Your Weekly Horoscope for March 19 – March 25

Free detailed weekly horoscopes from Jessica Adams
Jessica Adams has prepared your weekly astrological forecast for 19-25 March 2018. Discover what the stars have in store for you this week.

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

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The Astrologer’s Diary: 19-25 March 2018

Following the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook affair? This psychic astrology prediction made years ago about treason in the universities (in the case of Cambridge Analytica linked to Cambridge University) used the cover of the old BBC drama Cambridge Spies to make a point. Scroll down!  

Cambridge Analytica and astrology

Skip to your Weekly Horoscope Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Aries: 19-25 March 2018

You can fix up a difficult situation with a smile on your face this week, Aries. Human nature means that people around you will make life complicated for each other. You can be the hero or heroine who cleans things up and prevents any future trouble. The Sun and Apollo both enter Aries this week. Your own zodiac sign. It’s time to stand up and be counted. You’ll be put in a position where you can show leadership and do what an Aries does best. Act swiftly and make sure that any potential for another conflict is removed. This may be family members, friends or a work situation but it’s time to be Wonder Woman or Superman.

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Taurus: 19-25 March 2018

Taurus, this is a really good week to get back to your roots. By that, I mean your family tree, history, culture, heritage and background. You seem to be close to that, but not actually making the move. This is a great chance for you to reach back – and reach out – and remember that who you are, is where you come from. This will also help you appreciate what you are being given emotionally. There are a number of solid gold, extremely precious bonds or relationships on offer. To make the most of them, you’ll actually have to work on yourself first. Then you can become the person who makes the most of them – not the person who is disconnected from them. Reconnect with others, by reconnecting with your true self. That means remembering your mother’s/father’s side of the family. Dig deep.

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Gemini: 19-25 March 2018

Your ruler Mercury is standing still. Now, normally it would be all systems go with a friendship, or a special connection with somebody else in your group. For a very few Gemini women, this is about a harem situation where one male steps away from both of you/all of you and makes a stand. Except – he’s also stuck or standing still! In the majority of cases, what we have here is a problem with transport, travel or communication. This applies no matter if we are talking straight friendship or something more meaningful. You’ll have to wait it out. Don’t give up on this. The feelings are real! The intention is pure. Yet, this person is trying to connect or cross, to meet you halfway, on the most difficult cycle in the book. So, you may have to take more time and trouble than you normally would.

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Cancer: 19-25 March 2018

The people, places or situations most foreign to you are now the focus, primarily because someone has been crossing the line and has very little understanding of boundaries. This may have muddled or even messed up your plans for a move, trip, course, book, website, or other big-picture idea. Hopefully you have now sorted things out, but if others need to see how they have been way out of line, or off the mark, you may have to tell them in words of one syllable. March as a whole is going to be your most challenging month in terms of travel (or travel in the mind) so you may as well take a deep breath, dig in and try to work your way through it. Ultimately this will of course pay off. At the moment, there are wobbly or wavy-gravy situations and of course one person or organisation has just waded right in. Enough! Are you a Premium Member? Please continue.


Leo: 19-25 March 2018

You will gain hugely from a doctor, healer, surgeon, dentist or medical expert – perhaps a wellbeing author – this week. In fact, Leo, it could change your life. It’s approaching Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, so you may be spring-cleaning your body by detoxing. Wherever you are in the world, there are sound astrological reasons for the fantastic turnaround for your mind, body and spirit this week. On Sunday 25th March Saturn at 8 Capricorn sextiles Hygiea at 8 Pisces. We get our modern world ‘hygiene’ from the ancient Roman goddess Hygiea and the asteroid of that name, makes great patterns in your chart.

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Virgo: 19-25 March 2018

If you’re a Virgo involved with another Virgo (or even two more Virgo people) then this week is a landmark for your marriage or affair. In most cases, though, we are talking about you + a different sign, and the complicated chemistry. Sometimes in a week like this we see two parents and a child involved. At the moment you have Pluto (questions about power and control) in your zone of parenthood. This is also where we find the pregnancies that never happened in the past, or the loaded question about stepchildren – or babies for tomorrow. Even if you’re in a relationship or affair where the contraception issue is never far behind, you’ll be picking up this week’s complex patterns. And sometimes it’s about being a mother with a son who has a hard-work girlfriend. With Apollo (leadership) also in your zone of former, current or potential partners, there is only one thing to do. Lead the way. Set an example. Pull out of this. Extract yourself. It will speed up the crucial healing.

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Libra: 19-25 March 2018

You have to life-edit this week. By that, I mean cutting out someone/something that has been keeping you in a state of tension or uncertainty for far too long. There are too many tempting options all around you right now to waste any more time in feeling so unsure. Obviously, something or someone has you on the defensive. Yet, you can’t really see what is there, unless you make a huge effort to really get rid of your own blind spot. There is a group or network you could do so much more with. There is a trip to take. An ambition to conquer. In other words, why are you wasting time trying to protect yourself when you are not even very certain about the extent of the issue? Libra, you need to come up with a strategy which will help you to get rid of your blind spot and see clearly at last. Then you can slice and dice the situation and axe who/what is there – if it is there at all. Imagine finding out that it was just gentle paranoia! But – find out in either case.

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Scorpio: 19-25 March 2018

You can stop a potentially difficult situation in its tracks this week. And if another Scorpio or an Aries is involved (born late March through late April) you can double that message. No matter which zodiac signs are involved, you do have a potential issue on your hands. Even more reason to use quick thinking and a sense of humour to prevent things before they come to pass. We’re now entering the Aries season, which will be in full swing in April. Aries is a sign which is usually involved in some kind of battle or conflict and you are now in the rather fortunate position of being able to pre-empt a situation. If you left things as they were, April could in fact be quite stormy. Instead, try to slow down, cool down, clear your head, think strategically, sharpen your awareness and see the full 360-degree picture. Then you can act, just as quickly as you must, to remove what might be a problem later.

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Sagittarius: 19-25 March 2018

You’ll be involved in swings and roundabouts this week, with the world of travel (or travel in the mind) fully affected. The random quality is part of a life lesson. Nothing is fixed, permanent or stable but you can also keep a philosophical attitude. Every high point with the worldwide web, publishing, education, academia, foreigners, travel, export – is a low point, sooner or later. We all know that! And every low point, if that is where you land, is a high point, on the way up. You have to shrug at the absurdity of it all. I think the phrase ‘this too shall pass’ will mean a lot to you this week, no matter if you’re feeling on top of the world or bottoming out. I do think you need to reach for seems most real and important to you, as well. There is a ton of choice here. Try to narrow it down and make it so. What’s the astrology here? Well, Ceres stations direct at 4 Leo in your Ninth House of travel, foreigners, books, websites and big ideas. So that’s a huge underscore in your horoscope.

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Capricorn: 19-25 March 2018

You are heading towards a major new cycle of change involving babies, children and the world of young people in general. This may be through your work, unpaid work or just through the family. Obviously, your love life and relationships is another angle. It really depends on your personal chart, but from May, the revolution begins. It will go on for years and it will transform your relationship with a much younger generation, who come after you. A typical example would be dating someone who has a son or daughter already, or godchildren in tow. Another one might be the big leap you take with your own child, who is growing up fast. Capricorn, this week is the tiniest of new beginnings in that direction. You won’t know until you look, but you really do have to uncover what is in your past. It’s been buried so long that you’ve forgotten it’s there, but you do need to remember who you once were, in the context of a pregnancy that never happened, a child who never was – and just as importantly, a child who was once a baby, and whose infancy was such a massive part of your own life story. Until you look, see, remember and face all this, you’ll never really move forward as you should. The winds of change are already blowing, though! If this is a professional or unpaid work situation, we are talking about very young children in your past.

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Aquarius: 19-25 March 2018

You could have the money and property dream you are currently so dazzled by (but also quite confused about) if you made it real and became quite clear. You are in an odd cycle when Neptune, the planet of confusion, daydreams, fantasy, delusion and quantum mechanics is around. He’s in your zone of houses, apartments, business premises, holiday homes, property investment – and money. Neptune can also make you feel spooked. Again, none of this is real! I am sure there are all kinds of fears floating around but you do need to come back down to earth. The whole issue here is that you don’t know yourself. You are out of touch with yourself, according to your horoscope. Maybe a good, long, honest conversation with yourself about wealth would help. Human beings can be awfully conflicted about it. We say we want money but deep down we have mixed feelings. We say we’d love a home, in a particular area, but deep down we just don’t believe we can have it. Weirdly, Aquarius, you can ‘pop’ a few universes into reality and become richer and far better off in terms of your fantasy home – but you’ll need to get clear and get real.

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Pisces: 19-25 March 2018

We’re entering into Aries weather, which is all about your Second House of money, property, precious possessions and Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’ in the material world. This also pulls in the generations, so it’s really about you and the older and younger people around. One would expect this to be about the family, of course, perhaps with the classic line-up of grandfather, parents and grandchild. However, your personal chart will tell the story, Pisces, as your own unique situation may be not about relatives, but about age gaps brought about through work or friendship situations – maybe a shared household. There is an awful lot to sort out there. It is so promising, so richly rewarding in potential, but there needs to be better communication between everybody. There needs to be less self-involvement (Aries can be quite a self-interested sign, oblivious to others) and a much stronger relationship between the stakeholders. That’s actually where the wealth is.

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© Copyright 2025 Jessica Adams. Goddess Media Limited.

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1 thought on “Your Weekly Horoscope for March 19 – March 25”

  1. Weird with my Lenormand card (coffin) though, Jessica:
    there indeed was a death in my family, 21st March.
    I’m since in a fog… his leaving is very significant, in many mixed up ways.

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