Your Weekly Horoscope April 9th to 15th

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 9-15 April 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 9-15 April 2018

Astrology has always been about warnings. Red alerts. This dates back to 1666 and the Great Fire of London, foreseen as a grave risk for the city by astrologer William Lilly. It is our job to publish our concerns. If you read this website regularly you will know I have published stories about high-rise apartments, including the Trump Towers, no less than three times, because I have been so troubled by them. Eight months ago, on 30th July 2017 you read:  "The lightning bolt which affects the White House will be about one of the Trump ‘towers’ as much as it is about his administration. We don’t need a long-standing birth chart at all for Trump to see this play out. Grenfell Tower was a dreadful tragedy and I watched it, probably as you did, remembering the Twin Towers. Since then questions have been raised around the world about high-rise apartments and tower blocks and their safety – or lack of it." My concerns as an astrologer continued on 4th April 2017, a year ago.   "High-Rise Tower Blocks, Skyscraper Centres, Sky-High Apartments and Penthouses "This is going to be a developing story for developers! In fact, once Saturn enters Capricorn in December 2017, we are looking at 2018-2019 transformation of these places, the rules regarding them, and the wisdom or otherwise of making them ‘home’ to so many people." It is a dreadful tragedy that New Yorker Todd Brassner passed away in a fire in his apartment in Trump Tower, New York on Saturday 7th April 2018 on the 50th floor. It happened almost a year to the day that you read this - above.  This is not over. The third and final 'red flag' story you saw here ran on 3rd April, just a few days before the recent Trump Tower fire. As the world now knows, sprinklers were not installed. Real estate developers, including Mr. Trump, fought the sprinklers. The astrology says, enough warnings. Act!  

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 9-15 April 2018

Take full advantage of the solutions and opportunities which surround money, business, property, possessions or charity this week. You only get a chance like this once every 12 years, Aries. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and particularly Saturday build the situation nicely. Your personal birth chart will show how you gain. A well-paid promotion, new job or new project will happen for some. Your new girlfriend may offer you her apartment to share, for example (rent-free). Or, you may find a lucrative contract comes your way. On a big business level, your company or shares will benefit from amazing answers or substantial breakthroughs. Two more things, Aries. Issues about your image, name, profile, appearance or brand will continue to go backwards and forwards until May, so read the fine print and have back-up plans. The more money or time you are spending on yourself, the more important it is to understand that the Mercury Retrograde cycle does not end on Sunday 15th April (despite what some astrologers will tell you) and it may not be until the actual month of May that the whole situation can be called final. I also need to draw your attention to a matter you are hiding, or a matter which is hidden - even from your conscious mind. Whatever you might have assumed was finished, or virtually finished, will be resurrected near Tuesday, so pay attention and make some overdue decisions if you can.

Aries, if you are a Premium Member, you can keep reading for your psychic Lenormand card reading and diary dates which may trigger your personal birth chart.


Taurus: 9-15 April 2018

There appears to be a situation which you are either in denial about (you are not facing it and may not even be fully conscious of it) - or you are deliberately concealing from other people. Nothing is fixed, firm, finished or final until May, so if you can avoid adding to the muddle, you may want to stand well back. Mercury Retrograde is at large, and as this planet is about e-mails, text messages, paperwork, phone calls, social media and the rest - you really need to keep an open mind, and a very flexible approach, until the episode has been rewritten once or even twice more - by next month. Taurus, what else is going on this week? Well, there is a potentially life-changing solution or breakthrough involving your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend. We really don’t see this kind of opportunity very often, and it will work on whatever level you are ready for. This cycle is about deep progress, no matter if you are feeling close, or moving apart from each other. If you are single, you can either fix the issue which is preventing you from being in a partnership - or be handed an amazing chance to develop a new relationship with a potential lover. Needless to say, this cycle is also very good for detoxing from love gone wrong - or even reconciling, if that is what your personal chart indicates. Sometimes the partner is not sexual/romantic but purely professional. Again, Taurus, you stand to gain close to Saturday 14th April when the Jupiter-Pluto sextile is exact.

If you are a Premium Member you can keep reading for psychic insights and some personal birth chart secrets.


Gemini: 9-15 April 2018

The group that involves you so much at the moment - numbering one or more friends - is taking up a lot of space online, and quite a lot of mental energy on your part. That’s fine as far as it goes, but your ruler Mercury is still retrograde, and it will not be until May that you have a final grasp of what is possible. Part of this may be down to computer, post, transport or other issues (phones can play up too). Some of it may be down to the classic ‘Mercury Retrograde speak with forked tongue’ issues that can occur, so you need to be aware that the truth is very flexible with this group, or these friends - and that may be you who is not being straight up, too! Finally, this cycle can bring misunderstanding. The best advice might be, keep an open mind and a very flexible diary with this group, society, club, team, band and so on. Gemini, there is a fantastic work or health related opportunity coming up near the weekend. It would have a wonderful impact on your lifestyle and daily routine. A high percentage of people born under your sign will accept new jobs, projects or promotions which bring extra money or other benefits, like discounted gym membership. Your personal birth chart will decide if you are one of them. The time has come to upgrade your 9 to 5 life, and to fix any issues at all which are getting in the way of your mind, body and spirit being in harmony.

Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for extra psychic insights and some diary dates which may hit your personal birth chart.


Cancer: 9-15 April 2018

The big turning point you have been waiting for with your former, current or potential partner is here, near the weekend, as Pluto in your opposite sign of Capricorn makes a rare pattern with Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, solutions and open doors. The partnership may be sexual (like a marriage) or purely professional (a working double-act). The truth about this cycle is, the more you can use your willpower and self-control to master yourself, as much as the situation, the more potent you actually become. In fact, what happens this week will be genuinely empowering. This applies no matter if you are very close, or miles apart. Sometimes, this cycle is experienced by single people as a twist in the dating tale. It can also be about the psychological shift regarding an ex, that needs to happen, to clear the way for new lovers. If you are content with a partner, then Jupiter in Scorpio will add so much to your lives through your son or daughter. A new baby could also be on the way, or an adoption. I say this because at the very moment that powerful Pluto ‘pings’ your partnership chart, benevolent Jupiter turns up in your zone of parenthood. Your own personal birth chart will reveal the (very) personal way this pattern is going to shape up for you. I’ve also seen it happen when bad marriages end, but good child custody arrangements unfold!  Finally, if your work partnership feels like a marriage, then it’s here that gains will be made, or problems solved at last.

If you are a Premium Member there is a psychic reading ahead, and a few useful diary dates which may trigger your personal birth chart this week.


Leo: 9-15 April 2018

We have a sexy sextile pattern this Saturday which will make a lasting difference to your lifestyle, daily routine, housework, apartment, house, family, household, home town and/or homeland. If you are into your astrology you may have read that a sextile is a ‘minor’ aspect. Not so. It’s as major as anything else in your horoscope and it spells opportunity, growth, expansion, solutions, win-win outcomes, empowerment, control and other good things. A classic outcome of this week’s stars might be a new apartment, in a new part of town, near a swimming pool. Another typical outcome might be renovations at home, which give you far more space and better control over your lifestyle as a whole. Leo, if ever there was a time to reach for what you want, in terms of the place you rent or own - this is it. You honestly don’t see Jupiter making these kinds of sextiles very often, and you really need to get stuck into long overdue improvements, particularly in terms of kitchens, bathrooms, gardens, swimming pools, home gyms and any other part of your environment which strongly influences the shape you are in. Those of you who work from home will also see the immediate solutions which come when Pluto in your work zone sextiles Jupiter in your home zone. Two more things, before we go, Leo. There is obviously a major focus on travel, or travel in the mind, at the moment. There’s a journey going on here, or an intellectual/spiritual journey. A trip or a head trip. Please note that things will continue to go back and forth until May so have Plan B and C and for heaven’s sake read the fine print on the ticket or the website. I also need to quickly mention your finances. Keep it real. Keep it clear - but keep it real.

If you are a Premium Member I have some psychic insights for you, and diary dates.


Virgo: 9-15 April 2018

The Jupiter-Pluto sextile coming your way this week, works in terms of younger faces, your children, pregnancy, adoption, fostering - and quite obviously any teaching or mentoring role you have with younger adults. This is the week when so many Virgo people may find themselves suddenly becoming uncles or parents, for example - or being offered a major role with the generation of teenagers or Millennials coming up behind them. On a less dramatic note, if you need the politics to shift with your child, or those who have such a big say over his/her life, then Pluto may well tilt the balance in your favour. This area of your chart is also very much about the kinds of sexual relationships that may lead to pregnancy, or (via marriage, later on) to Uncle or Aunt status in a new family. Your personal birth chart will tell the story here, but if you want to feel far more in control of your personal life, and also the future of your ‘heirs to the throne’ this week will help you. Virgo, if there have been serious issues surrounding children or young people and you have felt dominated or taken over, this is the week to take back the reins. Jupiter in Scorpio will also do you tremendous favours with the media, the worldwide web, publishing, education and communication in general. Expect a fantastic solution or development by this time next week.

Are you a Premium Member? I have a psychic reading for you and some diary dates which may affect your personal birth chart.


Libra: 9-15 April 2018

I guess you want to know where it’s going to end up with your former, current or potential partner. Maybe your enemy, rival or opponent. You are certainly on the trail of something brand new here, and yet it will take a few weeks to sort out. In the meantime, until Mercury is actually out of shadow (in May) you could gain by playing ping-pong and expecting the ball of endless conversation, texts or e-mails to get stuck or fall off the table every now and then. This will drive you mad if you have just fallen in love with someone new, I am sure, but we can’t mess with Mercury Retrograde. You’ll have to wait to see what happens and there may be communication glitches on the way.  If you want to drive your enemies crazy, though, use astrology (your stealth weapon) and stretch out the paper trail, the discussions or the battles until May, fully anticipating muddle and mess along the way. Bet they didn’t see that one coming (you can have the final discussion or signatures later). Libra, your chemistry with this one particular person could fill a book, never mind a horoscope column, and you’ll be rewriting that book for years. Thus, let us leave the loaded subject of one-on-one relationships or feuds, and look at something immediate. Your chart looks huge, towards the weekend. You could save or make a lot of money by this time this week so get your skates on. There is an obvious angle with a house, apartment or property investment. Perhaps, alternatively, with the family or a flat mate. What turns up could put you nicely in control.

Are you a Premium Member? Have a look at the Lenormand card for this week and also at diary dates which may directly relate to your birth chart.


Scorpio: 9-15 April 2018

Pluto in Capricorn in your words and ideas zone (sometimes images too) gives you the controls back over the way it all works online, in publishing, in print or through multimedia. Maybe communication at the core level (hearing, speech, literacy) is a concern - in which case, welcome to The Great Leap Forward. Other Scorpio people like you are primarily concerned with podcasting, television, publishing or even the core business of the worldwide web itself. When things move around like this, it can be very empowering. There may be a specific project or plan you are working on, or maybe you’re just thinking about communication with the world in general, but the unusual hook-up between Pluto and Jupiter this weekend will resonate all week. Pluto is very much about the politics of the worldwide web, or the press, or perhaps the politics involved with those who have such a big say over your particular concepts, courses or schedules. So, this goes beyond the actual technology or concept, to the people around the situation. Take that new chair, in this game of musical chairs. Scorpio, it is also time to do whatever you can in terms of your image, personal appearance, brand, name or reputation. Everything is in place. You have one or two people to assist. In fact, you’re in an enviable position to fix a problem or reach dazzling new heights.

If you are a Premium Member, keep reading for diary dates which may affect your personal chart, and a psychic reading, based on your Lenormand card.


Sagittarius: 9-15 April 2018

Your ruling planet Jupiter is associated with solutions, breakthroughs, natural good luck, the kindness of fortune and fate - and sweeping answers which benefit everybody in one fell swoop. When we see Jupiter making a rare pattern with Pluto, as he does this week, you need to turn your attention to everything that is below the surface. This may be something you are doing in secret, or behind the scenes. Classified information or confidential activities may be where the good fortune is spreading. Of course, this is all rather mysterious! Some of you will be going to Alcoholics Anonymous. Some will be going to see psychologists. Others will be heavily involved with hush-hush plans, like the Royal Wedding - or maybe the Trump Russia investigation. The best way I can explain this week’s developments is this - think of yourself above the watermark, paddling away on the surface. Down below, where nobody else can fathom what is going on, there is a huge, glittering, sparkling wonder world. That’s where you really should be dwelling. And it may be the Occult (which translates as hidden knowledge) or it may be meditation (which can change your life). It may be MI6 or just something you can’t even tell your best friend - yet - this is where a massive solution or opportunity is being handed to you on a plate. I also don’t need to tell you that when you are handed the controls over a financial, property, business or charity matter - you really need to take them fast.

Are you a Premium Member? Keep reading for a psychic overview of your week, and some diary dates.


Capricorn: 9-15 April 2018

You have been living with Pluto in Capricorn for about eight years now, so you must be used to the periodic relaunches you go through. Sometimes it’s really about your title or role and the way that has reflected on your image. Reputation has been a big change area - you’ve been judged - up, down and sideways - especially online. Of course, it’s all nonsense, and the real you is still the real you, underneath - but you have learned a lot about the way things look, and the way they real are. You have no doubt discovered that looking good online is empowering but it also gives you control. Your name, or the letters after your name, or attachments to your surname, have much the same impact. Once again you have seen all this for yourself since 2008. Now, you are at a real turning point when your image or profile is also on the turn - to your advantage. Use this week to take control. I can also spy Jupiter in your house of groups and friends. You have so much to gain from a community of people, numbering one or more friends. It may be your social circle and social life. It may be a charity. Perhaps it’s some other circle of people, but if you ever needed an epic solution or a glittering opportunity, it’s here. The only other point I’d like to quickly make this week is about your house, family, apartment, holiday home, tenant, landlord or similar. Get it in writing and read the fine print as Mercury Retrograde means the chance of rescheduling, reversal or delay is high until May.

Are you a Premium Member? Please keep reading for psychic insights into your week.


Aquarius: 9-15 April 2018

You know that, no matter how far you have come in your career over the years - there is always a bigger dream waiting. You are now in the unique position of being able to reach for it, Aquarius, no matter if you are thinking about your own success in life, or a particular kind of status that you want. You will not see a door open like this again for some time. You have been watching the shift around you for several months now, and truly knowing that if you are ever going to do this thing - it has to be 2018. Status is not only about your title, role or professional path. It is also very much about your social status too. Again, there is a door opening here. Jupiter in Scorpio is going back and forth, so this may not be an immediate outcome (and you can say that again) but you may end up kicking yourself if you don’t at least take this chance. This applies to unpaid work or university life as well. If you identify primarily about being a wife/husband/parent, then this week is very much about that! I daresay there is a note of confidentiality or even downright classified information being played, as background music. Something in yourself or your life is a very long way down indeed. It’s also powerful. Whatever you are doing alone, unseen, or keeping to yourself is the real story, along with the story that other people can actually see!

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Pisces: 9-15 April 2018

It is to that rather interesting circle of people - quite a powerful little community of faces and names - that you must now turn, Pisces. Individual friends within the circle are powerful in their own right, of course, because they have the influence, the clout or the popularity. Beyond that, if you all unite in a common cause, leaning towards a shared goal, anything is possible. That is one big message to take away from this week, and perhaps next week as well. Having been power-tripped some years ago by friends, or by the group as a whole, you are now in the rather nice position of being able to turn to genuine friends and share some strong intentions and big potential together. You can apply this to your team, club, band, society, association - whatever it happens to be. Jupiter is also on the move this week, making wonderful patterns in an area of your chart we associate with publishing, foreigners, travel, education, academia, internet, travelers and beliefs. One or two items from that list may leap out at you. Pisces, you are being thrown a major solution or opportunity here!

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