Your Weekly Horoscope for March 26 – April 1

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 26 March - 1 April 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 26 March - 1 April 2018

April is all about powerful women. From Cynthia Nixon running for New York governor to Ivanka Trump. You’ll see it starts this weekend. These women will remind us of Boadicea. Good Queen Bess. Catherine the Great. And Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds. We are going to see the first convincing signs that a woman will again run for President.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 26 March - 1 April 2018

Nothing like a Full Moon to bring you to a major decision about your former, current or potential lover. Feeling chained, or trapped, is no way to live your lives. You may be on the brink of having sex for the first time; having sex differently; separating; divorcing. We have a Full Moon this weekend which will ring the changes. Independence and sweet liberty are very precious things and the time has come to discover who or what is preventing you both from escaping something which is – frankly – unhealthy.

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Taurus: 26 March - 1 April 2018

Powerful patterns in Capricorn suggest you will be moving or travelling this week. Exploring or adventuring. You need to listen to that small, still voice of caution inside yourself, though. On the other hand, others may be sounding some kind of caution. I don’t want to be a bore, but you really should listen to that. Your situation is not as secure as you might hope and although one has to admire your spirit of daring, it is also true that you could be on truly shaky ground, given that Uranus is moving into Taurus very soon. Do some homework. Find out what you risk and then think about another way to hang onto the sense of freedom and exploration – is Asia calling you? Europe? – without losing your footing. If you are a

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Gemini: 26 March - 1 April 2018

The Full Moon in Libra falls in a horoscope zone which rules deep feelings, strong emotions and powerful heart connections. Perhaps you have a Christening ahead or something is being ‘Christened’ in your life, in the sense that is blessed and brand new. Of course, you have to make this real, Gemini. You can’t really have anything until you believe in it, know you deserve it, trust it – and do the work to acquire it. This may be a relationship, an emotional bond between adult and child, or even a religious experience or spiritual rebirth. Look to the group as well. That club, team or other network with so much to offer you.

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Cancer: 26 March - 1 April 2018

Not feeling at home in your own home, probably means you’re not feeling at home in your real home, which is your headspace. The Full Moon cuts across the horoscope zone which rules your house or apartment. The irony is, it’s actually a thing of great comfort and joy. Yet, no doubt because of the cycles you are having, you don’t seem to have a sanctuary here, as you should. Try mindfulness, meditation, relaxation techniques, Reiki, or anything else that will get you back into step with your place. Sleep issues? There are answers for that, Cancer, and an hour on YouTube could be useful.

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Leo: 26 March - 1 April 2018

You have to spend money to make money. You seem to be blind to what could result from an investment, this week. There is a house or apartment question in the background – or a holiday home question. There is also a rather muddled and messy situation which has grown up all around you, which desperately needs sorting out. Rather than ignore that, or be in denial about the property issue, the time has come to wake up. Yes, there is a sum of money saved or earned here. But it’s not actually achieving anything for you. If ever there was a week to be practical and proactive, this is it.

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Virgo: 26 March - 1 April 2018

Here comes the Aries weather and of course it involves Uranus, the planet of radical change. Uranus is associated with lightning bolts – and also bolts from the blue. This cycle is really about your decision to change, and how radical you wish to be. Given what is going on this week, do you want to go back and start again, recreating or reinventing things? Your other choice is to walk right away. You are an earth sign and you like to be ‘earthed’ or grounded, with security and a predictable life. That is usually fine but sometimes you have to really question what security represents to you and if it’s actually what you want and need. The Full Moon will do all that and more this week. You have a couple of different potential futures and the path you choose is so important.

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Libra: 26 March - 1 April 2018

Cupido enters Gemini on Saturday 31st March. In plain English, that means passion, desire and your Lust for Life (to quote Iggy Pop) goes into the internet. If you’re not really into the web, this may be about spoken word, old-fashioned paper and pen and the rest. Cupido is important to you, because he is the son of Venus and she rules you! You’re going to have to plant this concept, idea or plan pretty quickly, Libra. Time is of the essence. Find the right environment as fast as you can – this brainwave, course or qualification of yours needs to grow somewhere nourishing with the right support.

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Scorpio: 26 March - 1 April 2018

So much is possible with the world of babies or children. You may be a parent, you may not, but there is rich potential waiting. First of all, you need to rest, recuperate, recover and repair. This may be physical for some Scorpio people as your Sixth House of surgery and doctors is pretty busy in 2018. In other cases, the restoration period is about your heart and soul. Your spirit. You have been going through a fair bit of challenging astro-weather recently and you need to be reborn. That takes time and space. The reward, when you are ready, is reconnecting with the world of the young. Maybe tapping the world of love and sex so that a baby becomes possible. Renewing the connection with your own child. Paid or unpaid efforts involving younger people? You have to make it so.

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Sagittarius: 26 March - 1 April 2018

You would gain a lot from remembering the pregnancy that did happen – or did not happen. You may be a parent now, with a child’s baby years behind you. Maybe you have an old relationship or marriage tucked away in the past where a pregnancy did not go to term or remained a wish that never came true. An adoption fantasy that never eventuated? Sometimes the issue is more complicated on this Aries weather cycle. It’s about paid or unpaid work with young people, in the past. It’s about an ex lover’s children.  In any case, Sagittarius, you would feel more whole; more complete; more together – if you faced what is there. There is an emotional disconnect about the past, in terms of children, showing in your horoscope, for whatever reason. Getting your energy together in this way can help you deal more completely with a family tree issue as well. That needs sorting out!

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Capricorn: 26 March - 1 April 2018

This is a week for ideas, for new concepts, for brainwaves and plans. We have a rush of fresh Aries weather blowing into the world and your horoscope is affected. Unless you do something with this idea of yours, Capricorn, it’s not going to last very long! It may feel as if it’s not quite real, but it could become a practical, useful and rewarding part of your life if you reached for it. Trust it and believe in it. Own it and plant it. You just need to find the right environment and people to support what is there. I suspect there is a story about a house or apartment hovering in the background.

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Aquarius: 26 March - 1 April 2018

You have taken on too much and now you need to delegate, ditch or rethink. Part of this is Jupiter (abundant potential) in your zone of career, unpaid work and university. You can’t really see things take off and serve you, though, while you’re bent double with all the commitments. There is a major, major development waiting in the second half of 2018 or 2019 with a house or apartment and I expect that’s in the background of all this. Yet, for the moment, you really have to figure out the plan in terms of time and energy. We’re moving into Aries weather, you see, and that rules the efficient management of concepts, projects and goals. You can double that message if they also involve online.

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Pisces: 26 March - 1 April 2018

The time is right to export your plans, ideas or concepts. For some of you, depending on your personal birth chart, there may even be a total relocation. Look out of town or across the world. You also need to multi-task here because there is more than one promising plan. You may be involved with another Pisces, Libra or Capricorn this week – these signs are also considering really important new brainwaves. Rather than being stuck, though, there is a good case for researching, sifting, sorting and then deciding. If you leave it too late to get this across the web, or get yourself from A to B, there is no guarantee that the environment will be right for what you have in mind.

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1 thought on “Your Weekly Horoscope for March 26 – April 1”

  1. Wow! Thanks Jessica. The cancer horoscope is so apt for me: I’m renovating my house, and saving loads of $$ by project managing the build myself and staying with friends and relative for the duration while I am between work contracts. Nerve wracking – but I’m saving far far more than I would if I were working (I keep applying for jobs still, but nothing yet, but probably for the best right now.) Navigating the ship to calm waters is a great visualisation I will use – thank you!!!

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