Virgo on September 6th and three days later we have a New Moon too. Lots of talk, lots of e-mails, plenty of plans and a fresh start! I hope you are now good and ready to roll up your sleeves and sort out your house, apartment, family, home town or homeland plans as well. Mars Retrograde in Aquarius has fooled a lot of people as non-astrologers born under your sign were not assuming things would swing back and forth like this, but fortunately you have been well prepared and so you always had Plan B and C throughout. Now, in September, you must get to grips with a situation which has swung back and forth. Try to gain completion here as the South Node of karma is also in this zone of your chart and whatever you do and say has to last for another 19 years, believe it or not. You have to leave this in the right place. So, do your utmost to get it right even if you do feel there are a lot of other demands on your time and energy, Scorpio. From Tuesday 11th September you will hit the usual reversals or delays with all home, home town, homeland or family matters but you may as well plough through the re-runs. It only remains to be seen what you will do about that other major cycle, Uranus in Taurus, which has already delivered a revolution where your former, current or potential partner is concerned. Or – with your enemy, rival or opponent. It is true to say this planet liberates. So, you have been set free from something or someone – without realizing how much it trapped you and kept you confined to a shoebox atmosphere. You were so limited by that and now it’s going, going gone. If you let it go. Which you should! Embrace the new freedom and independence, Scorpio, even though you are a fixed sign. The faster you can unfix what was glued tightly for so long with this person, the more exciting life will be.
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Sagittarius: September 2018
Uranus in Taurus is about a lifestyle change, if not a complete lifestyle turnaround, and between now and 2019, this takes in every aspect of the way you work, do the housework, attend to the garden, volunteer for others and attend to your basic daily routine. The latter is not going to be routine again for many years, Sagittarius. Part of that is actually about now, September itself, because all bets are off. For one reason or another you are being pushed into a long period of experimentation to see what works. This is a time of tremendous invention, originality and innovation when it comes to your paid work, but also your unpaid work – and naturally, your role at home, or university degree. The trick is knowing how to keep moving! This is particularly true at the Mars-Uranus square on Tuesday 18th September. This cycle is really about adapting and adjusting, as well as making your own big shifts, and yet astrology is here to help – so you may want to choose another time, well away from September 17th, 18th, 19th to switch direction. When I say workload, this automatically involves your approach to your fitness, food, drink, doctor, healer, surgeon, dentist, optician and the rest. September is an odd one. You have been thrust into a situation where you absolutely must accept quite astonishing changes, at the same time that you can’t just make a choice and expect it to stick. Why? Uranus reverses right out of Taurus and then back in, from March 2019! Sagittarius, if your plans to go with the revolution, or start one, also involved foreign people and places, regional differences, publishing, the worldwide web, education or academia – you have had your work cut out for you. Mercury has been Retrograde and then Retrograde Shadow throughout August, so you have been not in any position to (say) emigrate, launch your blog, finalise a thesis or similar. The good news? As I am sure you know, because you probably read this website regularly, Mercury is out of shadow from 2nd September. The month as a whole is full of patterns which suggest traffic lights to me. You will be rotating amber, red and green with various departments of your life to such an extent that the best advice is just to keep breathing and keep the radio on! The Mars in Aquarius retrograde is a good example of this. From Tuesday 11th September you simply must come back to the question of multimedia, the worldwide web, education and all forms of communication. This has long-term implications for you, because the Aquarius weather from Christmas 2020 is life-changing and from 2023 it begins to dominate your life. This may be about your use of computers, but also at the most fundamental level, your use of language, your voice, eyesight, written ability and so on. Pay attention to what/who is parked in front of you in September 2018. How you respond and react is really like casting a pebble into the waters. It will make ripples. Those ripples will reach Christmas 2020. Think long, long term about how you want to be heard and read, and what to do in September which will play a small but powerful part in that. So far, we have covered the Taurus, Leo and Aquarius weather. What about the Aries weather? Aries in your chart rules your son or daughter, stepchildren, young relatives, godchildren and also young people you are involved with professionally or voluntarily. Let’s just say, nothing is remotely final here. The experiment goes on. Surprises are part of it, shocks also part of it – and this is not just about August, September 2018 – it’s really been about the last few years! Little by little, you are being encouraged to cut loose, be free, take risks, explore, have some adventures with life and stop expecting what you used to get, before 2011. That is honestly the best way to handle this mad Aries weather in your chart. In fact, if you feel excited, you’ll know you’re doing it right. It may be coaching the girls’ cricket team at your daughter’s school or pursuing adoption - or mentoring a young assistant who is the biggest Harry Potter fan in the world – but this is where the experiment is ongoing and the laboratory is full of squeaks, bangs and…potential. What can you get away with these days? That’s the question?
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Capricorn: September 2018
You must be wondering when ongoing issues about your money, house, charity, apartment, possessions or business will be resolved. The answer comes, once and for all, near September 2nd when Mercury Retrograde Shadow comes to an end. Capricorn, you also have a lot of chopping and changing at the moment with your household, family, home town, homeland – and once again, very likely your house or apartment. This is down to what I am calling Mad Aries Weather because it has been years since you have had this lack of certainty in your life. In fact, it is all part of a cunning plan to get you to shift your position. You don’t particularly like dramatic changes and yet the habits of a lifetime are under serious question in September, following a classic ‘What?’ moment in August. Little by little, your horoscope suggests the ground is being loosened beneath your feet, so that you are moved ever more powerfully towards a state of independence and a great deal more freedom and genuine, day-to-day, excitement. Much as you would long to have a normal and predictable life with your home, family, household, town or country – it’s clear that the universe does not want you to go back to what you know. Instead you are being urged to see what you can do by yourself. In fact, DIY is pretty much the theme of September, but also the next few months as a whole. Make no mistake. This is about the very last stage of a slow revolution which began in 2011, and it will not be over until March 2019. What else is going on now? I mentioned the financial side of your life in the first sentence. That is really about your own possessions, investment or bank account. When it comes to second or third party matters, like a family inheritance, or a marital bank account, or a commission arrangement – you have a bit more delay and change to deal with. Mars is going back into this zone of your chart so life is not proceeding as usual. You will need to pick up on what you might have assumed had gone into a black hole or been held up indefinitely. Instead, you must deal. Take your time and use your Capricorn ability to peer long and hard at the future, here. All that you pay, or borrow, or claim (and the way it is done) has a long shelf life. In fact, this goes into Christmas 2020, the year 2021 and particularly the years after 2023 which will utterly transform your finances in every way, as well as your value system. I mention this because you may be signing your life away. Before you act, or react, think about the years ahead. This is extremely important if there is any chance that a difference of opinion or even downright aggression could be in the mix, because you tend to find on a cycle like this (the Node of karma is also in this zone of your chart) that what goes around comes around, even if it takes a couple of years. So much for the Leo, Aries and Aquarius weather! We also have something quite clean, clear, pure and welcome in your life. A brand new beginning near Sunday 9th September which confirms a holiday, business trip, relocation, foreign involvement, website, blog, book, workshop or course outcome.
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Aquarius: September 2018
Given the usual confusion which surrounds your tax, credit card, cash flow, house, possessions, apartment, business and the rest, you should be glad to see all this useful Virgo weather as September’s emails or post will help to clear up a great deal of the floating issues. Avoid Friday 14th, and allow a day either side – Neptune is opposed by Mercury then so it’s like trying to catch Niagara Falls in a bucket. Yet, Aquarius, for the rest of the month you are in an excellent space to save or make money, in a ruthlessly organized way. Use the New Moon on Sunday 9th September to pursue your biggest priorities, no matter if it is PayPal, Stripe, your bank account, eBay, a new budget or a new financial advisor. We have a strong Mercury (information, communication) cycle all month to help you and apart from that mid-month period you should be on a roll. What else is going on in September? One project, plan or course which takes up a lot of computer or microphone time, will be at the very heart of big questions about how free you are, how independent you are, how much room you have to move, and how much space you have to experiment. We have a huge number of factors passing through Aries, and if you have your Personal Birth chart from me and know for a fact you have Aries factors, the internet time will be about you, you, you – your profile, name, face, title, brand and so on. Whatever your chart might be, the importance of one particular brainwave or multimedia commitment cannot be overestimated as there is every sign it describes you breaking new ground, finding the excitement again, feeling the electricity in the air and essentially going into the final phase of the biggest communication revolution of your life, which began all those years ago in 2011. By March 2019 you will sign off from the revolution, but September 2018 is a milestone. Aquarius, we also have a very welcome piece of news as you begin September. Mercury Retrograde Shadow finally ends on the 2nd so you are now back in far more manageable territory with your former, current or potential partner. Enemies or opponents too! You have been given the absolute runaround, as they say in Australia, with this person – for weeks. It’s also really clear that you were being kept in the dark about something so important, because the eclipses in Leo were blindsiding you. Well, now you know (almost) all of what was being kept from you, or what was in plain sight but you did not see, or perhaps read. (Not reading the fine print is sometimes a classic eclipse outcome). Aquarius, now you can find out where you stand, sort things out, move forward and pretty much look forward to final closure with one rather karmic issue in November. The only thing that really remains to say about September is … Mars is back in Aquarius. Thus, we come to something that simply has refused to go away, regarding your name, title, identity, profile, face, shape, style, name and brand. Do not start something you cannot finish quickly and easily, or even restart it. Why? Sure, Mars will eventually move out of your sign, but at Christmas 2020 Jupiter and Saturn move in, then Pluto follows in 2023, so…be sharply aware that what you consider to be just a September 2018 event is a lot more. It’s a rock thrown in a pool and the ripples stretch far into the future. Be particularly mindful of anything which bears your name or face, because you absolutely have to see this long-term. Mars has long been a symbol for heat, conflict, aggression, attack and defense in astrology so I’ll throw that in as well. You can read more about Mars on this website!
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Pisces: September 2018
It is time to begin a new relationship if you are single, Pisces. I am asked more questions about love than any other subject and much as we’d like to see ‘lucky love stars’ (whatever that means) all the time, you rarely see transits in your Seventh House of partnership which actually make the wheels go round! September 2018 is different. Assuming you have no unfinished business with your previous partner, and we are not seeing Ex Appeal in your destiny, you are likely to be thrown every chance for a new sexual relationship near the 6th or 9th of the month. We have a New Moon and also the arrival of Mercury in this zone of your chart. Right at the end of September, the powerful asteroid Cupido enters, so the stage is set. If you are married or in a permanent relationship, this is the most important time of the year for you two to make plans together, no matter if it’s a new home, a baby, a trip or business. The whole of September is extremely encouraging, Pisces, and the only stumbling block is the Mercury-Neptune opposition on Friday 14th September when the other person could be so confused by your mixed signals, or muddled by a photograph of you online, or some other aspect of your image, which does not make sense. Of course, this is more likely with a new lover than an old husband or wife, yet there is a messy feeling to Thursday-Saturday then, that doesn’t really assist communication between the two of you. Sometimes it’s just a missing phone message or email. Pisces, if you are far more concerned with your enemy, opponent or rival than love, then September is the month you really need to drop everything and focus hard on that person and how to fix the issue. We have superb trends in your chart now, for productive discussion. Again, if you can steer clear of the period around the 14th (actually as an astrologer I would insist on that) you will find that the whole month helps roll things forward for you, and an intelligent outcome is possible. This may be the ex you no longer speak to or a professional adversary, but try to use that New Moon on September 9th to make a fresh start. The other issues this month? Your money, possessions, business, charity, house, apartment or company. Around Tuesday 25th September at the Full Moon things come to a head. It may be tempting to try and make a decision that covers you for 2019 as well, but the fact is, you are still living in unpredictable times. It will not be until March 2019 that you can finally approach things knowing where you stand – where they stand – where he or she stands – in any predictable way. September is loaded with factors in your Second House of values, which describes what you will happily ‘sell your soul’ for, but also who or what you consider to be so precious that there is no price at all. This really lies deeply underneath all the discussions about the dollars, pounds or euros – or your assets and debts. Do the best you can to keep juggling and remind yourself that freedom is priceless too. Being an independent person with all the room in the world to move, is worth it. Again, and again you’ve been shown this in the last six or seven years, and you’re about to discover it again. Pisces, the remaining comments are about workload, lifestyle and your body – you have been putting up with Mercury Retrograde Shadow in this zone of your chart for way too long and must be wondering if one issue will ever be resolved. This may be your doctor, for example, or your job. From September 2nd this situation ends. It was made more difficult for you because you were either completely blind to the facts, or someone was actually covering things up. Anyway – Mercury behaves himself from the 2nd. The other backwards-forwards situation in your life has been secret. Mars in Aquarius in your Twelfth House of secrecy, concealment, mystery and ‘the naked truth’ about yourself (which is normally unseen by anyone except a surgeon) is back. Pisces, it is very important that you take a deep breath and focus hard on the long-term repercussions of all you intend to do, regarding what you hide. This is a matter below the surface, hidden away in the depths. It may involve a psychic or psychologist, for example, if you want to pay someone to make some kind of professional commitment. In other cases, it’s just what nobody knows. Given that we have major cycles from Christmas 2020 and again from 2023 regarding this matter, or a related issue, be sharply aware that what you do in September 2018 does actually have an answering call in the future, so monitor what you’re putting out there.
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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
Hi Jessica I wrote to you a while back all this re stuff in your astrology comments for all signs is true. I would like to study either library roles or teachers aid my dob is 14/8/1965 at 6:30pm at Bondi nsw
Thanks maxine
Maxine, you are a Sun Leo so study makes sense for 2019 as Uranus (for a short time) and Chiron (for a longer time) are in your Ninth House of education. For more please hit Search and look up the Ninth House and Chiron in particular.
Hello Jessica,
Hope you are well. I’ve been peeking in for a while and finally decided to treat myself to a membership for my birthday and hopefully make a last inquiry before you move on (Virgo birthday comments locked just as I was posting). Perhaps this question can also help others with optimistic energy trapped in struggle houses or hit by rough transits in succession.
Is my natal chart a wreck, or the chart of a late-bloomer? Is there a helpful strategy here for moving forward with so much Leo vs Cap Saturn activity? I want to get my life on track, but things keep happening behind my back–there are false leads or there is loss.
Saturn in my 4th was rough, following the Aries/Libra eclipse series that removed any funds that I could have used to help my deteriorating home situation (slumlord, leaks, natural disaster eliminated affordable homes, housing program was cancelled, rapid gentrification). Teaching opportunities disappeared. I lost the entirety of my savings, lost a hard earned credit score due to unscrupulous mechanic practices (the car is still non-functional), had incorrect financial information hit my records (a representative very recently confirmed that it had been reviewed incorrectly and it is currently being repaired). In keeping with eclipse activity as I gather, these were all surprises and involved activity happening behind the scenes. I also lost use of the car during a nasty Mercury retrograde in 2014.
Just when I thought it was clear, my father (Scorp w\Virgo rising) died weeks after the transit to the 5th. Men have been antagonistic whether I know them or not; interact with them or not; are family, friends, or strangers. Now that Saturn is in the 5th, there is trepidation, as I have a ton of natal Leo placements in the 10th in Saturn. Saturn is now transiting my 5th, or Leo’s home.
I can’t figure out which piece to move first to get moving again. It also seems that if I choose to act, it is the wrong action, but if I choose to let things ‘happen naturally’, it also fails. I just seems like I am perpetually in the wrong era; too far ahead or behind. I’m still happily working out ideas though.
I am a professional in a creative field. I adore my Venus in Leo for the way that it helps me navigate artistic and charitable efforts and gives random gifts and bursts of love to friends and strangers alike. My childhood dream was\is to be in a philanthropic position someday. But now…I’m a bit worried.
For future research purposes, is there a term for ‘house-swap’ transits like the one that I am experiencing with Saturn, where the ruler of the natal house (Leo in 10th) is transiting the house of the natal sign (Cap in 5th)? Do I need to read the upcoming Sag in 4th Jupiter as interacting with Cancer attributes as well since my natal Cancer in Jupiter 9th, in addition to my natal 2nd house Sag in Neptune? I’ve read the sections on the houses, but can’t find much on what happens when placements overlap. Could you recommend reading for that? Can’t wait to buy your book!
Thank you!
Thank you very much. The best thing I can tell you is to use the Natural House system. Hit Search to find out more about that. It is by far the best house system I have found for pinpoint prediction and I use it when I predict news headlines before they happen, often within 24 hours. Spin your chart around and see it through this filter. In general, the North Node in Cancer in your Fourth House of family and property (using this system) will have a huge impact on you, starting in November 2018 and carrying on into 2019. This is karma at large. Go back around 19 years to see what was going down with a relative, your house or apartment, a flatmate, your home town or homeland about this time. This is the second episode and will bring closure.