Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 25 June-1 July 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 25 June-1 July 2018
I was born in Brixton a few streets away from David Bowie and I am posting this photograph to accompany your Full Moon prediction this week. David Bowie was an ambitious Capricorn and on Thursday, 28th June at 5.52am in London, we will see a Full Moon in Capricorn, set against the Sun in Cancer. I am sure you know Cancer describes the importance of your home town. Capricorn takes us away from that, so we can make it in the big, wide world. David Bowie certainly did and when I went back to Brixton, I was reminded of the issue so many people will be facing this week. Home or away? Stay or go?
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 25 June-1 July 2018
What you choose to do this week, both about career and home, will put you on a fork in the road until the end of 2020. This is about your paid or unpaid work, or your life at university. It is also very much about the house or apartment, the family, your home town and homeland. We are seeing not only a Full Moon in the ambitious sign of Capricorn, but also a foreshadowing of a major new cycle from November, when the Nodes (karma) enter Capricorn and the home-dependent sign of Cancer. This is a very long cycle and it accompanies powerful Pluto, serious Saturn and eventually both Jupiter and Ceres in Capricorn. I am mentioning these two signs - the goat and the crab - because what you experience this week is like a tug-of-war between both. The goat wants to climb to the top of the mountain and get away from where he came from. He wants the peak of success, of status and of slow achievement. He cannot do this by staying down on the ground with the other goats! Cancer the crab could not be more different. The crab carries her home on her back - always - and never moves very far from her clan. She has no interest in being Queen of the Rock. She wants who and what she knows best - cosy, comfortable, secure and familiar. Now, Aries, remember your fork in the road. It will take you until Christmas 2020 to realise just what a fork it was.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Taurus: 25 June-1 July 2018
How to communicate and connect, across the worldwide web, and around the whole wide world? This is a major crossroads not just this week but for the next couple of years, as we are waiting for Cancer-Capricorn patterns to develop across your horoscope and these two signs are very much about multimedia, television, the internet and the rest. You need to find a way to be true to your own 'voice' without allowing the medium to get in the way of what you have to say, and how you wish to say it. I am sure you know that the web itself has a way of herding us into particular ways of communicating and this may be one of your issues at the moment. On a fundamental level there may be questions here about hearing - about speech - about sight, or even handwriting and typing. Being heard and read, as you wish to be heard and read, is about to become a long-term concern, deepening in importance in 2019 as the Nodes go through these two areas of your horoscope. There is a very strong theme now about people who seem foreign to you. Perhaps you seem foreign to them. You can't really avoid this, Taurus. It's like a soundtrack which has been increasing in volume since May. Time to choose.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Gemini: 25 June-1 July 2018
I am sure you know the real dollar, pound or euro value of the house, the apartment, the tax bill, the annual salary, the dividend and so on. Precious possessions have a price. A debt also has a 'price to pay.' This week, Gemini, you must create a budget which is about your whole life - body and soul - and not just what is apparently a financial fork in the road. The issue is the opposition between the Sun and Moon in the Second House of values and valuables, and the Eighth House, which describes joint property, business, philanthropic, charitable or financial agreements. A classic example is marriage and mortgage. Another classic example is a family legacy. You must now do some of the most important calculations of your life. I am not exaggerating here - you will never experience the transit of Pluto and Saturn in your Eighth House of deadly serious money again. Not only that, but in 2019 the whole issue becomes karmic in nature. You inherit debts and credits from other lifetimes next year. Now is the time to think about the long-term. To think about karma. To think about what you would pay to have peace of mind, self-respect, respect from others and so on. All the things money can't buy, Gemini.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Cancer: 25 June-1 July 2018
Cancer, this week you must make what appears to be a short-term decision about your former, current or potential partner. Perhaps your great rival, arch enemy or opponent. This person is on the other side of the scales. What you choose to do, to balance those scales, will have an impact on you for some time to come, as although the Full Moon is in Capricorn, your opposite sign, it accompanies both strict Saturn and potent Pluto, so the emotional weight of all that you experience now is far more intense, and much heavier than usual. A great many Cancer people will begin or end relationships now, as a Full Moon is often your trigger (you are of course ruled by the Moon). In other cases a feud may come to a head. Take your time and take good advice about the other person involved, no matter if this is love or war. You are experiencing a sweeping transformation in the world of partnerships and one-on-one conflicts which has never happened before and will never happen again. In fact, in 2019 it becomes karmic in nature so there is a profound soul-to-soul experience just waiting to happen. You will in fact be creating karma with this person or dealing with what went down before, either in this lifetime or (very likely) another one. The scales must be balanced, somehow, and the needle has to hover in the middle.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Leo: 25 June-1 July 2018
Leo, the Full Moon in your Sixth House is about your body. It is about your physical condition and the way it influences your paid and unpaid work. Normally the Moon opposite your ruler, the Sun, would come and go without too many issues attached, but this one is different. You will be brought to a point when you have to align your working day with your constitution and body type - or vice versa. You may have to bring your body into line with your work. I include housework, gardening and home duties in this, because the Sixth House is about all daily chores and tasks, from walking the dog to doing the washing-up, or loading the dishwasher. The deeper theme in your chart now is about duty and service. You obviously have a great sense of duty and service to others who depend on you, but your first duty should be to your own wellbeing, fitness and health. This is why your food, drink, drugs, fitness, healer, doctor, surgeon, nutritionist or dentist is absolutely central to your next choice. You must now think about 2018 and 2019 as well, Leo. This Full Moon is a trigger for a much longer transit. Do think long-term.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Virgo: 25 June-1 July 2018
Rather than avoid the obvious where the world of lovers, children or young people is concerned – face it. This is actually not going to go away by itself and you may have to accept this notoriously tough cycle and deal with it. Pluto and Saturn together in the no-nonsense sign of Capricorn are accompanied by a Full Moon. You may be trying for a baby, considering adoption, or concerned with your younger nieces, nephews and godchildren. There may be a crucial stage for a son or daughter and his her/education or wellbeing. Sometimes the issue is paid or unpaid work with younger faces on this cycle. Your personal birth chart will reveal the personal story but essentially you have to find a way to pass on the legacy of your personality to those who come after you, and you are now at D-Day with this. Saturn and Pluto cycles tend to produce a fair bit of denial and as this cycle will be with you throughout 2019 as well, you might want to get real about the future, even while you are very much having to live in the present. Find what works and stick to it, even if you have to find the most tremendous amount of self-control. This also applies to any sexual relationship which might end in pregnancy or step-parenting. It’s truly the only way.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Libra: 25 June-1 July 2018
You are now ten years into a cycle which has utterly changed your view of a particular house or apartment and beyond that, your family or household. Going even further into the picture of your Fourth House, a transformation in the way you see your town and country is also under way. This long Pluto cycle is now well and truly triggered by a Full Moon which falls in an area of your chart where you must tackle questions about belonging. About security. About feeling, literally, at home. One thing you have probably learned in the last ten years is self-reliance. Unless you have taken the reins and managed both yourself and the situation with property, family, flatmates, the council, the government and so on – you have probably been ‘Plutoed’ which is another word for pushed around. Fortunately, you have learned enough about your successes to know what to do, this time round. What not to do, is just as important. If you throw your hands up in the air and submit to the fates, or other people, the situation will not resolve by itself. The answer is to push back, and you do that best by being ‘the boss of me’ as they say in Los Angeles. Be the boss of yourself in respect to the situation with your home, property, family, household, town or country.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Scorpio: 25 June-1 July 2018
Your communication, multimedia, worldwide web, education and publishing zone is occupied by a decisive Full Moon this week which lays everything on the line for you. Sometimes you have to work with TINA. There Is No Alternative. There are clever ways through, though, and no matter if this is about the technology, the tools or the people you really have to take what comes and ask yourself how you can master your own universe. This may consist of your iPhone and MacBook Air, of course, or maybe you’re all about other ways to connect. You won’t have this cycle again in your lifetime and as Pluto, your ruler, has already been in this chart zone for ten years, there is nothing you don’t know about the politics of the internet, or the genuine power which exists in life online. This may be about your email or about so-called social media. Perhaps it’s about being heard or read at all. If ever there was a week to find the time and space to update yourself on what is going on out there and find a way to run yourself and your life with a new sense of commitment – this is it.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Sagittarius: 25 June-1 July 2018
Sagittarius, the issue now is about how stubborn to be, with issues which revolve around hanging on and holding on. This may be about your house or money. Your apartment or business. Your possessions or charity. Beyond that it may be entirely about your values, so whatever you refuse to sell your soul for – or that which you consider to be most precious – could easily be on the line on this Full Moon. The Sun’s opposition to the Moon also brings in questions about other people’s values, in relation to your own. How a husband or wife feels about a mortgage, for example, or how your parent feels about a legacy. Those are just two examples of what this week is all about and your personal birth chart will tell the rest of the story. This Full Moon is unavoidable and confronting. Unless you do something and also own the situation it won’t go away by itself. Stand firm or give way? Should you try to repeat old patterns and habits, particularly around money, lifestyle, security or property questions – or try a different strategy?
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Capricorn: 25 June-1 July 2018
Capricorn, I am sure you are familiar with what happens when you allow life (or other people) to just take over and take control, where your image is concerned. What happens is not only a feeling of being ‘run’ by forces beyond you, but a genuinely wasted opportunity. The fact is, when you mastermind and micro-manage your own brand, name, reputation, face, shape, style and the rest – you achieve quite powerful results. In fact, if there is anything you have learned since Pluto entered Capricorn ten years ago, it is that you will always be rewarded for pushing back against ‘them’ or perhaps ‘it’ by a sense of empowerment. This week is really about that, but you also have to get real. This current cycle is relentless and unless you take quite firm steps to stop allowing yourself to slip and slide it seems very unlikely that anything will just whisk you out of the current situation. You have to own this. You also have to own ‘me.’
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Aquarius: 25 June-1 July 2018
Aquarius, there is really no point in giving in or giving up. What is secret, confidential, classified, occult, hidden, mysterious, buried or even part of your subconscious is now the centre of your attention. Rather than controlling things, or running them, you appear to have shrugged and become almost philosophical about a situation. Your chart suggests this won’t really help. Neither will denial. You need to do something and dig a lot deeper for answers. Others have been in the same or a similar situation before and there may be some good advice there, or a trigger for your own personal solution. Patric Walker used to call the Twelfth House a place of great sensitivity – sensitive subjects turned up here – thus, this is a matter for you and nobody else. You could find Father Brown’s confessional box or a diary with a lock and key, and that might be one way into it, along with Freud’s famous couch. Yet, ultimately, it might be a mirror in your own space, in your own time and a conversation with the person in the mirror that helps you navigate this. A Full Moon is D-Day. A decision must be made.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
Pisces: 25 June-1 July 2018
Pisces, this week is about understanding that powerful people in your circle of friends have earned that power and it must be respected. Trying to test your own ‘powers’ or potency by entering into some kind of challenge is not a great idea. Better to remember that time a friend moved you on up, or a group gave you control. There are some major questions going on here about how much an association, society, band, network, circle, team, club or similar pulls your strings. At the same time, you can’t really gain much by going it alone or just trying partnerships. It would seem that the only way to really make the most of 2018, 2019, 2020 is to respect who and what is there and find a way to make it work. Not some old pattern or reflex response which doesn’t really serve you at the moment. The Full Moon overhead will be quite dramatic midweek and that’s your signal for a bit of exploration. One friend in particular is at the heart of it. Friendship is friendship but with Pluto there is always politics and essentially this must end in a compromise, later.
Are you a Premium Member? Read on for a detailed analysis of this week's Full Moon in Capricorn and the impact it has on your personal birth chart - now only now but until 2020. Your Lenormand Oracle card reading also follows.
© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.
Dear Jessica,
I have Hygeia in 5 deg Cancer and no planets in Capricorn. Am I going to feel this opposition of Sun and Saturn? And in which way?
Thank you for you explanation!
It will take a while for the Node to move onto Hygiea in your chart in Cancer in the Fourth House, so watch your weekly extra predictions as a Premium member. Moving to 5 degrees will not happen right now in 2018 but ultimately you will have a smart, savvy decision to make about a family member or property. And you will be using a karmic lesson from another lifetime when you do it. A very subtle preview of the situation will be seen now through July.