Your Free Daily Horoscope for Thursday 30th August 2018
Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams’ free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Thursday.
March 21 – April 19
The Sun is now showing you what’s there, in terms of your body and your workload. Once you can see, in full detail, what is actually there, you will know what to do next. This can be an enlightening time. It’s rather like walking into a dark room at night and flicking the switch. Suddenly everything is clearly there in front of you. September will bring decisions which affect 2019.
See also: Aries Weekly Horoscope
April 20 – May 20
You recently had an eclipsed New Moon in your home, property, family and household zone which is affecting you still. The Moon describes the need to be needed. It represents the mother in astrology. There is a clear message here about protection, nurturing and ‘feeding’ both energetically and literally. Yet – there was a blind spot there. Or, you were left partly in the dark. Now, at least you are in a position to see.
See also: Taurus Weekly Horoscope
May 21 – June 20
How to interpret your career, university degree or unpaid work as you process that recent Full Moon in Pisces?
If you picture a mother with her baby and the maternal instinct you will get a clear vision of what that Moon cycle was all about. The Moon tells you that there is always co-dependency in any instinctive professional or university relationship. Now, you have it in perspective and can make choices without the emotion.
See also: Gemini Weekly Horoscope
June 21 – July 22
You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer and feel her cycles more strongly. She is now in your zone of career, unpaid work and university life. Success now? Well, it’s many things, but today it’s about giving and taking, from the mother figure to the child figure – but the mother figure also takes from her baby. I’ll leave it to you, to figure out who that is.
See also: Cancer Weekly Horoscope
July 23 – August 22
Mercury in Leo has been out of sorts, recently so it’s been hard to gather together projects which relaunch you, or sort out your own brand, profile, name or even your appearance. Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods and the Greeks knew him as Hermes. Don’t be surprised if Mercury the Messenger turns up in your life now in sculptures, advertising brands or elsewhere – probably going backwards, or backwards then forwards.
See also: Leo Weekly Horoscope
August 23 – September 22
In just a few days your ruler Mercury is out of shadow and life turns to normal. Carl Jung wrote, ‘By far the greatest number of spontaneous synchronistic phenomena that I have had occasion to observe and analyze can easily be shown to have a direct connection with an archetype.’ Mercury often announces himself as he’s about to sort himself out. It’s a very useful sign.
See also: Virgo Weekly Horoscope
September 23 – October 22
Groups! Friends! People power! What is really interesting about Mercury Retrograde Shadow in 2018 is that you are going to see a flashback or replay to a story which was never really finished, from July or early August, even now. So, as we go through September, you are now updating your mid 2018 story!
See also: Libra Weekly Horoscope
October 23 – November 21
Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (in and out of Taurus, to be precise) tells you to look at the issue of symmetry, harmony and equality between two people. The scales tell us that the substances are different, but they must be weighted evenly in order for balance to be achieved. This may be about yourself and one other person, for whatever reason – but this is a revolution. Freedom is the key.
See also: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
November 22 – December 21
The North Node is knocking, along with Mercury, finally sorting himself out. Your big idea, course, concept or plan (online or in the real world) will now be in sharp focus. You have a major decision to make which will affect how you are heard and read for some time as at last the wheels start to move properly.
See also: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
December 22 – January 19
Expect triggers from planet Neptune. Your ideas, concepts, internet time and communication in general has been affected by this planet for some time now. In recent years, the world of the web, multimedia or publishing has become its own escape from reality for you. At the same time, it has been so easy to get lost or feel all at sea. Time for Boundaries, capital B, and no messing.
See also: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
January 20 – February 18
What does it mean to have the South Node in Aquarius in your First House for so long? The cycle ends in November and is about karma, closure and settlement. The First House rules your appearance, image, reputation and public profile. It brings issues about your outer packaging or ‘advertising’ – how you present yourself to the world, as well as the way you are seen. Your name or title!
See also: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
February 19 – March 20
Neptune in Pisces is afoot. Cosmetic surgery, cosmetics, hair colour, photographs, promotion, advertising, business cards, clothes, accessories, branding and status symbols are just a few of the avenues which Neptune will work through now. It is the planet of unreality. It has nothing to do with what’s real, practical, or regular. It’s about Instagram filters and also about pseudonyms and avatars. Neptune needs rules.
See also: Pisces Weekly Horoscope
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