Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for June 2018. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: June 2018
We hardly ever see so many heavenly bodies in your zone of publishing, multimedia, the worldwide web, and the rest. This is not going to change your life, nor change the world, except for one thing – 2019. In fact, Aries, although your Communications H.Q. is extremely busy in June 2018, it will not be until 2019 that you really see just how big some of the spin-offs are going to be. It may be a chance encounter with someone who can design fliers for your band. It may be a book you want to write. A debate or lecture? A new twist on the internet, for you? What I’m really looking at here is the Friday 7th December New Moon in your sector of knowledge, travel, journeys and ‘journeys in the mind’ and there is a direct relationship between the new beginning you make then, and what happens in June 2018. In June we find Mercury, the Sun, Bacchus, Apollo, the New Moon and Ops all in the sign of Gemini, which is highly unusual. One New Moon will be answered by the other, so in about six months from now, Aries, you’ll find that what was under discussion now, benefits you enormously later. In fact, 7th December is just the start. Throughout most of 2019 you will be thrilled at the holidays; work trips; publishing options; worldwide web opportunities; foreign connections - and so much more. I am sure you know Mercury is the messenger of the gods, and with so much activity in Gemini, the sign which he rules anyway - in your communication zone - June is going to be really hectic. Ask as many questions as is necessary, Aries, to get started.
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Taurus: June 2018
We have a New Moon on Wednesday 13th June which points the way to your finances in 2019, Taurus. The fresh start you make around this date is the first step towards a much bigger year of change, as from Friday 7th December, you are on your way to around 12 months of long-overdue improvement, repair work and quite astonishing breakthroughs. From that point Jupiter in Sagittarius will work in mysterious ways, in the Eighth House of your horoscope, which is about your taxes, the property you own, your precious possessions, your income, household budget, shares and the rest. Jupiter has a reputation for being a repair man in astrology and this is exactly what will happen. Right now, though, in June 2018, you are dealing with a paper trail like no other. You can expect others to cast a spotlight on all that you have earned, own or owe and you will be asked to see your accounts as others see them. There may be other kinds of inspection, too, beyond the usual accounting (if you are in Australia) or the mid-year business reviews. The Sun in Gemini tends to spotlight and highlight not just the money, but also your values. What you will and will not sell your soul for. Who or what you consider to be precious, to the point of being priceless. There should be some champagne moments with your shopping, profits, favours and so on, with Bacchus now circulating in Gemini too - and its definitely time for a few solutions. The real story, though, is 2019. Think long-term, Taurus - but then you always do.
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Gemini: June 2018
It’s time for you to be in the public eye, far more than usual, and under the most intense scrutiny. You may receive media attention, multimedia attention, or have your name or face ‘framed’ in other ways. We are seeing a stellium, or unusually high cluster of horoscope factors, pass through Gemini, the zodiac sign of the twins. This puts extra emphasis on your reputation, profile, face, shape, style, wardrobe, brand and image. You are being given a mirror, the better to see yourself reflected there, held up by others who help you to see yourself, as others see you. This is really a temporary thing - we are not going to see any slow-moving outer planets passing through Gemini this year, or for many years to come. So, you have to really grab your chances while they are there. This applies no matter if you are having your portrait painted, or promoting yourself on social media, or being subjected to other scrutiny. I’m sure you know that all the world’s a stage, to quote Shakespeare, and here you are, strutting your stuff with various props and accessories, and a particular role to play. Shakespeare also said, “The play’s the thing” - so beyond the actual role you are portraying, the actual story is the drama you are currently involved with. This may be professional. It may be financial. It may be health-related. It may be about your friends, or the group. Stepping back from yourself and watching your performance in the spotlight is illuminating.
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Cancer: June 2018
You now experience not just one, but six heavenly bodies in one zodiac sign - Gemini - in one month. This is very unusual, Cancer, and it takes place in an area of your chart where you and your life are submerged from view. June is very much about classified information or confidential secrets. It is also about more mysterious matters, like the occult, or astral travel, or dream analysis. We also associate the Twelfth House of your chart with therapy, counselling and diaries. I hope you are beginning to get a feel for what your month might be like. The Sun passing through will shed light on what is normally below the surface. We also have Mercury there, the planet of communication, so you may be writing about this, or talking about it - far more than usual. This is really a short-term phenomenon. Once the Gemini weather has passed on, it’s truly gone. Yet, while you are going through this cycle, if there is any aspect of yourself or your world which needs a closer look - the better to sort things out or make more of them - this is definitely the time. It’s rather like being involved in Wikileaks and realising that all the leaks or hacks of the last 12 months now need to be put in order! You might also say that this is the month when you have to look at your confidantes, no matter if you confess all to a Catholic priest, or your husband.
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Leo: June 2018
It’s been a very long time since there was this much focus on your social life, social media, friendships and group commitments. Expect a lot of talking and planning. A rather public gathering or project. A great deal of pleasure – on that Spinal Tap level of ‘Have a good time, all the time.’ You will also lift off with a new beginning involving your friend, or the group, on the New Moon on Wednesday 13th June. Allow a day either side for world time-zone changes. You are also very lucky to have the asteroid Ops in this zone of your chart. Any issues which need solving, will be solved. If you have Gemini factors in your personal birth chart (check now, if you are a Premium Member) then this intensely sociable network of people will bring their combined community powers together, to kickstart – possibly a kickstarter or crowdfunded project. This might also be an anthology, shared multimedia venture, important website or blog, spoken-word presentation, language or writing class, book club or literate car pool.
Even if you don’t know your own unique birth chart, if the above makes sense, it’s pretty likely you have Gemini factors. Gemini rules communication, information, transportation and the worldwide web. This is one of those months when you need to circulate and accept every invitation. You are a fire sign and we now have lots of airy, breezy weather. This might be cold winds across Australia or summery wafts (and air-conditioners, and fans) in America or Britain. What you will notice most, Leo, is the way that you are now encouraged and supported by friends and acquaintances. You may find renewed enthusiasm and energy for a team, club, society, association, charity, ensemble cast, political party, rock band and so on. You will also be invited to join such a venture, or the most casual mention will cross your radar online. Look once, look twice. This could be right.
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Virgo: June 2018
Virgo, you are being sent Back to the Future in your career in 2018 - also with your unpaid work or university degree. Why so? The Node in Aquarius is in your zone of workload, and as this always symbolises old karma, past life debts and credits, and just repeat/return/replay of what happened years ago, you can’t really avoid having a big sense of deja vu about the themes, projects, people, organisations or roles. I mention this because June is very important in terms of your job. This goes beyond what you see as your duty, on a day-to-day level, and into bigger questions about your ambitions. Your longing to go higher, further, in terms of your status and success. There is a huge line-up of heavenly bodies in Gemini, a sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods, who is also in charge of you. Thus, there seems to be a flurry of discussion or a paper trail surrounding one project, plan, goal or role which will take up a good 2-3 weeks of your time. This feels like a genuinely fresh start and it is. It may be a new appointment, for example, or a new set of responsibilities which is lined up for you. The appearance of Apollo in the mix suggests there is someone, or something, to imitate or at least be inspired by. Imitation is, of course, a sincere form of flattery. It’s really like playing ‘follow my leader’ in the sense that the person or organisation in question is a leader in your particular field.
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Libra: June 2018
You are now being shown a little preview of 2019, when you will be given the keys to a door leading into a bigger version of the local area, or country, you thought you knew. Next year will bring a wonderful new focus on short-haul travel, either because of the commuting you will be doing, or some memorable working trips or vacations. This will come about from December, so just a few weeks before Christmas. Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion and opportunity will move into Sagittarius, the sign which rules short-distance exploration. At the same time, there will be some great options for you with multimedia, the worldwide web, publishing, the media and other ways you connect and communicate - perhaps through art or performance, language or sign language. June 2018 is a big nod in this direction, because you are being pulled towards foreign people and places, as the Sun and other heavenly bodies passes through Gemini, the sign associated with travel in the mind - and travel. The journeys you are taking now may be symbolic, or literal - so your bags are packed, or perhaps packing crates. There is a tremendous feeling of knowledge coming in, and also rushing out of you, as learning is a two-way street. You’ll be struck by the cultural, philosophical, religious or national differences between yourself and others, at the same time that you find particular choices irresistible. They’ll have an influence on next year’s bigger trips or projects.
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Scorpio: June 2018
Next year, Scorpio, you will be able to fix some long-standing financial issues, and it really depends on the level of detox required, to find out just how much plumbing and repair work needs to be done. The step that takes you there is June 2018. You should end up feeling pretty pleased with next year and all that comes to pass, even if some it really does involve getting at every nook and cranny of your past with the house, shares, taxes, apartment, possessions, charity and so on. For now, you have to organise those crucial discussions and sort out the paper trail. We really don’t see this kind of heavy traffic all that often, in the sign of Gemini, which rules your extended financial, business, charity and property relationships. We have a couple of new Moons that book-end each other, in terms of the new beginning you will be making. The first one is on Wednesday 13th June and allow 24 hours either side for your big leap forward. The second New Moon that matters is shortly before Christmas, and this is the one that really launches you into 2019. Given that your shares, your property, perhaps your long relationship with the bank goes all the way back to that 2000-2007 period when so much was about power, and control - you are now on a long, slow road to repair work, when you will no longer have to deal with every question as if it was about your hands on the reins - but on its own merits. June is a little like that. It shows you what might be next year.
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Sagittarius: June 2018
This is the most important month of the year, in terms of the chemistry you share with your former, current or potential partner. This partnership may be sexual and romantic, like a marriage, or it may be professional - a career partnership. We’re talking exes here, as well as possible ‘other halves’ at some point in the future. It has to be said that this cycle is also associated with people who are against you. Your rivals or enemies, in fact. The best way to explain June is really to talk about a set of scales, with yourself on one end, and the man (or woman) who matters so much, on the other side. Balancing those scales is what the next four weeks involves. As early as 1st June there may be a keynote discussion, e-mail or piece of news. Ask as many questions as you can, throughout June, as although some feelings are hard to express at times, you will be able to sort through everything in stages. There are a few loose ends you have not yet been able to tie up from the past - and we’re talking the distant past, since 2011. In fact, the one or two revolutions you went through in 2011-2017 changed everything in terms of parenthood, pregnancy, children, young people as a whole - and lovers. During those years, independence and freedom were persistent issues. Now, you are in calmer waters, but once Uranus changes signs again on Tuesday 6th November and remains there into early 2019, you will have one last chapter to rewrite. And again, you’ll sign off with one word - liberty! For now, keep talking.
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Capricorn: June 2018
The action in Gemini takes place in the Sixth House of your horoscope. This is where we find your daily workload, work ethic, paid work (unpaid work too) and the relationship you have with your own body. Your physical condition and physical state. You have some important decisions to make in June, Capricorn, and these will influence you for the rest of the year. The Sun illuminates and exposes everything you need to see, very clearly, so there are no details missing or hidden. This will help you see the situation from the outside, looking in. It’s useful to others, that you have a particular sense of duty and service, but you also have to factor in your own physical state, or physical condition, and the part that plays. You can’t separate one from the other and a great deal rests on that. The astrological weather now passing through is all about asking questions. In fact, as early as 1st June you’ll have news, a keynote discussion or an important e-mail that means a Q&A session is in order. As you are so much about your ambition, position and mission - the next four weeks is crucial to your plans, as it shows you that is the small details of your daily life, that matter most. You can be a big wheel on a cycle like this and still feel like a cog in the machinery. Now is the time to look at a check-up, perhaps, for all your moving parts - and to figure out where you want to move things to, within your larger commitment to a boss, staff, customers, lecturer, classmates, colleagues, clients and so on.
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Aquarius: June 2018
2018 is a milestone year for your relationship with your former, current or potential partner as the Node in Leo, your opposite sign, passes through the horoscope zone where you must deal with karma involving your opposite number in life. Sometimes, of course, this can be your opponent. The karma is past-life, so the debts and credits come from there, according to all the old laws of astrology. However, there is also a balance sheet from previous years, depending on how long you two have known each other. The karma will end in November, as the Node departs - and then it is well and truly over and done with! June 2018 is important in the frame, because you will find yourself having some significant discussions about pregnancy, babies, children or young adults. About younger nieces, nephews or godchildren, perhaps. It begins quite early, as news comes in, or you have the e-mail or phone call that starts you thinking. If you do fall in love in June, you two may well have known each other before. There is a huge amount of potential with your former, current or potential partner now, if only because you’ll be dealing with a question-and-answer session that gets you somewhere. Feelings can be hard to translate, but not this month. The New Moon on Wednesday 13th June will be a new beginning for you, in terms of the legacy you leave to younger faces, and how you are to mentor, guide and set an example of them. This may involve a relationship or marriage. It may involve a separation. Yet - even if none of this applies, it is your very personal decisions about how you lead the next generation, that dictates so much else about the relationships you choose.
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Pisces: June 2018
It looks like you’ll be redecorating, renovating or perhaps reshuffling family or household decisions in the next four weeks. In other cases, depending on your personal birth chart, you may be uprooting altogether. Of course, this is the time of year when you could find yourself in a holiday home for a week or two - a home-away-from-home - which makes you think about your own house or apartment in more depth. We have Gemini weather now, passing through the Fourth House of your horoscope, which is where you figure out who and what matters most, in terms of where you belong. This could be about your home town or homeland as well. Some roots run very deep and matters of heritage, culture, history and the family tree may be more important. The arrival of Mercury in this zone of your chart, along with a New Moon, suggests a fair bit of conversation and some paperwork and a new beginning. This is a new chapter in a book that goes on, so take your time as you write it. You will be able to check on your progress with a relative, flat mate, particular house or apartment closer to Christmas, when the Sun in Sagittarius shines opposite this area of your horoscope. For now, though, ask as many questions as you can. You’ll have an informed source. Near Wednesday 6th June a great deal of light will be shed on what matters most, and who matters most, and from there you can make some savvy decisions.
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