Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 16-22 April 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.
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The Astrologer’s Diary: 16-22 April 2018
I’ve written about the shocking, massive change to come in May 2018 for some time now. It will affect the world economy, currency and the share markets. This change will be set up on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th April. I am writing this on Tuesday 3rd April, as I file at least two weeks ahead for my designer friend Jodi - but you read it here first. The boom and bust we see near May 15th will be set up by exactly what happens this week. Facebook will be one of the reasons. One of many! Watch.
Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Aries: 16-22 April 2018
From Thursday 3rd May when Mercury Retrograde finally ends (the last shadow) you will be well and truly in a new phase of your life as the Aries weather starts to roll properly, and any remaining delays or reversals affecting your relaunch are over. This is about a rebirth, no matter if we’re talking about your brand, personal appearance, title, role or image. The new question: what can you get away with? Aries, you are also now on the road to the biggest money revolution of your life, which begins with a bang in May and is ‘the new normal’ by 2019. The thing to remember about the numbers this week, is that you need to be extremely flexible and leave the situation as open as possible, because what goes down near 15th May will throw your prior arrangements and discussions up in the air. This applies to your business, house, apartment, possessions or company.
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Taurus: 16-22 April 2018
Matters which are classified, confidential - or which you may be in denial about - are still bubbling under. This is down to the Aries weather you are experiencing, which puts a massive focus on everything you cover up - and everything you hide. Sometimes it is driven down so deep you are barely aware of it. Now, you are on the road to a major decision, and although it will not be done and dusted until Thursday 3rd May, it will feel very much over by then. Until then allow for crossed wires, communication issues, rescheduling and maybe a reversal. Taurus, Uranus is poised to enter your zodiac sign for probably the first time in your life. Uranus is the planet of revolution and freedom, and he is entering the First House of your chart, which rules your image, role, profile and reputation. Try to keep an open mind about what is going on this week. Sure, it’s ‘Me’ season, but it will not be until the middle of May that you understand exactly what the future is about and how exactly you’re affected.
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Gemini: 16-22 April 2018
Gemini, we have major movement in the zone of your chart which rules your social life, social media, friendships and particularly your group commitments. This is ongoing, because great changes take time. Essentially, the instability and uncertainty of the last few years is drawing to a close, and by 15th May you will know why. If you have been up and down with a particular friend, or just lacked a stable social circle, you will notice a change of climate. You have learned so much about what it means to be a friend - or have a friend - and also, the tremendous impact that people power can have, within a particular club, team, community and the rest. Now, Uranus in Aries is on the way out and Chiron in Aries is on the way in. This may well be about Facebook. If you never joined, or left years ago, it will be about the real world instead! Allow until 3rd May for the story to become final. We’re also seeing a major shift happening with your inner life. Your classified or confidential world. Your inner self. Gemini, if you feel the call of meditation, therapy or counselling between now and May, look at what it has done for others. Often, it sets people free.
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Cancer: 16-22 April 2018
How will you deal with your career, unpaid work or university degree when the electrical storm of the last seven years actually stops? Everything has been New! Different! New! Different! for such a long time that you may have forgotten what it’s like to get up in the morning and actually know where you stand. Yet, Uranus is slowly moving out of your Tenth House of ambition and position. Chiron is moving in. Cancer, we’re still in an odd phase of the year when nothing can really be called final until May 3rd, but until then you have a lot to think about. You may prefer not to close the book on this chapter until you can actually write the last page with full and certain knowledge, and complete guarantees, and that’s a week or two away now. The real change will not come until 15th May, though, and that coincides with something else - involving a group. This group involves one or two good friends and it’s a classic community, in that together you can move mountains - when it works! Your gaze falls upon this group, this week, but again, you may prefer to reserve judgement as what shocks you so much, 2-3 weeks from now, is going to alter everything. And set you free.
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Leo: 16-22 April 2018
It won’t be until May 3rd that you can have the final conversation, e-mail or phone call about a matter which is so crucial to your plans to travel, publish, write, teach, study, move, emigrate or export. At the moment you are still dealing with Mercury Retrograde, which is yet to leave its shadow, so stay flexible, keep moving and keep your diary open. Quite a lot is going down here, not the least of which is the departure of Uranus (the revolution) from this zone of your chart. He has been there since 2011 so you’ve had about seven years of ongoing, quite radical, changes which have made life so unpredictable. Never a Dull Moment, as Rod Stewart once said. So, will life now become boring? Far from it. Chiron is moving into this zone of your chart, so the soundtrack is the same - academia, education, books, the worldwide web, holidays, foreigners - but the constant uncertainty will go. What else is happening? So very much, Leo, with your career, unpaid work or course. In fact, from mid-May it’s unprecedented and unlike anything else you’ve ever seen. The same advice applies. Stay open.
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Virgo: 16-22 April 2018
Virgo, an entirely new relationship with a foreign part of the world (or your own region) and very likely, with quite a different culture or nationality, is coming your way. In fact, what happens when Uranus changes signs in the middle of May will radically alter your life. The situation is built up in stages, partly by what goes down this week. Even then, you won’t know what’s going to happen, nor how it will happen. The seeds will be sown, but the actual plant is likely to spring up, rather like Jack’s beanstalk, just 2-3 weeks from now. This is Uranus in Taurus, the cycle you are unlikely to have ever seen in your lifetime. Over the next few years it may lead you to move, emigrate or just develop a close relationship with a nationality, place or culture you have previously never really considered. What else is going on this week? After years of chopping and changing with your money, house, apartment, business, taxation, company, possessions and the rest - a more predictable period is coming. Oh, you’ll still be experimenting, but the current discussion or paperwork will be at an end, on May 3rd and then from May 15th you get to see what life feels like without constant upheaval.
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Libra: 16-22 April 2018
Your leading question is no doubt about your former, current or potential partner. Fair enough, Libra, as you are still dealing with the most intense Aries weather, in the Seventh House of your chart, which rules the balance you strike with the other person. Sometimes, this cycle is about a person who is against you. Again, you are slowly moving through a highly-charged time. Nothing is finished or final about the conversations you are having until 3rd May when Mercury Retrograde ends, with his last shadow. Until then, keep boxing clever or dancing around the ring as best you can. Something momentous is happening, all the while. You are preparing for the end of the revolution and the start of a new phase in your life when you will no longer be so rejected or rejecting. The end of the revolution (which began some six or seven years ago) arrives on May 15th. By 2019, after a few stops and starts, you can say it’s over for good. Whatever goes down, now through May, is going to radically change your legacy to him, her or them - or theirs to you. So, this is last will and testament stuff. It could easily be about the marriage and mortgage, but it depends on your chart.
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Scorpio: 16-22 April 2018
You are now almost at the end of an unforgettable period for your working life, unpaid work or course. You have until 3rd May to cross the t’s and dot the i’s as nothing is yet finished or final. Everything is still subject to change or delay. What you will embark upon, from 15th May, is a completely different phase of your life, where the constant churning stops. Oh, it might come back for a few months, later this year, but by 2019 you can farewell around seven years of invention, reinvention and ‘reinvention of the reinvention.’ This has been an incredible period in your life, but you have had absolutely no certainty or stability, as everything about your job, your salary-free ‘job’ or your university degree has been a work in progress. The operative work is progress, because God knows you’ve made it, but this week is really about taking stock and sitting back on your heels and figuring out what’s next. The really, really, really big story - of course - is about your former, current or potential partner. And perhaps your enemy, rival or opponent. Can I ask that you proceed, but with an open mind and flexible approach? From May 15th it’s time for shocks and although you may think where all this is going, you really don’t. Not yet. The shock that comes will liberate you from who/what tied you down, even if you never knew how manacled you actually were.
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Sagittarius: 16-22 April 2018
Sagittarius, you practically became an honorary Leo back in 2011, and by 2013 you had a throne, a crown and a sceptre. Who or what were you ruling? Children. Teenagers. Young adults. Maybe you were just ruling lovers or partners, but the big question was pregnancy, adoption or step-parenting. This long reign of yours has had a very particular character, because it’s occasionally shocked and confronted you - but it’s also been an education you will never forget. There has been a fair bit of rejection along the way and you’ve had to find your own path. You have obviously also decided who/what you reject - absolutely and firmly - and that has also shaped your destiny. Sagittarius, you are now ending this cycle and it will take until 3rd May for the final details to settle. From 15th May it will be clear to you that the constant need to invent, innovate and ‘make it up as you go along’ is no longer required. In fact, from 2019, that part of it all is over. This week also brings an intense focus on work, unpaid work or study. There will be all kinds of plots and plans, but leave things wide open if you can, as in 2/3 weeks from now a lightning bolt will come that will alter the lot.
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Capricorn: 16-22 April 2018
You will be able to tie a knot and see the end of an unravelling ribbon, from the first week of May. The ribbon was supposed to wrap up an important question about your home, family, country, home town, house, apartment or household. Instead, you are still wrapping! What you are actually trying to do is premature in a way, as you won’t have the full and final story about the new direction for quite some time. Still, you have sniffed the air and scented something genuinely fresh and different - rather like having a present you had not expected, under a unique variety of Christmas tree. It will in fact be Christmas when you can finally lean back and say that most of the experiment is over. Capricorn, we also have the start of the Taurus weather now, which will produce events you had never expected to see, with lovers, children or young people. This is in May; April is the prep time, before the change. If there is anything about yourself or your life now which prevents you from being as genuinely free as you should - especially in relation to courtship or your heirs - within weeks, that will cease to be there.
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Aquarius: 16-22 April 2018
Aquarius, this week is really about two things. The most important issue is your house or apartment, because although you are on the trail of what looks like the usual annual decisions - family, the household, particular rooms, the garden, property prices and costs, rent, tenants, flat mates - April is about so much more. In fact, you are liable to see things change in the blink of an eye in May, when your ruler Uranus changes signs to this same part of your chart, where you are about to see a great deal that is new, different and quite unexpected. Freedom - room to move (perhaps literally) - will become a tremendous concern for you and anyone else in the situation and the sense of possibility will be very fresh, within weeks. Perhaps it’s best not to lock too much up, or tie too much down, until you at least know the situation, around May 15th. You also have a computer or multimedia concern which is yet to wind down or wind up. Maybe a project or idea; perhaps just the gear. Again, it will be May before you can call this final.
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Pisces: 16-22 April 2018
Pisces, this is a really exceptional Mercury Retrograde in your finance, property, charity, shopping, selling and business zone. It does not stop until the final shadow around 3rd May so keep on making allowances for a situation where normal transmission will be resumed as soon as possible - but not just yet. I am sure you know Mercury is about paperwork, e-mails, letters, phone calls, transport, travel and the rest. The fact that this planet has been wobbling around for weeks is taking its toll, yet you have to see it through, as very great shifts in the heavens are taking place which will make 2018 and 2019 the years you finally sign off from years of churning, chopping and changing. Right now, you are also on the trail of fresh possibilities on the internet; in publishing; in multimedia; in education; in communication, as a whole. This is normal, at this time of year, as April-May always brings questions like this - but 2018 will be different. Why? May will show you, exactly. With a lightning bolt.
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