Your Weekly Horoscope August 27th to September 2nd

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 27 August - 2 September 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 27 August - 2 September 2018

Will Australia's Julie Bishop be back in vogue next year? Four months ago, Astrology predicted Australia's Liberal Party coup would begin in April and involve Peter Dutton - and  Bishop has now revealed that is exactly what happened.  What is the Australian horoscope suggesting next? Female leadership for the country by 2019. And - new PM Scott Morrison's reshuffle to be reshuffled again around September 9th. Read more here.  

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 27 August - 2 September 2018

Any long-running and frequently chaotic issues with your son, daughter, youth project, godchildren, young relatives – or with a sexual relationship which revolves around stepchildren or pregnancy – now end. The delays or reversals, flaky communication or other peculiarities finishes up on Sunday. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere it is very unlikely that you got through the school holidays without rescheduling. Now, you have to turn to your career, social position, status, success and ambitions to stay at the top, or climb to the top. Your ruling planet Mars stands still this week. Thus, an emotionally overheated issue also comes to a standstill. This is rather like a hot potato being thrown around – then caught. It will be thrown around again soon enough with an ultimate outcome by September 11th, but for now, rather than let August-September be the whole of your focus – think about 2020. You really do need to project that far into the future, Aries, because we have a ton of transits, or planetary and Nodal cycles, through this same area of your chart, across 2019 and right up until Christmas 2020. Play the long game. The hot potato is hot indeed, but you have other things to think about, like the level of control you possess, and the power you have. Where can you see this going in 2019, 2020? Saturn in Capricorn also poses important questions about the hierarchy within your profession, your social strata, your company, business, university or department.  Rather than just make it up as you go along, or cope as you have to – now might be the time to read widely around the subject, both online and offline. This will slow you down, and if ever there was a time to resist impulse, this is it. Ruled by Mars, you are usually the first person to push upfront, push back hard or otherwise thrust yourself headfirst into situations. That is not a good idea this week.

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Taurus: 27 August - 2 September 2018

You currently have Mars, Pluto and Saturn in just one sign, in one zone of your horoscope. The sign is Capricorn and the zone is the Ninth House, which rules the differences between Americans and the British (for example) as much as it rules the obligations you feel to Australia and New Zealand, even though you’re in Europe. It’s about Brexit for a great many Taurus people as much as it is about U.S. border control policies for another group of Taurus people. At the moment, the world is going through a new carve-up, thanks to the political upheavals of 2016, 2017, which means the ripple effect catches you where you live. Perhaps it’s travel, and your particular interest in cruises. Maybe it’s the arrivals and departures of faces from other countries or cultures, this last year – all having a heavy impact on your life. They would not be arriving and departing if it was not for a geopolitical rumble out there. This cycle intensifies this week. It also pulls in the world of digital and traditional publishing. Part-time education (seminars, workshops) as well as the full commitment of academia. Belief systems of all kinds, from astrology, to Quantum Mechanics (an act of faith) and Roman Catholicism. I hope you are getting a feel for this cycle. It is essentially about how easy or difficult it is, to absorb different points of view; different philosophies; different ideas. Mars stations direct in Capricorn on Monday, which is rather like having someone press home the point. You must commit to a plan for the long haul, not the immediate short term (where they may only be actions and reactions – not plans). Strategic thinking is very wise, as from November, the South Node also moves into Capricorn and from that point forward, you will have to answer for everything you do and say. Rather than just stumble through the cycle, responding in the heat of the moment (and there may be a lot of heat this week) you would be better off seeing what works for others – in fact, what has always, reliably worked for them – and following suit.

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Gemini: 27 August - 2 September 2018

We need to talk about Mars in Capricorn. This is an endurance test, perhaps, involving property and the family, or seriously big numbers and your former or current partner. Capricorn rules powerful sexual relationships – particularly marriage – which suggest ‘Until death do us part’ really does mean just that. Family legacies and the usual terms of an inheritance are also part of the Capricorn-ruled house of your chart. Mars stands still this week, so very close to Monday 27th August you will need to allow yourself and others more time and space, perhaps to lower the emotional temperature. As you may know, Mars has been retrograding or appearing to move backwards – since March 18th. That is a very long time to put up with on-off tension, particularly as you also have Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, also in this area of the chart which is typically about the money, house, apartment, land, precious possessions or assets. You have until September 11th to manage this particular part of it all, which is about military strategy. Why military? Mars was the Roman god of war and our modern astrology is Roman. The use of battles to achieve the end of war is essentially what Mars is all about. As he stands still, so will some on again, off again, battle in your own life which is part of a longer and more sustained period of intense change, not over until Christmas 2020. By that stage of your life, you will have experienced not only Pluto and Saturn, but also the South Node, Jupiter and Ceres all passing through your Eighth House of family finances, marriage and mortgage and other deadly serious arrangements, likely involving the contents of your will, or somebody else’s. One thing I would say, just quickly, is that when the South Node of karma enters Capricorn on Tuesday 6th November, you will have to pay for everything, one way or another. This is why it is very important to remember that there are other kinds of strategies, apart from battles which you (or others) hope will end a war. Peaceful methods are better. Anything which minimises the spiritual cost to you, her, him or them – is also a good idea. If there is anything at all that you have to answer for, on a soul level (never mind the pounds, euros or dollars) then the slow transit of the South Node will surely call that debt in, by this time next year. Do your level best this week to get the best advice you can afford, but also to learn more about organisations who have successfully used peaceful methods of conflict resolution to get what they want. The Wilderness Society is a good example of this. Tibetan Buddhists are, of course, the masters.

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Cancer: 27 August - 2 September 2018

This is an important week for/with your partner. This may be your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or a work partner. In other cases, the issue is not the person you are with at the moment, but your ex-partner. Finally, the Seventh House (where we find all the horoscope drama this week) is about a potential partner. A crush, typically. You are going through changes in your life which take many years to unfold, with and through this person, and they will not be over until Christmas 2020, and on a more fundamental level, by 2023. This week intensifies one of the issues for you and you must decide how to proceed. Are you going to simply respond to the chemistry experiment in the laboratory, or are you going to find the instructions, put on the gloves and mastermind the results so you create new alchemy with the other person? There are big questions here about how fast and hard to go in, with a particularly white-hot issue - and how slowly and carefully to proceed. In fact, Mars (which stands still in your horoscope on Monday) is about instant response and Saturn (which is also in the same chart area as Mars) is about slow and patient management. It’s really like having the tortoise and the hare in charge of your chart.  Do your level best to find the halfway point between rushing this and denying what is going on – even avoiding it. The reason it all feels so intense is that essentially, this goes beyond the two of you, into wider issues about how much control you have, and how much power you have. I don’t doubt this is one of the most difficult periods of your life, no matter if you have been married for years, are dating someone new, or dealing with the fall-out from a failed business partnership. If you visualise your life with this man or woman as a set of scales, you are essentially trying to balance them in heavy weather. All the time! This is why it’s useful to see what has successfully worked for others in a similar situation. This may involve turning to self-help books, to a trusted confidante or to a counsellor. Lawyers are sometimes required on this cycle. There may be a ‘never-ending journey’ feeling to all that you are experiencing with your former, current or potential partner and that is really down to the fact that Mars has been retrograde (stuck) but also the fact that Saturn is a symbol for time. In fact, you often see him shown as Father Time with hourglass and scythe. Of course, this will end. All cycles end. Until then, though, you may need more sleep, time, space and more support in order to figure out your best way to manage. And getting the speed right will help you so much – measure that pace.

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Leo: 27 August - 2 September 2018

May 5th, 2020 is your final sign-off date for the long transit of the South Node in Capricorn, in your zone of work, duty and service. This karmic cycle begins on November 6th this year, and this week is a nod to the future. You will never again in your lifetime experience the line-up in Capricorn, in your Sixth House of daily routine, health, fitness and lifestyle that is now being visited upon you. What you probably need is a long-term strategy rather than just hastily adapting to conditions which are becoming increasingly challenging. This week Mars stations direct in Capricorn, pressing the point. You need a plan. Not just any old plan, thrown together, but a plan which rests on other people’s tried, tested and trusted experience. You also need to be aware that any conflicts now will have to be sorted out later, on a karmic level, as the South Node is all about settling spiritual scores. The white heat of a Mars transit can be very hard to handle unless you know what is going on. Fortunately, you do, because astrology is telling you – especially near Monday 27th August when Mars makes his standstill. A great deal of what is happening is connected to your physical condition and physical state. You can’t actually separate that from the tasks you are given, how you are seen as a workhorse (or in the workforce) and how you perform. If ever there was a time to do your homework on this matter, it is now. The slow, gathering cycle of Pluto, Saturn, the South Node, Jupiter and Ceres is like rolling weather and although it began, in part, all the way back in January 2008 – it will not really feel over until Christmas 2020. What you used to do, may no longer serve you. There is really no point in thinking back to the way you used to cope before 2008, because this situation now is literally unprecedented. Prior experience will not apply. If you have your personal birth chart from me and you have factors in Virgo, you can double that message. The time has come to realise you do have to serve, and you must do your duty – every single day – but you also have to serve yourself and you have a duty to your body, Leo.

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Virgo: 27 August - 2 September 2018

You now reach a turning point involving the ongoing questions about children or young people. Sexual relationships. Youth projects and plans, perhaps – certainly pregnancy, adoption, step-parenting, IVF and godchildren. It is extremely unusual to see Mars, Pluto and Saturn all together in this area of your horoscope and they will be joined by the South Node in November, increasing the need to balance the spiritual books with others. This is quite possibly your own child, but sometimes this cycle is about dealing with in-laws, who also have a say over a younger face. The South Node is important because it calls you and others to account, so the more balanced the books are from this point forward, the less work will be involved in 2019. You could call this a time of reckoning, because you now have to either replace the direction you were previously taking or modify that approach in some way. It is really clear from looking at your chart that feelings could run high, but as you know – being a cerebral Virgo – that achieves nothing. Feelings don’t make sensible strategies happen. You can be as strongly affected on this cycle as a grandmother, as you can, as an 18-year-old teaching intern at an infants’ school. There is classically an issue about the legacy you leave to a generation born 20+ years after you, in terms of your skills, ideas, beliefs, and most of all, the example you set. Doing the right thing (the sensible thing) and the proper thing becomes more important when this is the case. If you are a Premium Member and know that you have Leo factors in your personal chart, you can double that message. Whatever your personal horoscope looks like, though, the headlines of your life now are about your leading role with a far younger generation and how to best make that happen.

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Libra: 27 August - 2 September 2018

You have learned some very good lessons about family politics, home ownership and power, since Pluto first changed signs in 2008. That’s eight or nine years in which to acquire the self-control and willpower needed, to feel that you are running your people or your place, as you must. The alternative is to give in and give up, and feeling that things are beyond your control/out of control is a sure sign that you are feeling the pinch of a Pluto cycle. This week is really important for your overall strategy and direction. Mars stations direct on Monday. He does this against the background of two longer cycles – one won’t finish until Christmas 2020, the other stops in 2023. As you know, you have to keep the long haul in mind and although Mars is very much about quickfire responses and the rush to action – there are some really good reasons why you should slow down and cool down or create space so that others can do the same. The issue may be your house, apartment, garden or land. Your property investment. It may be your mother or father’s side of the family, or the family you have created. Your share household may be the story. Sometimes the concern is broader – your country, sense of nationhood, home town or city, local region – and the locals. One thing is certain. With the South Node of karma approaching exactly the same area of your chart in November 2018, everything you do and say now will have to be settled, later.  That is one more good reason to be mindful this week and also, to be highly strategic. Given all the wealth of experience you have acquired since 2008, what do you now know, for sure? What do you need to learn? The better prepared you are in terms of knowledge, research, second opinions or the usefulness of the hive mind (especially online) the stronger your position.

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Scorpio: 27 August - 2 September 2018

Scorpio, this week is about your use of the worldwide web, the microphone, the telephone and the good old Bic biro or pencil. It is about Braille and sign language too – and foreign languages, perhaps. You are being put through the most intense period of transformation you will ever know, and this deep change began in 2008 and will not stop until 2023. It is about communication. Being heard and read, as you wish to be heard and read. The arrival of Mars, standing still in your chart, will hammer home the point near Monday. If you are going to make proper progress, then you have to remember what happens when you take your hands off the wheel, and give up or give in. Whenever that has occurred in the past, you have succumbed and lost your power. It is amazing that this can still happen, 9 or 10 years later. When it comes to public speaking, to teaching, to writing, to translating – or using multimedia – if you let things slide, then you become disempowered. This is the best lesson to take away with you, as you work on a long-term strategy for connecting with people, no matter if it’s the cutting edge of digital, or the old-fashioned questions about listening skills, for example. Your chart looks very heavy. Saturn is in there, long associated with lead weight. Pluto, your ruler, has been in this same communication zone for many years and that can feel relentless. Now, we have Mars, standing still. He is also a pretty heavy symbol in your astrological chart and when he doesn’t move, you really know it! Think about your plans, projects and ideas now through 2023. No doubt many of them involve the web. If ever there was a week to accept what is going on and come up with a few long-term plans, this is it. Try not to react in the heat of the moment. Manage this.

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Sagittarius: 27 August - 2 September 2018

It may help you to know that the current financial, property and business cycle ends in 2023, and the biggest breakthrough comes in 2020. You are caught in the most intense cycle you will ever know, Sagittarius, so don’t think this goes on forever. It had a start point (January 2008) and it has an end point, too. This week is a crossroads, no doubt about it. The path you take now with the bank, salary questions, the house, apartment, company, business or budget will put you on a road that you must take for the next few years. Finding the best advice, you can afford is a smart move. So is a personal inventory of your values. Mars, Pluto and Saturn are in your Second House, which describes what you refuse to sell, or sell your soul for. This is also where we find value itself – which might include you, as you have a particular value that translates into income, as well as the things that money cannot buy. How do you price all those glittering qualities you possess? The inventory is a good idea on this cycle as you need to own the situation, rather than feel owned by it. If you are a Premium Member with your personal birth chart and have Capricorn factors, the issues will be about your job, unpaid work or university degree too – thus the need to add up who and what matters most to you, almost as if you had to put a price on it.

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Capricorn: 27 August - 2 September 2018

On Monday, the planet Mars stands still in Capricorn, your own sign. Pluto and Saturn are already there. From November, the South Node will also enter Capricorn – then, in 2020, Jupiter will also be there. What you experience this week is a key turning point in quite a long cycle, and it is all about your image, reputation and appearance. Your ‘armour’ in terms of your wardrobe, body shape (what condition, is your condition in these days?) and your hat or hair. Mars was the Roman god of war and he is the ruler of Aries in astrology and thus the First House of the chart. Your First House is now fully occupied and that is why your interest in how you are seen, and appear, should not be construed as narcissism or egomania. Far from it. Matters of projection and reputation have become rather serious these days and you have learned the hard way that you have to use willpower and self-control to make sure you have ‘me’ in hand, despite the challenges of the Wild West that we call the internet. Mars is stationary retrograde this week, which sounds complicated, but is actually an astrologer’s way of saying ‘this planet is making a point.’ Quite a sharp point, too, which you will notice by Tuesday. You are going to have to think long and hard about how to deal with the ‘Me’ situation, particularly as image issues will be on your mind into 2019 and 2020 as well. What you are dealing with is not just a late August or early September issue. It casts a long shadow into the future too. In Rome, where our modern astrology comes from, soldiers used to carry small effigies of Mars into battle, as talismans. With Mars in Capricorn, your best talisman at the moment is your own self-discipline, because nothing else is really going to work, when it comes to self-promotion, control of your profile and the rest. The idea of you – the impression of you that others have – can achieve vast things for you. I’m sure you know it’s worth the work. This is really about status, success and the top of the mountain at the moment. You either want to get up there, or you are trying to hang on. The mountain may be High Society or your chosen field, profession, industry or business. At this point, never, ever underestimate just how crucial is it to have the upper hand in situations where you must be upfront, on show and headfirst into life.

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Aquarius: 27 August - 2 September 2018

Aquarius, this week finds Mars, Pluto and Saturn all making their presence felt in the Twelfth House of your horoscope. A lot of nonsense has been written about the Twelfth House by astrologers over the centuries. Evil spirits, slaves, enemies and imprisonment have all been linked to the Twelfth House. It has been called the ‘house of self-undoing’ and even linked to mental illness. As the Twelfth House patterns in your chart have been with you since 2008 and will be there until 2023 – with a particular peak this week – it is a good time to look at what it’s actually all about, and why this is where you constantly have to make changes, improvements, life-altering decisions and sometimes quite challenging choices. One of these will be with you near Monday, but what does it actually mean to have a stellium (unusually high cluster of planets) passing through the Twelfth House of your chart? The Natural House system of astrology, which comes to us from the 20th century, associates this space in your horoscope with the zodiac sign Pisces and its ruler, Neptune, discovered in 1846. If you immediately get an impression of water, the ocean or the sea you are spot on. The Twelfth House rules alternative realities. Just like scuba-diving or swimming. When you are down there, under water, or losing yourself on the tenth lap, you inhabit another world. You are not moving as you normally do. In fact, your feet (ruled by Pisces) have lost all contact with the ground. Your breathing stops – you hold your breath. You become an alternative version of yourself, actually, cruising, surfing or drifting in another ‘real’ world. You can feel like a fish out of water in this place, unless you try to lose yourself in it. Aquarius, we now find your alternative, hidden reality centre-stage. It may be witchcraft. It may be espionage. The Twelfth House at its lightest level is about the Tarot, dream interpretation, deep and regular meditation and also the ‘fishy’ side of the worldwide web – assuming a fake identity and playing Let’s Pretend. The Twelfth House can manifest as recreational drug use and drinking, to levels which take you away from the everyday, the real and the ordinary. Near Monday, you must get real about this unreal place or space, no matter if it is in your head, or actually laid out in front of you, at an Anonymous meeting or a yoga group.

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Pisces: 27 August - 2 September 2018

The Eleventh House of your horoscope is associated with friendship and combined efforts, as you probably know. You have been living with Pluto in your Eleventh House since 2008 and this week, we find Mars stands still there, to make a sharp point. Saturn is also in your Eleventh House, making your social life, social media and group commitments much heavier than usual. A jazz combo called The Eleventh House (probably named by an astrologer in the group) appeared in 1973 and was full of the typical departures, replacements, reshuffles and reunions that come with … not surprisingly, the Eleventh House of the chart. Pisces, this may now be your story. It may be The Funky Waltz, to name an Eleventh House classic – or even a non-funky waltz. Over the last nine or ten years, you have had your fair share of power-trippers among your friends, or within particular groups. You have also been empowered by some powerful people, either important friends, or highly influential faces, within wider networks or communities. Along the way you have learned what it takes to feel in control (self-control) and what happens when you shrug your shoulders and give up (you feel steamrollered by other people, or the situation itself). Now is the time to remember every lesson you learned. Jazz terms like ‘fusion’ and ‘improvisation’ may be useful. The fact is, this will ultimately achieve results for you which stand the test of time and prove their worth to you, repeatedly. After 2023 it will become obvious to you that all those years had a purpose, and that purpose was the crowning achievement of shared goals that actually came to pass. Not any old goal, either. We might be talking football trophies, charity marathons, endangered buildings preserved, or heroin users redeemed – but the fact is, the Eleventh House is indeed a band in your life which is worth reshuffling, when necessary, and rethinking – hard – if you have to.

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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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2 thoughts on “Your Weekly Horoscope August 27th to September 2nd”

  1. Hello Jessica,

    Thanks so much for all your gifted information.

    I am just trying to get started and my head round all it.

    I am a Premium member and was just wondering if you had any more information to share with about my personal birth chart.

    Once again thanks for your brilliance.


    • Thank you Kane. You have a Sagittarius stellium or unusually high count of factors in your Ninth House. The Ninth House rules travel and travel in the mind. Journeys and intellectual or spiritual journeys. It is associated with vacations and holidays, migrants and immigration, foreign people and places, regional differences, multiculturalism and religion, publishing and the worldwide web. You will find that one or more aspects of your life, on this list, expand, improve, grow and thrive – from November 2018 through late 2019. You have the Moon at 9 Sagittarius and Bacchus at 3 Sagittarius so things will take off quite quickly – the end of the year should bring you terrific options for 2019. The only issue is the actual planning and paperwork as you may hit delays or changes with that November, December so be aware and read the fine print on your commitments. The Ninth House also rules education, academia, informal study, teaching, knowledge and mind expansion so you are very likely to go on that pathway by early 2019 and you would gain so much from it. This is the best cycle in 12 years for so many aspects of your life. Read more by looking up the Ninth House on Search.

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