Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 11-17 June 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 11-17 June 2018
British Tarot fans and astrology readers are welcome to join me in Brighton on Saturday, 16th June for a daytime session on The Barge at beautiful Brighton Marina. Our special guest is Barbara Dunn, who like me, has worked for Cosmopolitan magazine and also written horoscope books for Penguin. Barbara will talk about health and your birth chart on the day, and I will show you how to read your Tarot for the next six months, July-December. Premium Members can attend an exclusive pre-workshop and morning tea all about Jupiter luck, too. The whole day is free, but you must register your name with Kerry McNally - [email protected]
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 11-17 June 2018
You appear to be carrying around a few fixed ideas or resigned yourself to ‘realities’ about your career. Not so. They are weighing you down and it is time to chuck them. This also applies to unemployment, university or unpaid work. Saturn’s opposition to Mercury on Saturday (literally, Saturn’s Day in Ancient Rome) is about space-clearing. I am sure you know that space clearing begins with throwing out what you don’t need. Assumptions or habitual tendencies that dog your footsteps, in your chosen field - or with the issue of success and status in general - should be examined. Just because this ‘always’ happens or you ‘always’ expect a particular outcome is not necessarily reality. Be ruthless. Be prepared to (even) radically rethink what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I expect the brilliant new idea, project, book, website, blog, podcast, show, song (or whatever) is part of your thinking. You’ll need energy for that. Find more energy by scrapping the mental burdens of unhelpful habitual thoughts about your success.
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Taurus: 11-17 June 2018
A new beginning with your finances is shown by the New Moon. Perhaps it’s time to sell your property portfolio and donate the lot to a good cause. Maybe it’s time to forget about legal tax avoidance - even if it is legal. Taurus, you may be a philanthropist, as so many people under your sign are, and so a new path with charity may become apparent midweek. Something you need to remember, no matter how you feel about cash, is that Uranus (the revolution) is in your Second House of money, business, taxation, shares, property, charity, possessions and ownership now. That’s new. I’m talking about your personal birth chart here. Whatever went down shortly after Uranus changed signs on May 15th is still resonating. The ripples go on for years. I am sure you know your fellow Taurus, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, gave her royal assent to new British laws on money laundering around that time. Now, put your own self in the middle of a vast ocean of financial change, sending ripples from New York City, to Moscow, to London, to Switzerland where the bank accounts are kept - and offshore. With so much action in your finance zone now, you probably need to be right across all that is altering out there, as the money launderette is closing down, and this will affect everything from the bank you choose, to the currency you use.
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Gemini: 11-17 June 2018
When push comes to shove, as it will on the two oppositions in your finance and property zone, you have to make hard choices. Saturn can only pass through Capricorn like this every 29 years. Capricorn is an earth sign, ruling your tax returns, your inheritance, your business dealings, your shares, your bank account and the rest. Your investments, your charity commitments, your property (of course) and your precious possessions. The time has come to be utterly practical and down-to-earth about the things you cannot change. Saturn is a great karma reckoner and if you have short-changed others in the past, you must now catch up. All things being equal - even if you have a clean slate in the big karmic accounts book - you are still going to have to look at the numbers now. Your ruling planet Mercury opposes Saturn on Saturday and the whole week is leading you to that point. Get the very best advice you can afford, because this is no time to cut corners. Why not? Saturn (and Pluto) will be in the Eighth House of your chart, where you sort out complex finances, for some time to come. In fact, Pluto will be there until 2023. This week is not just another week. It’s a jigsaw piece. If you are owed, for example, then you need to put a price tag on what it means to be in charge, or be in control, or have the power. What is it costing you to play this game with those who are in debt to you? If you ‘owe’ then you also have to start putting a price on your life and getting real.
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Cancer: 11-17 June 2018
Saturn’s opposition to Mercury on Saturday 16th June reminds you that your professional rival, opponent or enemy reflects you - back to yourself. Saturn is only in your Seventh House once every 29 years and as he is a symbol of difficult life lessons, you may prefer to avoid engaging - and it may even be worth walking away. If the issue is your former, current or potential partner then (not for the first time) you will realise how a husband can teach you more about power and control than any politician. In fact, you have been learning this since 2006 when Pluto first changed signs. There is an opposition between Mercury and Vesta (Saturn’s daughter) on Tuesday 12th June which makes gender politics an issue for many Cancerian women in marriages now - Vesta being a reminder that sisterly solidarity of the genuine kind (not faux feminism) is really the only antidote to men who manipulate the female of the species. This is very common when husbands, for example, encourage any kind of competition or rivalry between their wives, daughters, grandmothers and the rest!
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Leo: 11-17 June 2018
A brilliant new beginning involving your old group is in store. Old friends and acquaintances will be involved in something rather special. Call it a transfusion. The New Moon you see this week is your omen to pursue. A new moon is always a new chapter and you are writing it (if you have factors in Gemini in your personal birth chart) as a worldwide web idea too, with others. You are in good company, Leo. What else is going on now? Saturn in Capricorn in your Sixth House reminds you that your body and your workload have to be managed differently, as you do not exist from the neck up, and your chart says you have been doing your duty by other people - performing a service - but not attending to your own duty, to your own body. This brings in questions about your doctor, healer, food, drugs, drink, fitness and the rest. All the usual boring stuff, but with Saturn in Capricorn you need to roll your sleeves up and attend to the details.
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Virgo: 11-17 June 2018
A new job, new role, new project or new task is ahead of you this week, Virgo. The New Moon in Gemini is riding high on the midheaven of your solar chart, and ‘reaching for the top’ is the language of this pattern in your horoscope. It’s about Everest or Kilimanjaro. The paperwork or discussion will take you somewhere fresh. Good! What else is going on now? What you will notice most is the repeated message about pregnancy or adoption. Perhaps, a children’s charity or organisation. A niece, nephew or godchild. A stepchild. All of this is par for the course when you have Saturn alongside Pluto in your Fifth House, where you rule your heirs and spares, or guide and influence a whole younger generation - this is where you are King or Queen to a younger court. The heavy weight of Saturn is there to slow you down. There are things you put off on this cycle, as all people put them off. Now you have to shoulder what you have been denying or avoiding. That’s useful. Then you can get on with the rest.
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Libra: 11-17 June 2018
There are couple of things about this week that are long-term, even though it may not feel like it at the time. From November this year, in career terms, you are going to see 2000 and 2001 come back. (If you are a late teenager, this is actually past life career karma, coming back). By ‘career’ I also mean university, unpaid work or working two jobs. Libra, this week we have oppositions across Cancer and Capricorn in your chart, which is really about your ambition and position, but also your home and family. The reason this week matters so much, for all its difficulty, is that you are setting up the future. This long flashback to the projects, the jobs, the people, the organisations, the issues of 2000-2001 (the New Millennium as we quaintly called it) has not yet begun, but it owes a great deal to the conversation or news you have, twice this week. You are going to collect old karmic credits and settle old karmic debts next year, and it begins in five months. What else is going on now? Well, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn are showing you why you have to drop the pace with your tenant, house guest, apartment, house, mortgage - or slow down to deal with issues about your home town or homeland. The family, of course, is the biggest ongoing issue of all. Saturn is essentially a symbol of slow-running time. ‘Like sands through the hour glass, these are the Days of Our Lives’ according to the American soap opera. You see him adorning clocks from the 18th century, always holding a clock, or hour-glass, as a marker of slow time. So, take a hint. Try not to rush, long for a faster outcome, or watch the grains of sand or the slow-moving hands of the clock. These things take time, to quote Morrissey, and with that line-up in your chart, you’d be way better off ambling. It does get better. In fact, it gets unbelievably better, but that’s another story for another time.
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Scorpio: 11-17 June 2018
The travel, worldwide web, education, multimedia, publishing, academia, export, foreign and relocation zones of your chart are triggered this week. This Capricorn-Cancer axis of your chart goes on being triggered in 2019 so this next 7 days has a ripple effect that spreads out into your future. In fact, strangely enough, the epic solutions and opportunities that appear when Jupiter goes into Capricorn at the end of 2019 owe a little to what you discuss and decide now. Nothing is really going to be easy. Saturn is notorious for throwing obstacles on the path. What should be simple and straightforward ends up becoming far more work than it needs to be! Yet, you have to try and see this as part of a jigsaw that is being pieced together for a far, far better future - at least in terms of your ideas. This is essentially about being heard and read, as you deserve to be heard and read. Keep going.
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Sagittarius: 11-17 June 2018
This is a time of reckoning, in terms of what you owe (can you even count it all?) to those who have paid for so much, over the last year or so. You do actually have to put a price on it all from their point of view. At the same time, you have also given…and given…and you need to put some kind of tag on that, even though you no doubt gave without condition. We are moving through the most intense period of change for banks and taxation since the 1930s and in your own small way you will be caught up in the ripples now spreading out from the offices of J.P. Morgan and Visa. How this lands in your world is personal to you and your own birth chart will tell the story. Yet, with Mercury’s opposition to Saturn in Capricorn, you have to get real about the long-term. This is essentially about your plan for 2019, 2020 when at long last you will get a break from what has been an unforgettable period in your life. From 2006 you have been asked to look at every single aspect of money, on a personal level. The cost of a relationship or marriage, perhaps. The price of a divorce or separation? This week you will look at the numbers but being a Sagittarius and famously attached to your philosophy, belief or faith - you’ll filter it through what your soul calculates. As Ted Hughes wrote, there are other ways to calibrate and passion is pretty high on your list.
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Capricorn: 11-17 June 2018
Mercury’s transit of your Seventh House, in the zodiac sign of Cancer, gives you a date (at least) for a crucial conversation with, or about, your partnership. This might also be about a former or potential partner, depending on your personal birth chart. You’re really setting up the future here, as from November we find the North Node of karma moving into this same horoscope zone. So, whatever is signed, agreed upon or discovered with him (or her) this week - has a ripple effect well into 2019. Depending on how long you two have been involved, this could go back all the way to 2000, 2001 as you will see within 12 months. Partnership in this context can be professional, not just sexual. Capricorn, while all this is going on, there are also central questions here about your image. Your title, role or brand. Your appearance! Your ruler Saturn does not make any of this fast or easy but there is a strategy you could reshape now, or maybe one you could pick - and lean on - for this little while ahead.
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Aquarius: 11-17 June 2018
This horoscope axis stretching across Capricorn and Cancer in your chart, is really about what you don’t reveal, don’t show - and what others do not know. Go deeply into the secrets you keep this week as well as the secrets you are revealing. It’s time. Nothing is likely to be easy, as the Saturn opposition from Mercury is more like a wall to climb, than a walk in the park. Yet, despite the fact that you are dealing with so much that is private, solitary or even classified - you can write it down and shred it. Sometimes that’s enough! The other story in your chart now is about your lifestyle, workload and body. Oh, there is a conversation you need to have, Aquarius. So much. It’s really about 24 hours, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year and how to play that. Work. Sleep. Play. All the hours!
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Pisces: 11-17 June 2018
Friendships within the group, and people power in terms of shared communal goals, now goes to first place on your list of priorities. Saturn is about the things you cannot change. Pluto is about the change in the balance of power. Put those two together in your chart and you can see why it is hard to do very much about some situations where control is an ongoing issue. So, what can you do? Well, no matter if this is a board of directors or a band, you can at least think long-term about where you need to take this. Life will open up, improve, expand and reward your highest expectations once you get to the end of 2019, and 2020 will be unforgettable in terms of your friends and groups. So long-term strategy is not a bad idea. What else is going on now? An important discussion or letter regarding your son, niece, daughter, nephew, godchild or stepchild, perhaps. Maybe a crucial decision about younger people in general for professional reasons. Obviously, pregnancy, IVF and adoption fall into this basket too. The basket needs inspection midweek.
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