Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 13-19 August 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 13-19 August 2018
How far can astrology predict the future? Over a year. This is what you read, about that Leo eclipse on 11th August 2018, predicted back on July 17th 2017
"Eclipses conceal, they never reveal. So allow time to pass before you take action or pass judgement on these important matters. An eclipse is exactly what you might assume. An unclear, patchy or obscured period. It is neither negative nor positive. It just does not show you, what it normally should. On a world scale we will see cover-ups involving the British royal family."
The Mail on Sunday and The Sun published these stories on August 12th and 13th, within 48 hours of the Leo eclipse.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 13-19 August 2018
Back on 4th April 2011 you entered a cycle which has involved seven years of escapism. You have been immersed in secrets, or often been invisible, even to your nearest and dearest, as you have vanished into a world of classified information or confidential pursuits. Your life has been unreal, not in the Australian surfer’s interpretation of the word, but in the sense that there has been nothing real about it. Like the swan who glides along the surface of the Serpentine, you are visible, but only so much. Most of the action has been down below. You may have been exploring dreams, mediumship, clairvoyance, meditation, astral travel or other alternatives to reality. In other cases, you have been losing yourself in alcohol or drugs – even prescribed drugs. Operating behind the scenes, pulling the strings in the wings, is another common manifestation of Neptune transiting the Twelfth House. Yet, no matter if the last seven years has involved natural highs or unnatural things, it has still been a relief and a release. A total departure from what is so mundane, ordinary or all too real about your life. Now, Aries, Sunday or next Monday brings you a rare chance to go under the water, so that even the top half of yourself disappears. This is also the time to talk about your money, house, business, charity, apartment, shares or possessions. You only get one chance like this every 12 years to address an issue, open a door, or pursue a reward. This is substantial and important. Even better, you can expand and increase what is there, to your total advantage, by November. If at all possible don’t just rest on your laurels. The Sweet Bay tree is very sweet indeed for you as August ends, but take what you make or save, financially, and do more with it. There will be another useful thunderbolt which you need to use, by the second or third week of October, if at all possible.
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Taurus: 13-19 August 2018
You have learned the hard way about particular friends and group projects since 2011, when Neptune first changed signs. When it’s been good, it’s been very, very good indeed – a total departure from the real world, an escape from the everyday and a diving board which lets you bounce high, and plunge deeply into something so different, it feels like a holiday. At the same time, Taurus, you have been lost in the most confused and confusing situations with specific friendships or groups, associations, teams, networks, societies, ensembles and the rest. Now, you can bring all that experience to bear, as you are given an unusual chance to get lost again – in the nicest possible way – on Sunday. It really is a matter of perspective, mood and personal point of view – but sometimes the other reality in life, can feel more real than the real thing. Does that make sense in terms of your social media, friend or community? Strangely enough, after Sunday, it probably will. You also stand to gain from your former, current or potential partner. There is either a whopping solution here which would fix so many issues – or a marvellous open door that leads into an enchanted garden. If you are single and looking, look now. If you are miserable in your marriage and want out, do it now. Jupiter does not trine Neptune very often.
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Gemini: 13-19 August 2018
The Jupiter-Neptune trine on Sunday is unusual and helpful, as it spirits you away into another realm, professionally. This may also be about your unpaid work, of course, or your university degree. Ever since April 4th, 2011 you have been living in a non-real universe, when it comes to your ambitions, your mission and your position. It has been extremely confused and confusing at times, to the point where you may have become quite lost with a particular role or project. Yet – despite the ongoing fuzziness and lack of clarity, sometimes living in Distorto World is like a holiday. The sense that your social position or status, or your career, can be a vacation from ‘real’ is very strong this weekend and into next week. In fact, you may pick up a new plan, or title, which adds to that, depending on your personal birth chart. Jupiter in Scorpio is in your Sixth House of lifestyle and daily workload, so you are very fortunate to be in this cycle if you aspire to climb higher or add lustre to your C.V. for some time to come. If you are looking for work, or even a dream internship, award, course or similar, look across this weekend and into early next week.
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Cancer: 13-19 August 2018
Jupiter is now at large in your Fifth House, which rules unplanned pregnancy, IVF, step-parenting, teaching, babysitting, child care in all its forms, nieces and nephews, young adults, birth, Christenings, fostering, grandchildren and godchildren. The heirs to your throne. Perhaps, the spares to your throne. This is a time to accept all chances to mentor, guide, influence and set an example to younger faces, or to pursue a sexual relationship which may end in parenthood or step-parenting one day. Jupiter has long been associated with thunderbolts and there is something dramatic about the wonderful solutions and stunning opportunities which appear near Sunday. Thunder brings rain, and rain fertilises the soil, helping the acorn to become an oak. Never underestimate this cycle. If it is about the care, entertainment or education of younger people, from schoolchildren to Millennials, depending on your age – then this is your time. Neptune in Pisces in your Ninth House suggests a holiday from reality at the same time. A vacation from the everyday. This may be literal as you pursue foreign people, places and faces or locations in your own country which are foreign to you. It may be tied to academia, education (again), workshops, seminars, the worldwide web, books or the bigger picture, geographically and intellectually. Travel, and travel in the mind, are associated with Neptune’s transit of the Ninth. So are journeys and journeys of the intellect, spirit and heart. This is a trip or a head trip and it’s your ticket out of the mundane.
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Leo: 13-19 August 2018
To escape from the real world where tax, rent, credit cards, mortgages or debt is concerned, has to be the most enduring fantasy of the last seven years, because back on April 4th, 2011 the ‘alternative facts’ planet Neptune entered the Eighth House of your chart, which is where we find your finances. This is also the house which rules your shares, charity commitments, house, land, apartment, investments, precious possessions and your relationship with the bank. Very close to Sunday 19th August this pattern in your horoscope is triggered, suggesting that next week will bring you that relief and release that you need from the harder truths and realities out there. You can surf, cruise, drift and float through this one – but just remember where the bottom is – and where the flags, light house and signs are. A classic example of this would be a very low-interest loan, or a substantial offer connected to your house. Yet, there would be nothing regular or ordinary about this new arrangement, Leo. I mention your house because Jupiter in Scorpio is in the Fourth House of your chart and this is where we find your apartment, house, land, holiday home, or other residence. This is also where property investment is represented. To say this is the biggest and best of shiny new open doors in 12 years is not an exaggeration. The welcome mat is out for you.
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Virgo: 13-19 August 2018
You have been in an unusual cycle since April 4th, 2011, Virgo, experiencing Neptune, that symbol of other realities, in your Seventh House of marriage, separation, divorce, love, sex, partnership and commitment. This week Neptune turns up again, making a large statement in the Seventh House near Sunday. This weekend is important for that reason, and you will also see the impact on Monday, Tuesday next week. This episode is from Walt Disney or perhaps A. A. Milne. Maybe J.M. Barrie and Arthur Rackham. We are talking about your former, current or potential partner – and an alternative to everything that other people would call the real world. For you, this cycle has been going on for so long – seven years – that you may no longer recognise if you are immersed in the unreal, or the alternative. Neptune rules the distortion of illegal and legal drugs. Natural and unnatural highs. Anaesthetic and alcohol. Both substances can affect your vision. Symbolically this cycle is about The Doors of Perception and really, this weekend is all about how you perceive who and what is there. Many single Virgo people will now take a trip – to quote Kate Bush – ‘take a trip on my love for him.’ If you are at war with your ex, try to see that Neptune in the Seventh House is also a trip, and you can lose yourself in that ‘reality’ just as much as you can vanish into a four-poster bed. The trine to Jupiter in Scorpio tells you something you already know. This is your year to snap up every opportunity to gain, from the worldwide web or multimedia. An epic solution or tremendously fortunate chance will land like a thunderbolt by this time next week.
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Libra: 13-19 August 2018
The Neptune in Pisces cycle has accompanied your daily routine, workload, lifestyle and your experiences with your doctor, drugs, food, drink, surgeon, healer or fitness for seven years. You have forgotten what it was like before. In fact, you have been immersed in this alternative universe for so long, that your life now – even down to housework or the contents of the fridge – may bear no resemblance at all to 2010 and earlier. That is, Libra, if you can even remember it! The whole point of a Neptune transit in your Sixth House is to show you alternatives to reality. Over time they may become mistaken for reality, unless a particularly hard-headed person pulls you up short and reminds you. Your paid and unpaid work, for example, and any regular duties, tasks or little acts of service (walking the dog qualifies) now take place in an atmosphere of unreality where you drift, float and cruise. The downside of life 2011-2018 has been the long patches of muddle, messiness, confusion and tremendous distortion which has made even the nuts and bolts of daily life come apart. The upside is, you have learned what not to do. If you can hang onto boundaries and common sense, you can make this vacation from everyday work for you, beautifully, across Sunday and Monday next week. You stand to save or make money too. Rather a lot. I do feel this will be linked to the turning point with paid or unpaid work, or your university degree. You will save or make money via business, charity, the bank, exchange rates, taxation, your pay packet, Wall Street and the rest, depending on your personal chart.
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Scorpio: 13-19 August 2018
Jupiter is a great detoxer and repair worker, and this planet comes along in Scorpio every 12 years to help you clean up matters of image, personal appearance, name, reputation and branding. Anything that lingers longer (even being called names on the internet) can be annihilated now. In fact, you will find that if you take every single chance you are given to expand your brand and fix the past, Jupiter will relaunch you very nicely by your birthday, or perhaps just as your birthday arrives. This may be your face or body. Your aura or personal stamp. On Sunday Jupiter forms a stunning trine to Neptune so this is the moment to relaunch the relaunch. At this point, if you have been patiently developing your image since late 2017, and in fact are drawing from good things you did, around 12 years ago – you could seriously collect. Awards, popularity boosters and other flattering turning points could add lustre to your name or face. We also have Neptune in your Fifth House now, so you are in a good position to leave reality far behind. This is about your son or daughter. Your godchild. A project or role which involves children or younger people. A pregnancy, adoption or the chance to step-parent in a different way. A grandchild, niece or nephew, perhaps. This is really not the way most people do it, but so what? You have found a way through, and a way out, and you’re going to take it. The vacation from the ordinary, everyday and mundane world is just a step away on Sunday. If you are single this may very well involve a lover who could co-parent with you, on whatever level, one day.
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Sagittarius: 13-19 August 2018
Your ruling planet Jupiter is about expansion, growth, solutions, hope, opportunity and the big picture. Jupiter responds well to optimism and belief. You have to believe, in order to step forward, don’t you? Look at what you cover up and hide. What you do behind closed doors or beneath the surface. Think about what is so mysterious to other people who cannot see what you are doing, or even understand what absorbs you. This may be counselling. It may be Tarot cards. It may be MI6. Perhaps you are operating behind the scenes when others are the name or face of an idea or plan. Miss or Mr. Invisible. Sagittarius, this is your best chance in 12 years to gain from what is so hidden or unfathomable about yourself or your life – this weekend – and into early next week. Neptune is also active in Pisces. This is about your house, land, yacht, apartment, family home, home town, household, homeland or clan. What an escape from reality. If ever there was a time to relaunch this side of your life through the eyes of fantasy, or fiction, or alternative thinking – this is it. This may be about a holiday home or Air BnB for some of you. In other cases, it’s about your mother or grandfather. Your nationality or neighbourhood. Something or someone is rather like the Kingdom Under the Sea this week. Take a deep breath and dive in.
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Capricorn: 13-19 August 2018
The forthcoming trine from Jupiter in Scorpio to Neptune in Pisces on Sunday will be felt in a chain-reaction around the world, Saturday to Monday, so set aside this weekend and early next week to take full advantage of rare opportunities to fix any issues with friends or groups and pursue new possibilities which could be so richly rewarding, involving your social life, social media and networks. Your inner and outer circles may need repair work – now available – or could benefit from expansion. You should come up smiling next week. People power is the best use of this community of friends and acquaintances and it is people power which can produce lasting outcomes which benefit everybody as a whole. This is quite unlike any other kind of achievement no matter if it is a football team or your neighbourhood clean-up. The presence of Neptune in Pisces, the sign which rules your use of the worldwide web, television, radio, print media, publishing, public speaking and social media is important. This is a slow-moving planet and to see a trine to Jupiter is unusual. So, you have a seldom-seen experience in store, if you want to leave the real world far behind and lose yourself in something far more mysterious, enigmatic and compelling. There is no room for the everyday in this. It is most beneficial for poets, lyricists, fantasy authors and actors who know how to interpret even the most familiar Shakespeare play with new feeling.
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Aquarius: 13-19 August 2018
You will hear a lot of astrologers and astrology readers talking about the trine from Jupiter, the lucky planet, to Neptune, the planet of alternative realities, on Sunday. You are certainly affected in astrology’s odd world of timing (alternative time, actually) and will benefit most from your social position, professional success, academic progress, unpaid work, honorary roles or titles, career ambitions and status in high society. This is a huge solution for an ongoing issue, if your personal chart agrees – perhaps you will be headhunted and rescued from a job you dislike. If you have done the work since late 2017 and cultivated and nurtured a project, role, plan or course – then you could easily reap the rich rewards around Sunday, Monday. If you are looking for work this is an excellent time to do so. There may also be competitions, contests, grants and other benefits out there, so don’t let anything pass you by, as Jupiter remains in your Tenth House of achievement until November. Neptune in Pisces is about your money. Money saved or made. Money made for charity, perhaps, or for yourself. Money saved for your company or business. Bargains and profits. You have been dwelling in a very strange version of reality for seven years, Aquarius, and nothing about your situation would really apply to anyone else – or their accountant. Floating through it, you occasionally get lost and can be very dazed and confused – yet what comes to pass around Sunday, Monday, is an open invitation to vanish into a financial, property, charity or business world you only see very rarely. Take a deep breath and plunge in.
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Pisces: 13-19 August 2018
Your ruling planet Neptune, discovered in 1846 (a very big year for anaesthetic procedures) is in Pisces, your own sign, in your First House of image, appearances, branding, reputation, name and face. You are comfortably numb, here, and in quite a different space, or different reality. You have also been here since 2011 so it is very likely you can’t remember what the real world was like, anyway. Anaesthetic takes us away. We are here, but not here. We are present but absent. Where we actually go, is a mystery. There is something like this happening with your profile at the moment, in that you no longer have to deal with the aspects of reality you find difficult or uncomfortable. That is what an Instagram filter is for. What is what a public relations firm is for. The internet is a whole is a distorted fish tank and you get to swim around in it, to your total advantage, this Sunday, as Neptune trines Jupiter. A most unusual moment in a pretty compelling story, about who you seem to be! Losing yourself in ‘Me’ is part of this transit. Just remember to come back. Jupiter in Scorpio tells you, the golden opportunity or remarkable solution tied to a foreign place or person, publishing, academia or part-time education, geography, emigration, travel or religion – will not come again. Not like this. Not for 12 years. Say yes, yes, yes and please.
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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
I don’t understand what is meant by “Capricorn factors in your Tenth House of career, unpaid achievements, ambition, social status and success”
Isn’t Capricorn the Tenth House? So is this another way of saying do you have any Capricorn factors?
Also same for Gemini House etc
You have Mars at 19 Capricorn, so I can see straight away that your need to push forward/push back/fight back/fight the good fight (Mars) tied to your ability to assert yourself (also Mars) is tied to your career, success and social status. Transiting (or travelling) Pluto is right on 19 Capricorn at the moment and that can only happen every 240+ years. So you are in an extremely important phase of your life for dealing with employers, staff, clients, colleagues and your field as a whole. The fact that transiting or travelling Mars just went back into Capricorn emphasises that. For more, read the Tenth House and Mars on Search or in your ebooks.