Jessica Adams’ free Psychic Astrology forecast for April. See what this month looks like in the stars.
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Aries: April
When you first began having fairly wild and experimental ideas about your image a few years ago, you took that path because you were - frankly - excited. It may have been about your personal appearance, or just who you were - your reputation. Something told you to march to the beat of a different drummer and it was probably Topper Headon from The Clash. Now, Aries, you are at the end of around 7 years of experiments and in 2019 they will be over. Any time we see a lot of patterns in the zodiac sign of Aries, you go through a pretty intense time with the 'Me' issues and this is happening in April 2018. You have become a symbol of a certain kind of freedom and independence to others, and although you may be too radical for them - you inspire and influence them. In other words, you have become the product or the brand. You are flying the flag for something outside yourself, and it happens every time you address Twitter, YouTube and the rest. What is going on now is rather thrilling and yet you need to take some lessons away from 2011-2017. For a start, you have to realise that you threaten or confront people by being who you are. Just by pushing yourself forward (and you will be front-and-centre in April) you push them out of their old comfort zones. This is hard to avoid. There is no way you can compromise or sell yourself out - or sell yourself short. Especially on matters like image, profile, reputation, self-promotion, identity and the rest. Yet, Aries, you will go further, faster if you try to mend any bridges you have burned in the last six years (if you can stand it) and find a way to meet others halfway. Have a go. You can handle rejection. Lord knows it's happened often enough, before. In fact, your being rejected by particular people, organisations or (sometimes) the universe itself, has motivated you to be even more radical. Even more revolutionary! You actually have to find out what is possible now, or in 2019. So, have that conversation. Try that experiment. As you are also approaching an episode which will be written across 2019 as well (it's big, in terms of 'Me') you will need to do some research. It would be tempting to do this in a rush, because it's so exciting, and you want to seize the day. Carpe diem and all that. Remembering just how frosty others have been about your wilder or more radical moves since 2011, though, you need to remember that everything has to be grounded in something. Everything has to come from somewhere. Even a 'Me' Revolution. There is so much to admire about the road you have taken in the last few years, Aries, because you have been flying the flag for something greater than yourself, every time you walk out of the door, or take the computer mouse in your hand. That 'something' has been the glorious principle of wildness, freedom and independence and just your face (or name) summons it up for people who are inspired by it. At the same time, you really don't want this new episode to be a flash in the pan. To be a knee-jerk reaction. It could honestly be the gift that goes on giving, in terms of how you are seen, and how you appear, so take the time and trouble to think deeply about what you are doing. Uranus is associated with lightning bolts and electrical storms and it's very easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment - but don't move so fast that you lose the plot. This is your image we are talking about and you'll be living with the ultimate results for years.
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Taurus: April
You will break new ground and innovate, using all your experiences since 2011, in April. Experimenting and exploring is almost a way of life for you these days, especially when it comes to your secrets, or your other life - and other self. Perhaps you have been using the worldwide web on a level that even your best friend or partner does not know about. Maybe you have been operating at a highly classified or confidential level for many years, but you are about to take a left-hand turn. Taurus, what you have been going through is the Uranus transit of your Twelfth House, ruled by the zodiac sign Aries. In April 2018, Chiron also moves into Aries and your Twelfth House and this is a major, major development in what you are doing. I would urge you to look at what you are up to on an unconscious level - what are you in denial about? This is really important, because if you keep on doing it, it may not always serve you. I don't necessarily mean anything illegal, although of course some Taurus types will be well aware that they are crisscrossing the law. Perhaps this is a part of yourself and your life that you won't admit to or do not really want to face up to - maybe you are kidding yourself about it - but your horoscope says, April is the time to become sharply and fully aware of all this. We associate the Twelfth House with the unconscious mind, you see, and it is the things you do without fully understanding or appreciating the consequences that are now a concern. As your other life/other self is an intensely personal issue for you, I really don't know if we are talking about an illicit affair or an alcohol addiction. The thing is, this house of your chart is really your own business and it's neither mine, nor anybody else's. Many Taurus people have a job with the police, or in hospitals, or with the intelligence services that means life since 2011 has been about secrets which must be kept on a professional level! All I can say is - Taurus - what nobody else can see, know or barely understand about that huge iceberg below the surface, is now worth all the time and energy you can give it. I said you were going to innovate, invent and break new ground here. So, you shall. Just take a slow and careful check of what it all means, though, and what you are actually doing! This is the cycle we associate with spies and spying, but also with drug addicts joining Narcotics Anonymous. It is neither negative nor positive. I know an awful lot of Taurus people are associated with mediumship, Tarot, dream coaching and other hidden areas of life. The question is - are you fully conscious of what is so often concealed, done behind closed doors, or done without total awareness? Because that's going to influence 2019 and beyond.
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Gemini: April
There is nothing you have not learned about friends and groups since 2011. You've seen it all and done it all, Gemini. You have been put in situations where understanding the hive mind (and people power) has been crucial. Now, you reach a stage in this cycle where there is no going back. You may belong to, or be strongly affected by, a couple of communities or groups. One or more friends would typically be involved. You're either all in this together, or you are outside the actual circle of people, but you matter very much to them. This is what I meant when I said 'hive mind' because no matter if we're talking about The Smiths, Oasis, The Jam, The Labour Party, The Republican Party or One Nation - you have to see everybody as part of a greater whole. The question of friendship itself is at the very heart of what April is all about. You will need to examine who your friends are, why they are there, and how your friendship with them operates, because it's going to become central to so many decisions, in the years ahead. The fact is, you are at a signal change with your circle of people and your friends. Uranus is slowly moving out. Chiron is slowly moving in. I know that in the last six years or so, you have rejected particular groups and friends - but also been rejected by them. It's the famous Rejection Dance that arrives when Uranus goes through your Eleventh House of social media - and your social life. This has actually set you free to do your own thing, be true to yourself, experiment and explore. So, even though this sense of rejection - or distancing - is still going on, throughout April 2018, you have to appreciate what it's creating. Gemini, nothing that is new and exciting - in fact, genuinely enthralling - about your social life, group involvements and 'hive' commitments - could have come about otherwise. It would be lovely to say that since 2011 you have been welcomed and embraced by absolutely everyone, for the changes you have been making, but the fact is - some people have been threatened. Confronted, even! A necessary part of calling a revolution has been turning your back on everything and everybody that you find old, irrelevant, out of date and the rest. This has had a powerful, powerful impact on your circle of friends and acquaintances, not to mention your use of social media. April is the time to be honest with yourself about this state of affairs and ask yourself what you are going to do about it. You will also find yourself looking at a friend, or a group, and wondering 'Can I get away with it?' The answer is, yes. The more important question is, what will you be left with in your life, once you succeed? There are many different ways to pull off something which is, frankly, audacious. As you will be living with the results for some years to come, better make sure it's something that works into the future. Many, many Geminis are going to walk away from a group this month, because it prevents them from being free. It's the same for a friendship. And still more of you are going to join a group, or change it, or start one. Again, just ensure that when jaws hit the floor, you can back yourself up. And that, crucially, you can square things with your soul!
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Cancer: April
For the last six or seven years that Uranus has been in Aries, you have been taking a fiercely independent approach to your career, unpaid work or university/college degree. I am sure you can remember when lightning first struck. It may have been 2011, 2012 or 2013 - depending on your personal birth chart - but all of a sudden you realised that the revolution was here. You may have switched fields or professions since 2011, or stayed with the same basic career path, but taken boldly experimental approaches to it, doing it your way - and nobody else's way. A great song by The Smiths comes to mind. Oscillate Wildly. Now, you come to April, when you are hit by all the experiences and lessons of the last half-dozen years. During this time, you have been rejected. You may have been turned down for jobs, or projects. You may have met with rejection from bosses, colleagues, clients, lecturers, staff, classmates. This is perfectly normal on a Uranus cycle as this planet has been associated with rejection since he was first discovered in 1781. I call it The Rejection Dance and you're not out of the disco, yet. Cancer, try to see that every time particular people or even entire organisations have distanced themselves from you, or snubbed you - you gain. What you gain is freedom. Looking back at the last six/seven years it's really clear that you have been forced to shrug and go it alone. This has made you far more innovative and independent within your chosen field or area. At the same time, you have found out what it means to be independent. Not many people will ever experience that, in relation to their ambitions. I mention this need to look back, because this long cycle is now slowly drawing to a close. You also have a powerful new cycle starting in April, and it will be with you for many years. Thus, we might call your success in life a continuing saga, like a Netflix box set, with many episodes and quite dramatic turning points in the plot. What is so very new about April is the challenge to see what you can get away with. What do 'they' say is impossible? That's exactly what you will be considering. What is allegedly unthinkable, or outrageous, or just beyond the pale? Again, this is exactly what is being wheeled out in front of you. My only request is that you remember Mercury Retrograde is with us until May (including the shadow) and so if you are going to signatures or handshake agreements, for heaven's sake allow for obstacles, delays or reversals. We have a New Moon in your achievement, ambition, status and position zone, on Monday 16th April at 1.57 am in London. Across April 15th, 16th, 17th there will indeed be a new beginning at work, or university, or with your unpaid work. Just allow for things to go backwards and forwards. And if your personal birth chart is affected, you need to know!
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Leo: April
April 2018 will change your life, just as the last six or seven years have also changed your life, Leo. We're talking about travel. Travel in the mind. Journeys. Journeys on the web. Foreign people. Vast subjects. When you look back at everything that has happened to you (and everything you have made happen, which is a lot) the years 2011 through 2018 must seem like an epic saga. In fact, if you think about where things were for you in 2010 and earlier, the last few years must seem like a Hollywood blockbuster, full of twists and turns. Essentially, Uranus has been transiting your Ninth House. Now Chiron will also enter your Ninth House. How big is this in astrology? It's massive. What are we talking about, here? Specifically - Publishing. Websites and Blogs. Emigration. Moving. Travel. Holiday and Vacations. Academia and Education. Foreign People and Places (even if they are in your own region, but still seem foreign to you). Leo, you are now being asked to take a deep breath and cast your mind back to 2011, 2012 and all the years to 2017, when you were so busy rejecting ideas, people, places or organisations that suddenly had no place in your life. You also need to look at who/what rejected you - and I am sure you were rather shocked when it happened. I mention this, because the past can help the future in April. Try to find a good, solid Saturday or Sunday afternoon when you can sit down and really review what has gone down, and what you need and want these days. You are going to be asked to make a massive decision in April and although Mercury Retrograde guarantees obstacles, delays or u-turns along the way, by the time you get to May, everything will be different. A really good question to ask yourself in April is this: 'What can I pioneer for others, so that they can be free?' That is a rather deep question for a horoscope column, but I think you should ask it anyway. The thing is, Uranus always presents you with a revolution. Hey, Leo, there's a wild, rolling, change taking place out there in the world of study, teaching, writing, publishing, internet, travel, travelers - and you need to get on that wave. Surf your way to a new destination which makes you feel excited, independent and genuinely free. You'll know it when you see it. Why? Because this new destination in your life is also going to liberate and excite those around you. As always, with these cycles, the advice stands: try not to actually lop off any heads and hurl them into baskets - this is not 1781.
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Virgo: April
And so we come to April, when the revolution that has been taking place with your money since 2011 suddenly spikes. You'll feel it as early as 1st April, but it will not be until the New Moon on 16th April that you finally make a fresh start. This may be about your income. Your house or apartment. Your taxes. It may be about your possessions, or your commitment to a charity. Uranus has been in your Eighth House of complex finance for about seven years, so you have become quite used to experimenting. In fact, it's been like a mad rollercoaster. This has been very difficult at times, because you are an earth sign and you prefer to feel grounded. The erratic and stop-start nature of your business interests, company, the relationship with the bank, family inheritance (and the rest) must have driven you crazy at times. Virgo, believe it or not, this cycle does not last forever. In fact, despite the intensity of April, when so many decisions must be made - you will lead a far more predictable and certain existence from 2019. That may be the year that at last you can settle on some kind of steady income or allowance or get rid of a debt which has shadowed you. Your own personal financial situation will be decided by your personal birth chart, of course. Yet - April is really the month you have to get the last half-dozen years in perspective. Doing that will help you with what you are about to do. Try to look at what feels authentic and true to you, from your very soul. This has nothing to do with what other people think about money, property, charity or business. Given everything that has gone down since 2011, you must now face what you have actually been doing this whole time and get real about what it has meant for those around you. Owning your revolution is a smart idea, even if you have to take a deep breath and sit down for part of an April weekend to do it. Quite clearly, you have gone on your own path for years. Why? What path do you want to be on, from this point forward? What does it all mean and where is all this taking you? This goes way beyond the actual April decision about the cash, the house, the company, the charity, the apartment, the possessions or the business, Virgo. It's about the business of being human. These Eighth House arrangements are inevitably about either sex - or death. Sex is really the marriage and mortgage, or the divorce and child payments. Death is always about your last will and testament, and the legacies left to you by others. This is not exactly a smiling pink piggy bank, is it? Yet, Virgo, despite the depth and intensity of particular memories and current issues, you must now make a firm stand on a matter which will either give you the most exhilarating independence, for years to come - or end up with regrets. There really is no need to have regrets, you just have to figure out how to be free - how to be your own person and do your own thing - and then go from there. Just check the fine print on the paperwork, please, as your ruler Mercury is Retrograde until May, until the shadow ends.
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Libra: April
You go into April on the back of a Full Moon on Sunday 31st March, so you are obviously dealing with a D-Day situation involving your former, current or potential partner. Sometimes the issue is an enemy, rival or opponent. Every time you hit a Full Moon, it's now or never. All or nothing. You either go there - or you don't go there. Either way, this Full Moon suggests consequences that go on for many years. Depending on your personal birth chart, you may be breaking up, reconciling, or starting a relationship. It really depends on your whole horoscope. Yet, for everyone born with the Sun in Libra, April 2018 will force issues about how independent you wish to be. You are bound to meet with some kind of sniffy rejection or tut-tut disapproval if you go ahead with the biggest change now in your mind, but do you really care? This brings you back to the last six or seven years, Libra, which have been so epic in terms of feuds, conflicts, rivalries - but also partnerships of all kinds. The clever path through all of this has been to sing 'My Way' in your head, and just get on with your life. If you are really clever, you will have mined the remains of a long-gone partnership for buried treasure and found a way to dig it up and use it. This applies to enemies too - if you've had your wits about you in the last few years, you will have discovered a way to handle these rifts or rivalries that takes you higher. Libra, April is a very good time to take a few hours to review life since 2011. The last six or seven years have seen so much revolutionary change in the way you see marriage or professional partnerships - in the way you see battles - that you do need to catch up with yourself. Uranus, the planet behind all this, is associated with electric shock and lighting strikes. Thus, you have been dancing in the storm, and that's perfectly fine - but you desperately need to ground yourself and come back down to earth. Stop dancing. This cycle is on the way out. Another cycle is on the way in. You will be able to take everything you have learned about human nature, and the human nature of one person in particular - and use it, from this point forward. It is very likely that April will be specifically about one person. It may be your former husband or wife, for example, or a particularly difficult person whose battles against you cannot be easily forgotten. Should paperwork be involved, bear in mind that Mercury Retrograde is with you until May, when the shadow ends. Read the fine print and allow for obstacles, delays or rewrites. If you can put things in writing at any point at all, you may even prefer to play for time until May!
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Scorpio: April
The Full Moon, which you can probably still see over the rooftops at night, as you read this, is very important to your year as a whole. It's really about a choice to work, or do unpaid work, in a particular way. Perhaps - to study at university or college. You have a Full Moon on a regular basis, of course, but this one is opposite the Sun in Aries, the sign which rules your lifestyle, daily routine, work ethic and sense of duty to other people. This is really an ongoing saga in your life, and it has been since 2011. Certainly by 2012, or 2013 at the latest, you were revolutionising your old approach to work, and doing it your way. You should congratulate yourself on an epic achievement there, as you broke new ground, invented and innovated - and it excited others, just as it excited you. It is very common to switch career paths, or fields, on this cycle and so the last six/seven years for you may have been about experimenting with quite startling new ways of working, or - working for nothing. Remember which experiments worked so brilliantly for you in April. The time has come to pause. In a working life which has been on fast-forward for so long, you urgently need to stop moving, and take stock. The fact is, April brings a massive choice which will affect your life for some years to come, if you run with it, and use every single option that comes with the territory. Given that you'll be living with it for years, you also need to have a heart-to-heart with yourself about your core feelings. What does your soul say about serving other people? You have been given many years to really explore what it means to be of service - doing your duty, every day, understanding your part in the greater scheme of things. You may have done this at home, through housework, gardening or cooking. You may have done it as part of a larger organisation or industry. Once you get real about that, and put the last half-dozen years in perspective, you can take a deep breath and get stuck into the next challenge with greater certainty and better grounding. That's really important. Otherwise you're just dancing in the electrical storm. One final point. The Sixth House of the chart, where we find Uranus now is about your body, as much as it is about your workload. The kind of body you have, defines who you are and what you can - or cannot do. If you also need to have a long overdue conversation with yourself about your mind, body and spirit connection, now is the time. In astrology they cannot be separated. They work in a trifecta.
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Sagittarius: April
You have explored so many different ways of 'ruling' the next generation over the last few years, Sagittarius. In fact, the years 2011-2018 will go down in your memory as a revolution. You may have been a parent. A substitute parent. A coach. A teacher. A children's writer. A godparent to teenagers. Your own personal chart will tell this very personal story, but the fact is, the time for experiments is slowly drawing to a close. You have become so used to constantly breaking new ground, inventing and innovating - that it may feel as if it's going to be a way of life. Actually, it stops in 2019, but not before you have an epic decision to make in April 2018. It may help if I go through the meaning of the Fifth House of your chart, as this is where the choice has to be made. We associate this with Kings and Queens of old, who raised their children, or their young relatives, to replace them on the throne. They did this by setting a noble example, but also by sharing in sport, music and other activities that both generations could enjoy. It helped them in bonding. Sagittarius, you have been King or Queen many times in the last few years and now you must take on that role again. This is about pregnancy, babies, adoption, fostering, or step-parenting. This is about sexual relationships which raise major questions about contraception, fertility and unplanned pregnancy. This cycle is also about teenagers and young adults in their own right, with whom you may have a huge connection, through your work, or your unpaid work. This generation (Millennials, perhaps?) could mean as much to you as a son or daughter might. Then we have nieces, nephews and godchildren too. Sagittarius, your birth chart holds the clues here. Yet - no matter where fate has put you in respect of all this, you need to choose your new direction in April, or decline and then find another path. If you say yes, you are going to be breaking new ground and others may be confronted or even a little threatened. That's fine. Get real with yourself about this, though, because you need to be absolutely sure of what you are doing and why you are doing it. And if you say no? That will also trigger a particular direction for you. Again, you need to have a long overdue conversation with yourself about that. The essence of this cycle is to know that you are a free agent. You can do it your way. That's your privilege. Your responsibility is to make sure that whatever you do, ends up making other people feel free on some level. Maybe, genuinely excited about life. Free to be themselves - as they are. That is quite a challenge, but should you accept it, the world is your Tasmanian oyster. Sagittarius, it is possible that all this applies not so much to the younger faces in your life, but to a lover or sexual partner. I can only pass on what astrologers have been saying about this cycle since 1781. It is about relishing the fact that you are independent enough to invent something new, from something old - and thrill yourself as much as you thrill those around you. And - why not? Progress is progress.
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Capricorn: April
If anyone had told you, back in 2010, that you would be in the circumstances that surround you now - with your family, your house, your country, your apartment, your household, your town - you would have fallen over. The fact is, Uranus is the planet of slow revolution, and even though you might expect a reasonable amount of change across seven or eight years, this has been nothing short of a transformation. Now, in April, you have to come to terms with that. This cycle has affected every detail of home and family. Your sense of belonging and place. If you cast your mind back to a particular relocation or move - perhaps to renovations - you may even be able to see that what was happening externally, was a symbol of what was happening internally! Uranus cycles like this one are always about radical progress and 'the shock of the new' to quote Robert Hughes. You have had this rolling in waves since 2011, when the cycle began, and April will bring another one. The way to handle powerful waves, in the surf, is to go with them. Don't resist. If you try to block waves with your body, you will be knocked sideways and end up with a face full of seaweed. Where I have a beach house in Australia, the surf can be relentless. Smart swimmers and surfers anticipate it, get ready for it - and go with it. This is now about to happen with your relatives, flat mates, house, apartment, town or country. It will really help you to remember how you have handled change, and also made change happen, over the last half-dozen years. You're actually going into April on the back of a Full Moon in this area of your chart, as on Saturday 31st March the Sun was opposed by the Full Moon and you had to have a conversation with yourself. More conversations will follow in April, no matter if you are having another child, organising the house or apartment, or even coming to terms with your sense of nationhood, roots or the family tree. There is this lovely phrase - 'What a long, strange trip it's been' which now applies to your sense of belonging to a particular place. This trip will end in 2019. What you have learned will enable you to decide how much you are going to try and get away with. Now, this is a new challenge! I know that you have been pursuing as much space, freedom and independence for yourself as possible, in terms of your household, family, property and the rest - for years. The next twist in this tale is the challenge to do what 'they' say you cannot do or should not do. Truthfully, Capricorn, what on earth would 'they' know about anything? You will see this fence to jump in April and you should absolutely jump it - if you feel it's right. The only caveat is that Mercury Retrograde is with us, so if paperwork is involved, please allow for delays, obstacles or stuff-ups until May, when the shadow ends.
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Aquarius: April
You have been leading an unconventional life with the worldwide web, multimedia, publishing, education, writing or other forms of communication - for years. That is a mild way of putting it, Aquarius. You have actually been experimenting so wildly with what is possible, that you have taken a unique path. Others may have been impressed enough, or influenced enough, to want to imitate you - but nobody could ever duplicate what you have been doing. This unique path to being heard or read, takes you on a different turn in April. You are basically being invited to take on a major challenge which will probably confront others who are set in their ways - but so what? The fact is, you are here to do things differently, and in a new and more interesting way. Of course, you have to respect the fact that you are standing on the shoulders of giants, when it comes to journalism, websites, social media, public speaking, debating, study, film-making, teaching - and the rest. You're really not going to throw all that away! Yet - with Uranus, your ruling planet, making striking patterns in your chart, and Chiron on the way into the same zone of your horoscope - you're up for most things. Be audacious. Not for the sake of being audacious, but because some things need to be changed, or recreated. This is really about your right to write, speak, use sign language, use visual images - and the rest - in your own way. In fact, others are urging you to do just that. As long as you can make peace with yourself with what you are about to do, particularly online, there is really no issue. You just need to ground yourself in something solid, so that you can settle your own arguments or objections (playing devil's advocate with yourself) before you ever come across that in other people. It's rather like being at the forefront of punk rock and figuring out why it's okay not to be able to read music, or properly play an instrument. Apply this logic to your computer, now - or your microphone - or maybe the business of hearing, reading, writing, speaking - and you'll see how to proceed. It's a really big deal to see Uranus slowly moving out of Aries and Chiron moving in. You won't actually experience this again in your lifetime, in this particular way, so if there is a project, plan or end product which is going to contain all this fresh excitement you're feeling, that's great. It would actually be the best use of this cycle.
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Pisces: April
You took an independent stand with your business, company, money, house, apartment, income, debts or charity some years ago and you were years ahead of your time. Remember that in April, Pisces, because you have another decision to make and it's going to affect your finances for years. Your approach to making money, or saving it, or receiving 'cash in kind' has been wildly unconventional, for some years now. You are deeply intuitive, if you are true to your sign, which is why you've 'felt' your way into each situation rather than just going with the numbers, the whole time. Now, April brings a challenge. You are already tempted. There is a sense of 'hurry up' about this cycle which you have to listen to. You're being urged to go for it, no matter if it's Bitcoin, Blockchain, or negotiating payment as tins of baked beans! You can be a billionaire on this cycle and still get a thrill from all those experimental new ways of dealing with money. Years ago, PayPal, Stripe, Air BnB, Craig's List and particularly eBay seemed all very new and strange. I am sure that in April you will also be looking at options which are rather peculiar. A polite way of putting it would be 'unique' and maybe that's the way you see it. You are quite experienced, after six or seven years of trying various choices - and now you have to remember the past, to help the future. I am sure you can see how the years since 2011 have formed a pattern, in terms of your bank account, property situation and the rest. Part of that pattern has been your discovery tour, in terms of your values. By that, I mean your ethics or principles. What you will happily sell your soul for, and what you absolutely refuse to back down on! Also, very importantly - who and what you consider to be utterly priceless in your life. Who and what is non-negotiable, if there have to be conversations about money. Pisces, in April you will experience Chiron's change of sign and be asked to decide on a plan of action which had never been on your list last year - but is now very much here. If you go ahead you need to convince yourself first, because you will certainly have to convince other people later! So, get the foundations right, before you build the wild and crazy thing. You will have to live with the wild and crazy thing for years, so it's worth it!
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Hi Jessica
Do you see a reunion for me based on my charts? The other side is 31 October 1979, Dhaka Bangladesh. Or anything else major? I feel a gut feel that something is stirring and can’t explain it.
Thank you
Shaolee, this person (born on Halloween) is certainly going to change his/her love life quite radically, starting in May – with more to come in 2019, 2020 and beyond. Without a chart it’s hard to say more than that, but yes – your former lover will go through a revolution of some kind – I am not sure if this will mean you two get back together, though.