Your Weekly Horoscope August 6th to 12th

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 6-12 August 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 6-12 August 2018

The Partial Solar Eclipse this week falls on Saturday 11th August on a New Moon with the Sun at 18 Leo and Moon at 18 Leo. This is part of an eclipse series which made headlines last year during The Great American Eclipse, you will remember. The Leo weather across 2017, 2018 has been shadowy, frequently concealed and highly unusual. What is Leo weather? Well, on a world scale, it involves the children of our leaders (the heirs to the throne, so to speak) and also more personal issues. Leo is the King or Queen of the jungle who has a line of succession. The royal bedchamber and what happens there is part of the Leo story. If you are curious about this, and its impact on Buckingham Palace and the White House, hit Search to read more about Leo. But – there has been one cover-up after another. 2019 will reveal some of it.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 6-12 August 2018

This week is really about your godchildren, your own children, younger relatives or youth as a whole. Pregnancy (wanted or unplanned), sexual relationships of all kinds, from the fleeting to the long-lived – and your connection with the world of younger people – is the story. Your own chart will show what is personal to you, based on your time, place and date of birth. Aries assume nothing and judge later. The eclipse this week lowers visibility. Mercury – the facts – also happens to be moving backwards, from our perspective on earth. All in all, even though you can see wheels turning all over the place, assume the wheels are not going in their final direction. That comes after September 3rd, so you’ll call the situation with a son (for example) or a class full of teenagers (another example) too early, if you jump now. You are actually being bought time to think more deeply about what you want. And also, where you have come to, in terms of all that you have achieved over the last few years. You have to put these things in perspective, no matter if it’s an attempted pregnancy from almost 20 years ago, or the recent revival of a youth project you almost forgot about. The eclipse is worth noting, as it is part of a sequence of them. It may not be until 2019 that you realise the full extent of what was covered up, or what was staring you in the face, but you were quite blind to! History and astrology prove, again and again, that eclipses coincide with periods when we are left in the dark. This is another one of them, which is why so many astrologers down the ages advise you to sit an eclipse out. Friday-Sunday is really the time to avoid drawing too many dramatic conclusions.

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Taurus: 6-12 August 2018

It takes sharp wits to look at your house, family, apartment, home town, homeland or household and see what has been going on. There is nothing really ominous about this, it’s just that although Blind Freddie could see how things have been panning out in 2017, 2018 – you have been quite unaware. Think, really think, about the last few years and all that it has meant to others, in particular, as well as yourself – and you will finally have the penny drop. A new episode this year which only really started to come together in July is part of the overall story. You have been duped, possibly in the nicest possible way, or at least pulled into something which has been carried on without your total understanding or knowledge. Others have had an agenda, to be sure. Here we are in yet another Leo eclipse with Mercury Retrograde to boot, so this is not really the week to try and make any big moves, no matter if the issue is your mother or your kitchen, the council or your visa application. For a start thing tend to stall or even reverse on this cycle. An eclipse is also exactly what you would expect. It conceals, it does not reveal. It leaves you in the dark. What would normally be seen so brightly and clearly is overshadowed. Taurus, there is a karmic line of debt or credit which needs to be accounted for with a relative – and it will be – by November. Until then you are most certainly spinning your wheels, yet once this matter is resolved, the circle closes and you can also close the book on a chapter. This may specifically concern the family as a whole, or a question about the house, land, apartment, property investment or even wider issues, like your city or country.

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Gemini: 6-12 August 2018

Eclipses can be total or partial and if you look at a typical photograph, you’ll see what looks like an eye, with a slipped contact lens across it! We now have a partial eclipse in an area of your chart which rules Twitter, your iPhone, the media, publishing and all kinds of communication. We also have your ruler Mercury retrograde, or appearing to move backwards, in this same zone of your chart. Ask yourself if you would go full steam ahead with a website, book, press conference, speech, important meeting, new computer, new phone and so on – if your contact lens was falling out and the courier was walking backwards, or the postman was walking backwards. That’s essentially what we have this week! A very good time to wait and see. To mentally rehearse. To make rough sketches. To put out a first or second draft. Not so terrific for nailing outcomes. Gemini, your way with words, ideas or images is never in doubt. You are the signaling station of astrology. The greatest lyricists, from Morrissey to Paul Weller, were born under your Sun sign. What you are dealing with, though, is really odd astrological weather. Have Plan B, C and D for your communication this week. Friday-Sunday is the time to be particularly wary, as this eclipse conceals. It covers up. There may be a blind spot. You may be staring at something or someone but not seeing it!

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Cancer: 6-12 August 2018

You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, as you probably know. Unusual lunar patterns, like eclipses, affect you more. We have had a chain of these in the horoscope zones which rule your rent, debts, gambling, share market investments, income, business, charity commitment and so on – even your possessions – in recent times. Most dramatically we had The Great American Eclipse in this zone of your chart in 2017. When we talk about ‘pulling the wool over our eyes’ we are talking about an eclipse. Eye patches were once made of wool. If you look at a typical image of an eclipse in motion, be it partial or total, it looks like a cosmic eye patch. Have you ever seen people wearing glasses with just one side covered up? Now, imagine doing your accounts, or attending to cryptocurrency, or staring straight at a money-laundered bank account, with that kind of partial vision! The sky doesn’t fall on eclipses, but you will not see what you need to see. The facts or figures may be staring you in the face but you’ll be blind to them. The other scenario is that the truth is being held back from you, for whatever reason. This can be benevolent. The kind partner who doesn’t show you all the bills is ‘eclipsing’ you, while he or she secretly pays them. Your full personal birth chart will reveal what is actually going on. However – you do need to be a tiny bit cynical on a week like this, because Mercury (facts and figures) is also retrograde. Don’t just swallow what you see or are shown. Be smart about this. There have been clues and signs all the time. Did you ignore a nagging thought? Go back to it.

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Leo: 6-12 August 2018

The Leo weather of July and August is about your reputation, profile, appearance, image and self-promotion. It is about how you front up to a microphone or camera, or just the worldwide web. On Monday 6th August, the North Node conjuncts Cupido in Leo. These ‘me’ issues must seem so familiar to you, Leo, and in fact you have been here before, many times.  None of this is who you really are. It’s how you project. How you are seen or known, at a distance. Why is everything, particularly involving the worldwide web, multimedia or the mail, so stuck where you are concerned? You’ll see more of this on Thursday 9th August when the Sun, your ruler, lines up with Mercury Retrograde. This is the planet of communication, information, transportation and negotiation and if you’re attempting anything bearing your name (business cards, perhaps, or a new profile on social media) you may hit technical issues or what I call Cadbury Flake people.  As if that wasn’t enough, we have a Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon in Leo on Saturday 11th August. Leave well alone. An eclipse conceals it never reveals. As you saw recently, with the Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, we’re all left in the dark when it happens. This one is partial, so you will mostly be in the dark about matters of branding, self-promotion, title, name or even questions about cosmetic surgery! I don’t think you’ll find too many professional full-time astrologers who’ve been in the game as long as I have, recommending that you go out and sell yourself this week. It’s a good week to rehearse things, mentally, or make notes and sketches. It’s a good week for playing around with ideas on Pinterest. You can pull everything together later when Mercury is out of shadow, from 3rd September. If you do have anything bearing your name or image crossing your desk, or your computer, double-check.

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Virgo: 6-12 August 2018

The Leo weather is passing through your house of privacy and secrecy – and mystery. Nobody can see or know what goes on below the surface this week. This may be a confidential project, classified information or something more intensely personal. We associate the Twelfth House with ‘beating a retreat’ and with disappearance or hibernation. You can also be present, but strangely not present, with this cycle. Depending on your personal chart, this may involve children or pregnancy, and be tied to your past, around 20 years ago. It’s worth pointing out that your ruler Mercury is retrograde, or appearing to travel backwards at the moment, in this same area of your horoscope where everything is down below, in the hidden depths of your personality and your life. This will stall, change or even reverse what you are thinking about, or planning, near Thursday 9th August, as Mercury conjuncts the Sun. We also have a partial solar eclipse and New Moon on Saturday 11th August, again in this rather confused and confusing area of yourself and your life. Things are hidden anyway. Unfathomable. Now, we have more lowered visibility and lack of clarity! An eclipse conceals it never reveals. You may be engaged in a disappearing act now, or consumed by discussions with MI6, the FBI, Anonymous, the police, private detectives and so on. That would be a dramatic example of this cycle. On a lower key, this eclipse is really about that side of you which we might describe as your unconscious mind, or your soul, or your spirit. That part of your which dreams – your dreaming mind. For this reason, any vivid dreams this week may be worth writing down as it’s your higher self, or your unconscious, talking to you. This zone of your chart is also associated with hypnosis and anesthetic. And large amounts of drugs or alcohol! In general, if you pursue and push what is hidden, concealed, down below or buried this week – it will be rather hard work, may come unstuck and is just a bit too vulnerable to eclipse strangeness. The occult is ruled by the Twelfth House in your chart and any occult activity now could be adversely affected by the eclipse, because you will quite literally be left in the dark when you are pursuing it. The same goes for hacking and hackers.

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Libra: 6-12 August 2018

The Leo weather now rules ensemble casts, troupes, and circles of people in pursuit of a common goal, like an animal charity or an environmental organization. The Leo weather, less formally, is about your friends and the social media you use, or old-fashioned friendship which goes back many years and predates the internet. The Leo weather is most certainly about Facebook and its current problems may have a knock-on effect on the way your community of friends, contacts and acquaintances actually functions for you. The Leo weather is about the friend who makes you a godparent, and the group which you belong to, as a result of being a parent or grandparent, perhaps, depending on your age. It is also very much about any team, club, society, association or other circle which has an impact on the world of children for you, or teenagers. Mumsnet springs to mind. Whatever your personal birth chart is saying, this week will be misleading and also rather muddling for friends and groups. Have Plan B and C and don’t believe what you see, on eclipse day, which is Saturday 11th August. What appears to be a new beginning, or a new friend, or entry into a new community is full of missing information or cover-up jobs. Be aware that you are not aware. Eclipses do what it says on the can. They blot things out. They leave you in the shade or in the dark. Mercury is also busily retrograding in the same house of your chart, the Eleventh House of people power and group situations, so given that the communication, information, negotiation, travel or transportation is going back and forth, you may want to choose quite another week for big plans. Make your mind up later if you can. This week is purely provisional. Dress rehearsal not performance. If you and your friend/the group do have to swing into action, be aware of Mercury’s reputation for creating stuff-ups with telephones, computers, microphones and the post. Have a few back-up plans if the activity is really important.

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Scorpio: 6-12 August 2018

This is the time of year when you reap the rewards if you have been pouring effort into your career, unpaid work or university degree. The slow and steady building process must seem interminable to you, but these things take time, to quote The Smiths, and nobody out there really responds to flash-in-the-pan efforts these days. It is also the right week to pay far more attention to your C.V. and your profile with your employers, future employers, competitors, clients and so on. You may not have really thrown yourself into this in 2018 as you have had so many other distractions, but even a day or two spent focusing on this will pay off. You may need to throw a little more money or time at an issue so you have exactly what you need. Resources is the magic word, perhaps – but you also need to invest in success. If there is anything you need to do, to ensure that September turns out just as you wish, remember that you may go to and fro this week, and in fact until the opening days of next month. There may be hitches or reversals, replays or ‘rewind’ situations as Mercury backtracks. This is okay. It’s a work in progress or a dress rehearsal and the real moment of truth will be next month anyway. One last thing – we have yet another eclipse up ahead. An eclipse is a time of cover-ups and missing information. People hide the facts or the facts are staring you in the face and for whatever reason, you don’t see them. This partial solar eclipse on Saturday 11th August can be really misleading in career terms, or where your unpaid work or degree is concerned. For that reason, Friday-Sunday is probably best treated as a situation where you don’t know everything and can’t see everything. If you glimpse a job advertisement in the newspaper, for example, you may want to wait until something comes to light about the company, later.  In general, Scorpio, this entire period of eclipses (including the Great American Eclipse of 2017) has been tied into the North Node in Leo cycle, and that is essentially about career karma. In many ways this has been out of your hands. It ends in November. You will have paid all your dues by then, from this and other lifetimes, but you will also be in receipt of any reward that you truly earned, even years ago. The circle will close and you can move on.

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Sagittarius: 6-12 August 2018

And so, we come to another eclipse in the Leo series which has been affecting your plans to travel, deal with foreign people or places, emigrate, export your goods and services, study, teach or engage more fully with the worldwide web – since last year. This goes on until January 2019. You may want to suspend judgement until you’re past the weekend, at least, as this partial eclipse unfolds on Saturday. Eclipses can be benign. They only cause real problems when the rest of your chart suggests that, and on the whole, we are not seeing much more in this area of your life, than a need to close the circle with karma from around 20 years ago, and perhaps more recently, depending on your personal chart. You will do this in November. It may be a relationship with a particular country or nationality. In any case with Mercury Retrograde now also in full swing, you’d be best advised not to imagine this is final in any way. Sometimes the issue is academia or education, or even publishing, from books to websites, as the Ninth House of your chart, ruled by Leo, is about all these matters. I’m sure you’ll immediately know what I’m talking about. From 3rd September you do in fact get to wrap this up. The longer game is really about these eclipses, though, and there will always be a mystery here. It could be (still) mostly a mystery 50 years from now. For that reason, don’t judge or assume. You probably will never know the whole truth even if some of it emerges later.

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Capricorn: 6-12 August 2018

Mercury is the god of commerce and in fact ‘merc’ is hidden in that word as it is hidden in ‘commercial’. Merchandise and merchants also have ‘merc’ tucked away inside, and so we come to your week. What happens when Mercury appears to move backwards and stall? So, does your money, purchase, sale, charity, possessions, house, apartment, investments and the rest. This may be about the world of children, lovers or young people if you have a lot of Leo in your personal birth chart. In all other cases, it is others who are having their own delays or flux, who then affect your own life! Thus, the need to be mindful of paperwork, the post, e-mails, your telephone, the fine print and so on. I can’t think of too many astrologers who would tell you to go plunging into some huge transaction or deal now. Why would you also do that when there is the blind spot or half-known information of an eclipse? We have one this weekend. You see a lot of Twitter ‘astrologers’ screaming as if they were in The Exorcist when these things happen, but really – an eclipse is just a cover-up or mystery. A guessing game or half-truth. It can work very nicely for you, and in fact an eclipse saved the life of Christopher Columbus. So, take it for what it is. A week of not knowing. If this is part of some epic business or property picture which was peaking around July and August 2017, I doubt very much you’ll get to the end until January 2019.

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Aquarius: 6-12 August 2018

Carly Simon wrote a song about an eclipse, called You’re So Vain. (He probably thought this was song was about him). Do you realise it has been five decades and we still don’t know if that was about Warren Beatty? This week is about your former, current or potential partner. The other person on the opposite end of the scales from you. The Seventh House is always about the effort to find balance, justice, fairness, gender equality, equilibrium and symmetry. Oh, that it was this simple. With Mercury (communication) going backwards, you have Buckley’s chance of getting anything like a final outcome until you go back to some July conversations, e-mails, letters or text messages and realise that the end of the story was always going to be September! Yet, from early September you can at least find out where you both stand. This is karmic in nature. It goes back 20 years if you were around each other that long, or into past lives, if you accept that you have reincarnated to sort things out, in terms of debts or credits. Your personal birth chart, if you have anything in Leo, will tell you the bigger story – do hit Search and look up Leo if you’re a Premium Member and know that this is the case. Essentially, Mercury (backwards) and an eclipse (always a cover-up or blind spot about someone/something) suggest you may want to suspend judgement. Is this a good week to join Tinder? Nope. Is this a good week to get married or move in with someone? Not really. That does not mean the sky falls, though. Nobody is running around yelling ‘Aieeee!’ no matter what the horoscope says. You just assume you don’t know/can’t see 75% of the picture, because this eclipse is partial. You also assume that the story is going to change. How much and to what end, really depends on the chart of your former, current or potential partner. In general, if someone new turns up and he/she looks like a potential lover – just wait until September. They may not even be called Marvin after all. Or Mavis.

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Pisces: 6-12 August 2018

The Leo eclipse is joined by Mercury Retrograde in Leo, and you’ve known this was coming for a few months if you read my features on it, with dates. This is why you probably scheduled quite another week for your big work or university moves. It’s not disastrous, it’s just tricky and what you are pursuing may change or come to nothing. It may get held up. That kind of thing can really rain on your parade, depending on your personal chart. If your career involves children or teenagers, for example, it may be a bigger deal – or specifically, your children or young relatives. In general, this is not a week to judge or act too dramatically, as the communication is not all it should be. There may be technical problems. Mercury RX is notorious for this, as it is for issues with the mail, or the reliability or truth of big statements. All this happens in your Sixth House of workload and daily routine, Pisces, so just be aware. This is also where we find your doctor, drugs, food, fitness, drink, healer, surgeon and the rest. Not the week to sign up for a gym, I should have thought. You may find that there is a reversal of the rehearsal, so that you get started with someone/something and assume that’s it – but you have to go back and forth. This is pretty normal on this cycle and from 3rd September when the last shadow falls away from Mercury (there is always a pre and post shadow) you’ll be on track again. If you think back around 20 years then your work or body issue this week may owe something to that, if we are talking about 2018 as a whole. This is because the Node (karma) goes backwards in 20 years cycles, so we’re talking around 2000. In November whatever you might call unfinished business from that time, will return for ultimate closure. So, Pisces, this week is a lot more than it first appears! Aside from the usual advice not to do anything too major regarding work or health on this eclipse/Mercury cycle – it would appear that even if you are stalling or in flux, it’s for a higher purpose. And that purpose is tucked away in a past life, or 20 years ago, and will reach final closure for you in November.

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