Your Weekly Horoscope April 23rd to 29th

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 23-29 April 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 23-29 April 2018

North Korea will make headlines again this week for all the wrong reasons. When it’s time for Mars conjunct Pluto, it’s time for intermediate ballistic missiles. What is good to know about this cycle is that the dinosaurs who risk our extinction, will themselves be extinct in two or three years. And it won’t be the bomb, the bomb, the bomb (to quote The Smiths). It will be the astrological law of Pluto.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 23-29 April 2018

If there is one thing you have learned about your career, university life or unpaid work since 2008, it is the value of patience. You really don’t get to the top, in terms of your status or ambitions, by rushing and pushing. In fact, it’s liable to fail as a tactic. Just by holding on, hanging on and keeping your gaze firmly at the absolute peak, you have managed to gain more and more control. In fact, you should now be able to respect your own power and understand, at a deep level, that the only way to retain it, and increase it, is to continue to climb. The careful, steady, slow and cautious climb to the top is composed of two things. Staying where you are - and also knowing when to use who and what is there, to help you go even higher. Believe it or not, by 2023 this will no longer be a part of your life. This week, it all comes into sharp focus for you, as your ruling planet Mars conjuncts Pluto in the ambitious sign of Capricorn. This is going to change the pace and turn up the heat. There may be a push and rush for power, near Thursday 26th April, by your boss, lecturer, staff, colleague, classmate or client. That would be one example. Another would be a takeover by a particular company or corporation in your field.

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Taurus: 23-29 April 2018

For the last seven or eight years you’ve realised that if you want to be more effective - more powerful - then you must use your willpower to truly control what goes on with foreign people and places. By that word ‘foreign,’ I mean any face or space which seems miles away from you. It could be in another suburb, if you never travel or move at all - but in most cases, Taurus, this is going to be about a specific part of Europe, Australasia or the Americas. Now, you are in a phase of your life where you have to get real. If things seem to have become more intense in the last few weeks, it’s not your imagination. Pluto, Saturn and now Mars are gathering speed. If you’re going to get everything you want and need from your trips, your export plans, your connections from other countries (or just different cultures and nationalities) then you’re going to have to work for it. This becomes even more crucial to you very close to Thursday on the Mars-Pluto conjunction. The whole question of how powerful you are, and how the balance of power is handled between yourself and others, goes centre-stage then. You have achieved so much in the last few years, but you have not done it alone, and there is politics involved. You will come up against that politics as the week closes. It is very, very important that you remember you are an earth sign. Grounded. Down to earth. Feel that sense of connection as your animal, the bull, might feel a sense of connection to the grass beneath his feet. The atmosphere will feel highly charged and events could move very quickly. Take a deep breath, remember the last time this happened, and what to do. And what not to do.

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Gemini: 23-29 April 2018

Around October 19th, 2016, you had a situation with your money, house, apartment, business, possessions or charity which taught you about timing. Even if you can’t remember that time, the Mars-Pluto patterns towards the end of this week will put your bank account, home, property investment, company or taxes at the top of your list. What is different about this cycle, now, is that Saturn is also alongside Mars and Pluto. This has never happened to you before. What you must do is be a total realist about what is required and roll your sleeves up. None of this is going to happen without a hell of a lot of self-discipline and hard work. However, you also need to make very sure of the balance of power between yourself and others, or even larger organisations, like insurance companies. What comes out of this late part of April could be empowering and make you feel as if you are holding the reins again. You will have to pour a lot of effort into getting those reins, though, and hanging onto them. It may help to remember what has worked for you before. It will certainly help not to react in the heat of the moment. If ever there was a time to keep your own pace and pursue your own strategy, this is it.

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Cancer: 23-29 April 2018

It’s not like there is anything new about a power question - a matter of control - affecting a partnership. Of course, this may be the same ex-partner, or potential partner, from two years ago. You’ve had Pluto cycles, and Mars cycles, on a recurring level for about eight years. This cycle is often about enemies, too. Rivals or opponents, usually in your career. What is very new, however, is Saturn alongside Mars and Pluto. Now, this is a story with a happy ending, Cancer. Jupiter, the planet of solutions, repair work, opportunities, healing, growth and expansion will come along in 2020 and you’re going to find it all makes sense. In the end! What you are going through this week is a tiny part of the process of change, which has to happen whenever Pluto is around. Like all change, it should be handled at your pace, and nobody else’s. So, no matter what goes down near Thursday, do not feel rushed or pushed. This is like a chess game with one particular other person where they try to race through a few moves. Just play this according to your own wisdom, gathered over time. Actually, if you are old enough, Cancer, you would gain a lot by thinking back around three decades, because you’ve been in such a similar situation before.

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Leo: 23-29 April 2018

It has been a very long time since you could just ignore your body, as if you only existed from the neck up. Now, your body asks for more attention. The fact is, the whole way you work, take on unpaid work, do the housework and serve other people, is tied to how you are, physically. You can’t separate it from the realities of what you can (or cannot) do these days. It’s like asking a teenage girl to become a wrestler, or a big, boofy bloke to become a ballet dancer. We are confined by basic facts about our bodies and that dictates the kinds of work we take on, and how often and how much. Leo, this week brings you to one of those essential crossroads in your destiny where you have to make some choices. This has been a long time coming. Two years, in fact. Pluto and Mars are together in the no-nonsense, get-real, practical sign of Capricorn in an area of your horoscope that we associate with the tiny details of daily life, which add up to a very personal way of sleeping, eating, drinking, taking prescribed or unprescribed drugs, exercising and the rest. This whole question of work, tied to your actual physical state, or physical condition, will be extremely important from May 15th, when your basic role in life - your direction - is in a brand-new spotlight. Then, you will see what it means to be liberated. It’s going to have quite an impact on the nuts and bolts of your everyday routine, so when your body talks to you this week - or others talk to you about your body - do listen.

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Virgo: 23-29 April 2018

For the last seven or eight years, the whole question of pregnancy - your heirs - or the existing heirs and spares (your nieces, nephews, children, stepchildren, grandchildren) has been an intense issue. It’s affected everything from dating, to marriage, for obvious reasons. You have learned a lot about owning your power and understanding that only when you ‘rule’ in terms of courtship, or offspring, do you actually operate at full strength. It’s not enough to just have children or young people as a whole in your world. (You may have had paid or unpaid work with them). You have to accept the challenge, as you’ve discovered since 2008, and that challenge is to act like you mean it and set an example. Also, perhaps, to understand just how massively influential you are with younger faces - and lovers. As you move towards a Mars-Pluto conjunction at the end of the week, you need to look long and hard at this question about your control. If you have any sense at all that others want to test their power and put you at the heart of it, then steer well clear. This is not about intimacy or the four-poster bed. It is about who and what is in charge. It is not about baby bibs in the shape of bunny heads, or even Millennials singing their hearts out on YouTube. It is really about how human beings need to dominate, and take, and take over! You know exactly who and what I am talking about, I’m sure. In general, use your self-control to get control and avoid those who would try to control you.

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Libra: 23-29 April 2018

Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is quite a long sentence for a pretty long cycle. So, let’s look at exactly what has been going on with your family, home, apartment, house, home town and/or homeland since 2008. You’re about halfway through this cycle which has taught you that to be powerful in this world, you need to really ‘own’ your home in every sense of the word. This may be your particular patch of turf or home ground, or it may be real estate. That’s perfectly fine, but every now and then, life becomes intense and you have to make decisions about how it’s all going to work. If you want to hang onto the controls, and in fact have even more of the reins in your hand, then there is a task ahead. Part of this is about timing. I’m pretty sure Mars conjunct Pluto will time a situation, at the end of this week, that makes you feel as if everything is being pushed harder or faster. Try not to respond in the heat of the moment or hear the call of a clock or calendar, belonging to others. Even to the world! You have your own sense of timing. You also need to thoughtfully and calmly develop a strategy which is going to work. For you. The bottom line is, be sensitive to any possibility that others could take - or take over. You’ve been down that road once before, remember? Do everything within your power to make that impossible. It might be greedy developers, or a dominating house guest, or a difficult landlord. Or parent. But - you know what to do!

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Scorpio: 23-29 April 2018

This week is about your e-mails, your involvement with magazines and websites, television, speeches, books, editing and even rudimentary communication. Hearing, sight, writing, voice! Your ruler Pluto is conjunct Mars. This happened about two years ago so it’s not new. Yet, each time the pattern repeats, you are given a chance to remember ‘what happened back then’ and do better. Essentially, if you give up control of communication and throw your hands up in the air, which God knows the internet makes everyone do - you won’t help yourself. In fact, you need to share control. Take some and give some. It’s the same with the business of being heard and read. I am sure you are well aware that there are those who seek to take, and take over, even just one debate or one platform! You’ve been there, done that. You have since found other ways to be heard. That’s great. And it’s been empowering. Yet, there is further to travel. If ever there was a time to not only do the research about online/offline - and also follow through with some iron-willed promise to yourself - this has to be it. You do need to update yourself on how people receive, hear, read and see these days. It’s not what you might have assumed, and it could help you.

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Sagittarius: 23-29 April 2018

This week, things come to a head with your money, values, possessions, house, business interests, apartment or charity. This helps you realise how much you have learned since 2008 - repeatedly. The fact is, unless you draw heavily on your own willpower and self-control, it is all too easy to feel that you are no longer running this show. It may feel as if he, she, they or ‘it’ is the director. So, even though it’s tough, you have to remember that you’ve done this before and you can do it again. It also pays to slow down and cool down. Others (or the world itself) may rush and push, towards the end of the week, but that does not mean you have to play the same game. If anything, you should be thinking long-term here, as Jupiter (your ruler) will be in this same zone of your chart as late as 2020 so what goes down this week is really part of a much longer situation.

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Capricorn: 23-29 April 2018

Mars and Pluto in your zodiac sign towards the end of the week fall in your First House of personal appearance, image, name, title, reputation and brand. Your ruler Saturn is also in this same house of your chart so it’s a bigger deal than usual. And of course, you are on the road to the new you here, which is a slow but steady process, evolving through 2019 and ending in 2020. No wonder just a couple of days can feel like such a major concern, given its importance in the long-term scheme of things, Capricorn. Yet - you have also been here before, and really this experience is nothing new. It may help to step back from yourself as if you were a can of beans or an album cover and review ‘Me’ the way others do. This is how you travel. This is how you launch. I am sure that things feel tight, perhaps overheated - maybe heavier than usual. That is pretty normal for the transits you are having, but what will come out of this is a new commitment to yourself as a representative of something or someone. Maybe even a little iconic in nature. You’ll be able to run this.

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Aquarius: 23-29 April 2018

You may need more time and space to yourself, approaching the weekend, Aquarius. You will be dealing with a side of yourself, or your life, which is very hard to share with other people. That’s probably the understatement of the year! You just can’t confide or confess, unless you are absolutely sure. It is pretty common on this cycle to have ‘classified’ stamped on your concerns. It is just as common to be confused - to be swimming in two directions - and in a fair bit of denial about both of them. Now that both Mars and Pluto are approaching a conjunction, there is a moment of truth approaching and you have a decision to make. How are you going to deal? One crucial factor is your own approach. Let you, be the boss of you, is not a bad way through this. Actually, having a conversation with yourself, about yourself, is the beginning. The Twelfth House of your chart is about your unconscious mind, which usually shows itself in dreams, but it is also about your hidden depths, which are really a matter for you (and nobody else). Take your time.

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Pisces: 23-29 April 2018

What unfolds this week, particularly as you go towards the weekend, reminds you that you can’t real make it in this world until you master the art of networking, dealing with groups and giving a circle or community of people what it needs. This business of ‘feeding’ or supplying the group is very important, particularly when a friend is involved. If you have learned anything since 2008, it is that you won’t get very far, unless you accept the challenge of treating everyone as a hive. Honouring the hive mind and respecting these friends and acquaintances as part of a wholistic group is very wise. I am sure the Mars-Pluto conjunction later this week will dent the atmosphere, because the pace will pick up, the atmosphere will heat up and that old issue of control will arise again. You’ve hit this before, many times since 2008. Friends or groups tend to trigger it; there are always questions about your own empowerment, the balance of power, power-tripping and the rest! Just look to the common goal or shared vision. The communal outcome. That will really help.

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21 thoughts on “Your Weekly Horoscope April 23rd to 29th”

  1. Dear Jessica,

    I am a Virgo sun and as for Mars- Pluto conjunction I have nothing in 21 deg Capricon. But I have placements in other signs in 20 and 22 deg. Vulcano in 20 deg Leo, Mars 20deg in Geminy, Mercury 22deg Libra and Jupiter 22 deg Aries.
    Can you help me understand in which way I can be affected by this conjunction if ever.

    Thank you in advance!

    • You would already have felt Pluto passing by at 20 Capricorn, so ask yourself about your internet use, smart phone and general communication with others over the last few months, as Pluto aspected your Mars at 20 Gemini in your Third House of words, ideas and images. Just knowing that will immediately tell you how this planet operates and what is to come as he passes slowly to 22 Capricorn.

  2. It seems I have multiple 21 degrees, including Aries and Libra.

    I’m just gonna stay home and hide under a blanket, literally have no energy to deal with anything, especially with the whole retrograde and partnership weather I’m still facing.

    • The Mars-Pluto conjunction at 21 Capricorn reminds you of the Pluto rules. Not so much the blanket, more with the willpower. If you use your self-control to discipline yourself enough to run your own life, and run your own self, it does not matter who or what tries to take over, you will be in complete command of yourself and your journey. This empowers you. Over the long-term it will change your life for the better. In fact, it will be the making of you. But – no blanket.

  3. Hi Jessica,

    I am dreading Thursday. My chart is filled with planets and heavenly bodies at 21 degree or very close to 21. On March 30, I lost a major work contract to a rival and I am still dealing with the aftermath of this cataclysm. I am still pondering what my next moves will be: leave work or persist and hope for better days? I have been very cautious since March 30 but I am afraid of this coming Thursday. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    • You should never dread your horoscope, as astrology is there to help you negotiate with fate, not be taken by it. In fact, a savvy reading of your chart will help you neatly avoid what would obviously be an issue for you! You’ll know it when you see it and cross the road to avoid it. We actually need to take the whole transit apart to see what is going on. Mars conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn will change the balance of power at the top of world government and big business, partly because of an increased risk of war. This kind of thing has a ripple effect on everybody and everything. Stability goes. Security goes. Tension increases. Neptune at 21 Scorpio, Aesculapius at 21 Pisces, Mercury at 21° Cancer, Venus at 21 Leo and Mars at 21 Libra is a huge pattern in your chart and it gives you one of those lives where ‘it never rains but it pours’.You either find yourself on the crest of a wave, when a planet like Jupiter is passing through at 21 degrees – or down in the dumps – when a planet like Saturn is passing through at 21 degrees. What is actually going on in 2018 is going to make or save you a fortune in money. Why? Over and beyond the personal relationships which are shown by your Libra and Leo placements, or the impact on your inner self, shown by the Pisces placements, you have a stunning trine from Mercury at 21 Cancer to Neptune at 21 Scorpio, from your Fourth House of property and family, to your Eighth House of serious finance, relatives, and lifestyle. What is going on this year is pretty rare. You’re seeing Pluto come along at 21, then Jupiter. I suspect the self-control and willpower you will need to discover in yourself this week, is part of your ultimate success. In other words, you are absolutely going to be dealing with dominating people or organisations. You may even feel dominated by world events. Pluto-Mars can feel as if someone or something wants to take, or take over. Yet, as you realise the answer is to be ‘the boss of yourself’ and captain your own ship, as if you were both master and commander of your own voyage, you gain in empowerment. It won’t be easy. You will have to summon up phenomenal amounts of self-discipline to push back. However, this will also be the making of you, as you will gain from the most astonishing solution, breakthrough or fortunate twist of fate with your business interests, finances, house, apartment and so on, when Jupiter moves to 21 Scorpio later this year. In fact, very close to 23rd September, you’ll have the champagne out.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    I have the Sun at 21 Capricorn Minerva at 21 Taurus and Bacchus 21 Sagittarius eek! Can’t imagine what this Thursday holds for me, hope it’s good, any advice would be much appreciated.

    Much love

    • Thank you Mehtab. I don’t know if you work, have unpaid work or are at college/university, but you will experience the Mars-Pluto conjunction as an overheated episode involving your career, field, profession or other obvious aspect of whatever ladder you are on. This falls on your Sun, so it is very much about your own need to be successful, to have a certain status, and to play your part in the system. The trine to Minerva suggests you will need to lean hard on your wisdom regarding money, business or property. Bacchus at 21 Sagittarius suggests foreign people or places will be involved. The best thing to do with Mars-Pluto people, situations or organisations is to hold your own, figure out your plan, use your willpower, crank up your self-control and stick to your strategy. Be the boss of yourself. History and astrology tell us that Pluto types always come crashing down eventually. In the meantime, you will learn how to respect yourself enormously as a result of your sheer grit. Please do not enter into any conflict at all around this date as you do not need it in your life. In general be sharply aware of who/what appears to be simmering, overheating and the rest as Mars is really about people whose emotional temperature goes too high.

  5. Hi Jessica!

    Long time lurker and fan. I am curious about this Thursday event. I am a Aqua Sun/Cap Asc., I have quite a bit in Capricorn and I have been through the ringer since 2008. I’m using the retrogrades to fine tune my astrology reading business which is my dream occupation. I have gotten quite a bit of interest in regards to clients already. BUT I am currently finishing up a karmic cycle of working in stagnant corporate/office environments. Something I loathe but my S.Node Cap. just keeps being drawn to. But this is it. July 2017 Uranus transit & the eclipse in Aug turned my life upside down. I am now suing my former employer a major (well known crooked institution).

    I began taking the scary road of working for myself by freelancing and LOVED it. But needed more money and it put me right back in that toxic cycle of undervaluing my skills as front desk person at a real estate company. Love my co-workers, they have been my #1 supporters in regards to starting my business and have been sending me clients…but I HATE the job//work or lack of…It doesn’t allow me to showcase any of my /skills/gifts/talents. When I try to exert myself I am shut down by my supervisor, who also micro manages me and it’s weird.

    My question is what should I expect from Mars conjunct Pluto transit? I am hoping not to repeat a “Tower” tarot card moment of 2017…Will my life finally stabilize and be rid of these controlling & stagnant work environments once and for all this year?

    Any advice is appreciated!! <3

    • Work is Virgo and the Sixth House as I’m sure you know. Capricorn and the Tenth House are vocation/calling which is different. What we have here (and what you have been going through, as in – enduring) is transiting Pluto in Capricorn, making passing conjunctions to Mercury at 17 Capricorn and Ceres at 18 Capricorn, in your Tenth House of ambition, success, achievement and ‘the top.’ So this is not a Virgo story, despite the fact that you hate being the front desk person for a real estate company. It’s really about wanting to be an astrologer. And it’s also about you suing your former employer. As I’m also sure you know, Pluto can only make this pattern once every 240+ years so you are at an historic crossroads. Pluto tends to manifest as people or organisations which take over, and take. They want it all. They dominate and are often bullying in nature. Your Mercury in Capricorn ‘speaks’ the language of ambition and professionalism. Your Ceres in Capricorn is all about necessary compromises, deal-making with the Universe and other people. This is all intensely karmic in nature, as although Pluto is moving right off that 17, 18 degree (he will be at 20 Capricorn by Christmas this year) you do need to have some clean-up operations when the South Node goes into Capricorn, which happens at the end of this year. This is then followed by Jupiter (problem solving, expansion, growth) in Capricorn and also Ceres in Capricorn too – so essentially you have your Ceres Return. This is a massive transit which will utterly reshape your work and life for many years to come, so find out all you can, about all I’ve passed on to you. Does this have a good ending? You bet. Jupiter crossing your Ceres and Mercury in Capricorn in the Tenth House of success is a great gift. Yet, it is going to be hard, hard work and you need to use your astrology to figure it out. Don’t worry about Pluto-Mars at 21, it’s nowhere near your Mercury-Ceres conjunction at 17-18.

  6. Dear Jessica,
    I have my MC and IC at 21 degrees. I am feeling this may be very significant: I have already felt the “intensity” you mention this very week. Yesterday I attended a funeral of a couple of dear friends; I won’t say anymore except that I do feel like fleeing my part of the world.

    • Actually, your Saturn at 21 Aquarius is being aspected (by a semi-sextile) through this Mars-Pluto conjunction at 21 Capricorn. I am very sorry about the loss of your friends. It may be useful to read more about Saturn in Aquarius in the Eleventh House (take each key word separately and use Search) or look at your astrology ebooks and books. Give yourself as much time and space as you possibly can, because although we all have Saturn somewhere in our birth chart, you have yours in the Eleventh House of friends and it has just been touched by an aspect which can only occur every 240+ years.

  7. Hello
    I am an Aries Sun, Taurus Rising with an Aquarius Moon. I have Mars 21 degrees Aquarius and Proserpina 21 degrees Gemini. Do you have any advice for me regarding Thursday? Thank you
    PS Your insights and information has been incredibly helpful over the years :)

    • Your chart is a good example of what Michael Lutin used to say – ‘If it’s not in the chart, it’s not in the chart.’ Essentially, we always have to put your own horoscope first, above the actual heavy weather of Mars-Pluto. You were born with a perfect trine here, and it’s really about your friends and groups, and the way you operate as a go-between, using your social media, e-mail and telephone. You could easily get involved with good causes (fighting the good fight) through a team or network and be the person who acts as the carrier pigeon or networker. What goes down now (allow 24 hours for the world to catch up with itself) is really going to affect this part of yourself and your world, but it won’t be personal. I suspect it’s probably going to end up being about the internet itself. There is a chance it may involve your career or unpaid work, as the transit goes through your Tenth House of profession, university and volunteering.

  8. Hi Jessica,

    As you have written for Virgo Sun: “This is not about intimacy or the four-poster bed. It is about who and what is in charge”. I had exactly this situation on Friday 27 April. Moreover, intimate or sexual situations have been intense issue for many years. It left me questioning what is right and what is wrong? Also I remember you have said that once Uranus moves into 29 degrees Aries this will be the last challenging situation. I hope this is true! As I am running out of ideas how to deal with these type of situations.
    Maybe there is other placements in my birh chart that affect me?

    Many thanks for your weekly insights.


    • Justina, I have been writing about transiting Pluto in Capricorn in the Virgo (Sun Sign) Fifth House, which rules lovers and children. Pluto moved in there, in 2008 and remains until 2023. The situation is particularly hard work at the moment because Saturn also moved into Capricorn, and your Fifth House, using the Solar Sign house system, just last year. If you also had Fifth House placements in your birth chart, in the sign of Leo, that would be a double whammy. One quick check and I can see Venus, Ceres and Diana all in Leo. This is a big deal. Venus had a lover and a husband. She was in complex politics with her son and daughter-in-law. Ceres had a daughter, who was partly lost to her, and a hard relationship with her son-in-law. Diana never wanted children or a husband so she became free forever! Justina, dig deeply into your Leo placements in the Fifth House and start working with them. With the North Node in Leo in 2018 you are burning off a load of karma. I suspect past pregnancies, miscarriages or terminations may be involved. You don’t say if you have children or if the other party does. In general, as a Virgo, the toughest stuff is over at Christmas 2019. Until then do the Leo work. Hit Search and maybe start writing in your journal to help.

    • Thank you for your reply Jessica.

      I have always been on the road alone for as long as I can remember, single lady. With occasional out of the blue invitations from the men (sometimes married, lovers from the past) with no intension to any kind of relationship from them. From my point of view, I had no other choice but to reject them. Maybe my Virgo Sun appearance works against me.

      Thank you for your insight and introducing to astrology that helps to find some answers.


      • Diana at 7 Leo opposite Jupiter at 7 Aquarius in your chart, Justina, is your answer to this recent phase of independence. This is a strange reflection of the original myth. Diana begged her father Jupiter to save her from the confinement and difficulty of her mother’s life, so she asked to be always child-free and single. She did have a lover, though. His name was Endymion. You could easily fall for an Endymion type. Look him up and look at Diana in art and sculpture. There is a great truth for you there.

    • Jessica, this is very accurate! Incredible strange truth.

      I have looked at the myth and paintings, all the details: sleep, moon, Endymion type is so familiar. This art. Maybe it even helped to solve my own mystery, I have been questioning for years.

      Thank you for your guidance, Jessica.

      Another question, as I also have Venus in Leo. Would it be possible for my Venus side to overtake Diana? After a long phase of independence, I feel it might be a time for partnership and marriage to take place.


      • Justina, you will always have Diana and Venus both at work in your horoscope. Diana was very much a part-time lover and so was Venus, so it may be that you suit a relationship where there is time apart. Just don’t commit adultery, though (I am sure you will not dream of such a thing – though Venus certainly did!) Endymion men tend to be passive and Diana types do fall in love with them, because of course they are then allowed to be action women.

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