Your May 2018 Monthly Horoscope

Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for May 2018. See what this month looks like in the stars.

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Aries: May 2018

The bottom line, of your bottom line at the bank, will be your own value system now. By that I mean who and what you consider is up for sale. Negotiable. Also, who and what you consider is precious, or even priceless. No deal, no matter what. No backing down on price. You have never experienced Uranus (the revolution) in your lifetime, in Taurus, which rules the world’s financial situation - the global economy - in relation to your own. This is the broadest of ‘big picture’ readings of your chart this month. Essentially you are going to have to figure out who/what you can do without - and who/what you think is worth it. Uranus entering your Second House of values, cash, income, debts, possessions, houses, charity donations, apartments, shopping, shares, business - in the sign of Taurus the Bull - is probably going to leave you breathless. It may be breathless with excitement at the new, new, new possibilities you’re hearing about online. It may also be that feeling you get when you jump a fence and realise it’s electric. I did that years ago and felt a kick. Your personal birth chart will really tell the whole story, Aries, as the factors you have in Taurus and/or Scorpio in your unique natal horoscope will let you know what to expect. Yet, history and astrology tell us, that with Uranus in Taurus, you always expect the unexpected! So, you have to be pretty open and flexible. Most of all, you must be prepared to stand back from your old way of using a credit card, or the bank, or your old way of earning a living, or even thinking about rent, mortgages, investments and the rest. The faster you can do this and the more completely open to ‘the new’ you can be, the better of you will be. I mean that in full sense of the phrase. Better off, not so much financially, but in terms of the aspects of your life which money cannot buy. Feeling genuinely free is incredible. Being truly independent is amazing. All this is now on offer, but you do need to assume the position. It’s really like doing Salute to the Sun in your mind. You’ll have to move this way, that way, up, down, sideways - and keep on doing it for years. Yet, if you master your salute to the new money world, you’ll feel the Incredible Lightness of Being.

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought in The Reciprocal Tariff Act, The Communications Act and The Securities Exchange Act - all in the same month - the American economy shook. It was part of his New Deal. In May 2018 you will also see a version of a New Deal which may involve Brexit (for example) or Bitcoin - or the internet itself. This is like the gigantic cosmic hand which reaches down to shake the planet, with banks rattling left, right and centre - and your own piggy bank, jumping up and down on your desk. In other words, from big shakes, little tremors come. You are not the only person who has your hands on the piggy bank, as you obviously split or share this on some level with your former or current partner, the family, or those in a business marriage with you. Perhaps your bank manager has his or her stake in the piggy bank too. Essentially, with Jupiter here, you are being thrown one solution, breakthrough or advantage after another - but you do need to realise that the shaking will not stop for many years. In other words, don’t assume it’s always going to be like this. Get the best advice you can afford. Sometimes the outcome of this transit is that your husband (for example) is affected by what goes down on the share markets and this, in turn, affects his view of your mortgage.

Aries, are you a Premium Member? Read on for diary dates that may trigger your personal birth chart in May.

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Taurus: May 2018

Uranus in your sign for the first time (probably) in your adult life needs special attention in May. Uranus, the planet of shock, upheaval, revolution, independence and freedom will move into your First House. Your First House rules your image, profile, reputation, face, title, name and appearance. Any situation or person which has prevented you from feeling at liberty, where ‘me, me, me’ is concerned, will now have to go. For some of you, this will be your married status, as divorce will allow you to be yourself - without the ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs.’ so much. In other cases, a blessed relief from some aspect of your portrait, identity or likeness which has always bothered you, may vanish. Facebook, perhaps? (The Facebook chart and Mark Zuckerberg chart are both under extreme stress in May). Maybe it’s Google - that experience of being Googled may have made you feel as if you were tied down by something, or someone, bigger than you. Taurus, you have your own personal birth chart and perhaps this is just about weight loss, cosmetic surgery, contact lenses or hair transplants. And sometimes - the issue is more serious, in image or reputation terms. It really depends on your natal horoscope. All that they say and write about you, could be the core concern here. I have to say, you are strongly identified with your values. You may preach socialism, for example, but be very rich. You may be averagely wealthy but devote yourself to charity. You could be hugely wealthy but live a modest ‘budget’ existence. It’s hard to separate your ideas about business, charity, property, shopping, the environment and so on - from who you are. Now, all that is about to open up for change in a brand-new way. The best way to work with this cycle is to stay open, too. You are a fixed sign, but if ever there was a time to move your feet and get ready to dance around, this is it. There are often questions about selling out, or selling your soul, if you’re a Sun Taurus. Uranus in your own sign may give you some big questions about what’s true and real. A few Taurus types will come out on this transit. The excitement and release will be astonishing, but you’ll need to find a way to ground yourself.

Jupiter is the planet now passing through your opposite sign of Scorpio, which rules your opposite number in life, or your opposition. Jupiter was the great-great-grandfather of a huge family of healers. Thus, he is associated with repair work, solutions and big answers. In fact, Jupiter has been at large since late last year, no matter if you were aware of it at the time or not. There is a tremendous need for ‘something better’ and perhaps ‘something bigger’ showing up in your chart now. This may be about your former, current or potential partner. It may be about your opponent, enemy or rival. All these faces show up as the other person/the other side on the scales. It’s really the scales that are being rebalanced in this game for two players in May 2018. Jupiter is really a supplier of what is required for a situation to grow, thrive and prosper. That supply process can be on and off. It can take time! Yet, it is also a given in astrology that eventually things work out. This month is likely to be one of the high points, spikes or peaks in the process. You may be proceeding towards a relationship. You may be backing out of a bad marriage. Maybe your issue is a professional partner. A political opponent. An old professional rival. Jupiter tends to arrive with thunderbolts and then offer up what is needed. There may be a characteristic BOOM feeling (the kind of BOOM they use on Twitter a lot) and then you will be given what you need to make things better - maybe, better than just ‘better’ - where the world of partnership or conflict is concerned.

Are you a Premium Member? Read on, especially if your Sun is at 0, 1 Taurus.

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Gemini: May 2018

Unless you were born in the 1930’s, Gemini, you have never experienced a cycle like this before. It is Uranus, the planet of revolution, entering your Twelfth House of secrets, mysteries and all that is hidden. You will be offered new, astonishing ways to feel free. This may be about a phobia or a mental health issue you hide. It may be about classified information or confidential concerns that surround your work. It really depends on how you play the Twelfth House of your chart. I know that some of you are involved with mediumship or the occult. (The occult itself translates as ‘hidden knowledge.’) The Twelfth House is basically everything about yourself and your life that is below the service. If you have been harbouring a secret which is a very great burden to you, then it may come to light in May and, although there will be shockwaves, there will also be a sense of release. Free at last. Gemini, there is a direct connection between the unconscious mind and the body, as you may know, and it is also possible that a ‘rumble’ which frees every aspect of your unconscious helps you consciously sort out issues affecting your physical condition and physical state. This cycle may sound baffling. The Twelfth House is easily the least understood, the most mysterious and, yet also, one of the most important areas of your chart. Put it this way, if there is anything or anybody that exists far below what can be seen, or known, in your personality or your life - and it has been tying you down for years - the lightning strikes of May 2018 will very suddenly set you free.

Jupiter is a problem-solver in astrology and he does even better than that. He fixes even the most difficult issue and then opens everything up, so it becomes bigger and better than anyone had ever dreamed. This welcome cycle is now at work in your zone of lifestyle, workload, paid work, unpaid work, routine and - crucially - your body. I mention the last issue first, not because it is least important, but because the connection between your body, your mind and your spirit are the most complex. Now, at last, you are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people to tackle this. You may be looking at what you eat or drink, for example, or the prescribed or even illegal drugs you take. Perhaps the issue is sleep or exercise. Jupiter will throw you one option after another in May 2018 and it is up to you to grab something with both hands and go with it. The results could make a fantastic difference to how you are, physically. There is also a role here, a project or a goal, which involves duty and service. You would be putting others first, above yourself. You would also realise that, if you can be of service, you can be invaluable. There is a real art to perfecting the small things that make everybody else’s lives work and you will be shown how to do this in the most rewarding way. Trust Jupiter. What gets you there could be anything at all. Yet, if your body has held you back (obesity?) or your job has weighed you down (no connection to the work?) there are answers, even if they come from unlikely places.

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Cancer: May 2018

The time has come to be honest about how social media, friendships and particularly important groups - networks, circles, teams - feel to you. If there is any face in there, or any set-up, which you know is tying you down, then May 2018 will cut the ropes. Uranus works in mysterious ways, like the U2 song, and one can never predict the ‘what’ that gets you to that new place. Sometimes friends move away. Sometimes a group project you have put time and energy into - anything from a political party to an online business - can be broken up, as people leave. The other obvious scenario, Cancer, is that you decide you have had quite enough of one hive in your life and buzz off. I don’t think anyone really welcomes Uranus transits, especially when they are accompanied by the crackling, white-hot atmosphere that surrounds the middle of the month. Yet, you would also have to admit that some things come as a relief and a release. Your social life and social media will never be the same again. I have written elsewhere on this website about the Facebook and Zuckerberg horoscopes showing massive pressure. As I write this for you on 26th April it’s business as usual, but nobody’s reckoned on Uranus (the shock, the revolution) entering Taurus halfway through May! However, this cycle manifests for you, the trick with Uranus in your Eleventh House is to move with the times. Embrace the change. Dance in the storm. Make it up as you go along, with these people, or perhaps without them. There will be a tremendous new focus on independence which you haven’t seen before, in the context of your friends, or the others in the group. Maybe an online network was a massive part of your social life, maybe it wasn’t, but you can’t knock change if it sets people free.

Jupiter is at large in your Fifth House in May, Cancer. This fascinating part of your chart is about pregnancy, IVF, adoption and fostering. It is about the education of children to adulthood. It is about godparents and grandparents, aunts and uncles. Babysitters and nannies. It is about children and their welfare at all levels, but also about young faces (Millennials across to teenagers) who might have a big impact on you, no matter if you are a parent or not. Lovers also fall under this category as the relationship can result in pregnancy, step-parenting, or if it leads to marriage, the acquisition of younger in-laws. Jupiter is about improvement on every level, no matter how hard things might have been in the past. I know this planet has been stumbling around in your chart so although you have seen two or three wow-factor breakthroughs since last year - assuming you took the opportunities - nothing is smooth. Even if you ignored the obvious chances to grab something amazing in your life, there is still a chance now. And if you did, but you’re wondering why things aren’t better? Fear not. You were thrown a couple of obvious helping hands a few weeks ago and you need to grab them all and use the support. Your personal chart will really tell you more, as obviously a Solar Sign chart can’t tell if you are married, single, child-free, a parent, gay, straight, transgender…or welcome to wherever you are! Yet, in general, the idea is to seize the moment, take the opportunity, welcome the help, thank the world and do all you can to shift this area of your life forward. For some of you it will be about a paid or unpaid role involving children or teenagers which now seems to be the best and biggest gateway you’ve seen in years.

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Leo: May 2018

The weekend of Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 6th sets you up for the new month, in terms of your career, unpaid work or university degree. The person or organisation, so widely admired and imitated, that has the biggest impact on you, will make a new chapter easy to begin by Tuesday, 15th May. This is actually not just a new chapter, Leo, it is a whole new book. Many people born under your sign will start new projects or positions; receive promotion; accept a new role; begin crucial new plans for success. You may (or may not) call yourself ambitious, but by Wednesday, 16th May you are being called to take a radically different approach to success - whatever that means to you, in terms of your status or achievements. From the 22nd of May there will be powerful solutions, remedies and career ‘cures’ available but only you can decide what is right or wrong, ethically and morally. By Thursday 24th May one of the key conversations, agreements or contracts of the year is on the table, or on your laptop. What you are being offered is basically a revolution, or maybe reinvention. You can be the former President of the United States (and there are two Leo people on that list) and still experience May 2018 as the chance for an entirely fresh start. It really doesn’t matter what you have achieved to date, Leo, this month is astonishing. For some of you it will be shocking. The known world, in your chosen field, profession or business may turn upside-down. If you are a full-time career, volunteer, student or unpaid worker on any level, we could also say that about your chosen sphere. Leo, the key to May is to let go of the past. We are about to see a dramatic shift in the world economy, Wall Street and currency. It is possible that your own company, business or trade union will be directly affected, which might also spell drama. If there is anything about your position, mission or ambition which has confined you, it will have to go. For that reason, although I have mentioned new roles, projects or promotions - if the only way to independence for you is an ending, that may be what comes to pass. Take a deep breath. This is what freedom feels like. No compromises.

What comes to pass with your house, apartment, property investment, flat mates, live-in partner, home town, homeland or close relatives in May has a ‘forever’ quality about it. This will be obvious as early as Monday, 7th May, following a major pattern in your chart involving Psyche, a symbol of all that is eternal and evergreen. There are opportunities, solutions, big outcomes and genuine blessings all month. Your ruler the Sun opposes Jupiter on Wednesday, 9th May and this sets the tone for the next few weeks. Very close to Wednesday, 23rd May you’ll be able to inspect the fine print or ask for everything to be put in writing, then at the historic Jupiter-Neptune trine near Friday, 25th May you’ll be in a position to take a holiday from financial reality - at the same time that you grab an opportunity with both hands. I suspect this will be about a specific residence, or some aspect of a family inheritance, no matter if you are giving or receiving. It will all be clear just as May comes to an end. You only have this cycle once every 12 years, Leo, and even though there is a lot of pushing and pulling to get there, what you ultimately achieve with your people and your place is a good thing. How good? Well it depends how many seeds you have been planting since the final quarter of 2017, but everything in your garden, on your land, or in your kitchen flower pot should be lovely, if you just keep your eyes on what you want, need and deserve.

Leo, are you a Premium Member? I have specific diary dates for you which are really important to your finances, property, business interests, lifestyle or security if you happen to have factors in Taurus and/or Scorpio. Please keep reading.


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Virgo: May 2018

Virgo, you could easily take one of your most ambitious journeys yet, or even move, after the middle of May 2018, with plans firmly in place by 2019. Unless you were born in the Thirties, you have not experienced this brand-new cycle before. Your ‘reach’ and connection with some decidedly foreign part of the world will snap into place with sudden timing, very close to May 15th. The reason for this is that Uranus is entering your Ninth House of exploration. This works on every level as you will see by next year, Virgo. It is not just about booking a flight or a long voyage on a sturdy yacht. It is not even about packing your boxes or sorting out your visa. This is about an intellectual, spiritual and philosophical journey too. Understanding the way particular cultures and nationalities understand what other people call God, is part of the deal. There is a sense here that you will be educating, as much as you are educated. So, when you do travel or move, there will be a two-way street. Virgo, it is also true that there may be aspects of your involvement with foreign countries or foreign people which have tied your hands. If you have consciously felt trapped by those obligations, Uranus may come along in a flash of lightning to liberate you. Your known world might turn upside-down, but that has to be part of the process. The worldwide web itself is a source of lightning strikes in May. I have written elsewhere about changes for Google and particularly Facebook, and to a lesser extent Twitter. That may all be part of what comes to pass. The revolution is here. Travel light, drop any baggage you do not need and embrace the adventure. It may be geographical in part, as you will see by next year, but it is just as likely to be in your head. A Revolution in the Head, just like the book. In fact, there is something just a little bit Sixties about what you are encountering, from this month on - and for many years to come. A head trip. Feed your head. Take a Jefferson Starship or Magical Mystery Tour.

You may, or may not, call yourself a speechmaker. You may, or may not, particularly enjoy the media, or the other media, which exists on Twitter, Facebook and websites. Your personal birth chart will show how you deal with the business of communication; particularly if you have factors in Gemini in your natal horoscope. Virgo, whatever state your Communication Headquarters is in, there is always room for renovation and decoration at H.Q. There may be question marks about a new laptop or phone this month. More seriously, about a new relationship with the web itself, or media. At the deepest core of this cycle we find possibilities for your speech, hearing, sight, understanding and literacy - and your language skills. Jupiter is really about heaven-sent opportunities which often come disguised as casual offers. Subtle, background assistance if required. That would be grossly underplaying what is possible, though. You need to invest more time and energy into people, possibilities and prospects which have been swelling up all around you since March. Sit down and look again. What have you not really thought through, or followed up properly? It’s a pile of little goldmines, if you have your sights set on particular goals involving publishing, the media and the rest.

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Libra: May 2018

The best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds and bees, just give me money - that’s what I want. Money changes everything. Money, money, money (boom! Thank you, ABBA!) Libra, there are a ton of songs written about money, and we haven’t even begun to cover Pink Floyd. You will personally be affected by the larger changes affecting big business, treasurers, banks, crypto currency, property, taxes and the rest in May 2018. Think of it as your micro-economy affected by the macro-economy. This may be your superannuation shares or pension, for example. Your solar chart, based on the Solar Sign house system, is a trustworthy guide to what is going on. Your Second House of cash flow, shopping, ownership and credit cards reveals Jupiter the problem-solver. Your Eighth House of complex finance (marriage and mortgage, for example, or the property you leave to your children, or the property that is left to you by your parents) shows shockwaves. Your personal birth chart will tell a bigger story, because if you were born with factors in Taurus or Scorpio (Scorpio seems most likely) and particularly at 0, 1 degrees of those signs, May 2018 will change your life. Libra, in all cases, you are going to have to adjust and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances as the larger national and global economic and financial picture affects what you are painting in your life - and creating. Throw out the old palette. Get new brushes. Think about a different technique. What is coming your way is like the shift from 19th century art to Cubism or Surrealism. The art historian Robert Hughes had a memorable book and television series called The Shock of the New and that is an opposite term for Uranus in Taurus. You’ve not seen this in your lifetime unless you were born in the 1930s. Back then, Roosevelt had a New Deal for everybody. There is also a new deal for you in May and you need the best advice you can afford, Libra. Uranus has a reputation for turning the world upside-down. The best example I can give you is the end of AT&T in America. That massive company, which monopolised telephones in the U.S.A. for years, ended abruptly on a similar cycle to this one. The obvious counterpart now is Facebook, Google, Twitter and the rest. Particularly Google and Facebook, whose ‘foundation’ company charts are hit hard in May and June. When we talk about Uranus cycles, and Jupiter cycles, we are really talking about art again. Cubism began with just one man, Pablo Picasso, experimenting in a small way at first - and it then became a movement. Nobody really wanted the crazy new art coming out of France at that time, except a group of English eccentrics called The Bloomsbury Group. They bought it cheaply and it is now worth millions. I mention this because something radical is coming in May and it goes beyond the Bitcoin you think you know (or likely, you vaguely know). Talk as much as you can, to as many experts as you can, and read as widely as you can, about something which is as wild as Cubism but will eventually come to seem as commonplace as a poster in a student’s bedroom. Essentially, we are moving towards one-world currency with no more notes or coins, and May is the first lighting strike in the storm that rolls on for many years to come. Phew. Find out as much as you can now!

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Scorpio: May 2018

Uranus, the planet of revolution and freedom, now moves into your Seventh House which describes the relationship you have with your former, current or potential partner. All change. This also applies to your enemy, rival or opponent. Essentially, the scales are about two people. You and him. You and her. The balancing act may be about justice, fairness, right and wrong - if you are in conflict. It may also be about marriage and mortgage (very common) or sex and sexual equality (also quite common). The changeover from old to new will happen with lightning speed and if your personal chart shows a lot of placements in Scorpio, apart from your Sun, there may be the prospect of a major decision about the house, money, possessions or apartment. Uranus is a symbol for independence. When he turns up, people break away from situations - or individuals - and often, organisations - that have tied them down. The extremity of May really depends on how extremely trapped or stuck you, he or she has been to date. Scorpio is a fixed sign and of course you have a vested interest in financial, property or business agreements with others - marriage or common law marriage being the usual expression of that. Yet, along comes Uranus and if there has been a long-running situation which has trapped or confined anybody, it simply must go. Less dramatically, Scorpio, Uranus is about the birth of a new order. So, if the rules have to be thrown out, or substantially changed, between the two of you - so be it. This can apply to the game of enmity and opposition, as much as the game of partnership. When I say ‘partnership’ it can sometimes be professional too, like a Prime Minister and her Deputy Prime Minister. In any case, this is a set of scales for two. When a lightning bolt hits the scales and they swing wildly in the storm, that is the moment at which you look long and hard at what you have - what you had - and what your soul needs, to be free. Sometimes we can be released from a set-up we thought spelled security, when in fact it was at the core of what made us feel so confined. It takes insight to see that but use the sheets and forks of lightning in the middle of May to illuminate the sky, the better to perceive what is actually going on.

Jupiter in Scorpio comes around every 12 years to throw you unique and very welcome opportunities to take everything up to the next level, in terms of ‘Me’ so do use it. This cycle ends in November and it spikes in May. You have already been thrown a couple of really useful people (or chances you didn’t know about, involving familiar faces). You have also seen at least one clear case of ‘under construction’ or ‘necessary renovation’ and of course this situation is ongoing - your reinvention and relaunch is a work in progress. Sheer luck has visited you thrice, and I hope you took all three chances over the last few months, Scorpio. Even if you didn’t recognise something amazing when it was staring you in the face, May is still going to be a revelation in terms of what is possible for yourself. This may be online or in the real world but as you are judged so much by how you appear - how you look and seem - don’t pass this up. In some cases, the image shift is down to a new partner, or the farewelling of an old partner. The trigger can even be someone you call the enemy. He or she is a catalyst for some kind of relaunch or rebirth, with all flags flying. It may be an open door to a different kind of reputation. Or, a different Google entry. That’s a name change for some of you; a profile change for others. You can’t really separate Uranus in Taurus from Jupiter in Scorpio this month. They’re tied. In general, take the raw materials surrounding photographs, film footage, your name, title, brand or portrait - and see how you can work up this clay into a dazzling new bust. I’m not talking Lionel Richie here, I’m talking you as a Sun Scorpio with Jupiter in Scorpio!

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Sagittarius: May 2018

The entry of Uranus, the planet of radical change, into the zodiac sign of Taurus, puts him in your Sixth House. The Sixth House of your chart describes the tiny details of daily life, from the smallest pill you pop, to the extra half hour you sleep (or do not sleep). It is very much about the division of your 24-hour day, into three groups of 8 hours. Sleep. Work. Play. The Sixth House is associated with regular housework, a routine and a familiar relationship with your body and the shape you are in. Uranus is going to come along and change that, not just for a month, but for years. You take the small, electrifying first step in May. This planet takes years to do its work, and its work is to release you from situations, people or organisations which tie you down and keep you small. Often you don’t realise it’s happening. You have no idea how restricted you are, or how chained you are! The Sixth House is about paid and unpaid work. Your college or university degree. Volunteering and housework, care taking and caring - as well as obvious professional roles. It’s so easy to get into a loop, for years at a time, and then this planet comes along and plugs you into a different pinball machine. That is exactly what it may feel like, especially if you are taking up a new job or project, leaving a position, or figuring out some aspect of business, retirement, downsizing, a pay rise and the rest. This is more likely if your personal birth chart reveals factors in Scorpio, Sagittarius. In all cases, across the board, you also need to look at your body and the way your physical condition and physical state dictates what kind of work you are given or sign up for. That is probably the biggest revolution of all and history and astrology tell us, when the wave begins, get on the wave and surf.

Buried treasure, sunken gold, submerged pearls and rubies. These are all good images to hold in your mind. This may be your unconscious. It may be the occult activities you hide. It may be your dreams. It may be your classified files or confidential work. Nobody else can see or know what is down there! That’s the score. Thus, there is an element of mystery or enigma about what is so rich in potential for you this month. If you are in counselling or therapy, you are on the right path - in fact this will change your life. If you are working within intelligence agencies or the police, that may also change your life, specifically because what you are covering up is so very precious and valuable. Jupiter is a terrific problem solver and if there are any remaining issues which are holding you up on the way to something truly great, they will be dealt with in May. This may be a private habit you cover up, like alcoholism, or a knotty issue you are dealing with in your profession, which must be kept quiet. The Twelfth House of your chart, where we find useful Jupiter, is really about the other side of you. The other side of your life. Everyone can see and know the surface you! So, do you. Very well. What is more confusing, and confused, is the other life. The other self. The other person. The other world. There may be a fair bit of denial going on here, or maybe just a bit of blindness. Yet, this other self/other life is very much there, and it is gleaming with the most wonderful potential, like a piece of silver in a pirate’s chest, sunk in the English Channel in the 17th century.

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Capricorn: May 2018

Capricorn, you have not seen a line-up like this in your lifetime. Apollo, Bacchus, the Sun, the New Moon, Uranus, Panacea, Mercury and Ops are all gathering in Taurus, the sign which rules your royal bedchamber and also your heirs to the throne. Your royal bedchamber may be a futon, of course! And sometimes those who inherit your guidance, leadership, influence and example are not your own children, but godchildren, nieces, nephews, grandchildren - and sometimes younger people as a large group. The latter is more likely if you have paid or unpaid efforts involving Millennials, or Generation Z. I am sure you know that you are an earth sign, so prefer to keep your feet on the ground, so that you know where you stand. You also tend to move cautiously, steadily and slowly through life. What happens very close to the arrival of Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday 15th May will flip your universe. I hesitate to give you any predictions because by his nature, Uranus is unpredictable! You may have a surprise unplanned pregnancy, for example - or be asked to serve as a godfather. You may begin or recommence a relationship where the outcome might be (if a commitment occurs) a whole generation of younger faces from your lover’s side of the family. Uranus is neither good nor bad, Capricorn. It is just the revolution that comes when people need to be free, and it is also possible that you may find yourself dealing with a snowdome which is being shaken up by an unseen hand. The plastic figures inside the snowdome may be yourself; a partner; a lover; the children. It takes great insight to step back from this kind of event and see it as a release from some kind of confinement or entrapment, for one of you, both of you or all of you. Yet, sometimes this kind of ‘shaken snowdome’ can also occur on this cycle. The discussion, news or paperwork near Wednesday 23rd May is very important. Speak your truth then. Ask the questions you need to ask. May launches you on a new path.

Every Capricorn has a tribe. It may be the Democrats. It may be a group of female friends you have known since adolescence. It may be a band. A yacht club or football team also qualify, but the label matters less than the story. The story is richly rewarding, like a book you started last year, which now begins to fascinate you. In fact, very close to the historic Neptune-Jupiter trine on Friday 25th May, you will realise just how lucky you are. On this cycle, a group project or team effort can often be the open door to tremendous success, advantages or benefits. It is also true that the new friends you make, as well as the old friends in your life, can expand your horizons in the most wonderful way. Jupiter and Psyche (a symbol of eternity) suggest something very special is about to develop. It may be connected to a project, plan or concept you are pursuing, which feels like a holiday from the real world. This is probably online although it may involve multimedia, literature or languages. Capricorn, however this pattern plays out for you in May, it is really true that one of your friends is worth his or her weight in gold. This month may not be straightforward, smooth or easy-peasy, but it is completely worth your investment in people power, in an unforgettable community.

Capricorn, are you a Premium Member? I have specific diary dates for you which are really important to your finances, property, business interests, lifestyle or security if you happen to have factors in Taurus and/or Scorpio. Please keep reading.

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Aquarius: May 2018

Aquarius, you no doubt thought you knew where things stood - absolutely - with your house, apartment, property investment, family, household, builders and the rest. We could extend this to your town or country. You have been trotting along since April with a pretty clear idea of where things were headed, in terms of agreements or discussion. Uranus in Taurus will come blazing in from the margins in the middle of May to change that. In fact, Uranus is your ruling planet, so this is personal. It always makes me laugh when people ask me ‘But what is going to happen to me?’ because the whole point of Uranus is the total lack of predictability. Essentially the world turns upside down, with no warning. Then, what was there - changes - and may even go for good. What arrives in its place is utterly new, very shiny, quite unprecedented and it leaves everything open to experiment. So many people say in response ‘I don’t like that’ but actually, what’s not to like? The trick is to embrace the new and understand that you are being released from a place, person, situation or circumstance that was either trapping you, or trapping others. Independence is a glorious thing, and everybody deserves to be free. Some of you will find that an expensive mortgage on an overpriced house needs to be questioned. Others will find the flat mate who ran the place like Summer Camp has to go. Your personal chart will show the story. If you have factors in Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer then May 2018 may even change your life, with a massive rethink of the family, the flat mates, the house, apartment, property investment or map location by 2019. Home is where the heart is. Actually, home is where you should feel free. The level of drama in May reflects the extent to which you have not been free, or the way others have felt about being confined or held back in some way. Dance in the storm and welcome the creative tension in mid-May as the act of creating what ‘home’ or ‘clan’ should mean - in a brand-new way - reminds you that life is all about the experiment and the invention.

The standard interpretation of Jupiter in the Tenth House is promotion or a wonderful new job. An award. A social status move, like a good marriage, or becoming a parent. Beyond this, your personal birth horoscope is very much your own. If you have factors in Capricorn, Aquarius, then 2018 is clearly about a massive change in the balance of power in your chosen organisation, field, industry, profession or business. You can gain. You can find a new chair in the game of musical chairs and become enthroned and empowered. May will focus you on that! Aquarius, in all cases, this month is very much about trusting the process. You are on the road to a vastly improved situation with your success in life and even if you glance back at the way things were 2-3 years ago, you would have to admit you’ve already been moved on up and along…so much! I know that you probably wanted a better outcome in March or April, but the fact is - even something which got in your way, forced you to reach for a rather wonderful option. This is typical of Jupiter cycles. You have been given a couple of people who you should talk to more, and make more effort with, if you want success. They are there to help in a really obvious way.

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Pisces: May 2018

Uranus in Taurus comes along but once in your lifetime, unless you were born in the Thirties, and so May is likely to be historic and life-changing. Where? Online, on paper, or behind a microphone. How? Because you had no idea how restricted you were. I know some people who feel Facebook is like a second job. The rules. The regulations. The pecking order. The popularity game. Facebook will not last as you remember it, according to its corporate chart. Maybe that’s your out! There are so many examples, Pisces. You could embrace a blog, website, book, script or similar and begin to see what it means to be free. Perhaps the medium or media you were operating with before kept you small, creatively. This extends to education and academia. If there is any aspect of what you are doing which confines you, it just won’t last the distance once Uranus changes signs. We associate this planet with new inventions, so you may well find that a very different way to use a computer, telephone or the web itself is on offer. It’s going to transform everything about how you communicate. In fact, Stephen Hawking had this cycle when he came across the voice technology that allowed him to break free. That is a really good analogy for what you are set to experience, in your own way, in your own life. You can be a media master like Murdoch on this cycle (he is a Pisces) and find that whatever aspect of your empire kept things too tight, or too small, is taken away in the blink of an eye. It takes great insight to stand back from your situation with communication and see exactly where and how you have been kept on a leash, by other people, projects, particular organisations or circumstances. Yet - you have to do that, to some extent, when Uranus enters your Third House.

Jupiter in Scorpio works at the same time as Uranus in Taurus, and both have something to say about how you travel, and travel in the mind. How you take real journeys, but also how you take intellectual or spiritual journeys. This is the most tremendous cycle for knowledge exchange. That is why it is associated so much with websites, paperbacks, hardbacks, universities, colleges, seminars, workshops, evening classes, blogs, journals and the rest. Have you been watching The Durrells? You suspect Larry or Gerry Durrell must have had this cycle when the family left England for Corfu and both boys began their lives as writers, but also as honorary Greeks - shaped by Greece - just as much as they helped to affect the locals with their eccentric British ways. Pisces, there is so much on offer for you at the moment. I know that you have not had a perfect result (far from it) so far with your trip, move, course, book, website - or with a particular foreign nationality! Yet, Jupiter works in quite clunky ways, sometimes, and if there is a lot of problem solving to be done, the process can be irregular. It really depends on your personal chart. If your heart’s desire is to achieve something special in another part of the world, or with that nationality, then it’s out there for you, one way or another, this year. May could be part of the climb.

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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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6 thoughts on “Your May 2018 Monthly Horoscope”

  1. Hello Jessica
    I have just read my May horoscope – Pisces and was moved to tears. Yes really. I am so ready for the changes that uranus will bring. Restricted yes for too long. Settling for less and dreaming of more. Thank you.

    • People do sometimes cry when they read their horoscope, but I will take it as a compliment and hope the tears have dried. Pisces is a water sign, so you are allowed to do that. Make sure you have an internet-based (or notebook-based) plan or project ready to go, second half of this year. It will set you free more than anything else.

  2. Hello Jessica,

    Here’s hoping that you (and my two young Leos) have a very happy revolution/ reinvention this May!

    You are right, as usual, that as a Sagittarian I am aware of that treasure chest glinting at me below the surface. If only it could be accessed! (Do I need a map with an X marks the spot?) I have received a few symbolic messages etc. but feel a bit drained by the effort to tap into this potential. Perhaps I’m trying too hard? Meditation doesn’t seem to work and I can’t remember my dreams! I’m off now to look at some sacred geometry and beautiful gardens for some inspiration and a bit of a rest. Switching off my ever curious mind is a bit of a challenge though. Any advice would be welcomed.

    Thanks for your constant stream of thought provoking and brilliant articles. I do admire you for putting yourself out there with such conviction and panache! It’ll be fascinating to see your predictions come to pass.

    • Thank you so much. You were born with Saturn in Pisces in your Twelfth House of meditation, dreams and the rest, so accessing your inner world is actually a very heavy business for you. I am sure you would feel the full weight of your psychic ability, for example. Saturn can also manifest as fear of the spirit world and sometimes that gets in the way. So, as a Sagittarian Sun person you have this wonderful cycle going on in your Twelfth House of solitude, spirituality, psychic work and the soul. Yet, in your personal birth chart, it’s not particularly easy. It is also very common for people with Saturn in Pisces in the Twelfth House to be covering up a couple of seriously big secrets, over the course of their lives, and this can sometimes explain mental blocks about delving too deeply into one’s own inner space. Have a look at your Saturn!

      • Thanks. You’re right, Jessica, I do feel a smidgen of fear when I wonder if I am going to be given knowledge of something unpleasant. Did you have to overcome this problem yourself? Maybe I am not a natural at this and it would be better to leave it alone. However, I do have a compulsion to get at the truth and to the bottom of things. The unexplained and the mysterious are very beguiling! Perhaps this trait should be channelled in a different direction. I don’t know what the big secrets could be – in a previous job I had to sign the Official Secrets Act so maybe that could be something. It all sounds a bit ominous (that fear again!)

        • In a previous job you had to sign the Official Secrets Act. You answered your own question there! Don’t worry too much about Saturn. You don’t feel this all the time – just under transit. Yet, what you promised to ‘not tell’ about will prove to have been very heavy indeed.

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