Your Weekly Horoscope May 14th to 20th

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 14-20 May 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 14-20 May 2018

For the first time since 1934, the planet Uranus now moves into Taurus, the zodiac sign which rules Wall Street, the banks, crypto-currency and taxation. Uranus is a symbol of revolution and independence. This historic event takes place on Tuesday 15th May at 3.16pm UT (Universal Time) or 4.16pm London time. If you were born on the first day of Taurus, or know anyone who is, this is a moment of truth for them - and their values. If you were born on the first day of Scorpio, or know anyone who is, an important new question about property or money puts them in the spotlight.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 14-20 May 2018

What you gain in financial independence, you will lose in security. Forget all the old ideas about life being predictable, Aries, as from Tuesday onwards, you are in a brand-new cycle when you will have to make everything up as you go along. This may be money, your house, apartment, possessions, savings, charity or possessions. If you have factors at 0, 1 Taurus in your personal birth chart (check if you are a Premium Member) then this is life-changing. In other cases, what happens with the banks and the share markets, in particular, will have a direct impact on you. This may be your pension fund or superannuation, for example, or it may be your own account. If ever there was a time to embrace the future and move on from the past - even if it was last week - this is it. Find out all you can about what is clearly a revolution that is here to stay.

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Taurus: 14-20 May 2018

Your name, title or face? Your profile or portrait? Your reputation? None of this is really who you are, but all of it matters very much when Uranus moves into Taurus, your own zodiac sign. You have not experienced this before, unless you are the same vintage as Her Majesty the Queen, who shares your Sun Sign. In most cases, what is about to unfold in terms of your identity, especially on social media, is not something you’ve ever come across before. Facebook is an obvious focus, no matter if you use it or not. Beyond that, there are wider issues about how you present yourself. How you move and what you wear. How you add to your own reputation, so that the work is done for you, before you even show up! How to meet other people’s expectations and assumptions about you, based on everything they have seen or read, online. We have a square from Mars in Aquarius this week which suggests ongoing issues, for many years to come, about your status, success, ambition and position, in the light of your new concerns about your image. This is the smallest hint of what will become a regular question for you after Christmas 2019. For now, adjust and adapt.

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Gemini: 14-20 May 2018

Into your Twelfth House of secrecy, privacy and mystery goes Uranus the planet of shock, revolution, freedom, independence and radical change. This is really about you gazing into the mirror - your very soul - and perhaps meditating, if you can sit still for long enough. Gemini is of course associated with the short attention span of the quick phone call, the social media blitz or the television news. The gossip magazine that can be read in minutes, or the smart phone app that distracts. Everything about yourself and your week has never been experienced before in your lifetime, unless you were around in the 1930’s. What does it mean to have Uranus in your Twelfth House of inner work, the inner life, confidential concerns, cover-ups and classified information? Only that something needs to be liberated within. Something about your very soul, or your life below the surface, must now break free. Some of you will turn to counsellors or diaries now. Good call.

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Cancer: 14-20 May 2018

Cancer, if there is anyone in your group, network, circle or other cluster of people who feels limited or trapped, this week may well see he or she make a break for freedom. This goes beyond the trade union, rock band, children’s charity and other such formal associations, into social media. We’re talking Twitter but particularly Facebook here, based on the company astrological charts. However, it may also extend to Google’s social media too. Beyond the idea that one or two people may have had enough, there is also a big question here about the extent to which you may have been confined by being part of a group. Uranus can be quite unpredictable in nature, when he enters a new house of your chart - and in your case it is the Eleventh House of ‘community’ and friendship. This is the cycle when people who have been brainwashed by cults, up and leave. It is also the cycle, paradoxically, when you may decide to reach out for new friendships and new social networks or organised groups, because they promise to make you independent in some way.

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Leo: 14-20 May 2018

Uranus enters your house of career, status, success, achievement, qualifications, awards, ambition, position and vocation this week. This will affect you in the most powerful way, for many years to come, no matter if you are paid for what you do, volunteer your time and energy, or are absorbed by a university or college degree. Uranus is the planet discovered in 1781 which revolutionised astronomy and also astrology. Nothing was ever the same again. This was the same year in which American rebels and revolutionaries also transformed their country with both a victory over the British and the thrill of knowing that the Declaration of Independence could become a permanent reality. I mention 1781 because this was also the turning point that led to the French Revolution and a big year for the Enlightenment. Leo, where your achievements in life are concerned, you will now see both a revolutionary couple of days, and also a wake-up call - as if the lights are being switched on. History and astrology tell us that hanging on to the past and pretending nothing is different is the worst call you could make. The best call? To co-create the future on your chosen path.

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Virgo: 14-20 May 2018

If you want to know what to expect for the next few years, from this week forward, ask a Leo. Ask a Leo about her/his website, social media, educational or academic experiences, books, holidays, foreign adventures, international connections or path to emigration. I am sure you will be there all afternoon, but at least you will have a decent idea of what to expect from this life-changing new cycle. The fact is, at some point, Uranus - the planet of revolution and radical new possibilities - will make a stunning trine to your Virgo Sun. So, part of the new journey ahead will be a spotlight for your name and face that shows you in the best possible light. That will indeed be a memorable year and if you were born at the very start of Virgo, with the Sun at 0 or 1 of the sign, you may even be aware of this now. In other cases, the best is yet to come, but we also have to be honest about the wild ride ahead. As you will see this week, nothing is predictable any more. The world is turning upside down and you will need a new map and compass.

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Libra: 14-20 May 2018

You now get a break from constant instability with/for your partner. This also applies to former or potential partners too. It’s been years of ups and downs, exhilaration, genuine excitement but also a constant ‘not knowing.’ Now, Uranus is changing signs. This release from the instability will come in stages but by 2019 you can say goodbye to dancing in a storm that never disappears! This week is really about the big theme of 2018. Your money. You are in a unique position, with the solutions, breakthroughs and opportunities of Jupiter until November, and - from this week - brand new questions. Those questions will relate to your superannuation or pension, perhaps. The cost of living. The situation with the banks. Cryptocurrency and radical new approaches to shopping or business. The smart money is on staying informed as things will change day-to-day, from this point forward. In fact, you are being offered independence. You may want to go it alone and make a break with the bank, for example, or there may be intensely personal reasons why you are looking for some space with your finances. There is a revolution taking place and it would be smart to get on board with it, rather than hang on to the way you used to save, earn or owe back in 2017.

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Scorpio: 14-20 May 2018

The time has come to look at the person on the other end of the tightrope. This may be your former, current or potential partner. It may be your enemy, rival or opponent. Another way to think about this situation is a see-saw or set of bronze scales. You each bring your personalities, needs, wants, hopes, fears and the rest, to the set-up. This affects how balanced things do, or do not feel, over the next few days. This is more than just another week in your horoscope, though. This is the small beginning of a very long process, which will take many years. Essentially, one or both of you lacks freedom. Free and open space - room to move - and particularly room to change - is now a requirement. This transition may be rather sudden as Uranus is associated with the lightning strike of an electrical storm. It can happen in a flash and be utterly unpredictable. The great truth of this cycle is that you, he or she may be freed in all kinds of ways, and it is better to accept, adapt and adjust than to resist. You are a fixed sign and you’re not particularly fond of fast, extreme change - yet it is coming.

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Sagittarius: 14-20 May 2018

This week you will take a new step on a long journey of many years, when work, housework, fitness, food and unpaid work experiments will become part of life. In fact, this cycle may begin with a bang for a high percentage of Sagittarians, as you accept a new project or job. In other cases, you may be leaving your old role or transforming it - paid or unpaid. Work is work, after all! There will be nothing routine, about your daily routine, from this point forward. The relationship between your body, your mind, your spirit and your work ethic will be crucial to you, in the years ahead, so make sure you put your physical condition first. Pay attention to what comes your way, from this week forward, as you have never experienced Uranus in Taurus in your Sixth House of health before and a little vigilance is not a bad idea. This cycle is associated with liberation. You become ‘free from’ and also ‘freed by’. What gets you there will be unique to you and your situation in life. You may become a vegetarian. You might find the universe gets in the way of your work plans. Try to stay open to change.

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Capricorn: 14-20 May 2018

We all have to leave some kind of legacy to the next generation, no matter if it is our girlfriend’s godson, a niece or nephew, our own children - or just young adults we train or teach. This idea of younger faces inheriting your influence is about to leap to the top of your list, thanks to the new Uranus in Taurus cycle. You are at the very first of thirty long steps on a journey of many years, but the journey does in fact begin with a single move forward. You will have to make this, over the next seven days. We associate this cycle with ‘freedom from’ and also ‘freedom through’. So, depending on how restricted you or these younger faces (or your lover) feels, you will either be making a break with the past, or breaking into a new situation where anything could happen. Uranus is very much about revolution and if you have small children or teenagers, they may be at an age where they want to rebel. It is also true that you can become so set in your ways, emotionally, that you need to shake your own cage, or break your own cage. If this makes sense, prepare for bars to fall away.

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Aquarius: 14-20 May 2018

If you have ever played with Lego or watched children constructing buildings with the plastic bricks, you will know how astonishing the options can be. You can create anything for the little Lego residents. You are now being thrown a pile of bricks and being asked to do just that. This may be a variation on a theme with your apartment, house, property investment or garden. With your family or household. Even, with your chosen town or country. Sometimes, though (and your personal birth chart will dictate this) you are so heavily restricted by your situation that you need to throw the bricks in the air and start again. Uranus rules the last thing anybody expected to happen - except for psychics and astrologers, of course! So, you are now on track for the last thing you, he, she or they assumed. This week may begin with the first big step, or there may be a ton of steps taken by Saturday. Uranus is your ruling planet. This cycle tallies with massive shifts in the world and national economy, so it may be that your decision is dictated by money. Perhaps it’s time to sell up or downsize.

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Pisces: 14-20 May 2018

If your aims with writing, multimedia, publishing, languages, public speaking, visual communication and so on - also involve big ambition - then set yourself a 2019 deadline. The reason for this is that over the next seven days, the worldwide web in particular - or your computer keyboard - is basically a laboratory. The experiments could be astonishing, and you would find out why from November 2018 with a magnificent outcome for your ambitions, success rating or status in 2019, as Jupiter soars through the Tenth House of your Pisces chart, but also the Ninth House of your birth chart. What if you only dabble with social media, at the most, and don’t really have your computer or smart phone at the top of your list? Even then, Pisces, the appearance of Uranus (the revolution) in your zone of communication this week is likely to have long-term impact on how you are heard and read. You obviously need to be liberated from something or someone, for that to happen. Or maybe you are about to find freedom through some aspects of the web, the phone or day-to-day communication, that was never on offer before.

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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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8 thoughts on “Your Weekly Horoscope May 14th to 20th”

  1. Hi Jess,

    Curious to know your thoughts regarding current/former partner relationships and self employed business outlook with the following placements:
    Sun 25 Scorpio, Saturn 25 Capricorn, Vesta 26 Taurus, Hygeia 25 Sagittarius
    Chiron 01 Pisces, Uranus 0 Virgo, Jupiter 01 Aquarius, MC 01 Scorpio/ IC 01 Taurus
    Also with the Bacchus opposition this week: Ceres 18 Taurus/Juno 18 Pisces/Aesculapia 18 Aquarius/ Bacchus Sagittarius 08.
    Thank you.

    • 2018 is a really mixed bag for you, as you have such a mixed chart across the Scorpio-Capricorn houses, which is where we find current and former partners and business. If your birth time is strictly accurate you’re going to feel Uranus across 0, 1, 2, Taurus and the usual shocks of particular financial worlds turning upside-down. This makes radical change necessary because you can’t really stand there in the middle of a revolution and try to hang on to the way it all was. Even without an accurate birth time to the minute, you still have the kind of chart that suggests a long-term reshape. Remodel, reshape, rethink! Do take full advantage of Jupiter conjunct your Sun at 25 Scorpio in the Eighth House, though. The end of the year offers you an unusual chance to shine very brightly with that business.

  2. Hi Jessica

    Last night my sister almost had a ‘lightning bolt’ of an idea, which I wholeheartedly agree with around selling on of our properties and become completely debt-free. She is a Sun Aries, 31 March 1992, Dhaka Bangladesh, 11AM, and you can hopefully see my chart as well.

    Do you see anything hampering our plans for selling in July this year? Or anything I should watch out for? Or should it be a fairly smooth running as long as done before October retrograde?

    Thanks kindly

    • Wow, your sister is a little early for Uranus in Taurus, and the New Moon in Taurus – just hours away now – but she may be experiencing the classic ‘bolt from the blue’ which comes with this cycle. Scorpio rules joint finance. Cancer rules property. I can’t see her chart, so cannot comment on her, but your chart shows so many placements in the first nine degrees of Scorpio that you need to know – Uranus in Taurus will oppose, or clash with, every single one of them. You have them in a chain in your Eighth House of family homes and investments. Mercury 5 Scorpio will be opposed by Uranus at 2, 4, 5 Taurus in stages, commencing in 2018 and going into 2019. The idea of being debt-free is right for the times. Free is the buzz word! However, you need to know that you have never experienced Uranus in Taurus in your lives and this planet, which is a symbol of upheaval, radical change and storms, will be crashing into all these symbols in your chart. Get the best advice you can afford before you make big decisions.

  3. I would like to share. I was feeling the shift this mid week.

    It came from no where like a loud bang. Except it wasn’t the noise, it was the silence. It felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
    Not sure but perhaps it is the effect of Uranus move from Aries to Taurus.
    Is it related with a trine to my Virgo Sun, Jessica ?


    • Yes, Justina, you are feeling the shift correctly. People who are strongly intuitive, or psychic, have been experiencing this over 72 hours. Essentially, you are at ‘almost there, deep breath’ stage when you can finish a task you did not even know you were completing. Uranus moving from Aries to Taurus is doing it. He has gone from 29 Aries to 0 Taurus. You have a stack of stuff at 0 degrees which is why you are feeling ‘day one, chapter one, new start, goodbye old chapter, hello new chapter’ … it is almost there. Just a bit of tweaking.

  4. This is my last question today: Denis Villeneuve, the acclaimed filmmaker is developing a film series based on Frank Herbert’s novel, Dune. What do you see for it somehow?

    Sorry for asking you a second question. I’m just wondering how it’ll do.

    • Lord. The only thing I know about Dune is that Sting was in it – wasn’t he? And Sting is a Sun Libra. He’s due the North Node of karma coming back into his career zone in 2019, so he’ll go back to the future for new career challenges. If Dune is part of that for him, then he’s back. He’s baaaaack!

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