Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for July. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: July
July is about your son or daughter. The children of someone you are having an affair with. The children involved in a partner’s affair. July (if you prefer to avoid all that personal life stuff) is also likely about your godchildren. Your nieces or nephews. The young people you feel responsible for, thanks to your paid or unpaid work. Please do tread very carefully as this month is a minefield of misinformation and also missing information. You are essentially working your way through karma, as the Node is about debts and credits involving pregnancy, termination, children, miscarriage, adoption, sons, daughters, godchildren, young relatives – from years ago. If you really want to go into this quite deeply, think about lifetimes ago. The Nodal cycle in India is associated with Rahu and Ketu, and it is linked to reincarnation. Whatever you might feel about past lives, there will be something that resonates quite deeply with you this month, about decisions you took a long time ago in regard to sexual relationships, pregnancy, fertility, IVF, stepchildren, parenthood, and the rest. Sometimes ‘all the world’s children’ is the theme on this cycle so you may be a teacher feeling it with the children in your class, or a volunteer experiencing the karma with a teenager’s charity. Aries, try to take your time and not assume anything is finished, fixed or final with all this now. It really isn’t. We also have a blind-spot eclipse so please read your daily horoscope to be aware of that. Try to be far more mindful about your son, or daughter, and the rest – it’s one of those months when you think you know, but you don’t. Right across your monthly horoscope, please also read your weeklies and dailies, as the situation will change quite quickly, rather like sea mist descending. The weather needs to be interpreted as it shifts and much as we’d love it to be clear in July, it’s really not. The ultimate outcome? All karma cleared by November when the Nodes leave Leo, and your zone of children, parenthood, sexual relationships, other people’s sons and daughters, and the rest.
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Taurus: July
Well, it’s really about your family, property, country, home town, household, investment in a residence, or other people’s residences – this month. This stellium in the Fourth House of your horoscope is about what and who spells ‘belonging’ to you, and what needs to be balanced, in terms of long-standing spiritual debts, or credits. This might sound airy-fairy until you realise that the Node (now moving through this zone of your chart) has been associated with cyclical returns of life experience by old souls, for centuries – in India. This might explain why some aspects of the situation with a family member, your town or country, your household (and the rest) seem oddly familiar. Of course, there may be a direct repeat of what happened a few years ago, Taurus! Try to give this as much time and space as you can before you make judgements or draw conclusions. On the most basic practical level you may hit reversals, delays or changes with decorators, renovation work, relatives and so on. It would begin now and take some time to work itself out. The Leo accent in your horoscope now is extreme and although there are obviously some missing pieces of the jigsaw with your vocation, calling, role or career – the long-term impact now is really coming from the family, or your sense of place. The situation honestly changes so much, day to day, that this is pretty much the only time this year I would suggest you read your weekly horoscope, Taurus.
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Gemini: July
It’s really all about the words you choose, and the words you use, in July. It’s also about the past catching up with you. Those old Tweets. That old footage, or message, or article and the rest. You may have assumed that being born with the Sun in Gemini in the Third House of your natural chart – which rules the worldwide web, public speaking, hearing, writing, listening, your telephone, multimedia – and the rest – life would be simple. Not so. What comes naturally and what is such an honest expression of yourself, can sometimes lead to nothing but puddles. Puddles of reflection. That is really the best way to use July, Gemini, as whatever is pooling, in terms of the internet, Twitter, old letters, diaries, books, television and the rest is a mirror. You have the Node cycling around in Leo, in your Third House of ideas, projects, plans, concepts and the rest. It has been doing this for an awfully long time and you now have to catch up with the cycle, as best you can. You’re going to read a ton of stuff now through August from astrologers about not buying new phones, computers or signing up to a new ISP. This is quite true. Your ruler Mercury is retrograde, and the shadow starts now. The real message, though, is ‘Catch up with what you said/wrote/transmitted!’ Pause button required. Rewind. Pause on the rewind. It’s traditionally not a great time to launch your new message, Gemini.
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Cancer: July
You only get one Nodal cycle in your finance, property, business, charity, ownership, shopping and collecting zones every few years. It’s really about going back to what you did, what you deserve, what you owe, what you value. Also, how you value, whom you value! This may feel like it never ends, for which there is an astrological explanation. The Leo-Aquarius zone of your chart is where you earn, own or owe. It’s where you do deals or sell your soul, for whatever price. It’s also where you accumulate. If you drill down into the deepest layers, it’s really about values. You are now experiencing that based on your former, current or potential partner. Essentially this zone of your chart is about what you will (or will not, staunchly) sell out for. Everyone has a price, apparently, according to old punk rock songs. What’s yours? Everything spins around this month, so you get to compare the past with the present and the potential future. It’s no exaggeration to say your entire financial, property, charity and business world will start all over again from Christmas 2020. That’s a long way off, yet this month will have its part to play. Take your time. On a totally practical note, if you are signing or accepting signatures, read the fine print. Have Plan B with stuff like credit cards, statements, fines, insurance and the rest.
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Leo: July
We now have quite a strong line-up in Leo, your own zodiac sign. This is interesting because it will be the last time, for a long time, that you have to deal with ‘Me’ so much. This is not who you actually are, Leo. It is about the internet hologram or the reputation; profile; title; photograph; clip. This is where you fly the flag for something, or someone – and push forward. It’s like being Robert Plant or Madonna. Princess Margaret (flying the flag for something quite outside the Kingdom) and J.K. Rowling doing what she does. Why is this month so important? Karma. What goes around, comes around. You have so much repetition across this four-week period, it’s crazy. It all is, or seems so, familiar. You learned lessons before, use them now. You are owed favours from others now, use that too. The mirage or flickering hologram in space is only – this much! Yet it is the very last time for many years you will have so many chances to resolve, repair, fix, renew, collect, reward yourself. This is literally about your name, reputation, title, face, shape, wardrobe, vehicle, body language, persona, aura and the rest. To quote Bananarama - Robert de Niro’s here, talking Italian. What are you talking, Leo?
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Virgo: July
The Leo weather in July 2018 passes through your Twelfth House, which rules everything below the surface. This may be a secret you are covering up, classified information or the most sensitive subjects. Sometimes what lies beneath is more mysterious – dreams, the Occult, mediumship. This is the cycle when you need to disappear from view, and realise that some things will be quite unfathomable, even to your best friend. Work with the astrology to keep life simple. Whatever you are discussing, or putting down in writing, will go back and forth when your ruler Mercury begins shadow retrograde motion, from Saturday 7th July. I am sure you know this phase in your life is about communication and information taking a long and winding road! Negotiations come to nothing later, or you discover you did not have the full story. That’s just one example. Technical issues are another. Allow for this in your plans. Whatever is so hush-hush or deeply mysterious will not follow a normal path. You also need to be strongly aware of the eclipse on 27th July. An eclipse is always a blind spot or cover-up. July 26th, 27th, 28th are days to assume you cannot know, and do not see – specifically in regard to what is below the surface or behind the scenes. As you can see, July is tricky, but with a bit of fancy footwork, you will see normal service resumed once Mercury is out of retrograde shadow, and that happens on Sunday 2nd September. Until then allow for a ‘loop the loop’ situation with whatever is out of sight, or just an enigma, to others.
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Libra: July
This long Mercury Retrograde is about your friends and a group project. Allow for everything to go backwards and forwards from July 7th until September 2nd, as from shadow to shadow, this planet is stuck. A typical example would be a holiday to a music festival; your plans for your band; a project based largely on social media, like a protest movement or just a creative endeavour. Libra, Mercury rules news, information, communication and transportation and his odd behaviour in your zone of friends and groups requires Plan B and Plan C. This is a very good time for a dress rehearsal or first attempt, like a rough draft or ‘let’s see’ approach. If you have the luxury of being able to amend, change or even drop some aspects of what you are all discussing, so much the better. We do have an eclipse at the end of July, though, so should something important with your friend or group come up on the 26th, 27th, 28th assume you can only see half the picture. Eclipses conceal, they never reveal, and what should be as plain as day, then, will be hard to view. Libra, to sum up – when it comes to your social life, social media and group ventures, allow for discussions and paperwork to take a zig-zag path from July 7th to September 2nd which is the full Mercury Retrograde cycle, including the crucial shadows, before and after. July 27th – we also have an eclipse in this same chart zone, so across July 26th to 28th, allow for blind spots and cover-ups.
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Scorpio: July
July 7th to September 2nd will bring career, university or unpaid work complications, so be prepared to change your plans or sit with a delay. Actually, knowing about Mercury Retrograde ahead of time is useful as you can great July, August as months of ‘wait-and-see’ rehearsal, or a first attempt. Rather than commit to people, organisations or plans in any rigid way, you can be flexible. On July 27th we have an eclipse in this same area of your horoscope. You need to do some fancy footwork, Scorpio. A lot of what is happening now is karmic in nature. It owes so much to what was going on last year, but also reaching back years into your C.V. or course. The North Node in Leo, in your success zone, suggests a real ‘loop the loop’ feeling in July. Managing this is really just a question of trying to avoid nailing things down, or assuming an agreement, appointment or declaration is the end of the matter, as anything from flaky human beings, to computer problems, ensures that July-August is not the final destination.
Scorpio, to sum up, Mercury Retrograde from July 7th to September 2nd (including the shadows, which not all astrologers do) is a time of delays and changes with paperwork, discussion, promises regarding your role in life, and your goals. Allow for a period of ‘not knowing/not seeing’ on the eclipse on July 27th and allow a day before and after.
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Sagittarius: July
Sagittarius, note that July 7th to September 2nd will be a time of delays, changes or even cancellations, affecting your holiday, visits from foreign residents, your education (for fun, or for a qualification) and even the worldwide web as a whole. Use July, August creatively to work around. Mercury Retrograde always begins and ends with a shadow, and that shadow starts almost as soon as July is underway. Have travel insurance and if people are visiting you from afar, have Plan B. That’s just common sense but you double the maintenance on this cycle! Anything from extreme weather to computer problems can trigger a waiting game or paper trail. The eclipse on July 27th is also important as there will be a cover-up on that day, or within 24 hours. You will not see, what you need to see. Try to avoid that period for major judgement calls or action plans involving travel, foreigners, publishing, internet, academia, education. The whole world has its dark glasses on, at that time, and it will only be later that everybody has that ‘Oh’ moment.
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Capricorn: July
Allow for a long and winding road with the money, house, apartment, business, firm, shares, precious possessions or charity in July and August, Capricorn. There may be a long period of to-and-fro with paperwork, or the negotiation process. Depending on your personal birth chart, you also need to make allowances for people going back on their word (the literal translation of Mercury Retrograde) or even a computer issue. This is useful. It buys you time to think, plot and plan. In fact, some people use this cycle quite knowingly, to back-pedal for six or seven weeks, while they figure out their options. If you do need a faster result on an agreement or purchase, just be aware of the terms and conditions. This strongly applies to banks. Most importantly, remember this Mercury Retrograde cycle, from July 7th to September 2nd, is about understanding that not everything in life goes according to plan. The eclipse on July 27th is a more important date to note (allow 24 hours either side) as you will not be in possession of all the facts and details then, with finance, business or property. I can’t think of a single astrologer who would tell you to commit on an eclipse.
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Aquarius: July
July and August are specifically about your former, current or potential partner, Aquarius. Perhaps about your enemy, rival or opponent. The line-up in Leo falls in your Seventh House, which describes the set of scales you share with this man (or woman) and how best to balance things between you, in the interests of fair play, equality and symmetry. It will take a lot of energy to get there, so this is not a walk in the park. At the same time, you can use July and August to rethink, review, reschedule, reorganise. This is creative stitching in the tapestry of your life, particularly your marriage or professional partnership – and maybe a battle. Do yourself a favour and allow for communication misfires, issues with the phone or post and changes to the talking points. Mercury Retrograde always begins and ends with a shadow, and this takes place from July 7th to September 2nd. There is also missing information, a cover-up or blind spot on the eclipse on July 27th so be aware – that you will not be aware! Steer clear of that date if you want smooth progress with this person. If you do happen to be in the throes of separation or divorce, or actively doing battle with some kind of arch enemy, be aware that July is tricky, and this person or his/her representative may be a trickster. In mythology, Mercury was cunning and crafty. Work around.
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Pisces: July
Your daily workload, lifestyle, routine and particularly your physical condition and physical state, dominates July. The Leo weather passes through your Sixth House, which is where you sort out the 24 hours in your day, no matter if it is housework, supervising staff, dealing with basic work issues, or focussing on your university commitments. At no point can you separate your body from the rest of your life – in fact, July and August are months to turn to the issue of food, doctors, drugs, healers, fitness, drink or surgery with great attention. Allow for changes and delays from July 7th until September 2nd. Have Plan B. Maybe have Plan C. Read the fine print on health insurance. Mercury is the planet of communication and information and when he appears to stand still and go backwards (retrograde) you can just imagine what happens to your diary. Work is the other issue here, of course. Make allowances in July and August for people or organisations to hold you up, or even alter your plans. These two months are ideal for a first attempt or dress rehearsal, with a work project or university submission, but not so great for launch, unless you are very flexible. Finally, no astrologer on earth will tell you to go full speed ahead on an eclipse. We have one on July 27th. Allow 24 hours either side, but assume you won’t be shown, what you should be shown, about your work or your body.
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Dear Jessica hi!
I have Moon and Mars in Aquarius. Am i going to be affected regarding my friends, groups etc in july?In what way?
Thank you
Good question. Essentially you need to try and avoid conflicts, rivalry, competition or ‘heat’ between you and your friends, or others in the group, because it just stalls. Normally you would fight things out between yourselves in 1-2 weeks but the insane retrograde motion of Mars over so many months means things will linger. You really don’t want that. You are very likely to find Mars turns up as an aggressive, pushy, impatient or otherwise ‘throwback’ male. If not, then this is a woman who is acting our her male side in a not very useful way. The cleverest thing to do on this cycle is to ‘declare war’ on something that needs wiping out. It may be poverty, injustice, cruelty to animals, disease, harm to nature, and so on. Join together with your comrades, almost as if you were in an army unit and really rev each other up to ‘fight the good fight.’ Now, it’s going to go back and forth, back and forth, and that will drive you all a little crazy this year – but ultimately you could win so easily – and you also avoid having the white-hot, red-hot Mars cycle creating barriers. Unite in a common enemy, foe or target and go forth – expecting delays and changes on the way!