Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 23-29 July 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 23-29 July 2018
Leo is the King of the Jungle and the lion rampant is an ancient symbol of monarchy. In the United Kingdom this is about the House of Windsor and Buckingham Palace. In America this is about the White House. Leo rules the heirs to the throne – the children and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren too. I predicted this many months ago in a separate feature on Leo weather, but we are going to see a total cover-up involving the young Windsors and Trumps at the Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday 27th July. Mercury is also Retrograde in Leo so there will be deceptive situations, and later on – retractions. There will certainly be reversals. If you have a Leo stellium in your personal birth chart hit Search to read all about Leo and Leo weather.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 23-29 July 2018
This week is about the younger faces you must guide, lead and set an example to in your life. This may be your godson or daughter. The children or young adults you work with, or volunteer for. At the very core level of the cycle, this is about sex and its aftermath, in terms of pregnancy – and for some of you, this week is about fertility. Most commonly, the Leo weather now is just about your children, godchildren or young relatives. The story you thought you knew a few weeks ago will now go backwards. From Thursday it will become clear that nothing was ever fixed, firm or final either with arrangements involving your offspring, or with larger-scale plans involving young people as a whole. Do not consider any changes at a child’s school or university to be final – this is a work in motion. There is karma at work here, on the weekend. This has happened before, symbolically, and it may have been months or even many years ago. The Total Lunar Eclipse means Thursday-Saturday is not time to act nor judge as you will not see clearly then. There may even be a cover-up. Aries, if ever there was a time to treat July-November as a period of provisional plan-making, rehearsal and acceptance of cyclical conditions, this is it. Nothing is green-lit here. If anything, the repetitions we are seeing with Mercury and the Node suggest you would be much better off having Plan B and C, if it involves a lover or child, or the world of younger people. Keep your plans flexible and just assume you don’t see/can’t know near Friday on that dramatic eclipse in Leo.
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Taurus: 23-29 July 2018
Taurus, this week is about your extended family, and your household. It is also about your home, your residences (plural), your property investments and your sense of belonging to your town or country. This is a very tricky week and you need to navigate carefully, especially if you are just about to start renovations, want to sell or buy a house/apartment, or intend on major discussions with your council about the local area. This is obviously also quite a demanding and complicated time for family decisions. Does this mean you hide under the bed? Of course not. You get on with your life, but you use astrology to help you. First of all, Mercury Retrograde is here. You are now on track, to be not on track! I am sure that you read my caution dates many months ago and decided to forget about Early July-Early September for the removal van, the new tenant and so on. There were easier times for property or family! Taurus do not commence any new home improvements, tenant or flatmate choices, property or Air BnB agreements and so on, unless you are absolutely prepared to deal with a chance, a delay or even a reversal by September. This also applies to family news. Take it with a pinch of salt. We have an eclipse on Friday which is quite the cover-up or missing information ‘job’ and you need to allow Thursday-Saturday as times to suspend judgement or action plans. You just won’t know or see. This may be about your grandchild and his wife, your son – or about a residence. Use your astrology to hop around, duck and dive this week. Click on a long story I wrote about Mercury Retrograde in 2018 for more.
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Gemini: 23-29 July 2018
This is ‘dress rehearsal’ Leo weather, so let’s look at what I published in a book I wrote for Penguin, about this - The Sun in Leo will act like a huge, swinging torch at this time, passing over your ability to deliver a message. You’ll either be congratulated or reminded how you’ve been getting it wrong. Your way with words and images, or ideas and messages – is in the spotlight now. It’s time to be admired if things are going well; your memo, speech, website, blog, statement, essay, academic paper, letter, meeting, postcard, song lyric, screenplay – or just your ‘big talk’ – or not. And if not? Take a course, brush up your language skills, clean up your handwriting, upgrade your computer, update your web knowledge, ask advice, learn how to connect...” You will have another chance to shine at about this time next year, but in this final week of July, people will be reading, listening and watching with greater focus. Never assume you can just ‘get by’ with an important speech or assignment now; your audience will typically be much more attentive than usual. Gemini, I need to give you some dates regarding the book, blog, website, project, concept or actual computer/phone. On Thursday 26th July Mercury Stations Retrograde and as he is your ruler, this ‘station’ (he stops and goes backwards, like a bad train) is going to make you see just why I have been telling you for months that July would be a dress rehearsal! Cancellations, extreme weather, flawed technology, flaky people or more could contribute to your second or third attempt to be heard/read. Assume you do not know, or cannot see, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday as on Friday 27th July, we have a Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse. Act or judge another time. Don’t buy a phone or sign up to a new ISP unless you read the fine print, for example.
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Cancer: 23-29 July 2018
We now have an eclipse and also Mercury Retrograde at a standstill, in the financial, property and business zone of your horoscope. This is also where we find charity and precious possessions. Assume a blind spot Thursday-Saturday and remember you won’t see and don’t know. An eclipse is always concealed information or lack of clarity. A black-out of information! Even if you don’t get to the signatures or handshakes stage, there will still be plenty of question-and-answer sessions, and a reasonable amount of research, in terms of the money, the house, the flat, the possessions or the business rewards – and also your value system, as much as anything else – it’s about what you will, and won’t, sell out for. This is a good time to watch, wait and take mental notes on your next purchase, deal, sale or transaction. Mercury, the planet of information and communication, is now going backwards in your Solar Sign Second House of cashflow, shopping, banking, profits, losses, debts and credits. The chances are high that your best-laid plans may also go backwards. How do you use this cycle? You review. You rethink. You rewrite. You also have Plan B, C and D.
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Leo: 23-29 July 2018
Be cautious about the relaunch now in motion in terms of your brand or profile, Leo. You are going to get a blind spot Thursday-Saturday about ‘Me’ and not see or know, what you deserve and need to see and know! This is about your appearance, name, title or reputation. Mercury is also stalling you and reversing plans regarding your rebirth or renaissance this July-August. Be aware. You will be focussed on your public profile now. You’ll be picking up lots of different facts, figures and soundbites as you tackle the issue of how you are seen and ask lots of questions. Great, except for the flaky, shaky weather now. Try to treat ‘Me’ as a process not a final outcome and aim for September. Treat July, August as a dress rehearsal. This applies to cosmetic surgery or business stationery. An eponymous blog or a Linked In relaunch. Think this - anything which is about your surface, rather than your substance. Magazines, newspapers, television, radio and Google will play an important part in the way you manage typical First House issues like your presentation or packaging. Yet, if ever there was a time to postpone ‘Me’ issues it’s now. At the very least have Plan B, C, D.
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Virgo: 23-29 July 2018
With this Leo weather, nobody would be amazed (remotely) if you were chasing life undercover, behind the scenes or down below. This may be a secret plan, or an extremely sensitive, confidential issue. It could be anything from a cosmetic surgery procedure, to an affair with a married man. This rather delicate, hush-hush matter is now waylaid by your ruler Mercury going full retrograde and an eclipse too. Complicated! This cycle can also bring a period of hibernation, as you remove yourself from the outside world and turn your attention to your inner world instead. Again, it is complicated. Private issues like dreams, mediumship, tarot, astrology, psychology, hypnosis, psychiatry and so on may also be big on the radar now. Mercury your ruler is standing still, running backwards and triggering delays, reversals, retractions, cancellations and diary changes. This runs through early September until the shadow is over. An anonymous blog? Well fine, but it may stall now so have Plan B. The eclipse is the biggest deal of all at the end of the week. This is a cover-up or an obliterated piece of knowledge. It concerns what is beneath the surface, invisible, unseen or mysterious. This is not the time to act or judge.
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Libra: 23-29 July 2018
Leo weather for you means friendships and group involvements of all kinds go to the top of your list. This may be your political party, community group, band, secret society or Twitter circle. If only Mercury was behaving himself the plans and discussions would reach conclusion in 2-3 weeks, but instead you must hang on until the early days of September to see one circular situation ‘loop the loop’ now, Libra. We also have an eclipse which is terribly important as Friday 27th July (and the adjacent days, around the world) are times of cover-ups, missing information, blacked-out sentences, blind spots and the rest. This very much involves your friend or the group I have been talking about so avoid judging or acting across that time-frame. We also have the North Node in the same zone of your chart at the moment so there is a fair bit of karma rotating either from the recent past or past lives. All in all, the feeling we get from friends and groups of all kinds now is circular, repetitive, stuck and not really about moving forward. You’ll do that either with a clean sheet from September, or with a many-deletions/insertions sheet from this point forward.
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Scorpio: 23-29 July 2018
Any changes which take place in your career now won’t seem like changes at all – the shape of the events unfolding will be familiar to you from the last few months or years – or you may have seen it all before in a past life. You have the North Node in Leo in your zone of success, status, ambition, position and mission. This is a symbol of karma. Familiar replays and repeats you’d rather skip, actually. This week you also have Mercury going around in circles so there is a real sense of hiccup-stick-hiccup about this broken record. Is it negative or positive? It’s just karmic, Scorpio. You have debts to pay or rewards to collect, based on what you did last time. It may not be until early September that one circular situation in particular has resolved itself so be aware of the potential for delays, reversals and all ‘re’ prefix words – as you will be reviewing, rescheduling and rethinking one particular goal or role. Do be aware of that dramatic total eclipse at the end of the week. If you can make a decision about your paid or unpaid work (or university) any time, then make it later. Why? An eclipse conceals, it never reveals.
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Sagittarius: 23-29 July 2018
This rather repetitive, stuck, unusual week is about the places, people or promises you seek, in order to find meaning. These may not necessarily have any connection to your own culture, education or background. Travelling to other countries or making connections with people from different nationalities or belief systems to your own, might be the key to a new spiritual, academic or ‘life PhD’ awakening for you. In other cases, you might find this wake-up call through science, through the occult, or by returning passionately to a philosophy or faith you’ve visited before. You can read more about this in my book for Penguin, 2020 Vision. Essentially this week, with its circular Mercury and mystifying eclipse, is about being on the path with travel, and travel in the mind – but also right off the path! This is why you’re going to see a lot of astrologers telling you to insure your trips, or to have Plan B if foreigners are visiting you. Extreme weather, unusual situations, strike action or any other Mercury trick could see a lot of rescheduling now. This also applies to workshops, seminars, university applications/courses and the rest as the Ninth House of your chart rules education and academia. Publishing, needless to say, is hugely affected and it may not be until early September that you see one stop-start situation finally conclude. Be aware of the eclipse at the end of the week if you intend to travel, move, emigrate, organise plans with foreign people, study, teach, publish or write in any large-scale way. An eclipse conceals it never reveals. It’s a black-out of the information you need so if you can act or judge at any time at all, why choose then?
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Capricorn: 23-29 July 2018
We have a lot of ‘re’ in your financial horoscope now. So, there may be rescheduling, rethinking, reviewing, repetition or even a total reversal by September when this cycle finally ends, Capricorn. This week is particularly important because not only is Mercury Retrograde, you also have an Eclipse here. Assume you cannot see the full picture or know the full story, as you approach the weekend. I can’t think of too many astrologers who would tell you go to off and buy a property at auction, or strike a deal, or reach a settlement, or open a bank account – or the rest. Eclipses conceal, they cover up and they blot things out. You really don’t need that now with your precious possessions, budget and the rest. Thanks to both the Node and Mercury in Leo now - you’ll go around and round with the same financial, property and business issues. In fact, you may feel as if you’re hitting the repeat button, as there is a strong sense of ‘seen it all before’ with cash, houses, flats, paperwork or your precious possessions now.
To quote from my book 2020 Vision (Penguin) this current cycle can help you to remain wonderfully calm and philosophical about what is going on if you are a zen citizen. In fact, the whole experience of having the North Node in the Eighth House can feel like watching a film you’ve seen a hundred times before. The names, faces or amounts on the cheque may change, but everything else is extremely familiar. may even have exactly the same set-up, with the same person, to contemplate. It happens! Past life debts and credits also turn up now. If you are indebted to someone (or a group of people) from a previous incarnation, that issue will now be on your agenda again – which might explain why you feel such a strong sense of Deja vu.
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Aquarius: 23-29 July 2018
Let’s look at marriages, de facto partnerships or committed relationships first this week, although for some of you the issue will be a professional partnership – or even a conflict. Over and over again, you’ll meet the same relationship or feud scenario now. This can make you a seasoned expert on the way you and your partner or enemy operate together. As I wrote in my book 2020 Vision (Penguin) some years ago - The North Node’s gift to you now is astonishing intuition, and a kind of effortless inner ‘knowing’ about your relationship with this person, or the chemistry that’s taking place in the laboratory of life. If you are single, you also need to bear this in mind. There will be days when you look at the love jungle from a distance and feel as if you’ve seen every animal in the zoo or every story in The Jungle Book. Maybe it’s a ‘Just So’ story and you are now ready for a different book, Aquarius. There will also be days when you feel so much strange past-life knowledge about a new date, that you wonder why either of you need to go through all this again! Single or attached, the above applies to your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, former partner, and to any potential dates. What I’m picking up from your chart this week is cycles. Recurring, repetitive cycles. Mercury is retrograde, so you will be repeating yourself, or rescheduling, or rethinking until September. From shadow to shadow, that is how long this cycle lasts. What is the point of it? To buy you time. Time to think and feel, very deeply, so you are absolutely out of the karma zone by November. We have an eclipse this week. It takes place in the closing days of July and you need to be aware that this is not the time to judge, nor act, about this man (or woman) who is dominating your life. An eclipse is never the time.
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Pisces: 23-29 July 2018
There really is no ‘routine’ about your usual daily routine this week, Pisces, no matter if this late part of July is about your body, health, food, drugs, fitness, sleep, doctor – or about your workload.
If you have a part-time or full-time job, this cycle will help you see your working life as a rather circular affair, by delivering the same people and situations in an endless loop or just the same essential soundtrack and theme. We also have Mercury Retrograde now, so the sense of familiarity and ‘been there, done that, written the screenplay’ you have about a job or your unpaid role now, may well be down to past life experience. This week is very much about your physical state and physical condition and the way this powerfully affects how you operate on a day-to-day basis, with tasks, chores, work and so on. We also have an eclipse to end the week which is a real black-out in terms of knowledge or insight. Be sharply aware of that as you may want to judge or act later, around Friday, if you do happen to be dealing with a major body question, or a work issue.
On this cycle, you can steadily get to the point where you can be a detached observer about work, housework, duties, your service to others and so on, no matter if you are a professional person or not. This unusual Nodal point in your horoscope also brings us people, challenges and experiences from other lifetimes which is why this week may seem oddly familiar (same faces or different faces; it’s the same story). Again, where your body is concerned, there may be a feeling of ‘been there, done that, seen it all before’ and that is also what this week is about. Expect loops upon loops, until early September when at last things start to move.
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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
Jessica – Re the House of Windsor (but not about the current children or grandchildren), while it perhaps was not as unknown in the U.K. as it was “across the pond,” the newly U.S. released documentary on Scotty Bowers, pimp to the largest movie stars from the past, which hit the news in the U.S. yesterday, July 28, revealed his three-, four-, and fivesomes with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor who, according to him, swung both ways. Smiles abound, especially recalling the wedding photos of the Duke and his best man, Fruity Metcalfe. Imagine that honeymoon. Could care less about anyone’s sexual orientation. It’s the sad, ongoing, old-money, power, and fame dynamics also involving the have-nots and how prostitution has always been and still is rampant in the entertainment industry worldwide.
Thank you so much for letting me know this!