Your Weekly Horoscope June 4th to 10th

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 4-10 June 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 4-10 June 2018

My next astrology book for Penguin will be published in January 2019 and you can pre-order now on Amazon. If you own a copy of my other Penguin astrology books, 2020 Astrology, Astrolove and Handbag Horoscopes, you may be wondering what the next step with your horoscope is. When researching the stars when working with Elle in South Korea and Vogue in Japan, I realised how much Asian astrology has to show us! The Secret Language of the Stars will bring both sides of the world together. Are you a Premium Member based in Britain? Don't forget, complimentary morning tea, Tarot and Astrology are waiting for you on The Barge in Brighton soon. Please see your newsletter for details, but hurry, as our waiting list is filling up fast.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 4-10 June 2018

Well, the big project, plan or idea will certainly reflect the people who are inspiring you this week. You may be dependent on your computer or microphone for this concept. Yet, good communication can also be low-tech as well. With the Sun, Mercury, Bacchus and Apollo all in Gemini, you will enjoy all your connections. There may be a short journey involved, or more commuting than usual. Otherwise, the travel will all be done with a computer mouse. This is the kind of week when, if your personal birth chart agrees, you could sign a book deal or snap up a contract. In other cases the outcome is less dramatic, but it will make a dazzling difference to your efforts to reach people, persuade them, or just engage and inform them. That INXS song, I Send A Message, says it all. You are in a terrific position to take what matters most to you and push it out there. People need to know, and handpicking your words, footage or images will make a difference.

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Taurus: 4-10 June 2018

Taurus, there is a huge emphasis on your bank account, charity commitments, taxation, accountant, shares, firm or company, precious possessions, budget and the rest, this week. In fact, when the Sun conjuncts Mercury on Wednesday, the numbers will be under inspection by others and you will learn a lot about what does (or does not) work for you, these days. In 2019 you will be given the chance to resolve long-standing issues with an inheritance, legacy, and the rest - no matter if you are bequeathing your worldly goods, or gratefully receiving. In fact, that cycle begins as early as November. This week may seem remote from that situation, but it has its part to play, as there is clearly someone or something to follow and be guided by. Perhaps imitation is a sincere form of flattery. You are about to find out, as when it comes to the pounds, euros or dollars, it may be time to find a role model, or role models plural, and figure out a formula.

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Gemini: 4-10 June 2018

The Gemini weather this week swirls around your horoscope, approaching your own Gemini Sun, emphasising your reputation, image, name, title, personal appearance, brand and profile. This may be quite literally because you have something to say, or put into words, and when you send a message out there, you also send yourself - the messenger. There is that saying 'Don't shoot the messenger' which reminds you that often, a Gemini is just the person who delivers the news. This week there is something else going on, though. You are being seen, not in terms of who you really are, but in terms of who you appear to be. This is really like looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing how other people are reflecting you, back to yourself. This can only happen, once a year - near the time of your birthday - and just as the cards or messages you do or do not receive, show you how others think of you - this week is rather like a giant card with a message and rating, from the world at large.

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Cancer: 4-10 June 2018

The tide now turns in your horoscope, Cancer, sending you back behind the scenes, undercover or below the surface. This is Gemini season, and although in July you will be firmly in the spotlight, as you go into June, you will be more concerned with matters which are secret, private, solitary, classified or even downright mysterious. I am sure you know how important the asteroids are in prediction. Well, this week you have two of them - Bacchus and Apollo - both moving through an area of your astrological chart where you disappear from view. What you tell yourself, or tell others, very close to Wednesday 6th June, will affect the month as a whole. The Twelfth House of your horoscope is an interesting place. This is where we find these crucial asteroids, representing the 'sub' in your life. A subway is far below the streets and often, people never guess it is there. A submarine can similarly glide far below the surface, to the point where it is invisible. Your sub-life counts!

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Leo: 4-10 June 2018

Every Leo Queen or King needs a court. This week is a reminder that King Arthur had the Knights of the Round Table. Your fellow Leo Jacqueline Kennedy had Camelot at The White House in the Sixties. Another Leo, Dorothy Parker, had her own Round Table at The Algonquin Hotel in New York City. You are now in a position to enjoy your ruler the Sun, lighting up the chandelier over the assorted friends, acquaintances and others in your group. The conversation or paperwork is important, because it will define the nature of those friendships, and the way this community works, for some time to come. One of the most crucial question-and-answer sessions of the year will appear midweek. You should also be pleased to know that the asteroid Bacchus is now at large in your chart. A Bacchanalian feast may be in store, or at least a seriously good gathering. This is rather like being in the Democrats and realising that people politics can sometimes produce a perfect party.

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Virgo: 4-10 June 2018

Virgo, you are best-known as the worker of the zodiac, bound to your sense of duty and service. Sometimes you hit a cycle when work, unpaid work or study becomes so much more. This is it. The next seven days is about your own ambition, status and success. The Sun in Gemini will single you out for attention, at the same time that it singles out your achievements to date, and your place in the grand scheme of things - or in high society. When your own ruling planet Mercury joins the Sun midweek, you will be involved in one of the year's most important discussions or agreements. A signature may be required then, or a crucial question-and-answer session. Nothing succeeds like success, they say, but it is also true that your own definition of 'successful' matters more than anything else. Maybe you just want to be like Spinal Tap and have a good time, all the time. In any case with Bacchus also in this area of your chart, you can pull up a seat at the banquet of life in the Green Room. You may in fact feel as if you are preparing to go on stage, or wake up to find out that you are suddenly big in Japan. It all works.

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Libra: 4-10 June 2018

Libra, it looks as though a distant part of your country - or the world - is calling you. In the Southern Hemisphere it is time for the ski season, but also winter sun weekend breaks. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is time for a holiday, Madonna style, or even a summer holiday, if you prefer Cliff Richard. Beyond this, Libra, you may have a particular plan or project which involves travelling, moving, exporting or dealing with people who are 'foreign' to you. What develops in June may seem to have an end date, but actually, it could bring something far more substantial and important in 2019. That year, you will be happily on top of the most amazing breakthroughs with your worldwide web, multimedia, publishing, academic or educational interests. What takes place this week, which you'll no doubt be enjoying to the full, has an indirect bearing on that. For now, though, enjoy this trip or head trip. This literal or symbolic journey. At heart, it's the knowledge exchange which matters most.

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Scorpio: 4-10 June 2018

Scorpio, your shares, taxes, precious possessions, business, charity, company, firm, house, apartment and the rest is now up for inspection. Others are curious as the spotlight swings, and so the time has come to ask yourself what you have to show for the last 12 months. An important piece of news or significant answer will reach you Tuesday-Thursday. Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is winging his way to you with the numbers, no matter if you prefer pounds, euros or dollars. You could kick back and simply enjoy what is on offer. A present from the universe, is a present from the universe! Yet - you could also model yourself on a fan-worshipped person or organisation. There is certainly something or someone to follow. This is really the key point, as 2019 will bring rare chances to save or make a small fortune, or at the very least, ditch a problem. This week has a connection with that, even if by this time next year you realise it was indirect. Everything counts in large amounts, as Depeche Mode once sang.

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Sagittarius: 4-10 June 2018

Sagittarius, drop everything to concentrate on your former, current or potential partner. You may also need to focus on your great rival, arch enemy or opponent. I am writing your horoscope this week in the former home of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle so Holmes is on my mind. This person is Dr. John Watson and you are Sherlock. Or - you are Sherlock and this is Moriarty. You will find that the discussion, news, e-mail or text close to Wednesday changes a great deal. You may in fact want to whip out your magnifying glass, or play the violin to yourself, as you piece the jigsaw together. This is an emerging puzzle about two people who are on opposite ends of a situation. You can and should be equal even though you are composed of different substances. It really is the equality and the balance that matters most now. Just knowing that other people are also weighing you two up, will help you step back from this and view it objectively. Marriage? Love? Professional partnership? Divorce? Lawsuit? Battle Royal? Strangely enough, in any of these cases, it's also pure pleasure.

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Capricorn: 4-10 June 2018

Capricorn, The Beatles provide the soundtrack to your week. It's been a hard day's night and you've been working like a dog. Or have you? The focus now is on your duty and service to others, but also your duty to yourself. Your own physical condition and physical state. This in turn influences the sort of job you deliver, the hours you keep, the role that suits you best and even your holidays. Are you in the gig economy? Halfway up the corporate ladder? A stellium in your Sixth House suggests it is time to look at the 24 hours in your day and reconsider the 8 hours for sleep, work and relaxation. Your body has a claim to quite a few of those hours. The astrological weather now does not come along all that often. This is your best shot all year at figuring out roles, projects, shores and tasks - from walking the dog to walking your clients or customers. And that might be the dog.

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Aquarius: 4-10 June 2018

This week we find Bacchus, Apollo, the Sun and Mercury passing through your Fifth House. The Fifth House of your horoscope is where you deal with your son or daughter. Children or young people in general. Relationships that may end in pregnancy, step-parenting, or Aunt/Uncle status one day. The Fifth House is about the activities that bind you to a younger generation, like music or sport. This is also where you deal with your godchildren and any plans where young adults are at the heart of things. You will now get priceless feedback and reaction from others, regarding the above, so that you can make objective choices. An important piece of news, discussion or letter will appear now and you may want to make a list of questions. There is a lot to enjoy here. Bacchus is about the good life. There is also someone or something vital to take your lead from. Aquarius, this may be about your young relatives, or that fascinating demographic known as teenagers. It may also be about the condom and pill question within a relationship.

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Pisces: 4-10 June 2018

Pisces, we now come to some Gemini weather in your horoscope, which is very much about the relationship you have with members of the family. I will be writing an astrological column for Family Circle in the United States from September, and your horoscope this week, reminds me of a similar circle. You can expect a milestone discussion, piece of news, signature or letter this week and there will be more than one discussion to follow. The actual family dynamics may be the object of tremendous interest from others and this helps you see your household or relatives, from the outside looking in. You only get one chance like this, every year, to make the decisions that will help you to repeat a successful formula with these people, or perhaps reshape what is not working. It will be 12 months before you see the Sun pass this way again, illuminating, highlighting and exposing what matters. There are also wider questions here about your country and perhaps your home town or region. Your actual house or apartment may also be in your sights. You have a lot to think about and gain from.

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