Your Free Daily Horoscope for Monday 06th August 2018
Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams’ free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Monday.
March 21 – April 19
It’s all about your heirs to the throne. Your life as a godparent, parent, aunt, uncle or young people’s person.
What can you do now? Be aware that choices made in August and September influence you for another 12 months. There are voices of experience to help you out there and also experts in their field. Homework required.
See also: Aries Weekly Horoscope
April 20 – May 20
You must now exploit who and what is there, financially, ahead of the most beneficial cycle in 12 years which begins in November - and this may include your house, business, charity, possessions or apartment too. Dealing, rather than wishful thinking, is the only way to go. You know how to cut a very good deal too, Taurus.
See also: Taurus Weekly Horoscope
May 21 – June 20
You are in a tough financial, business or property cycle which only happens every 29 years and the time is right to ask people or organisations which are tried, tested and trusted for their point of view. One thing is clear. You may need a different strategy or a rethink of your old approach. Pluto is there with Saturn. Intense! Plan ahead
See also: Gemini Weekly Horoscope
June 21 – July 22
You cannot really avoid what you are faced with now, in terms of your former, current or potential partner - but there are ways to handle it, and ways to consciously avoid what/who could be so heavy. You may not know enough. Find out more. What is the reality of what you assume, or guess, will work? Saturn and Pluto call you.
See also: Cancer Weekly Horoscope
July 23 – August 22
There is no point in avoiding what might just come to pass, later this year or in 2019. The Node is changing signs in November and you’ll see clues now. This concerns a secret you keep, a role you play behind the scenes, or another ‘invisible’ aspect of yourself or your world. What’s the strategy? How will the past help you?
See also: Leo Weekly Horoscope
August 23 – September 22
It really helps to know that some outcomes never come to pass at all. Still, you have to measure your steps and prepare for various possible closing paragraphs to this story about your life as a godparent, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent or ‘the children’s guide’. Write that script now. Rewrite it if you have to with a different ending.
See also: Virgo Weekly Horoscope
September 23 – October 22
Over the last few days, the mixed-up reality of the situation with your friend, and particularly the group, has crept up on you. Now you are at a crossroads when you must think very seriously about the consequences of a choice which is taking you in all directions. Classic Mercury Retrograde. You may yet ‘re’ your first ‘re’ too.
See also: Libra Weekly Horoscope
October 23 – November 21
This decision of yours about the internet is not inevitable. In fact, you can choose any one of a number of paths. You can’t run away from the facts of life now staring you in the face, but you can choose to either complicate your life or keep it simple. Essentially, with Saturn and Pluto here, look at the burden. What’s not required?
See also: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
November 22 – December 21
We have Saturn and Pluto weather now, in Capricorn. Look again at the money, charity, possessions, business, house or apartment. It pays to entertain two or three different outcomes and to be a gentle pessimist. Of course, some things may never happen! Yet you would be foolish to ignore or avoid what requires homework.
See also: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
December 22 – January 19
Mercury rolls on, in all directions. Issues about your money, house, business, possessions, apartment or charity which you spent so long living with, are now cranked up, as Mars is also going backwards and forwards. You will know where you stand from the first week of September, but for now, treat this as a rewrite upon a rewrite.
See also: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
January 20 – February 18
The Node has its way with old karma, involving that crucial person. You are now in a completely different position with your former, current or potential partner. Also, perhaps, with your opponents, enemies or rivals. At last you can shake off anything left hanging – in November – and gain closure. That journey rolls on now.
See also: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
February 19 – March 20
The Node is changing up ahead and it will make a big difference to your day-to-day lifestyle, housework, paid work or unpaid work – or academic life. It may take you a few weeks to realise how much has changed in your world, yet from the first and second weeks of November, you can make a genuine fresh start. Prepare now.
See also: Pisces Weekly Horoscope
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