Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 28 May-3 June 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 28 May-3 June 2018
Ireland has voted overwhelmingly for changes to her abortion laws. Women were nervous about the outcome, but the astrology was really clear, a whole two months ago. Did you see that prediction? Here it is again. The Irish astrological chart says it all. Something brand new is growing in this fascinating nation. You might say, Ireland's destiny is handpicked.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 28 May-3 June 2018
The Full Moon spells D-Day for your social media, website, multimedia plans and all forms of important communication, Aries. It's a really good time to look at how well you connect with others, and how watertight your systems are, no matter if you depend on the telephone, the microphone or your laptop computer. June as a whole is the time to look at how you use words, ideas and images both online and in the real world and this week will bring it home to you. The bigger picture is actually about a foreign place and its residents, as from Thursday 8th November you will be given a stunning opportunity to travel, move or invite others from miles away, to play a bigger part in your life. By 2019 you will be on your way, thanks to a big, new, open door which can only appear every 12 years. Even if this week is tricky, later on you will see why it mattered. Premium Member? Please keep reading.
Taurus: 28 May-3 June 2018
You will now be given a chance to look - properly and in detail - at your finances, business commitments, charity involvements, precious possessions, shares, property and the rest. This goes beyond the actual pounds, euros or dollars into deeper questions about your value system, Taurus. Do you do deals? If so, on what basis? This cycle is so often about the taxes you must pay, or legally avoid, but it can also emerge as an issue about what you will (or will not) sell your soul for. Only you can really put that on the scales and reach a conclusion. It is fair to say that you will save or make a fortune in 2019 anyway, as Jupiter, the planet of sweeping answers and new opportunities, will move into Sagittarius as an early Christmas present, ending your year with quite astonishing upgrades and new possibilities. Of course Jupiter is also a tremendous healer and repair man in astrology so no matter how long-standing or deep-rooted particular problems are, there will be a really solid chance to detox. Premium Member? Go on.
Gemini: 28 May-3 June 2018
You will see the Full Moon above the rooftops where you live, this week, dazzling you as it appears so brilliantly white, large and round in the night sky. It is really a spotlight for the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner. The Moon is in your opposite sign of Sagittarius then, so it is unlikely that life will seem neat and tidy. There is no bow-tied package here, just something that has to be done - as best you can. Actually, Gemini, this week is part of a much bigger story in 2019, which begins in a small but powerful way just after Bonfire Night. By Christmas you will be welcome big solutions or astonishing new opportunities, with the same person who is at the top of your list now - or even a superior substitute. It really does depend on your personal life, and also your personal birth chart. I will give you two common examples of an outcome, though. If you are single it may be that this week's hurdle clears a path to a new relationship in 2019. If your marriage is on the rocks, it may be that one more boulder to jump, helps you move onto the road you should actually be on, in terms of counselling or an amicable split next year. Gemini, partnerships can be professional, too. If so, the same message applies. Premium Member? Read on.
Cancer: 28 May-3 June 2018
You are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, and when the Sun stands opposite the Moon in your horoscope, it classically produces mixed feelings, or a situation where two people, or two organisations, are obviously polar opposites. Trying to make everything work, or pull everything together, is extremely difficult on a Full Moon, so if you need more time and space this week - especially near Tuesday - you are entitled to ask for it. What you deal with as the Moon in Sagittarius announces herself, is really about 2019. Next year you will be delighted to see so much more is possible with your paid work, university degree or unpaid work. There are obvious lifestyle benefits waiting for you next year, too, and one example might be a new job with a gym discount, or an early retirement decision with more space for your golf. This might seem a long way off, and that would not be surprising. It has been years since you have found yourself gazing at these kinds of possibilities. Yet - it is worth thinking about 2019, even if you are only halfway through this year. What you grapple with now will help sow the seeds of change later, and that includes any particular questions about your physical condition or physical state, too. Premium Member? Keep reading.
Leo: 28 May-3 June 2018
Leo, this week is really about your higher purpose in life, which is to lead, guide, mentor and set an example to much younger faces. This may be your son or daughter. Your godchild. Your niece or nephew. Perhaps there are deeper questions here, about future date potential with a divorcee who has children from a previous marriage - or the pregnancy question that surrounds your current relationship. Essentially you are here to fulfil your mission, in 2019, which is to go to the next level with those who are your junior, either by just one generation, or two. As you are ruled by the Sun, this week's opposition between the Sun and Moon is unlikely to feel particularly comfortable or easy. Yet, whatever you must sort out, in terms of leading the way, will pay off in 2019. There is a great quote - 'A perfect woman, nobly planned, to calm, to comfort and command' - which I first read in a book called A Fringe of Leaves by Patrick White. There is something of that in every Leo, male or female, and although the role of commander or teacher to younger faces is not straightforward now, by this time next year you will be in a wonderful new position. None of this could have happened without this week's Full Moon. Are you a Premium Member? Keep reading.
Virgo: 28 May-3 June 2018
Virgo, the Full Moon this week is your stepping stone to a better future in 2019, as next year you will move, renovate, redecorate or perhaps just reshuffle your family or household, which can feel as dramatic as a property relocation. I don't think a Full Moon is ever easy for anybody, as it is the astrological equivalent of a tug-of-war in the skies. You may feel pulled in two different directions when it comes to your house, flat, town, country, household or family. Another very common outcome is to be quite decided and committed about a particular course of action - yet find other people, or large organisations, or even the world itself - is standing in your way. Property and family can be complicated matters, but light will be shed on what it's going to take, to help you sort things out later. This in turn will actually provide you with the first solid foothold on a new path for 2019, as just before Christmas you will be thrilled to see something much bigger and better is on the way. For now, though, do what you have to do, and say what you have to say. You'll need more time and space to do so. Premium Member? Please go on.
Libra: 28 May-3 June 2018
Libra, the Full Moon in Sagittarius that you see overhead on Tuesday-Wednesday is a sure sign that the worldwide web needs your widest attention. This goes beyond the actual computer or the nature of the web itself, into bigger questions about how effectively you are reaching people, and how you deal with fundamental communication issues - being heard, read and understood as you wish. We take everyday communication for granted, in a world where everyone is glued to their iPhones, but sometimes it is the aspects of life we never notice, that can end up being the biggest story for us. As you have so much dazzling potential ahead of you next year, with particular social media websites, blogs, books, scripts, podcasts and the rest, do treat this week as the launch pad. You may be a fan of the spoken word, rather than the written word. Maybe you are low-tech, rather than high-tech. Everybody has her (or his) preferred way to connect! Yet, Libra, there is always a bigger and better way to communicate, no matter if it is acquiring a foreign language, or just discovering a better platform. This week will be challenging. No doubt about it. Yet, from the challenges, will come the epic answer you pursue in 2019! Premium Member? Please go on.
Scorpio: 28 May-3 June 2018
Scorpio, you can't really get away from questions about taxation, shares, business, possessions, charity or property on a week like this. The Full Moon which illuminates the sky will also shed light on how you really feel about paying tax (or avoiding it) for many people born under your zodiac sign. In other cases there are deeper questions about who and what you value most in your life. The Full Moon itself is about your own income, savings and debts, in contrast to the needs and wants of others. This may be your partner or parent, or child. It may be the bank or the government. Your way of life involves the most complicated commitments to others in the family circle, or within partnerships, and it always will. It's part of being born with the Sun in Scorpio in the Eighth House of your natural birth chart. The Eighth House is about 'Until death do us part', so very much marriage and mortgage, or marriage and inheritance. It is also about the tremendous emotional costs, or personal price tags, that surround your will, or the legacy others have, naming you. All of this is deeply below the surface most of the time, but every now and again you are faced with quite challenging choices, which make it necessary to examine what is actually there. You will make or save quite a lot of money next year, as Jupiter the planet of solutions, breakthroughs and abundance visits the sign of Sagittarius, which rules your personal finances. This week is part of that pathway, so do use it. Premium Member? Read on.
Sagittarius: 28 May-3 June 2018
Sagittarius, the Sun in your opposite sign of Gemini is shedding a great deal of light on the chemistry you share with your former, current or potential partner this week. Perhaps you have a rival, enemy or opponent you also need to see more clearly. As the Full Moon parks the Sun in Gemini, but the Moon in your own zodiac sign, this week is as much about you, as it is about him (or her). In other words, what you are dealing with automatically raises questions about your image. This may be your personal appearance, which seems to be so important in the 'swipe' culture of Tinder or the world of internet dating. If this Full Moon is not picking up questions about how you appear online, or in front of a camera, it may be picking up questions about your title, reputation, profile or social classification. It's quite true that we are seen as Mr or Mrs when it's time to tick boxes, after all. Single, separated or divorced. Often, we are seen as one half of a whole, with our partner completing the circle. All this and more will be on your mind during this Full Moon. It's time to think about 'Me' as well as 'We' and perhaps 'You versus Me'. Premium? Go on.
Capricorn: 28 May-3 June 2018
Capricorn, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will fall in your Twelfth House this week, so let's take a closer look at this much-misunderstood part of your horoscope. Essentially, the Twelfth House is ruled by Neptune and associated with Pisces, the fishes. You will immediately get an impression of water, here, and that is quite true. The Twelfth House is about what lies below the surface, and what takes place in a completely different world. Images of the ocean bed, or the impenetrable sea, come to mind with the Twelfth House. In terms of your own self and own life, we are talking about your unseen depths and hidden personality traits, or subconscious feelings. Anything with the prefix 'sub' is really about the Twelfth House, so this week is about all that you submerge. If you picture yourself in a submarine, you're getting close. It is typical of a Full Moon here, that even those who are close to you will not fully know, see or understand what is actually going on. Just as submarines operate by stealth, there is something almost invisible about the picture now! This is why you have choices to make which may involve a therapist, dream coach, confidante, priest or psychic. Perhaps, a counsellor. It will lead to the most incredible breakthroughs and improvements in 2019, Capricorn, but for now - bide your time - and find some private time and space. Premium Member? Go on.
Aquarius: 28 May-3 June 2018
Aquarius, the path to a bigger, better social life in 2019 is being laid out this week. It may be a zig-zag pathway with plenty of obstacles and detours, but try to get a sense of where it is taking you. Friendships and group commitments are very important to your sense of belonging, and your sense of self. Often, being part of a group, or larger tribe, is how you find your greatest emotional security and satisfaction. Partners and relatives are one thing. Like-minded people in a wider tribe can also be a kind of family, though, and they can certainly provide you with a relationship. Aquarius is the sign which values strong and deep friendship more than any other, and now you have a Full Moon in Sagittarius, in the Eleventh House of your chart, you must attend to who (or what) requires special attention. This week is not going to be easy, as I mentioned, but it will be productive, as in 2019 you will join a new group, or relaunch yourself with an old group, which opens up your world and upgrades your existence. By January 2019 you will be able to look back at this week and join the dots. For now, keep drawing. Premium Member? Go on.
Pisces: 28 May-3 June 2018
Your new role, promotion, award, new title or dazzling new project in 2019 has its roots in the week ahead, Pisces. This should make the effort worthwhile, as no matter how you feel by Sunday, what emerges then, will spur you on to bigger and better things next year. In 2019 Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and solutions, will move into your Tenth House of success, achievement, status and ambition. The sky is the limit, as they say. Climbing a mountain to reach the peak is a complex business, though, and no matter how much you might wish for a faster way to the top, or a smoother ascent, it looks as though you will have to start at base camp this week. Next year you will be able to do so much more with an existing project or role, if your personal birth chart agrees. In other cases you may just be yearning for a solution to an ongoing issue with unpaid work, paid work or your university degree. Knowing that progress might be slow can help; there is honestly no rush to the top, so if fancy footwork is required, step up. Are you a Premium Member? Keep reading.
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